How to create a zipper scrunchie

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hello good afternoon today i'm going to be showing you how to make this zipper scrunchie so this is a scrunchie that has a zipper in it that opens up to reveal the inside of your scrunchie it's perfect to hold things like a lip balm some cash a key or whatever else small you need to hide they're also known as stash scrunchies i don't think i need to explain why so to do this we have a piece of fabric that is four and a half inches wide by 22 and a half inches long the more length you do the fluffier it'll be so we're going to be using the burrito method to sew this scrunchie up i did find other videos online on how to do one of these zipper scrunchies when i first started doing them but to me the process was taking too long as i'm used to doing the burrito scrunchies so what i'm doing is i'm folding my fabric in half um short sides together right sides facing up together so we're going to sew along this edge just a quarter inch is all we need to do go ahead and sew that right so now we have a nice loop so to attach our zipper so these zippers are just invisible zippers i get them from cleaner supply just the five inch ones you don't any need anything longer than that i'm gonna open it all the way up i'm gonna open my fabric and i'm gonna place my zipper with the zipper head down so if you're used to working with invisible zippers you'll notice that the zipper had part of it at the back of the zipper and then the zipper pulls out the front so you want the zipper pull facing your fabric now you can go ahead and pin this in place if you need to i personally don't need to because i'm so used to working with zippers i'm just going to hold it i'm going to stitch it in place now to do this part i like to use my zipper foot so i'm going to go ahead and take off my regular foot i'm going to attach my zipper foot on because i want to get as close to my zipper or teeth as possible so the zipper is is very discreet you don't want a big bulky zipper sticking out which is exactly why i'm using a uh invisible zipper so i'm gonna go ahead and stitch that into place you don't have to you just have to start where the the plastic or the the stopper is i'm not sure if it's plastic or my zippers i can and i'm only going to stitch to where my zipper head is so as much as i can okay as you can see it's all stitched into place i'm gonna go ahead now and close my zipper so if you've made scrunchies using the burrito method you understand this next part if you've never done it this is how you're gonna do it so you're gonna take this top fabric and you're gonna fold it on top of each other making what's like a burrito again fold it there third of the way up and fold the other side over top of it so now this part will be in the middle out of your way that's important you don't want it in your way you grab your zipper you're going to pull it over here now that middle part is going to be stuck in between you can go ahead and pin here if you need to again you're just going to line up the edges of your zipper to the edge of your fabric starting at the same place you were on the other side i got my fabric for my thread anyway stitch it into place again only going as far as your zipper head there your zipper is now attached to your fabric for the next part i'm going to trim off the ends of my zipper that are beyond the zipper end the zipper stopper just getting rid of any extra i'm just trim my fab my uh thread ends so those don't get stuck in the zipper when you're opening and closing your your scrunchie so here you can open it i like to open it pretty much all the way you're going to it's easier to do the next couple steps anyways so open that all the way or as much as you can and again trimming zipper ends so just before the zipper stopper just get rid of that extra stuff that you don't actually need so again i'm gonna switch back out my foot put my regular foot back on i no longer need my zipper foot i didn't actually want that all the way off okay so what i like to do next is grab this inside part that you had folded and pull it getting more of the fabric exposed down here so my zipper is moving up i just find it makes it a little easier when you don't have to do it so making sure that middle part is still tucked in the middle keep bringing up these two edges with your zipper together i like to fold my zipper over like this as you can see and then i'm going to start stitching right where my other stitches ended i mean you're not gonna probably line up perfectly but close so you're gonna go ahead and stitch so as you can see i'm making sure all this middle fabric is still shoved in and i only want the two edges lining up to stitch together i'm gonna go ahead and stitch that stitch that stitch that as far as i can go okay so i've reached this part i'm going to lift up my zipper foot or my my sewing foot i'm going to grab this inside fabric and i'm going to gently pull it to extend it i'm extending this so your zipper might need to be pushed in a little bit this is why you opened it because i found if it wasn't open it was a lot harder so again grabbing more of this fabric as you can see now i'm making this part longer so i have more to stitch so i'm still making sure all the edges are lined up put down my foot and continue to stitch along the way just using a quarter inch seam allowance that's all you need it's it's a scrunchie it doesn't have to be huge okay again i'm as far as i can go lift up my foot pull the fabric just gently you don't have to go crazy coaxing it out again making sure that center part is all tucked in i'm gonna stitch along the merry little way this should be your last pull so all the stuff you've sewn already is now inside the tube and you're just finishing to sew the tube so what i'm going to do is make sure that my zipper is so this raw edge needs to be underneath and the other one needs to be on top and i find this makes her very clean and because you're you don't want this part to be showing on the outside of your scrunchie so put your foot down and just keep stitching to where your other stitching on your zipper was so when you turn it these zipper ends are going to be on the inside of your scrunchie not the outside if there's any little threads go ahead and trim them up you don't want anything getting caught at all so there's a thread here as well so trim that perfect now because our zipper is already open we can go ahead and turn our scrunchie right side out so you're gonna grab this middle part that's still tucked in the center and you're gonna pull it out see how easy that is and look now there's no additional opening we have to sew it's already all stitched the entire thing is now one tube and there's a very discreet zipper we're gonna get our elastic next i keep my elastic with a uh a safety pin on the end so it's easier to for me to thread through so using the zipper opening we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna insert our elastic just pushing it through using the safety pen that mine always likes to undo on me safety pen so just keep pushing it through pushing it through this is how we're going to insert our elastic until we get back to the zipper end all right we're there so so i hold this end with the safety pin between my thumb and my forefinger and i'm going to pull the other end of the elastic tighter i like to personally use my wrist for a good fit if it's nice and snug not too snug but comfortable that i know it's going to be a good size scrunchie for my ponytail or my my bun also these work great as as a wrist accessory go ahead and take my safety pin off and i'm gonna stitch my to my elastic together so my end and the rest of my elastic i just go over it a couple times back and forth give it a real just really anchor it you can go ahead and tie it if you want i just prefer stitching it probably like five or six times go ahead and trim the thread off and the other zipper or the other not zipper the other part of the elastic and you've got your elastic attached together and just going to tuck it back in the scrunchie close the zipper there you go you have official super scrunchy look how cute that is all right there you go any questions feel free to ask
Channel: Stitch the Dot
Views: 47,529
Rating: 4.9453254 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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