Episode 4 : DIY Scrunchies, Regular and Zipper

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hey everyone welcome back to my channel here today we're going to do a quick tutorial on how to sew a regular scrunchie and a zipper scrunchie so to be kind of in two different parts but it's very similar steps so we're just going to kind of fly through it together this is going to be a machine sewing version i'll have the hand sewing version available after this probably in about a week so just look out for that too so first things first let's start off with some basic tools you're going to need you're definitely going to need a clear acrylic ruler or any kind of like straight edge ruler that you're going to use to cut you can get a small pair of scissors full size pair of scissors a sewing gauge is nice to have and a rotary cutter i use a rotary cutter it's just a faster way to get like a nice clean line especially because you really need the edges to be nice and crisp so it's like a long rectangular strip of fabric that you're using so if you have a cutting mat that's great if not just use a regular pair of scissors on a flat table top and then of course you're gonna need some scrap fabric i would say at least a quarter yard up to even like a half yard if you want to make a handful of scrunchies definitely get a whole yard that'll be definitely helpful to make a few which is cute for like gifts and whatnot and here comes puxley so if you have your own fabric that's fine what you're going to do is cut strips that are about 7 inches by 42 inches for the regular scrunchies or eight inches wide by 42 inches long which on the fold it's going to be about 21 inches long just keep that in mind when you're cutting the fabric so i'll just lay that out like that so for the zipper scrunchie i add an extra inch for the regular scrunchie it's just 7 by 42. like i said before so this is what these pieces should look like when you cut them again you want to make sure everything's nice and straight along the edges or else your scrunchie might be a little crooked when you're sewing it which is going to be a little bit of a pain so this is how it should look if you order the diy kit for the scrunchies from my site they're available online in the urea what you sow diy section they will come pre-cut like this and then there's little notches that you want to cut so because i'm on an actual cutting mat that has a roller grid already on it the only places you're putting notches is in the fold both at the top and the bottom of the fold line so you're going to actually have little baby snips maybe a little hard to see it but right there so you want to make sure that you have two little notches on the fold line and then two more now you can either go either two inches or three inches from the ends i usually go like two if you need a little more room to sew go to three again totally up to you whatever your comfort level is as long as you have the notches that's all you need so again little notches on the fold line and then two to three inches on both sides from the ends as well and you're going to want to make sure that you have it on both layers because that's how you're going to line everything up when you're sewing it so that's how it should look whether you're doing the regular or the zipper scrunchie and then you want to open up the fabric and right sides together fold it hot dog style i like to match up the center notch first and then you match up the little two inch or three inch from the end notch so there's that let me grab some clips now you can either clip or pin them i feel like these little clips come in handy more and they're easier to kind of pop off as you sew so this is the eight inch by 42 inch long zipper scrunchy i'm going to start with the regular scrunchie one it'll be quicker to explain they have similar steps that's just a few more extra ones with the zippers crunchy so again match up the center notches go ahead and clip that and again this is the seven inch by 42 inch long piece and then you match the notches at the end and if you need to you can add a couple extra pins or notches or clips in between whatever makes it easier for you the only kind of stitch you're going to need with the machine for these is a straight stitch so it's pretty easy okay again make sure everything's nice and flat nothing's bubbled up or warped or crooked so this is how it should look so pin from one end of the notches to the other like that and so you're going to do with the machine is from this one notch all the way down the length and then stop right before the other notch on the other end so then you leave both ends kind of open and then that's going to be your closing seam for the next step so all right so that's that for the prep steps and next we're going to go to the machine and do that quick straight stitch all right so now that you have your item pinned and ready to be sewn go ahead and start with the stitch i would recommend a two millimeter long stitch and you can either use a like quarter inch seam allowance 5 8 totally up to you as long as it has a little bit of a seam allowance because once you connect the ends flip it inside out you're going to want a little bit of seam allowance to help keep the seam kind of nice and flat and that'll make sense as soon as we get to the next step so all right so i'm going to use a quarter inch seam allowance start at the notch at the one end lower you press your foot do a little back stitch and then just sew all the way straight down [Music] i lied that's more of a half inch seam allowance all right once you get to the other end with that notch that's two to three inches from the end do another back stitch trim off the excess tails on both ends okay so it should look like that and again your ends should be open like this okay so after you do that straight stitch go ahead and flip the entire scrunchie inside out okay so after you flip it inside out you want to make sure that the center seam is all facing you in the same direction because you don't want any twisting because or else your scrunchie will end up twisted and you don't want that to happen so again make sure the seam is nice and flat facing you now fold it backwards like this so that both the seams are on the outer side and so the ends the way that you left them open this is how you're going to close them up with another straight stitch so if you cut it perfectly straight as a rectangle you shouldn't have any issues with this being crooked or with the ends not matching up so all you're going to do is take one side of the opening and then just sew straight down to connect the other end so if you want at this point you can pin or clip it just as like a little guide again depending on your sewing level i mean you can either kind of like freehand it or put a few pins in just to give you a little guide okay so that's that and again it should match up perfectly you shouldn't have any issues with like extra fabric on one end so go ahead and i like doing a narrow seam allowance on this edge i don't think it makes a huge difference whether you do a narrow wide ones totally your preference if you want to do the same half inch but i'm just going to go as close to the edge of like the presser foot that's basically how i'm going to line it up go ahead and lower your presser foot and back stitch and just sew along the end again you're going to do a little bit of adjusting just to make sure that everything's nice and flat with both layers take your time on this step because you don't want to sew any extra fabric underneath and have any bunching but you really shouldn't have too much issues or too many issues right at this step sorry there is a cat on my lap so i'm trying to make sure i can still use the presser foot i have a pedal okay so you get to the end stitch and then trim the excess tails okay so then when you're done pull apart the tube and you should have a little opening here so now do you see why you want somewhat of a seam allowance because this will help you kind of automatically fold under the opening so you can do a nice straight stitch to close it up and that's after you loop the elastic so that is why you want at least some of a seam allowance at least like let's do half an inch let's just stick to that half an inch or 5 8 whichever your preference is okay and it just looks a lot cleaner all right so after that you're going to take either a bodkin or a safety pin whichever you have and if you order the diy kit you're going to have the scrunchy fabric and then the elastic included i like an eight inch long piece i feel like that fits most people with like a double uh like when you double up the scrunchie on your hair or on your wrist either way so if you need to you make it longer or shorter totally up to you whatever your preference is so i use the vodkin snap it onto one end and then i loop it through a couple inches i like to use a clip to kind of stabilize the one end along the opening because once you start looping it through you can kind of end up losing this tail inside the scrunchie then you need to start all over again and that's no fun so go ahead and work through the scrunchie with the vodka or safety pin and then you'll start to see your scrunchie come alive i personally like the ones that are kind of bigger might as well go big right all right so once you get to the other end it should look like that carefully take off the safety pin or vodka now some people like to just knot the ends i feel like it's such a stress point just add a stitch to it it just kind of gives it better long-term life it's such a stress point for the elastic so what you can do is just kind of layer both on top of each other like half an inch and then just do a back stitch i do a couple rounds like that again trim off the excess tails like that you can leave it as is or trim off the excess totally up to you i think it's fine either way and then now you can close the seam for anyone who has their own woven labels like if you're a brand if you have a little shop this is the perfect spot to put your label in this is where i usually put my label onto the item it's great for branding and marketing so what i would do is kind of let the fabric fold itself and it will do that since you have that seam allowance it's a nice little cheat sheet like guide so match the seams together put a little clip there i like to put a little clip towards the end of the opening and then on the opposite side is where i tuck in my label so here's what my label looks like if you have a diy kit i'm not going to include these because not everybody wants a label so i'm trying to save them too for my other items all right so i like to tuck it in all the way to the opening the end of the opening because in that way it's kind of nice and snug in there and then you kind of know like where to stop sewing to close up the opening at the end okay i like to have it kind of stick out a little bit clip that in place and then i use a compensating foot but you can use a regular presser foot just make sure it's a nice narrow seam like flush against the edge this is exactly what a compensating foot is for they're pretty great to have so i recommend getting one okay just backstitch and go ahead and sew along the opening okay just kind of make adjustments as you go but it should be pretty easy just to sew up the edge like this back stitch and that's it pretty easy way to sew scrunchies there's like a bunch of different ways to sew these up i feel like this is the easiest way to make them especially with like the ends looking nice and clean i don't really like when people sew on the outside i'd rather have it kind of seamless you know what i mean so yeah so when you're done you're gonna have some loose threads totally fine not the end of the world just kind of judge it and that's how it should look really cute scrunchy a great way to upcycle a bunch of scraps they make cute gifts for yourself for other people definitely a good pandemic diy project if you know what i mean so yeah that's that so up next we're going to do the zipper scrunchie that's going to be the next method very similar to the steps of the regular scrunchie just a few more because you're adding a zipper so we're going to do that next so this is with the 8 by 42 inch strip of fabric and you're gonna have a four inch zipper when you order the diy kit again from us it's a ykk zipper they're my favorite to use i think they're the most high quality so you can use different lengths i think four to six is a good length maybe seven depending on what you're using but i would say four is a good start it's just big enough and small enough to fit in little small accessories and essentials so uh what you want to do first is mark the center just eyeball it does not be perfect with the zipper pull side down i would say just eyeball like a rough rough center just mark it or you can put a pin i just do like a faint little mark you can kind of see it it's black with white pencil so like that again with it closed and the zipper pull facing down just kind of eyeball and mark off like where the center would be open the zipper and again with it facing down you're going to match whatever that marking on the zipper is to the center notch right side like that go ahead and pin or clip and then pin the entire zipper flat against the right side like so and then you're going to take the opposite side and do the same thing so again you're taking the zipper and matching that center notch with the center marking because you want to make sure that everything's nice and even or else your scrunchie's going to be crooked so again just kind of pin everything nice and flat like this so it should look something like this the zipper is open and you have both sides pinned against the right side of the zipper arms are right side of the fabric of the scrunchie and you can either use a zipper foot if not you can use a regular presser foot totally up to you if you have it great if not it's not the end of the world make it work all you want to make sure is that you're staying off the teeth of the zipper because i can break your needles and that's no fun so i'm going to stay around the edge like this so what i like to do is i know some people can take a longer zipper and trim it and then that way you kind of have like an excess amount of like tails on the zipper i'm gonna recommend since my zippers already have the four inch length as is like it's the exact length you don't have to make any adjustments i like to kind of go like half an inch from both ends all right so do the same thing on the other side again start about half inch from both ends of the zipper back stitch okay trim off the excess tails okay so now close the zipper and then line up the notches again and this is how you're going to enclose the zipper because you don't want any openings i like to leave the ends a little loose just because that way i can kind of tuck it into the seam that i'm sewing because when you flip it inside out you won't have to worry about these flipping out when you're like using it and over time you know there could be things that cause to get kind of pushed out so i like to kind of tuck in the tails like so in that case i'm gonna start from the end where the opening is again if you need to put extra pins or clips to help you straighten everything out that's totally fine it's whatever your preference is okay so again you're gonna kind of tuck the loose tails out use tweezers if you need to like this because then so you kind of have it stabilized you're gonna sew right up to where it stops and you'll know because like it's gonna kind of be difficult to have your presser foot go any further like that trim off the excess tails repeat the same step on the other side okay so again you're going to do a little bit of adjusting because you have that zipper pull there and make it as flat as you can and you're gonna be stopping right around where that zipper starts okay so it should look like that now that you've done the stitch on both sides this is when you flip it inside out all right so now let's put inside out just like the regular scrunchie just make sure that center seam is all facing the same side that there's no twists zippers there okay and then fold it in half with that center seam on the outside so it should look like that and again just like before match the ends of the opening so again we need to put a couple pins here totally fine again you can do a narrow seam allowance and then just lay them flat against each other make sure there's no bunching underneath which they really shouldn't be as long as you cut the ends nice and straight and make sure it doesn't tangle up with the other side of your presser foot while it's going up and down tuck in those loose tails okay and again it should be like pretty close to a perfect match for both ends if not it's not the end of the world just make sure that stitch is nice and straight okay so like the regular scrunchie once you close it it should look like this a couple inches open and then with the help of that seam allowance you'll be able to close it up nice and clean like that all right so again let's loop through the elastic i'm gonna use my bodkin again i love this tool it comes in handy and you want to kind of secure the one end at the opening before you loop it through these clips are really convenient too they're like quilters clips but i've used them for many different things like sewing and hook and eyes to my yumi tops i get them in like bulk on amazon you can get them basically anywhere just do a quick google search just keep looping it through okay so again hold this down while you remove the bodkin so you don't lose it and it gets sucked back into the scrunchie take off the clip do a little multitasking and again you're gonna secure the ends you can use tweezers too if it helps secure everything together do a little half inch seam allowance back stitch a couple times and that's that trim off the tails and then pull this closed and same thing as before with the regular scrunchie go ahead and match the ends together the seam clip or pin the one side of the opening and then this is where i add my label with tweezers like so just tuck it in and then i push it in until it stops and that's how i know when to stop sewing clip that and just do a nice narrow scene i'm gonna be opening like this and i think it just looks more professional more clean this way back stitch there trim the tails and a little extra step since you have a zipper in this one i like to reinforce both ends of the zipper so you're gonna kind of take and also make sure the zipper works too that'll help so what i would do is just add a little reinforcing seam on both ends it just keeps everything nice and contained it's like a small like inch or half inch of a stitch but i think it just makes the zipper a lot stronger so all you're doing is just securing that zipper and it just looks a lot cleaner too so again like from the end go about an inch out it may not seem like a it's going to make a big difference but i just feel like it really gives it a little more strength and durability especially because you'll be using the zipper a lot and you'll be putting little things in there and just add some strength to give it a longer life okay and go ahead and judge the scrunchie trim off any excess threads that hang out and that's that you just need a regular scrunchie and a zipper scrunchie so i have these available as made to order or as diy kits so totally up to you you can order these already made they take about a few weeks or you can make them yourself the diy kits ship out a lot faster like within like less than a week so i have the black and white webs i have the ivory and black or i'm sorry cream and black webs i just added these mesh ones so you have the scrunchie bomb um the bat lace ones here just super cute and then i have the glitter spiderweb and the mesh spider so these are super cute with the mesh so excuse me uh mesh tool fabric there's that and then you have your mesh with silver metallic spider webs so super cute i'm gonna have my sailor moon scrunchies available soon i'll have those available as made to order or diy so it's a great way that we're using our fabric to upcycle into these scrunchies we've been making face masks out of them too so we want to thank everyone for ordering those during this pandemic so yeah so a bunch of scrunchies here super easy to make and you can order them from us either made to order a diy and you can make them yourself too thank you so you
Channel: Agashi by Christina O
Views: 5,659
Rating: 4.8755555 out of 5
Keywords: scrunchie, agashi, agashi by christina o, diy, sewing, juki, spiderweb, spooky, goth, hair, hair tie, ties, zipper, zipper pouch, stashie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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