How To Create a Talking AI Avatar | Step by Step Guide

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every morning we are given a new chance to chase our dreams remember it's not about how many times you fall but how many times you get back up so take a deep breath embrace the day and step forward with courage Your Potential is Limitless I'm going to show you how to create a talking Avatar step by step hey friend here we make money we start businesses and we break free from living paycheck to paycheck and the best ways to do all those good things is by Le vering the power of AI now let's hop into this tutorial so I have linked below a prompt for you all to fill out so that you can create your own AI Avatar that's based off your liking so I have copied and pasted The Prompt template here for you to fill out or for you to ask chat BT to fill out and so we're going to tell chat BT to act as a prompt expert fill out the information in the brackets according to what you think is best give me three examples of different prompts and so Chach BT is writing three very detailed prompts and we can choose one of these prompts to then use as our AI Avatar so we can copy and paste each prompt to see what they look like and then we can choose the best one from there and so in order to generate an image Within chat BT you do need to have chat bt4 but I am going to show you some free options to generate images as well and so we have this one right here she's staring straight at the camera and her shirt says hello so this looks very nice for a professional AI Avatar now let's see what the second prompt looks like we got to wait for chat gbt to load a little bit and so we have an older Asian gentleman that is staring intently into the camera he looks like he goes to the gym which could be very good for a fit fness Channel now let's look at the third prompt as we see consistently each person has a short that says hello but they're all wearing different types of shirts when it comes to creating a talking AI Avatar you do want a person that does have a neutral face as it makes it easier for the AI technology to make their mouths move I'm going to go for the first option as our AI Avatar and so I'm going to click this icon in the top leftand corner and this will download Lo the image I'm going to drag and drop this file onto my desktop to save it for later now let's hop over to some free image generators to see if we get the same picture as well and so this is a quick sneak peek to some of the AI avatars I've created already but I hope this is inspire you to get some ideas going of what you can do with these talking AI Avatar and so hopping over to one of the free Image Creators we're at Microsoft being so the way that you can access this page page is you're going to go to slimes slre you'll likely be asked to create an account and with each account you'll get 15 tokens that you can use once you run out of these tokens it will take a longer time for the images to generate but you should still have access and so I'm going to type in the same prompt using chat gbt to see what we get with Microsoft being that little cat makes me want to dance with Microsoft being they generated four pictures in order to get this AI image to start talking you're going to need to place a put everything together and a great place to do that is you can sign up using your Google email Facebook or your standard email and so it is free to create an account you also have the option of getting a 30-day free Pro trial which I recommend because there's so many additional features that you can get and then if you don't see the benefit you can cancel within 30 days and you won't get charged on canva once you create the account you're going to see a screen similar to this you're going to click create a design and you're going to like video and this talking AI Avatar is going to be for Content that you would publish on YouTube and So currently I'm within a free account and we're going to test out whether the features work so in order to access the image generator you're going to go to apps and then you're going to type in Dolly into the search bar you're then going to click the app it's going to ask you to open you're going to say yes so we're going to paste in prompt one which is the exact prompt we use in chbt and so what you see right away with the Dolly within canva is that there's a 350 character limit which means that we can't provide as much detail as we did within chat BT and within Microsoft B this is the image that dolly is giving us within canva that canva to our left Chad BT in our middle and Bing AI let me know in the comments which picture do you think looks better we're going to go with this image in the middle and so in order to get our AI Avatar to take up the whole entire space we're going to going to click edit photo and then we're going to click magic expand and so magic expand is a pro tool and so fortunately it is allowing us to a 7-Day trial before it ends and we have to join into the subscription let's click get another free trial and so it's going to charge $4.99 7 days from now we going to click that edit photo magic expand and then we're going to say whole page and then we're going to click magic expand we're going to let inv work HS magic and as we see it's going to create a whole entire background for us so that our talking Avatar fits the entire background and when it comes to generating AI images canva can sometimes have some trouble as you see these characters the left and right are looking a little rough so we got to choose we want like the city background ooh I like I actually like this wall here I'm going to go with this picture here as I like this one best we're going to say done now that we have have our AI Avatar that's looking straight at the camera we now need to get a script for her we're going to head back over to chat BT and open up a new window when it comes to making money online there are three categories that do very well health wealth and relationships since I talk about business on my channel I'm going to have my AI Avatar talk about business as well and so we're going to ask chbt to act as a a business Expert a short 60c talking head script that helps helps woman that is tailored tailored towards helping women start businesses as we see here we have actually two options to choose from when it comes to the script I like the right side best and so I'm going to copy and paste this script and then add it to a Word document and I'm going to take out the headings now we have the script ready to go and so so in order to bring our static picture to life we first need to go to Google and type in D- ID D- ID is a human video generator so in order to get started we're going to click this hamburger icon in the top right and we're going to select start free trial you're going to click the right hand icon and click create video we can choose one of their existing presenters we can also generate an AI presenter ourselves by prompting right here since we already have an existing presenter we're going to click add what it's going to require us to do is create an account or log in with our existing account now we have logged in it's going to send us a passcode it's going to ask us if it out some questions about us how would you describe yourself business owner what will you mainly use the ID for which best describes the business you work for Education how many people work in your company just me all right now we have successfully logged in let's click create a video and then we're going to add our presenter now we have our talking presenter successfully added to our D account we need to do this step in order to get the picture to become a talking video we're going to hop back over to canva now that our AI Avatar has been created we're going to go to apps D- ID presenter we're going to sign into our existing account okay now we have successfully signed in and so our AI Avatar that we generated is right here we can click our AI Avatar and now we're going to enter in the script that we have for her let's hop back over to the word document and copy and paste this script we can choose what voice we'd like to give the script let's go with Ava or we can upload our own audio and so a really great place to get good quality voices that sound like a normal person is talking is 11 Labs you can create speech in all different types of languages you can do English Chinese Spanish Hindi Portuguese and and you can do it in different voices we can choose English and we can use Daniel's voice let's hear how he sounds be here now be someplace else later is that so complicated is it sounds complicated to me now let's go to James be here now be someplace else later is that so complicated and you can choose any of these high quality voices for as low as $1 do a month but for now let's use the did voice so let's choose Ava now that we've enlarg in our photo we're now going to download it the way you do that is you're going to click share in the top right download you're going to click the current page you're going to click done and then for file type you're going to select jpg and then you're going to click download and now you're going to upload the new image to canva and so in order to generate this image it's going to require six credits for free with this email we have 20 credits so if we need more credits we can choose one of D's paid subscriptions let's select generate presenter what's great about these AI avatars is that you can create as much content as you like versus if you were talking to a camera like I'm doing right now it does have limitations I have to do my hair and my makeup but with AI they don't have to do all that prep to get ready and so in a matter of a few seconds the AI video has been generated and so it's super exciting now we have our talking Avatar and so you can add music you can add text you can add whatever you'd like to this presentation hello and welcome aspiring female entrepreneurs today I'm excited to share some essential tips to help you launch your successful business Journey first identify your passion what drives you this is key because your business should not just be a job but a reflection of what you love and believe in it's this passion that will fuel your persistence and creativity next conduct thorough market research understand your audience and the demand for your product or service this will guide your business strategy and help you find your unique unque place in the market networking is crucial connect with other women entrepreneurs and Industry experts their guidance support and insights are invaluable remember you're not alone in this journey plan your finances wisely start with a clear budget consider potential funding sources and don't underestimate the importance of cash flow management Financial discipline will set the foundation for your business's growth Embrace technology from digital marketing to online sales platforms technology can amplify your reach and efficiency it's a powerful tool to scale your business believe in yourself and take that bold step the world needs your ideas and Leadership here's to your success in the world of business wow that looked pretty good the way we can make this better is by adding some audio so we can go to elements and then from elements we're going to type in audio and then we're going to click this side arrow and we're going to click the audio heading and so we can click mod motivational audio I like hello and welcome inspiring female entrepreneurs that sounds better and so in order to change the sound of the auto we can rightclick volume and then we're going to lower it to let's say 15 and hear how it sounds hello and welcome aspiring female entrepreneurs today I'm excited to share some essential tips to help you launch your successful business Journey first identify your passion what drives you I already feel inspired in ready to grow my business even more and so if we want to add subtitles to go along with what she's saying we can add that automatically within cap cut and what's great about canva is that with the canva pro account we can automatically resize this and we can create content on YouTube and we can also have the same content on Tik Tok and Instagram the way that you do that is you go to magic resize and you're going to scroll down and you're going to click the social media icon and it will choose the recommended size based off the social Med media platform let's go for Tik Tok for now we're going to select Tik Tok and then hit continue and it's going to automatically generate an AI Avatar character within that size and so we're going to say copy and resize open mobile video and so here we have the same video what we're going to do is stretch it to take up the entire space here she is now hello and welcome aspiring female entrepreneurs which style is better to you VA AI Avatar as a YouTube video or as a Tik Tok video and so now that it's downloading we're going to drop this into cap cat capcut is a free photo and video editing tool it is amazing and easily adds Auto captions and the way you can add those captions is you're going to go to text Auto captions you're going to select that language that's English and then you're going to click create and so it's going to take probably about 10 seconds but in no time captions has already been generated and so let's play it a little bit hello and welcome aspiring female entrepreneurs so it's a little the text is a little little hard to see and a little small what we can do is we can click favorites our favorite style and see how it looks hello and welcome the bigger the text the better so that we can actually see it and so we choose the brown effects we made the text bigger as well let's play it at the beginning hello and welcome aspiring female entrepreneurs today I'm excited to share some essential tips to help you launch your successful business Journey first identify your pass what drives you this is key because your business should not just be a job but a reflection of what you love and believe in and so adding in this text it makes it look 10 times better and literally here we have a talking AI Avatar we could add some special effects and you can add as many effects as you'd like by going to the effects tab let's export this video make sure it's on a good setting we have 1080p 60 frames per second in an MP4 format that's good quality if you want to of the quality you can chose 2K or 4K but I think 1080p is good for now and so let's hit export hello and welcome aspiring female entrepreneurs let me know if you have any questions at all I know I gave you the full step-by-step tutorial I cannot wait to see you next time peace stay building
Channel: Darcy's Business
Views: 6,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create a talking ai avatar for free, ai video generator, ai avatar generator free, how to create ai avatar, talking avatar for free, talking avatar, ai talking avatar, make money using ai, taking ai avatar, chatgpt, faceless youtube channel, create ai talking character, create an ai character for free, create talking avatar for free, how to make talking ai avatar, how to make ai avatar free, ai faceless youtube channel, faceless youtube channel ideas, ai avatar, #darcysbusiness
Id: j1ynQ8nIXYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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