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hello would you like to create a talking Avatar just like me I'm going to show you how to do it in the easiest way you're going to need just your phone and two apps you can get on the Google Play store or the Apple Store let's go straight into [Music] it two have need is dup dub and cap cut and they are all absolutely free okay and now let's go to the step one creating the Avatar is in cap cut cap cut the first step is to create a video or create a picture that you want to use to make your talking Avatar so you're going to go on cap cut and click down the arrow down and then you're going to see this here okay and that is what you're going to click so text image is going to come out now I'm going to show you the promps that I used to create this beautiful Avatar okay so this is the prom I used create a female dark skinned long black hair light makeup presenter eyes facing the camera hands on the table a nice home background high quality 4K resolution so that's what I did so if you click the generate it's going to do its thing but what I really like to do because I'm doing this video either for YouTube or for Tik Tok you're going to click here and you're going to select the um format of the the picture so I wanted this picture to it's showing me a square picture so I want it right now to be 16 by 9 16x 9 is for YouTube and 19 by 9 by 16 16 by 9 is for YouTube 9x 16 is for other social media platforms you know Tik Tok and all the rest but I'm going to do 16 by9 so look at this one it's also very beautiful so if I select it I'm going to try and upscale it so that you can when I mean upscale it make it a high definition picture so this is it and you can see that looking at her she's quite tight very close to the screen so I want her to move back away from the screen I'm going to click her again and I'm going to click this button right here that says expand okay so we're going to click the expand button and yeah so want her to be here in here while this whole place is cover something else or you can reduce it if you don't want that to be too far away if this is the expansion you're okay with so can do you get me you can move the expansion the way you like so we going to select okay and then we're going to get her picture expanded yeah so we've got our picture expanded so this is it and I think I like this very much okay so um let's upscale again and then we're going to save this picture so this is the picture that would be imputed you know into the dup app to get it animated so Step One is completed now let's go to step two if you've watched the video up to this point why not to subscribe like subscribe leave a comment down below let's continue so now we're going to step two which is toate the created Avatar open the do dab app and is what it looks like and then we're going to create we're going to click on this plus sign right here okay clicking on the plus sign I'm going to upload the picture that I've already generated and this is it so I'm going to upload the picture mhm now we're going to press next I don't need any to enhancement now to add audio you have three options you can do an AI voice over you can upload an audio file you can record or you can get the audio out of a video file so what I'm going to do is I'm going to record so let's do the first try to record you just press this record button and then you start recording I'm going to preview the Audio I just did hello would you like to create a talking Avatar just like me so this is fine for me so I'm uploading the voiceover I just did um so it's going to work and synthesize and you know get it in together um so look if you look down here you can see with water marks with subtitles all this cost a lot more money so I'm going to leave it with water marks and I'm going to do click make talking photo it's going to do with thing and sometimes if you do not have enough um unit or enough point you can just go and watch an add I'm going to show you how to do that later now you can see here that my video is processing and it says it to take around 10 minutes to process a one minute clip so we're going to allow this video process and when the video is done processing it will let us know and then we can come back and download this video now I want to show you guys something that's important going back to my main page you can see I have three let me Mark it with my marker if you look over here you say I have free remaining 1.8 credits and you can upgrade in case you want to pay for it but this is a free app what I usually do when I want to get more credit is I just click watch add so I'm going to watch an add right now just so that you can see what happens so I'm going to watch this ad um and this is it let's close it what okay so you can see I already have all the way from my 2.8 credits I have a full one credit added and 1 second of your voice over 1 second of your voice over or 1 second of video that is going to be produced cost cost 0.2 um credits so now that I have 2.8 credits this automatically means that I have 14 seconds of video to produce so the more ads you watch the more um credits that be added to your video so once the video is done processing it wres ready and here is the finished video guys that's how easy it is to create a talking Avatar just like me you can use these animated avatars to make te pages on Tik Tok I make a lot of money like te Pages I'm making it now on Tik Tok let me show you what I made go easy on this natural recipe because it can boost hair growth up to 4 in a month I'm sharing this Chinese secret for long Gorgeous Hair don't forget to save this video first peel and chop an onion onions firms up hair roots and gets blood flowing better in your scalp helping hair grow next peel and chop three garlic cloves garlic makes hair strong and stops it from falling out put the onion and garlic in a pot add a teaspoon of coffee and a cup of water and let the ingredients cook under low heat for 4 minutes strain the mixture through a SV your magical hair potion is ready pour it into a spray bottle and give your scalp a good spritzing massage it in for 2 minutes so it soaks in then then wrap your hair in a shower cap or plastic wrap if you don't have one leave it on for two whole hours then rinse it all out you'll be amazed by the results right after the first time but for even more awesomeness you can do this twice a week say thanks in the comments to support me and tell me what recipe you want next so if you don't like to show your face in your videos you can use this talking Avatar if you enjoy this video to this point please leave a thumbs up and drop a comment for me for more tutorials that you would like see you on the next one bye
Channel: Everyday Life with Jayne
Views: 10,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI avatar AI avatar, talking avatars AI avatar, talking avatars, capcut AI avatar, talking avatars, capcut, video editing tutorials
Id: Wyjsbu55et0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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