Create a your social media strategy for 2024 [+ free template!]

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so you don't have a social media strategy don't worry by the end of this video you will have one not only that but you will also have a copy of your social media strategy for you to refer back to and you'll have this because I have created a free strategy template which you can use to work through your strategy and to refer to it later so head to the link in the description if you want to get your hands on the free strategy template let's get going let's dive into the first step which is all about your goals and objectives this part in my opinion is like the driest part of the Strategic process but it's also the most important so I hate that this is what we have to kick off with but we do have to get out of the way because your strategy will not work if you do not set your goals and objectives correctly so for the purpose of this video I'm going to treat your goals and your objectives as two different things so your goals are going to be these overarching things that you want to achieve I like to think of them as like your North Star you know it's like your guide in light it's the reason why you're doing all the things that you're doing it's the reason why you got a camera in your face for half the week it's the reason why you're editing your content for the other half of the week right it's because you're trying to reach your overarching goal maybe it's that you want to quit your job maybe you want to become a content creator earn enough money to quit your job maybe you want to earn money to support your family maybe you want to build a community of like-minded individuals whatever that big goal is I want you to write it down and keep hold of it okay cuz what we then want to do is we want to create our objectives our objectives are different because our objectives are more like business marketing version of our goals so we've got these beautiful shiny North star goals which are so great and they make us so excited and they give us the will to live and then we've got our like less sexy objectives so these objectives should very much come down from our goals so if your goal was that you wanted to build a community of like-minded individuals then your goal might be focusing on engagement you want to get a really good level of Engagement and interactions from your community online on the other hand if your goal was that you wanted to work with these big Brands and earn money that way then maybe your goal is that you want to grow your audience cuz maybe that's the thing that's stopping you from doing that at the moment or maybe your goal is that you want to make sales maybe you're using social media to grow your business if that's the case then your goal is going to be around how many leads you can get from social media how many website visits you're going to get from social media so on and so forth so objectives are basically a more specific version of your goals what I want you to do is focus on one objective at a time some people have multiple objectives and honestly that's quite an advanced way of having a social media strategy if it's just you running your social media channels then I recommend on focusing on just one objective at a time let's not make life unnecessarily difficult for oursel now there are a couple things that you need to attach to that objective just to make sure that it's going to help you reach your goal so the first thing is you need to understand how you're going to measure whether or not you've met that objective so this is going to require you to pick a metric which is basically a unit of measurement if your objective was to do with engagement then you probably want to look at likes and comments and shares if your objective was to do with growth then you'll probably looking at a metric along the lines of reach or views or video plays if your objective was to do with celles then your metric might be website physics or the amount of money that you make it's important that you figure out the way in which you're going to measure the effectiveness of your objective because if you don't you might end up using the wrong measurement for your objective a really good example of this is when people say to me hey Jade my objective for the past 3 months has been to increase my engagement but I've just noticed that my reach has dropped so obviously it's not working and then I'll be like no no it's a different metric that's not what we're looking at has your engagement increased and they'll be like yeah and I'll be like well then it's working you know so you want to attach a metric to it and then you want to get really specific with what you want to achieve within the next 3 months I want you to write down a number that you can measure to identify whether or not you've reached that goal you feel me so if you're trying to grow then I want you to write down how many followers or subscribers you want within the next 3 months time if you're trying to get more engagement then what is your engagement rate going to be in 3 months time or what is your monthly engagement number going to be how many interactions are you going to get on your posts in 3 months time write that all down spend some time on it rewatch The section if you're not clear because it can take a little while to get used to this especially if you're new to the world of marketing but this is an imperative step to defining your strategy so once you've done that we can move on to more exciting things okay so the next step is of course to do with your audience now that you know what you're trying to achieve and when you want to achieve it by we now need to figure out who your audience are because they're the ones who are going to help you achieve it if you not done this piece of work at all or maybe you haven't refreshed this piece of work in a while I'm going to need you to do this right now because it's the most important part of your social media channel if you're someone who thinks maybe I don't need to do this step I'm here to tell you that the only scenario in which you don't need to do this step is if you are someone who uses social media for personal fun if you have a personal account and you're just sharing whatever you share just to bond with your family and connect which is how most people use social media then you don't need to do this step of course not if you are using social media to build a business whether it's a personal brand or a separate brand to yourself you do need to do this step once you decide that you're using your social media for some form of gain you now need to make the switch from creating content because you love it to creating content because your audience love it and that is just the truth the good news is this section isn't too tiresome okay so what you basically want to do is you want to get up a document or the free template that I've given you and I want you to start writing down a few answers to these questions so I want you to imagine the people who are watching your content right put yourself in their shoes who are you trying to Target with your content a lot of people try to Target people very similar to themselves and that's great you can do that that works but you still have to do the step so you want to write down answers to these questions but specifically answers that are relevant to your content so you want to answer the question what are the demographics of your audience this is like their age their life stage their location that kind of stuff you then want to dig a bit deeper into their psychographics so what do they like what do they dislike Etc and you also want to figure out what their pain points are so these are things that bother them things that they relate relate to things that they find frustrating and you want to write down as much as you can under each of those subheadings cuz it's going to give you a good idea of who your audience are when you understand who your audience are it becomes a lot easier for you to create content for them and if you are not creating content for a specific audience then you are creating content for no one okay okay let's move on right so this next step is to do with good old content pillars some creators don't actually use content pillars I know shocking shocking and they're still fine and they're still growing you can get away with not having content pillars if you understand your audience on such a deep level that you don't need to have these buckets of content that you only ever talk about in order to bond with them you can just talk about what you know they're going to respond to if you are not in that category yet if you're fresh to this and you're like uh I actually need some pillars then don't worry because they're very easy to create content pillars are basically like buckets or themes of content that you stick to when you post so you normally want to have between three to five different pillars and the pillars need to relate to your audience that's why we do all these steps in this order you already know who your audience are you know what their pain points are you know the type of content they like on social media so now you just need to categorize that into three to five different pillars so let's say you know that your audience are Millennial entrepreneurs I'm just going to pick something that I somewhat relate to right then your content pillars might be something like mindset management money time management ideation hiring a team tools and processes that kind of thing because you know that that's what your audience are interested in right a bonus tip here though and this is something that's very new in my opinion into 2024 I don't think I've given this tip before think about having a bonus pillar and what this bonus pillar should be is just a Content pillar about you so all these pillars should be balanced so if you've got five pillars then like this pillar will make up 20% of your content roughly and this would just be when you're sharing life updates whether they're wins or losses whether you got married recently or it was your birthday I'll put some examples on the screen of when I've used this pillow on my content honestly it's often some of my best performing content whilst people are coming to my channel to learn right and that's the content that they really want from me so it's not like they suddenly want me to only start posting my personal life every now and then disrupting that feed with a personal update so people can get to know me on a deeper level and understand what's going on behind the scenes and actually see me as a person and not just like an information machine has really helped my engagement and really helped my connection with my audience and I think it will do the same for you so consider adding in that bonus pillar all right let's talk about the next step which is all about making your content valuable this is potentially the most important step guys okay we already understand what your objectives are we know who your audience are we even know what your content pillars are so you might be thinking I'm done you might be reaching for that x button on the screen to be like Jade honey there's nothing you need to tell me there is there's still more I need to tell you what we need to talk about is valuable content and how we take your content pillars and actually merge it with value to make sure that your content actually performs well when I'm talking about value I'm basically talking about something that I call the value exchange here we go again it's funny cuz every time I talk about a value exchange I imagine that there's a handful of people watching this rolling their eyes people who have watched me for a while they're like here she goes again look I love this concept I don't even think I heard it anywhere I don't think I made it up but look I claim it like it's my own I live my life by this core principle the idea of a value exchange is that there is always being value being exchanged between two parties right now the value that I'm getting from you is your attention I'm also going to earn some money from this video Let's Be let's be real here I'm going to earn some money from this video as well which is valuable to me the value that you're getting from me is I'm teaching you something you're getting educational value there is an exchange of value happening and that is why this video is hopefully getting a good amount of views right purely because the value exchange is balanced now it's a similar concept when it comes to all of your social media content in order for it to perform well you need to give something of value to your audience so they give you something of value back whether it's their attention or a like seems like a really good time to just ask you guys to like this video if you're finding this useful a like or a comment on maybe they share your video with someone right maybe they subscribe to you or follow you after they've just seen your content this is all value that they're giving to you the Creator they're not going to give you that value if you haven't given them something of value first that is just how life but also social media works so how do you provide value to your audience well there are four very common value points that you might want to consider using the first is educational value it's the obvious value that a lot of people think is the only way to provide value that's not true but educational value is the one that I share I'm often teaching things in my content the other type is entertaining value this is when you watch a Creator's content and it's funny or it makes you cry or laugh or makes you scared you know it's entertained you in some way shape or form third one is relatable value this is often overlooked but it's one of my favorites it's when a Creator produces a piece of content that Their audience sees and they relate to so you look at in they're like oh my God yeah this person gets me this person gets me that's strong it's a strong strong form of value to offer and the fourth I always forget one the fourth is inspirational value so this is when a Creator produces something that inspires Their audience it motivates them it's aspirational in some way right that's another value point that I like to dabble in from time to time but those are the four most common value points so look at those pick one just pick one which one works for you you don't always have to focus on one Value Point in your next post you might want to switch over to entertaining value maybe you want to try and do two at one time whatever just create content with at least one of those value points in mind and I promise you it will result in your content performing better all right so next up you need to choose your social media platform now most common social media platforms that people choose to tackle are YouTube Instagram Tik Tok X or/ Twitter or Pinterest right now as with your objectives I'm going to want you to focus so what I recommend that you do is you write down all of the channels you want to be on and then I want you to rearrange the order of that list and I want you to order it in terms of importance so the channel at the top of that list is the most important social media channel to you it's important that you do this because there will come a time where you'll be pushed for time or you might have to reduce your posting frequency whatever you want to make sure that one channel is always immune to that you want to make sure that if times get difficult you're still remaining consistent on at least one of those channels and you want it to be your most important Channel now another top tip for this a bit more advanced is to pick a channel which lends itself to repurposing as your most important channel so that's what I do and let me just explain to you what I mean my most important channel is YouTube obviously my favorite and that means that I can create these long videos and I can cut these videos down into shorts into Tik toks into reals I can also take all of the prep work that I've done for this video and I can use it for inspo to create fresh new content for the other channels too I might even use it for inspo to create a newsletter as well because I've picked a channel that lends itself to long form content as my main channel it's allowed me to trickle that down and use that content to repurpose across all my other channels as well so a bit more advanced but really really useful I also actually have a podcast episode where I dive into which channel you should be focusing on for 2024 so if you want some help in that area then I really recommend you listen to it I will put a link below all right guys we're almost there this step is quite small but it's to do with your posting frequency so I want you to now get really clear on how much content you are going to be posting on your social media channels every single week now I'm going to give you some rough averages of how often people post it doesn't mean that you have to do this but it's just worth saying right on YouTube when it comes to long form videos people often post between 1 to 3 a week when it comes to shorts people often post shorts daily on Tik Tok people post daily sometimes people post up to five Tik toks a day which is Wild on Instagram people post onto their feed whether it's a photo or a carousel or a real on a daily basis as well what's important though is that you figure out a posting frequency which works for you because if it doesn't work for you then you're not going to be consistent and also which works for your audience I always talk about the fact that some niches shouldn't post every day like I personally don't think that you guys want to hear me bang on about Instagram and social media and Entrepreneurship on a Sunday morning like I don't think you guys want that therefore I don't post on my Instagram or on my Tik Tok over the weekend right so figure out if your audience might be more inclined to hear from you on certain days of the week than others and merge that with what you know about the average posting frequencies and your schedule to pick a frequency which works for you all right so next up we need to experim experiment and we need to evaluate you now have everything you need to start posting valuable content for your audience what you need to do is to go ahead and just start doing that start experimenting and start sharing content regularly every month you want to set time aside to go through your analytics and see what's going on remember the metric that we defined at the start of the video that's the one you want to be looking out for because that's the one that's relevant to your own objectives and your own goals okay guys that is it for today's video if you feel like hanging around though I do recommend watching this one it's all about how you can sure that you're reaching the Right audience through your content so very very important thank you so much for watching as always don't forget to grab your free strategy template in the link below and I can't wait to see you in the next video
Channel: Jade Beason
Views: 16,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: social media marketing tips, social media marketing, social media marketing agency, social media marketing tips 2024, social media strategy, social media strategy template, social media marketing strategy, how to create a social media strategy, social media strategy guide
Id: sTCL0TH5Mj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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