Sharepoint Online Project Management

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all right guys so today we'll go over uh sharepoint online using sharepoint online as a project management interface we'll basically create a custom list and also create a command view for the project management list so i'll go over here to the test site i've created uh first thing we'll do is we'll hit new and then we'll go into list after that we're going to create a blank list and we're going to indicate a name for this list right you can put the name of the project that you want you're currently working on i'll put this as project management example okay after this you can put some additional description if you want i'll just hit create it's going to create the list for us once it creates the list for us it gives us the title column and we can add additional columns title column is certainly very important i'm going to just rename this i want to use the same naming convention as uh azure devops in this example so i'm going to rename this to story so we have stories for a project and i'm also going to create two additional columns one for features and one for epics so i'm going to put as a single line of text i'm going to create one called features just hit okay save it and i'll create another one here called uh epics okay after that we're going to create some additional columns here i'll create one for status uh and we'll go over um go over that one so this one is a choice column let me just type in status for example and then after that we can put different types of statuses i do not want this color style situation so i'll remove this styling here in a minute so basically here we i want for example idea phase i want to know that it's in development and i want to know for example that it's been rejected and it's done for example okay so here i can go into a format you say i want no style okay i'm going to use actually uh styling for the whole row instead of a column type of styling so i just removed everything because i don't want you know these colors here i can just hit save so now we have our status column i'm also going to put some other columns here so i'm going to basically uh add um some dates columns right so i'll put a date and time i'm going to add here uh a start date and i'm just going to hit save and then we also want to create another column here which is going to be the due date always no time right now we want to track time here um and i'm also going to put a third one which is an end date for example okay because we certainly want to track the difference between the due date and the end date and that's going to be actually the logic that i have here for coloring the different uh wines here for each one of these specifically so now i'm going to create some other columns which are interesting for whoever's managing the project which is basically uh let's the the cost rate and who is responsible so i'm going to put estimated cost move his currency i'm leaving us it can be whichever is your default currency and i'm also going to add another one which is the actual uh costs okay for this specific story we're leaving us for now so one of the first things i'm going to do is i'm going to oh i'm also going to add another one which is uh responsible so i'm going to add a person field i'm going to say who's responsible for this okay if you want more than one person you can put here more advanced allow multiple selections in my case i just want one person responsible i like to have just one person i think it makes more sense so um now we have all the columns let's put some some test data in here right so i'm basically going to hit mu uh and here on new i can start putting in my stories so i can have for example some pre-project stories here let's talk about let's say i want to um i want to procure some servers right pick your servers for the project um and then for features we can put this as uh as a pre-project situation and frapx we can say this is i know the phase one okay and here i can in status we can put this as an idea for now we don't have a start date but we want this by want this by let's say end of this week okay so um estimate costs i can put that maybe this is gonna cost him five thousand so responsible for this i can say there's a person responsible for this is test one and i could just hit save okay so now we have one entry in here this is fine and one of the things that i really like is to have colors uh to understand uh if we have some issues or some problems or not and there's something very nice with uh with sharepoint lists they they made this feature out which was not too long ago and if you go here to github i already put it on the code side so if you go here project management all right so we just copy here uh the color code uh with the right schema here which is green and red comparing basically uh the end date and due date right so if um if the the end date is over the due date is going to become red right so if i go here into uh if i click here in the arrow to switch the views i go into format current view i can go into advanced mode and i can paste here right the color the color uh schema that we want the json and i can just hit save and after that this one is green because there's no end date right so if i hit new for example uh and i start entering one that's overdue it's going to become red so let's just put one picker and a developer developers okay and we can say this feature is pre-project it's part of phase one and we can say this is um this is development or this is done and this is done uh it started out uh let's put it in the past right so started last week the due date was the due date was supposed to be two days after and then it was not met it was done by the end of the week let's put 100 for the activity i just hit save and that one is red because it's overdue right so whenever we have overdue rule it's going to become red because of that and i used compare end date and due date you can change this logic to whatever you want you can leverage the schema and you can keep on building upon this schema and evolving to your needs right this is totally customizable so next thing here after we have this structured i certainly want to put another epic so we have a good example here so i'll put one more output that we want to talk about um let's say developing home page then we can say this is this is home page feature i'll just pass on page i'll put this as phase one and we can say this is an idea uh the due date is all the way up in the future maybe some date this may cause for this and maybe 5 000. okay so then we have um same epic different features right and we have different stories so one of the things we can do is either use this view which i really don't recommend i really like using different views or creating new views uh so you just click here on the arrow and we can hit uh to create a new view right but since already did some editing on the current view i'm just going to keep on going here on the all items just so you can keep going but you can certainly create new view and start working from there so i'll just put edit current to view and then once this opens we see uh you know first thing is the columns that we want to display right so we're going to use features in epics uh in order to group the items but we don't need to see these columns so i'm just going to hide this out we don't need this i'll just leave the other ones in and going scrolling down we see how we want to sort this etc i like the sorting uh going by the id uh in descending order for example that's how i like to sort things um and if we look into the group by this is where we're going to do the magic which is uh we're going to group by the epics and then we'll group by the features of all these stories right i like to see expanded um the items expanded if you want you can use collapsed uh it's all up to you i mean if you start having a lot of items maybe collapse or it makes more sense but for a demo here i'll just use expanded um and then i'll just hit okay and here we have something very nice which is you know showing the epics right we have phase one which we have three uh three items in here we have the features right so features we have um we have one that's home page right so let's develop a home page and then a pre-project we have two right two of them and we have you know the the costs right we have one that's red is is bumping here in our eyes that we have to act upon this and the other ones are okay right so uh basically there's something else that we can also do which helps us in project management which is uh we can also create a command view which is something very recent as well which i like very much and this is perfect for project management i'll say this probably is even a great substitution to to something like travel maybe if you already have a sharepoint online so you just click here and create new view and when you do that you just select your board right you type anything that you want i'm just playing kaban as a name and you can just choose the column that you're going to organize by it needs to be a choice column right so i'll put here status i'll hit here create and then we have a couple of columns here based upon what we had in the choice field so if you prefer this based upon other things like maybe features or epics if you want to organize that way just make sure you create them as choice fields and you can leverage uh the cabin board in that fashion as well whichever way is better for you is fine so here even tells us right the story uh it tells us if there's someone responsible showing right there's someone responsible there's tests one responsible and we can just keep on scrolling down right to see uh more things that we have right here for us so right now we have uh two under uh on their idea and for example if developing home page is under idea for example i want to move that into development i don't have to go into the item specifically and change that i can just drag this around and put this here and it will change the status for us automatically it gives us a little check here showing and it's showing here the due date right when it's due and etc so this is not the default view right the other one's the default view all items so if i go back here to all items this is this is the the view here right and the other one is is done right the size of the other one's done that's why we're seeing it like right away video on the left side if we go back to command if we scroll to the right we'll see the other one is right there is done right so if you want to change the status something else you can just drag it around and it will change the status automatically for you right so if this one is is developing is ongoing you just you know change this around and it just becomes that other status right away right so if this is done we move that back then it's back to done and this one i can say the procure server is also done and this is all done here so you can just work right from this interface and you can start editing the items as needed as well so this was a little project management demo interface i wanted to do for you i hope you liked it i hope you enjoy it and i hope you have fun hacking your sharepoint list there to make it work for all your project management
Channel: Ramon Lima
Views: 17,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint Online, Project Management, Kanban board, create, video tutorial, how-to, better understanding, leverage, Microsoft 365, Trello, alternative, paid products, code, color rows, JSON formatting, workflow, customization, team collaboration
Id: eEk2hUWRjLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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