How to Create a Planning Routine and USE Your Planner ALL YEAR| Productive Planning Series #2

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hello everyone it is maité and welcome back to  my channel and welcome if you are new here. I am   so happy for you to be with me here today  so in this video I'm going to be going over   planning routines. I am filming this going into  the second week of January and surprisingly this   is collectively about the time where people begin  to start getting over their planner. The brand new   shiny planner that they bought in November or  December is starting to lose its luster or the   planning routine that they have embarked on is  getting a little bit overwhelming so by February   they are already ditching their planner. So in this  video, I'm going to share with you guys four tips   not only to create a planning routine but to be  able to stick with it throughout the entire year   so you can better run your home and your life. So  if you are interested in home management content,   homemaking content, organization and planning  content, you're in the right place so don't forget   to hit that subscribe button and the notification  bell so you don't miss an upload from me. All right,   let's jump into it. So the absolute first thing  that you want to do is you want to figure out   what you are planning on a yearly and a monthly  basis versus what you are planning on a weekly   and a daily basis. Now I don't want that to  overwhelm you, so I'm going to break it down.   Let's say that you plan your big events for the  year, your big appointments, your big checkups or   whatever that you need to do things you need  to get done for your home, yearly projects   on a yearly planning routine. That's going to be  very different than the things that you plan on   a day-to-day basis and getting those out of the  way on a yearly routine is really going to free   up the mental space that you need to go through  your day and go through your week. Or let's say   that on a monthly basis you meal plan, therefore  you don't have to worry about that on a weekly   and on a daily basis other than when you're going  to go grocery shopping or when your groceries are   going to be delivered to your house or however you  get your food. So I go through an entire process   on how I set up my planner for the year. I will  link that video up in the cards as well as in   my description box but basically i go through  that process with you guys so you can see how I   broke down my events and my major to-do's for  the year now on a weekly basis I'm not really   worried about what's in my planner for the year  except on a month-to-month basis where for the   month I take those major to-do's and i break it  down for the week so I can actually get them done.   In my last productive planning video, which I will  link up in the cards, I also talk about how your   planner doesn't have to be your end-all be-all and  that is especially true when you are breaking down   your planning routines so if you prefer to  use a family command center, a large calendar   something that you can stick on your fridge or  where everyone can see it to put your yearly   routine then definitely do that, and if you prefer  to have your family menu or your weekly menu   on your refrigerator as opposed to your planner  then do that as well. That's going to take   pressure off of your planner and you're going to  get into a second nature routine of just getting   done what you need to get done on a monthly basis  as well as on a yearly basis. Trust me, it's going   to free up a lot of mental energy and it's going  to make your weekly planning routine as well   as your daily planning routine a lot easier. The  second tip I have for you is choosing a day. Now   it does not have to be Sunday. I know Sunday is a  super popular day for people to sit down and plan   their week which makes a lot of sense because  people plan their weeks monday through Sunday. I  sit down on Fridays to do my planning routine. It  just makes a lot more sense for me, I still plan   for Monday through Sunday. But the reason that I  sit down on Fridays is that on Friday afternoons   I am already unwinding for my entire week I tend  to like to front load my week as opposed to the   other way around and so i'm able to see a little  bit ahead of time what I have to do for the next   week and a lot of times I end up putting some of  the random to-do's for my upcoming week and i'm   actually able to incorporate them in the weekend  that I am about to start. So it not only gives me a   head start, I don't have to think about sitting  down and planning on Sunday night. I actually   really don't like doing that. Sometimes it happens  but it just gives me this kind of dread of like   the things that I have to do Monday through Sunday.  Friday I'm still excited about the weekend and I'm   able to kind of get a better handle of things that  you know what I don't have to do that next week.  I can do that this weekend that's not a big deal. I also plan the week ahead in a daily planner. I will   leave that video in the description box down below  on how I plan my weeks as a stay-at-home mom. I use   a daily planner but I flesh it out throughout the  whole week and then I go in through the days and   I fill it out a little bit further when i have  more of a grasp on what is going on that day.   It does not matter which day you choose. Don't  think it has to be on a Sunday night. If you prefer   to do a Tuesday morning, do that. The point is that  it has to be something that you will stick to   and a day that you will remember to sit down and do  it. If it's a day that's tailored to your schedule   I promise you, you are more likely to sit down and  do it as opposed to a chore that has to be done on   Sunday when you rather be vegetating on Sunday or  doing something else. My third tip is that it needs   to be a habit. So the easiest way to create a habit , besides the fact that you just need to give it   time. Because creating habits take time so over  time eventually it will become second nature. But   the quickest way to get there is associating it  with something fun. So again, if it's a chore you're   not going to want to do it but if you make it a  fun experience an experience where this is my 30   minutes to sit down with myself and go through  my thoughts and what I need to do for the day.   I have fun with it. I sit down and take my favorite  coffee my highlighters my pens and I sit down and   I take that time to myself to really sort out what  I need to get done for the week and because I plan   on Fridays I'm already in a really good mood and  so it's easier for me to get it done that way. If   you treat it like a chore, you will procrastinate  it like a chore and so make it fun, make it   something for you. You can make it as elaborate  or as simple as you want to. If you really like   getting into the creative aspect of planning  lean into that, do it. If the stickers motivate you   to use your planner then definitely do that, but  if it's detracting you from your planner   then stay away from that stuff and just use what's  going to be useful to you. So if you make it fun or   if you make it something that you look forward  to as a moment with yourself, it is going to be   something that you're going to want to make time  for as opposed to something that you procrastinate.   Which leads me to my fourth and final tip, which  is keep it simple. Now simple is a relative term.   But keep it simple to what you know that  you can handle, whether that is sticking to   one or two planners just sticking to pens and  highlighters sticking to maybe three sticker   books or just taking out a sticker kit and doing  it that way. But once it starts to become really   overwhelming, I think that's when people start  to jump off the bandwagon. So let's say they got   really ambitious they started the year with eight  planners because they saw other people using eight   planners and on the surface it seems like well, the  more planners I have the more organized I feel and   I have had years where I have had six planners  and seven planners and I can tell you that that   did not make or break my organization. How many  planners I had. Currently, I am in a two planner   system. I will leave that video in the cards  and it has really worked out for me. So I'm   not saying that you can't have eight planners, I'm  saying don't do it if it's going to overwhelm you.   If you're going to feel guilty because you bought  them and you can't keep up with them. I do reject   the idea that planners are something that you  should have to keep up with. If you have to keep   up with a set of planners you're doing yourself  a disservice. It should be a tool. It should be an   extension of you and what you need to do. So keep  it as simple as you can handle and I promise you   your planning routine is going to become a lot  more second nature. I am so much happier after I   went back to basics and I did a full 360 back  to how I started planning all the way back in   2015. You can see my first video that I put up. It was a Kate Spade planner that I had and it was   like a simple planner it was a horizontal layout  it didn't have a ton of room but over the years   I realized okay like I don't need to be doing all  of this to get what I need to get done. So for me   in this season I ditched a lot of the creative  aspect that I used to put in my planner. I still   enjoy using stickers here and there. I still enjoy  a pretty planner, a fun planner. I don't think that   to be completely functional that it needs to have  zero color or no fun. I do think that function and   form can exist in harmony. But i'm just putting it  out there, if you are starting to feel overwhelmed   by the amount of planners you have or what you are  putting into your planner, just do yourself a favor   and cut it out and bring it back in a different  season, because you are just going to feel so much   better when you can actually organize your life as  opposed to pretending that you're organizing your   life and trying to keep up with the system that  is just too much for you to handle. I hope you guys   found this video on creating planning routines  helpful. Let me know what the secret to your   planning routine is, i'm always super curious to  know how you guys plan and what you guys are doing   to organize your lives. So like this video if you  enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed filming it for you   guys don't forget to subscribe on your way out and  as always I will catch you in my next one bye guys
Channel: Maite Victoria
Views: 1,243
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: how to create a planning routine, create a planning routine, productive planning routine, how to create a weekly planning routine, simple planning routine, planning routine for organization, planning routine for home management, weekly planning routine, how to plan your week, how to plan your week as a sahm, how to plan in your planner, functional planning routine, maite victoria
Id: 4kVZSmVwTmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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