DAILY PLANNING IN A WEEKLY PLANNER/Will Daily Planning work for you?-Trying Different Planner Styles

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[Music] hi hope you're keeping well so in today's video we're going to use her weekly planner and plan dearly and I thought this would be useful as a planner style to show you because of the times were in so I'm going to do it in this planner that's the woven wander planner from Erin Condren this was actually the 2018-2019 planner but whatever weekly planner you do it in doesn't matter so you could use a bullet journal spread and draw your own weekly spread you could use an old planner to give it a go or you could use your current planner and you can also adopt any other style in the sense of you could color-block you could use an at-sea kept you could use and I've took a mental blank but you know what I mean any other type of style but what I'm actually gonna do is I'm gonna use an Erin Condren sticker sheet and I thought seeing as I'm using the woven wonder planner I would use woven wonder sticker sheet so this is in the amethyst and light gray and you can get it in your own colorway I just realized that's oh no it's just the way it's cut anyway so yeah I'm going to use this but the reason I thought this would be helpful for you is because I know that Erin Condren have released a daily planner and there's probably quite a lot of you thinking should I buy a daily planner is it really for me I don't want to buy it and waste the money and for those people if you try the daily planning sty as in the night before you plan your day and it'll give you the sense of whether it is something that would work for you in relation to having to actually sit down every night and plan for the day before but it can also be helpful for people who do love a weekly planner who normally have lots of events and things going on but just have the odd week where they don't have all that and especially in these times maybe looking at your planner every week with new events in it and setting down to plan at the start of the week to your practice empty spread is depressing so why not just put the beer stone at the start of the week and then every night to plan for one day so I thought I'd give it a go anyway and see what you all think and hopefully you enjoy watching this and so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to put down the beast and then I'm going to store this in the back of the planner and then the next time I speak to you will be me planning for the modern day and which technically you can't do your BS and plan from only on the same day but I was just in the mood to get started and put these tines so I thought overdid No so anyway let's get started [Music] you [Music] all right I was just gonna ignore these debts up above but I think I'm actually gonna cover them why not and and then it will not keep confusing me because obviously it's an old planner and the dates are wrong oh so I'm just going to use this to blank them out and then I have some Fiat covers from simply watercolor cool then I'll probably use and because that's cool too that make your own magic from Erin Condren uh maybe see if I have any record writing and I'm doing this on a Sunday night but there's no reason why you couldn't also daily plan the morning but you know the morning of so I would get up tomorrow morning and plan but to be honest I'm too lazy to get out of bed early enough to fellow myself and before I start working at night so there's that right where's Betty okay so I'll have these ones here and these are more of a gray seal that would go with a planner and I probably need to use a lighter one although I think that's rose gold not gold I find it really hard to tell with metallics whether they're gold or not sometimes no that is gold maybe that's just maybe and weird so I got to pull them all off first and I actually only have rose gold dance so I might just write up and where we are actually I might as well cover that and just leave me because there's no point in having the wrong year as well okay where's Monday there you are [Music] do you want the flag over the top or underneath yeah I want it over the top right so the first thing I want to do is join the sidebar I'm gonna use it for something to mark em like over all twos so that each day when I plan I can decide do I want to do those so I think I'm gonna use in my liner rather than a sticker here and then where's my sticker sheet mmm I will say you will write this stuff first so go on the day today and then [Music] you I have such a huge rating for some reason my brain thinks I have to use the whole space instead of trying to fit it in I don't know I've always been like that clean right don't think I'm gonna have anything else down here so honestly I'm just gonna put these in I could put another coat I'm not gonna even with lines I can't get this straight honestly I feel so good using this sticker sheet and a book that is the right size like putting these Dyne was so quick I really enjoyed it I really wish they would make a soft bind and the proper normal life size life size and the proper Norma honestly in the normal life planner sighs that's what I'm trying to say so Monday is the glass and brown bin so let's use these both for Ben's scene as well that's right beside a grey I see you know spoke to you this week so up here I need to remember tomorrow in fact actually I might say to my husband if he would mind put it on the mic noise so we don't forget oh sheesh Cody okay and then what else Azim call so that's how the no znr havin Condren stickers what's wrong yeah I'll use a triangle for him a triangle a hexagon okay I need to go to bed so I'll leave that space or last question n-no Oh zoom at 6:30 I'm not treating it like morning noon and night because I don't want to know no particular reason but you could you could start at the top and you could have the things you need to remember first up here and then work your way down but I'm not doing it and then I want to work on some of YouTube tomorrow I need to add it all the videos that I've been filming and stuff and and film some more Stu you're gonna just put this little strip here just to fill lots PSM don't think I'm gonna do any of this on a Monday because I never have think I've said this a few times before in my channel I never sleep on a Sunday night I can't not a ho tired I am I just start the ceiling for ages so on a Monday night I'm exhausted I'm just sitting in more coven working for my desk at home I haven't coffee and coffee and coffee and thinking oh I can't wait to go to bed so there's no point I never do anything particularly strenuous that day and plan for anything because I know what's never gonna happen so the only other thing is YouTube let's see how I can mark that I actually saw these little dots anger might put one of these as a title and then use the dots as bullet points this is from the bullet journal petite planner inch I have em all different sticker books and these ones are functionally seasick errs icons so it's all me and late the things that come in the petite planner range and I just know them to go from these whenever I need them I'll not use silver I will use I blue although there's sulfur in the middle I really should just get over it it's seen when you're using they're in Condren stickers you kind of can't really worry about sticking to the one metallic well I can't anyway because I'm already gravitate towards cool tones so if I was then to be picky about which metallic I used just half of them would be never used so and I try to rest and restrain myself from being that fussy so you tube and then I'm going to wash my nails are atrocious I apologize that you're all having to look at them every week I'm sure you all understand although to be honest one good thing you know if you're trying to see the positive out of all this is that I have been freed from that I used to feel like I had to have perfect meals in order to film and if I like had a day that I was really in the mood for filming but I remember he wasn't getting my nails done without Saturday I wouldn't fill him I'd wait until I got my nails done that Saturday morning and then try to get everything done over the weekend for the next week and noise I've kind of done that it's kind of freed me of that's silly feelin you know that I have to have perfect terms of Neil's because I don't see how and I can still do good videos and nobody has kind of stopped watching my channel cuz my nails are trolls just see pain so it's been good in that sense that I've kind of been freed from that mentality but anyway back to the point to salt YouTube I'm going to fill them and edit and then I want to mark the arse my husband is working in the arse that I'm working so I might do all mine along the bottom and just put my husband's were ever so let's see I don't want to end up with all these stickers used at the start of the week so I'm trying to make myself use other stickers to you and spread these out over the week because if I was doing a week they spread I'd have that um wider picture and wouldn't feel like I needed to use them all so I'm trying to keep that in mind that it's not just this day that I'm doing so a thing about a book but mark my work ours with a coffee cup and stamens were cars with a planner tip and I'm gonna use the Fox and pip ones because I like them so one of these little gray ones will be for Stephens and where's the coffee cup there and they're from simply watercolor go and I think I said the planner clip is from Fox and pip if I didn't that's where it's from so Stephen me and normally he works during the day um I'm at Sony Monday to Friday while he's always home for dinner but because his Center that he works in is closed he's been doing chef work to help fight with another center so I find it easier to know when he over here and when he won't because I know tomorrow night I'm gonna make both of us a dinner because he is working and eating it's just good to have that well reminder and then my work is from home and I'm always 9:00 to 5:00 but I'll just write it anyway why not so that's me all set and planned for tomorrow and like I said you could do that first thing when you get up and get yourself organized or ready to go or the night before but that's basically the concept I'm going to go and stare at the ceiling for a while and I'll talk to you again whenever I'm howling for bogey in so Monday itis I have been in my pajamas all day and I don't care so let's plan for what we're gonna do tomorrow so um I was like summer teased us for a while I was starting to really kind of like I got all into spring cleaning mode and I was doing up there and opening up the windows every day and getting all excited and then the temperature just dropped again I'm sitting here I'm freezing I haven't eaten on its wake I wish I lived in a country that just had some all the time when people say you would get sick of it but I don't think I would totally wouldn't anyway right so what are we looking for but first thing man is the bins a game and I was gonna put it a bit further down but I think I'm just gonna put it right beside it and it's the grave and tomorrow and then I'm gonna do a wash so let's see I'm such a creature of habit I say to myself and like I've used a particular Brook far away and I say right you need to try and use something different a nike pull in there spoke out and using it a complete creature of habit so like I said we're over trying not to mix metals so this is gonna cover washing and then not that I really have that much to wash but I want to try and keep the top of it or I'll end up with pays it's weekend gray been washing I need to look at my youtube planner and do a better organizing of what's coming up and where and these are from hello to petit-pierre Baroness called spring TN love I'm just gonna use this little one here and has a little bunny ears why not - mark you - planning yeah so each a planning and Stephens work then on my work where's my notebook with the fox and pep dudes I promise I'll brighten up as the week goes on I'm obviously half asleep and myself asleep last night as well but there you go hmm they might keep them as a consistent along there and then put steam in there and pick that in there is that everything I have tomorrow let me think been washing you got YouTube you know I'm gonna have to use and fellow mean everyday so I need to mark that I suppose and why aren't you going now one of the stickers owner coach great ones so I'll go gray um purple well sort of a bluey green but that way we'll have gray purple and oh no that's double purple Oh whatever I am too tired to really care it's more important that we're planning well these are we flags or have them squares but again whatever I'm checked anything off resume call I had mine been Steven worked and I felt a little better editing and my lunch but I'll not be editing this video tonight so probably we had to tomorrow um Steven or gain and a three tomorrow and YouTube um did it what happened I'm ready for tomorrow so tidy up my task I want to say see see you tomorrow but I don't really know what to say because technically you're about to see me in a second but I'll say it anyway see you tomorrow let's do this so tomorrow I have you to begin so where are we actually gonna list left this out while I'm in here cuz I have a zillion call to tomorrow I end up being consistent in planners all the time without actually trying but if it wasn't my intention to put you two belong here my work along here and Stevens work along here and you think we're doing it daily I would be more like take a look I won't be that is why did I not notice that it's probably too late to come off night he's been there a few days all right line it up with that there so on YouTube so I need the little really this doesn't need to be as complicated not that stickers are complicated but you know what I mean like the fact that I'm thinking about colors and the placement of stickers and all this here obviously you don't have to do all that you can dearly plan just as easily with a pan and the planner or as I pointed out in my recent video about no planner planning you can have a notebook and a pan and just do this but update it daily I don't think I'm gonna do anything else tomorrow to be honest I have a really hectic day and work with a lot of meetings and whenever I have a lot of meetings mentally I just finish work and want to not have to do anything I want to just kind of zoom out and stare the TV so other than zooming with my family tomorrow I'm not likely to want to do anything else so there's no point in planning to do it so let's write these in and then fill in some space that was named at 6:30 let's see YouTube [Music] and edit and then it was cool to put a sticker and oh no that's the work so I don't need to fill that space in if you forget and if I thought hey the notes right in front of me right Stephen is working tomorrow where's a little bit he is 2 to 9 so I will be on my lonesome for dinner and I'm gonna be singing are you dancin tonight for the rest of the day terrible all I have to do is say one little word and the song is like completely stuck in my brain with no hope of ever leaving the other day I was singing fragile rock I didn't even watch Fraggle Rock on average home cook but I know every word of the theme Jing and it was like totally stuck in my hand I was singing it all day I apologize if you're the same and I have nice top group songs in your head either one of them so Stevens work and my work I know I'm singing Fraggle Rock in my head uh what am I gonna do with myself I must just how about go I never wrote it in there but you were all yelling at me about that and [Music] and the fact that it's taken me to night and notice says a lot about where my head is that sometimes although in my defense this isn't my real planner I'm just doing this an as an aside - to help you guys out I probably would have noticed it sooner if it was my proper planner but I have a functional functional planner that I actually look up so hopefully you'll forgive me for not noticing the obvious right so let's find a little quote for in there we could to find a woven wonder one but I don't think there is any maybe you have to just go one of these so I already did make your own magic so let's see let's do this because we're doing the Le planning so every day is a fresh start and I'll use one of these on each side just to fill the space a bit more one second I put a few of these eight dance you can either wait right so we'll put this here every day there's a fresh start Oh Eve and then this these are a lot larger than I expected them to be so I'll maybe not do that there we go that's the first heart harf that is the first half of the week completely planned tomorrow night I'll start into the second half so yeah I'll leave it at that talk to you tomorrow back and I'm wearing two pajamas again well when I say pajamas these are my this is my dressing going that's in case you're thinking does she only own one pair for hours this was my dress and going but they are over I'm over Chavez and I'm actually wearing makeup today though I mean she's funny because I only wear makeup to call to get my groceries and even then I don't always bother so what fees we hurt actually getting it put on and I put it on because we had a team meeting and my boss insisted that we all try a video call and I thought mmm my hair is frightening enough I think I should wear a better makeup and not scare them all together so that's why I'm wearing makeup but anyway let's get on with the plans so Thursday what am i doing have some cleaning to do YouTube to do and the day's really all about the cleaning so let's find our speaker sheet although I honestly don't think I'm going to clean my whole house to tell you the truth I think I'm gonna break it down cuz I still I really want to get the yeast finished because I've just been moving them over week by week I don't know what it is I just did you ever just go into that sort of a fears where for ages you'll be like all go and let's get this cleaned and when I was doing my spring cleaning I was cleaning rooms from top to bottom and stuck in your schedule and I even though I'm really close to the finish line it's kind of like mmm I'm over it but I have to force myself to just do it I cannot move in he's over again another week so even saying not though I think I want to try and do it over the weekend because I know after signing off tomorrow at 5:00 I'm not going to clean my food house and windows and everything on a Thursday night it's just not going to happen so I'm going to because I've been phenomenal philomene all week this week and I've really been focusing on YouTube I'm going to have a free weekend in the sense of YouTube stuff so I've no excuse I needed did I would say make me do it but I'll be too late by the time you see this for you to yell at me I'm safe clean your house Ruth please so I've gone into how about are using this sticker to say clean house and I'm just gonna use it again why not put it down here I think and then maybe get an icon for up there I have these little tiny x' flora bottles that are from honey date so I'm gonna use one of them or honey ink it's not honey don't but I might actually use something else as well but don't think that's something I'm gonna need to look into getting don't really have very many cleaning stickers in fact no I don't have cleaning stickers and I have one of these left so I'm just gonna put that in there to fill a blank because Erin Condren doesn't do them and I think I used to have like a sticker sheet from a shop it was like a unusual name like really unique what was a call again Coco who knew Tasha or something on Etsy but I used MRP ages ago so anyway while I have this note I might as I'll actually left my little clip for evens work and the coffee mug for me and I fight let's just organize stick you're lifting and then we can put them all down at once so I stick them to the edge of my desk and hold on where's my phone gotta take a picture and it's heard a clip to show you what I mean because I actually find that sometimes not always with the majority of the time I find it easier to search through everything and get stickers I have them only at your desk and then you can just put things down rather than putting one thing die and find another sticker one thing don't find another sticker they're nice setting the edge of my desk see and I just find that really oddly yeah back to the point so let's find the ones where we're using for YouTube so I'm going to do the bathroom I think the bedroom and the planner room because those three rooms are all like right beside each other and for some reason I just I'm in a flow of them let's go whenever actually my planner REM I use like a method glass cleaner because of the fact that these are like killed on this is a cover on you can totally see the refraction of the light proving my point that is glass even though what's great um so I do that and then so I'll go into the bathroom spray everything going then I will get a cloth and you use a method glass cleaner on the murse in the bathroom then I will use the method glass cleaner on a cloth and all the stuff in my planner rim and then I'll swap to a standard M all purpose cleaner and clean the bedroom and I'll take my covers off and I'll put them into wash and then I'll go into the bathroom and the antibacterial thing he'll had a chance to sit and I can wipe off all the antibacterial stuff and clean the bathroom and that's kind of why we rooting I don't know why I told you so I probably like with we don't care but anyway and um that's not sorted and because I'm in that we system I think I want to do that for tomorrow because it's easy enough to do you on a Thursday night and then everything else and all the window cleaning and you know remaining rooms I can do it the weekend so I'm gonna put that all in there I love cleaning my bathroom I don't know why everybody like at any time I watched cleaners on YouTube you know cleaning channels they always say about how they hate cleaning their bathroom it's my favorite room to clean and I don't even know why if I tried to expand why I would just really make myself work to be a complete weirdo so I'm not going to try to explain but I do and the room I don't like cleaning is my kitchen I love my kitchen and itself but actually cleaning it annoys the life out of me I think it's because I have so much light in the counters and I hit sort of clutter and having to move all that to spray everything down and wipe it so I'm at something I'm really definitely gonna have to do is rearrange my kitchen and make it less annoying but anyway gosh I'm in a chatty mood so I've got India how about it if my a kind of pattern with where I stick things and I don't want to break it because I'll anoint me if I then open the book and I've put it in the wrong place so just what I'm doing this day I'm gonna put these down where they're meant to go to make sure I have it right oh I got stuck to that they're gonna have to use that stick or it's gonna lose it stick em right so thing bathroom planner rim and bathroom and Stephen is doing through tonight she she cooed a row haha give me strength trying aren't even there and I 95 hold on I'm dying CUA cheese given off about right I wonder if this would go here I need to wash my covers but I don't want to have all these stickers left because I was trying to spread them out over the week but I don't want to use them all end up you know leaving them and leave in them and then using them all on Sunday so I could but I've used that plant pattern there you know what I'm gonna put it there because I don't want to lose it stick and I'm going to find a flag and right to wash my bed covers so there we have it and wash covers right now I'll just pop these back in the back of the planner set for tomorrow so sorry for talking your ear off today and seeing us lift our sticker sheet height and get our stickers we've started a pattern with so Stevens work my work on YouTube and it's my sister-in-law's birthday tomorrow so I'm gonna left out these little balloons while I'm here so I think I will mark her birthday using this little one here and I will do it right at the top I'm actually I'm just looking at the asterisks I've used a couple of Asterix find here on this side I think I might put some on this side of the planner just to have a bit of consistency he know me sorry I'm being overdramatic nearly went to Polaroid with these where these are nearly punto literally okay so going over this um I'll just pick one there oh no I don't know I don't not working in something it's gonna say hopefully it doesn't block anything but I don't think it won't I'll put one here to there so there's that moved over so they have oh that's the best birthday work Stephens work and have a zoom so I was marking them with these actually you know what I'm thinking - one of the days I randomly used a flag rather than a square and I should really do that again so there really aren't random it looks intentional so maybe if I move the east tube and I know I'm really being a fusspot this doesn't matter at all but hey what make it look place find them eventually so these ones can go in here and then that way we're alternating and then I have and soon I had initially if you watched my functional perm with me for this week and whenever I was doing my world plans for the week I had said that I was going to go grocery shopping tomorrow but my husband is actually working 2 to 9 and the shop closes at 10:00 so the time he gets home that's never going to happen so I think I'm gonna have to actually go on Saturday which I usually try to avoid it all cost to be honest face I'm just not that I particularly love going and getting groceries that's where I got deliveries for so long but just one of those things I'll have to get over and dig otherwise we'll starve because there's no delivery slots so I'll write everything in you and we're all in let's tidy up what was short and sweet Seymour it's Friday yeah so I'm going to plan today for Saturday and Sunday because tomorrow I have a lot that I want to get done and I'm not going to be in the mood to film em or plan for some day and to be honest there isn't much planning to do for some day and so I might as well just do the two days at the same time so I'm going to finish the cleaning that I didn't get done em yesterday and I'm gonna go to Tesco how am I gonna mark cleaning let's have a look okay so I just went ahead there and got all the stickers out and stuck them to my edge of my desk so I can just get myself organized so these ones were from the petite planner range you can get this in like a longer version I don't just use the shorter and that is the same as that one from honey ant and that's just gonna mark all the cleaning I'm gonna do tomorrow and then the only other thing that will probably take me a long time during the day because I really want to clean my front room has ended up full of rubbish well not rubbish which means just accumulated stuff from other parts of the house and it's got to take me away and I just want to spend a bit of time doing a good clean so I'll probably take me the majority of the day plus school night to task skills so I'm going to put this sticker in here this way just to block like that all space and then mark it I'm going to Tesco's so this is from the classic edition sticker book the kaleidoscope year last year I've got the one for this year yet but I'm definitely getting one I want to fill in space so this little trolley is from the rotate planner range you can see that and I'm gonna put it here and then I'm going to write underneath and that way it'll take up more space I thank my car over so to focus the whole time that I was writing and this in so if he didn't see me write it then that's cuz I cut it out because it was blurry so that's everything they're in and this is what the ferry week looks like I hope that gives you some inspiration and maybe either want to try this to see if daily planning would work for you before you actually commit deer food daily planner or you just want to try planning daily and a weekly because some weeks you boot we'd prefer to plan weekly and then other weeks you would prefer to plan daily depending on your circumstances and what searching but thank you so much for watching and take care and I'll speak to you soon bye [Music]
Channel: Ruth Sarah Plans
Views: 317
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Daily Planner, Daily Planning, Daily Planning in a Weekly Planner, plan with me, planning, Erin Condren, woven wonder, plan, trying different planner styles, Ruth Sarah
Id: 4bqdyR60rmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 25sec (2425 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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