My Planning Routine to Make TIME FOR EVERYTHING!

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by the end of this video you will have a daily weekly and monthly planning routine that will help you keep up with consistent planning and that will help you with being more efficient with your time which is essentially what we all need here right to find time to get everything done hello everyone and welcome back to successful living today I want to talk about my planning routine I am a huge believer in planning and I do plan weekly monthly and daily and today I'm here to share my routine with you so if you want take your notepad take your planner if you have take your pen and start making a list of a daily weekly and monthly planning routine that you should be implementing in your life to be able to use your planner more effectively and to be able to use your time more effectively I'm gonna start with my monthly planning and this is something that I do at the end of every single month so like I said I sit once a month towards the end of the month and then I plan the next month as much as possible of course you won't be able to know everything but you will have at least a general idea about the important dates and the important events and things that you have to be doing what I do actually is to record these sessions my monthly planning sessions and I post them on my Turkish channel where I try to inspire other people to plan their months with me I have made a monthly planning routine and I've written a list for that that I follow through every single month that makes my planning much easier because I don't forget anything and in the steps that I follow are like this first I make my editorial calendar for next month if you're not on YouTube or you if you're not a content creator in general that will be relevant for you and then then you can start with step number one actually which is the creating the monthly spread and if you need then setting up the goal-setting pages which you can find for free in the description box below the second thing I like to do is to go over the birthdays I write them on a list here that you can see and important dates and add them to my monthly spread the third thing I check is my future look this is very helpful because sometimes in the previous year you will have some items that you need to be carrying over to the next year so I'm taking some things that I've written down in 2018 that has to happen in 2019 let's say May so I need to be checking this future log every single month number four for me is to clean the previous month that means if there are any things that are not done yet or if there are any events or you know appointments that were rescheduled to the upcoming month I just make sure that they're in my schedule so I get them done at least this month number five is my projects and monthly goals I make monthly goals if you are interested I have a video all about these goal-setting but what I like to do is actually create either project pages or monthly goal pages or at least write them down and my monthly spread so I know the goals I'll be working towards for that particular month number six is to go through my list and the business part of my planner because I treat my planner as my personal assistant so it has all the lists or all the information all the to-do lists everything that I can possibly need to conduct my businesses and to basically live my life and follow through with my habit so I like to check off what needs to be done this month I go through all the business finances and everything that I need to go at least once a month in this monthly planning session number seven is to check my Trello because this is the project management tool that we use with my team and this is very helpful if you have a team if you don't you can still use Trello because this is really useful in terms of project planning and that's why I also have it in my monthly plan routine even though I do most of my planning on paper I still use technology a lot because I think the best of both worlds come together to create the perfect planning system and number eight which is not actually a planning routine item is to clean my desktop and also sometimes my phone because they tend really cluttered towards the end of the month so I'd like to give it a good clean in general to start the new month with a fresh page and a fresh desktop this monthly planning session takes me about an hour and a half to two hours depending on how much cuteness that I will add to my my spreads basically I don't always make it cube but since I'm posting a video about it on my Turkish channel and I'd like to inspire people I try to make it a little bit nicer to look at so I also want to look at it more you don't have to do that if you don't it will take you less time but if you want to create something even like certain that might take you longer you can decide how much time you want to invest in this session because I think this is not the most important one the most important important one is to come next but if you like it to look nice so that you feel motivated to look at it take more time and you know do it once a month spend 3-4 hours on it I'm sure you'll benefit from it greatly my second routine is like weekly planning routine and I think this is the most important one if you're gonna pick one routine out of these three please please please make sure that you pick the weekly because I feel like a week is a nice timeframe it's not too long like a month that you can't predict or it's not too short like a days you're not gonna be able to create so much in a day I think a week is the perfect amount of time to actually move forward with your life your business whatever you're trying to move forward so I really like to emphasize that the most important planning that you can add to your life as the weekly routine and if you're not into the habit get into the habit this Sunday so as I told you I do my weekly planning every Sunday evening very similar to the monthly planning I have my weekly planning session and I have a card this time I have a card instead of a page because I think it's much easier to pull it out put put it in front of me instead of doing this every week removing the page I created this laminated card and I just love using these cards I don't know if you miss that but I actually feel another video about creating a morning routine card to actually create the habit I think these cards are really useful if you're looking at creating a habit so without any more around Ling I'm just gonna talk about this weekly planning session my routine what I do first I create my weekly spread it can take you up to five minutes I think there's nothing crazy about it you just write down the to-do list and the day's and then the actual planning thing starts first I like to check my monthly spread and my google calendar I use Google Calendar for the things that I need to attend to and the things that I do with my team so some important dates are in my calendar not transferred yet to my monthly so I I make sure that I check both of them second I take my editorial calendar again if you're not a content creator that's not relevant for you but if you are make sure that you're adding what you need to be filming what you need to be editing what you need to be posting every single week into your weekly planning so that you don't miss out and you show up consistently number four for me is to clean the previous week's and the daily so I have a weekly spread and a lot of daily pages and I make sure that I clean every single item either I reschedule them or do I delete them if there are some notes I make sure that I handle them if there are some items that I need to that I need to put into a to-do list I do that so I make sure that I clean the previous week in order to start a new week with a fresh point number five on my weekly planning routine is to check the monthly tasks by the monthly tasks I don't mean the monthly spread that we created this is something else I have on my planner this is the list of things I want to be doing at least once a month like the sales analysis like filming the plan with me like checking my website if I need to do any updates on checking if I need to create a freebie you know these kind of things that I like to do every single month I make sure that I check them and if they are not done for that particular month I make sure that I include that item in my weekly spread then I take my monthly goals similar to the one in the monthly planning routine if there's something that is not done and it is due that month I make sure that I include some level of action some type of action into my weekly spread next I check each and every to do this I have I like to categorize my to-do list for each business that I have but also for my life for the personal things that I I do so I check eight different to-do lists and in my to-do list I have a system that tells me this is an urgent thing to do and this is something that could be done quickly so that I could include them in a busy week or I could include them early in the you know earlier in the month so I make sure that I check every single to-do list I have if you have only one master Lillith just go over that one but make sure that you're actually checking off those things from your to-do list when you're making your weekly planning next step for me is to read through the list part of my planner which includes a lot of different lists there's a brain dump trigger list there's a me time ideas list like there are so many nice lists that I created in the past months that help me actually move forward and make me feel happy and better so I make sure that I read through these lists and if there is something that I didn't want to include in that week's plan I just do and the next one again it's not very much planning but I think it's about being organized is to clean my phone and my browser I tend to keep a lot of tabs open and I use something called Toby which is really useful in organizing them but still I like to clean them if I need to check something I check them if I need to act on them I make sure that I add that to my weekly to-do list and also my phone I tend to take screenshots for the things that I like to check later so I make sure that I check these things and delete them from my phone or add a to-do item if I need to then for me there is the making of other to-do lists for my team that is not probably not going to be relevant for you but if you have a team you can create a to-do list for your team and the last thing that I do on Sundays is to plan and schedule my social media I actually have a dedicated video for this and only this and if you want to automate and schedule social media and you don't want to spend so much time on it where everybody says like you have to be there all the time you can go ahead and watch this video that will be really helpful I promise so this planning routine the weekly planning routine takes me about 20 minutes I know that it looks like a little steps but since I'm doing it every single week on a regular basis I don't read through every single item on the planner list I actually know what's there so it's gonna be taking you 15 to 20 minutes tops if your again I'm not going crazy with your you know like embellishments and nice things that you do around your weekly spreads but that's it that's like 15 minutes 20 minutes a week is enough and again this is the most important routine if you're gonna get into planning or you want to be a consistent planner this brings me to my last routine which is my daily planning routine again if you're not super busy if you have a more monotone regular life or regular nine-to-five job that might not be the thing for you but for me every day is different so I like to make a daily page where I know exactly what I've been doing so it will be helpful if you feel like you like self-discipline or if you want to hold yourself accountable for the actions that you want to take this will be a good idea for you but you don't have to do it let me go through my daily scheduling and daily planning as well my daily planning routine consists of two different steps one is in the evening one is in the morning every night before I wrap up and stop working and that is a thing for me because I work at home so I have to set a certain time that I need to stop working before that time comes I take five minutes to check my trackers to check some open things that I couldn't do on my to-do list on the Today page to-do list and I move them accordingly I move to it maybe to the next day maybe to the next week or maybe I've canceled altogether it takes about a couple of minutes really nothing much and I'm sure that I create a to-do list or a daily tasks thing on one of these pages for the next day this is what I do for the next day and that's pretty much it the next morning when I wake up before I start working the first thing in the morning after my morning routine is to actually schedule and time block my day again I have a video about time blocking if you're interested you can watch detail tutorial here but what I like to do is actually schedule out everything on a day so I just follow it it's almost like having a manager or having someone telling you you have to be doing this in 15 minutes and after 15 minutes you'll be having to go there and then after you know spending an hour there you're going to be have to doing this one this is basically what I use how I use Google Calendar again since I created the daily idea the daily to-do thing the night before this takes me a couple of minutes tops so I would say my daily planning takes about five minutes really but if you do it consistently you'll feel like you are using your time so efficiently it is mind blowing really I use Trello for my planning as I mentioned before for my project planning with my team if you have a team or if you have projects Trello what would be a good one or asana they're the same thing essentially and if you're interested in how I use them or how I use Trello please let me know in the comments below and I will definitely make a tutorial for you about how to project plan or how to plan on Trello or asana so this is it this is my planning routine this is how I keep up with everything that I do the seven businesses and the personal life and the salsa and the dis and that this is how I do it if you're interested in this and if you need help with this especially if you want me to create your planning routine your daily routine your weekly routine for you or you want me to teach you how to plan to be a successful entrepreneur or to use your time better in general you can apply for my coaching program all the information are in the description box below thank you so much for tuning in and I will see you in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Gamze Time
Views: 2,640
Rating: 4.9207921 out of 5
Keywords: planning routine to make time for everything, planning routines, daily planning routine, my planning routine, weekly planning routine, make time for everything, monthly planning routine, make time for everything you want to do, how to be productive everyday, successful living, gamze alptekin
Id: Oc5hIJhspLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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