How To Create a Night Scene in UE5 (+Easy Moon)

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I like to start things off with a brand new level so here in your content folder right click and then look for level and let's call this Knight level and double click to open this one you can select your you can save your selected level then in here what I'd like to do now is here into settings we need to show the engine content so we can access to the engine so click on this engine this is important or else this won't work and then you're going to look for Sky sphere type it in here you can find the blueprint BP skysphere and then you can drag this in if you no longer want to see this engine map you can just deselect this once again but your BP Sky sphere is still there now here's the magic is going to be with your BP Sky sphere selected under details we can scroll down to override settings and you can see the sun Heights now when you decrease the sun height to -1 and then you look up wow there are stars so we already have a pretty cool scene going on right here you can even increase the star brightness so it's set at 0.1 but beyond dks crazy so I like this from default is 0.1 I like to keep this between 0.1 and 0.2 so something like this should look cool and for a player to work on here I'm going to go from selection mode to landscape let's create this very simple landscape for now so I'm going to hit the create button back to selection and then when we move up we have our landscape right here you can see this is pretty dark so there is some setup left to do first of all I can drag in here a player start and now when I hit play you can see my player is in the dark but we already have a pretty cool sky going on so how we can fix this is when you go to window and then here the environment light mixer this is the one we are going to use and we're going to need a skylight now this could also be a moon so click here on Skylight then I'm going to create atmospheric light this is also the one we are going to need so we have lighting going on here and the height Fork I don't need clouds and the sky atmosphere right here I'm going to ignore for now so let's do some basic setup first right here we have the directional light with this one selected you can hold Ctrl L and angle the place where you want to position your moon so let's say about there maybe and then you can let go now I accidentally also L clicked to bring in a point line so I'm going to delete this one so for my directional light so with Ctrl L you can position it what I'm going to do then scroll here to intensity right now it's at 10 Lux now I can decrease this because this is night time something more round four and the light color maybe you like some effect maybe like this already but you can see you can get some really cool lights in coming up maybe something purple bluish like this could work and you can click on OK then in Skylight you can leave this but you can get some little effect you can see by hitting this eye icon what happens so I'm going to use this as this and then the height fog so click here on the height Fork the exponential height Fork you can see when you disable this maybe you like this effect already a bit better but I'm going to leave this on to show you the possibilities of this if you like this you can delete this but you can also have this one selected and then go down here to fog density when you put to set 0 you can see you have your night scene like this or you can just put it a little bit but for testing purposes I put it back at default by clicking here on this arrow and then we can here see the fog and scattering color now you can drag this up a little bit and then you can also tweak this color so for example you like more of a pink world but don't overdo this because you can already see the things that are going on right here so maybe you like this effect for example and you can click on OK maybe a little more to the greenish site for example you can click OK and then you can still tweak the density so you don't have too much exaggeration going on and then the height fall off of this so about here may be fine and you can click here on the I icon maybe you like this fog effect maybe you don't you hit play so to see what your player sees so this is the effect with the fog without fog and this is the effect with the fog so you can see my player works here and this is basically how I can set up a night scene but if you like to you can also bring in the texture so for example here in Google you can look for a moon texture download it onto your computer and then drag it in a real I looked as a moon texture I think this looks pretty cool so what I can do then is click here and I can drag in the shape for example this sphere let's scale the sphere up to a pretty good size and let's put them into the sky let's first increase my camera speed okay something like this should be cool and then I can right click create a material out of this texture and this material I can then drag onto the moon right here and now when I hit play you can see the scene lighting up when I start my game and I can look around and then I can find my moon right there for example now a good thing to do is check out hit Ctrl l where the light was placed so it was more here on this side and I moved your moon into that position you can also move this bit down and then you can hit play and test things out again I can see there is the Moon I can see some cool lighting effect also going on right there so maybe that's something you like so that step is optional but at least now you have a pretty cool lighting scene don't forget to grab the free game nav toolkit in the description down below this video you will get my free ebook on how to get better at game development a free game design document to plan out your projects and a free tutorial Series where you create a platformer game from scratch and those who are hungry for more I offer a sneak peek and overview of my new premium course the unreal fault where you learn how to create beautiful levels create a game from scratch to finish and how to set up boss fights and create Dragon fights with different attacks including fire breeding so if this sounds like a good deal to you I see you there click the link and grab your gamedev toolkit now while it's still free foreign
Channel: Buvesa Game Development
Views: 5,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3qY5p7eZ0Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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