Prototype FAST in Unreal Engine with SuperGrid

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in the marketplace look for super grids open this one up and it's completely free you have to create a project create that project and then let me take you inside of this project this is what it looks like in a Content drawer you saw all the files that make this up now in content super grids you see there's a story level overview and we don't really need this we only need to start our pick so on starter pack right click then click migrate because we're going to migrate this on other projects so only the starter pack is fine right here then look on your computer where you want your file to be stored and in my case I want it in this this project this will be your own project of course and then you need it in the contents then select your map and this will do the trick and then we can open that one so in my case open projects and for me is here this one but of course this is a project where you just migrated to and then you click open now let me show you the power of super grid well let's compare it to a basic Cube first so let's say I drag in a cube and then I scale it you can see I have no reference or something and when I drag this out the left and the right side they drag out at the same time so now let's go in subset starter pack and adherent source and under new you can find the super grid box I have the super grid box normal and the centered one the centered one actually does the same see it goes to left it goes to the right but I really like this normal super good box so now when I drag out you can see it is to one side and then I can move it up here we can see there is a cool material applied to this and here each little box is 10 centimeters so then I know from one side to the other is one meter now I like to have snapping on 10 because of this because when I move this around you can see it is already Snips nicely so I'm going to remove this one and this one and then I can make play area for myself pretty fast and I can see how things have to be aligned then I can all track this up and then I can wrote this this one around and you can see easy walls and you can look at it from different sides you can see that they align or not and if they don't align you have to move them back or up and down and you can see this aligns nicely so you have something very cool to work with now you can see these have some materials applied to them this is the power of it which makes it very cool to work with so here in the pack starter pack you also have other materials and let's look here at the pellet and you have different kind of grits so we have the walkable grid and you can see some footsteps on on that one and then you can here have the double color one just like this one you can make it four walls so I like to have a walkable area and then my walls are default for example and then you can have other cubes so let's all track this one in and let's say the where you have some objects or players walking you can have different material so you can have different materials for everything but now let's say you want to change the color of the vocal area that's not a problem let's double click on this one you can double click here on this color and you can change it however you would like any other one as well and you can hit save and apply that color back to this one see so I just change this one and now you can see the real time or let's say so Ctrl Z to undo all those changes you will also want this one but another one then you can right click create them to our instance then you'll still have your original they tick the box of that color and then for example you have a red something yellowy and something more blue greenish and then you can drag this one onto this but at least you still have the other ones if you want to okay so this is a very cool example that you can use now there are different kind of shapes so back in starter pack Source nope you can see that there are cylinders you have cones and but mostly you use these arches any super box you have different ones maybe ramps and you can make this bigger taller but also some cool thing is they have Blueprints and stairs so the stairs you can see you can make them you can make them wider and now you can quickly see this one two three four five meters wide but you see the amount of stairs doesn't change so this is where they have blueprints it's back in Star Pack Blueprints and let's drag these Dynamic Stars next to my other stairs and then you can quickly make this for example three meters wide and now you can do the same as the other ones but you can see this little thing right here so when I move the move through and I then move this forward there you can see it created this extra stairs for me really fast so I can drag it back so if you rather have this workflow it does a lot more than this one so we can still drag this off and then you have the separate stairs right here but you can also find the dynamic stairs once more and then move this one forward like this and then edit it like this and I select it and if you want to change the thickness you can also do that one very easily okay let's increase my playing field so I can have some more examples to this because you can see I created walls like this but it is also another way so super great walls you can also see this blue icon right here for me I can drag this up and this makes this uh well taller and let's say my player is two meters so one two meters this is where his head is but I want a big one so four meters for example this is the power of this now you want your game views enabled so G on your keyboard to toggle this on and off because then you can see the spline points you have to look really good for this one I think yes there's a spline point and with the spline point you can drag this and you can see the walls are generated like this but now when I hold alt and drag I can drag out walls like this you can quickly prototype a level this way see and with snapping enabled you can do something like this and create something like this then with my super grit wall selected then I hit this blue icon so it becomes white and now I can change the height of the entire thing if I want to change it once more it is some pretty cool feature that you can also have and then with this also selected you can go back here in the details scroll down a bit and then you can see the column thickness so can I have really fat columns or just normal ones or just leave it at default are ticker walls see so you can change the wall thickness or back here to default and if for some reason you want to change all the colors to the same thing which I wouldn't recommend because I like different colors for different uh different roles you have a super grid Master drag this in into your field you can see everything changes except these blueprint stars for some reason but you have the super grid Master right here and then you can let's say make everything blue pink you can change materials like this that the series compile this is wow this is really nice but this is no longer prototyping this is the the definite the final result but I would recommend using this one so I just delete this and well then you can change everything back to how you want it so maybe like it like this control Z1 do changes if you want uh the previous one so let's apply what we learned so far and create a basic level for this let's drag in a cube if you haven't already and let's drag this out so the player can stand on this then we are going to create a little mace and then the player comes right to a temple for example so let's see if my scale works out let's keep this to meters so everything works better okay let's create one here okay then you can drag in another Cube and apply different material to that so we can see on different things we are working on in materials they have different ones to your palette we have the grids here for example and let's choose the double color here so we can have something to work with let's align this right here hit F on your keyboards to snap to that location let's move this one into position right here for example okay and I'm always switching between these ones right here okay anything like this let's make it thicker you can also move to that side and move this into position I'm going to do this pretty fast you can take your time your sweet time for this okay let's all drag this to this side to align like that okay and let's have a roof going on like there later on okay so for inside of here let's all drag this one out and make this one smaller and drag it to here for example so we can have a little door going on and also this right here you see it is not perfectly perfectly aligned with how I'm doing right here but you can take your time with this like I said before shift click shift click to both of these you can drag them and move them back this is just prototyping after all later on you can change this with your own materials any role models yeah I think something like this would work let's move this up to something like this so we see this two meters so our player can still walk through them let's add pillars so back here Source new you can see different ones what are we going to use for this one a cylinder will be good so let's drag out the cylinder let's make this one smaller I think this would be fine and then increase its size moved into position a bit you can have some fun playing around with this one shift click I'll drag and now we are quickly prototyping the entrance of the temple for example something like this could work and I'll track this one out and let's add a roof quickly on here so let's find the slope for this one drag this onto here let's move this one into position drag it out like so triggered like here hold it up all track e to rotate minus 180 degrees in this case and move it into position like this you can see this doesn't align perfectly like we said before so now our player here can walk through the entrance of the pyramid you can see we have different objects for that and let's create a maze first before a player can walk in so in super grid starter pack but this time the blueprints and then we can find here super great wall like we showed you before ever my keyboards snaps to that location really quickly and then I can put this into position okay make sure with G I can see the spline point right here are also that height so let's drag up that height first make sure I have the entire super grid wall enabled or else this won't work I think this is better okay and now I can select spline points okay put this one there select the spline points right there contraceito and do a mistake and I'll track this out if you need to so let's say our player comes from from here or something and create a little mace like that so let's drag in a new Super Ball for player comes from here you can also change the height of this one again select the spline point and then let's create something like this [Music] then you can click away back onto this and you can all track this out [Music] and then move those Pi points around or delete them and continue working like this okay so now let's play from here you can see our player sees the building we have to go through a maze maybe there are some enemies or pickups right here and then we move across the ball maybe there's a playable area right here and then we see the temple we have to go through and then we can do it go to and fall off if your big details you place your medium to small objects around you can do this with cubes or other shapes if you want to for example maybe there's a fountain right here or something like that and then I'd like to go back into the materials and the palette and then there are some templates for example this human one because then I can see this this is roughly the size of a human so if I increase this I can see let's say I want to be able to to watch over this then I need this for example at shoulder height r maybe even smaller so I can have some Rams going on in my level maybe there are some pickups right here and then when you see what's the lines next to each other when I drag this up see this one is above the size of my player so maybe I need some stairs next to this for example and what you then have to do once you've blocked out everything that you want in your scene so let's let's Place some more just quickly doing this one which you're then going to do is replace this all with your own models so for example this Temple right here you can go to pixel Bridge and look for some pillar or a column for example let's say I really like this one Spiller then I can drag this inside of my game so sign in and download this and I move this into position of this pillars right here and then I can just delete this once over before here and there are other cool ones here in Bridge so maybe I like this this Arc and I can move it into position like this and I can also replace items so let's look for a fountain well if they don't have it in bridge then you have to model this yourself or like a table see there are different kind of tables maybe the wooden one and you dragged in position like here so then well maybe you can just drag other materials onto the walls you can use different objects or modular pieces for that one or just apply different material whatever you want and then when you replace everything then you have to go to your level once more and test it out if your player is still able to walk through it find this way and if it looks pretty and everything's scaled up correctly even can walk through the door if you can truly jump on here and you can see this is roughly the the size of my guy right here then you see he he's not able to jump on you so I need to add stairs I need to put some pickable objects on here I need to decorate this room and this is how you can prototype and finish your level with some clear guidance and I really like these tools and hopefully so do you don't forget to grab the free Game Dev toolkit in the description down below this video you will get my free ebook on how to get better at game development a free game design document to plan out your projects and a free tutorial Series where you create a platformer game from scratch and those who are hungry for more I offer a sneak peek and overview of my new premium course the unreal fault where you learn how to create beautiful levels create a game from scratch to finish and how to set up boss fights and create Dragon fights with different attacks including fire breeding so if this sounds like a good deal to you I see you there click the link and grab your gamedev toolkit now while it's still free thank you
Channel: Buvesa Game Development
Views: 9,636
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Id: ZuGcA8Vrxpk
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Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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