How To Create A Main Menu in Unreal Engine 5

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hello guys and welcome to my new tutorial in this tutorial we're gonna create our own main menu but not like the others static main menu we're gonna have a little bit of animations as well so let's start we're gonna create new level we're gonna call it main menu and I can actually put it into the mobs also we're gonna create new folder for our UI and inside of UI we are going to create user interface widget group blueprint and we're gonna call it main menu so we can go inside of our blueprint and now we can pull first thing to do you need to pull canvas panel because the new Unreal Engine 5 versions you don't have canvas panel automatically so you need to pull it out and inside of it we're gonna put our text or our game name we'll size it to context anchor it there and we're gonna put 100 on why and I'm gonna name it horror game you can put a game you can put whatever you want here whatever your name is whatever you want for your game to be and we're gonna put alignment to the Y 0.5 and here as well 0.5 and now we have the name that's perfect we can change color what we want we can name it like this perfect so now I will pull vertical box for all buttons so I will add it and I'm gonna anchor it to the left mid corner but of course you can do whatever you want with it and I'm just gonna size it like that I'm gonna put it like oh sorry I'm gonna put it like minus 320 I guess we can do whatever we want here it's up to you so we're gonna add the button and on the bottom we're gonna add text and now we're gonna select this button and we're just gonna copy paste it and I'm gonna create button so they fill both and I'm gonna add spacer so it looks a little bit nicer between them like this and I'm gonna add padding from the bottom to like 50 and adding from padding from the top 50 actually we can make it even more oh so we can make it uh a little bit nicer so it's not this big but for now we can just use it like this and the first one is going to be called play and the second one is gonna be called quit and for the sake of the tutorials actually we can go ahead and make a new button which we're gonna call Credit so if you use some things from Marketplace if you use some things from sketchfab and similar Pages you need to put credits so we can do it like this I really like this so now we're gonna go to the play button and we're gonna select unclicked so when we click Play We want to open our level so depending how what's your level name of course you need to put the exact name and it needs to be exact so capitalization is also important so we are going to go to maps and my name of the map is third person map so we need to copy it like this third person map watch out for capitals it needs to be exact same and then we're gonna go back to designer quit unclicked we're just gonna call quit game and this should work perfectly we're gonna open the main menu okay so now we want to create the new game mode for our main menu so it doesn't it doesn't combine with your usual game game mode so we're just gonna call it uh main menu and inside of it we're going to create game mode base and we're gonna call it GM main menu also we're going to create controller player controller and we're gonna call it PC main menu okay so now we will open the GM main menu we will put player controller as our PC main menu and our default Pawn Clause as none perfect now we can compile save we will also go to the main menu level oh so it was in the third person Maps main menu and we can open world settings if you don't have them you can go here under window and open world settings came out override we will put it as a GM main menu so it uses our player controller of the PC main menu now inside of the PC main menu what we want to do is we go to the main menu PC main menu we want to open the event graph and first thing that we want to do is set show Mouse curves up yes sorry and after that we want to out of our big gameplay we can delete this out of our begin play we can create a widget and the widget is going to be our main menu and after that we will edit viewport and also we're gonna set input UI on so we can only do UI and our widget focus is going to be this and the player controller is going to be self so with that being said if we compile it and Save to press play now we have our main menu but this main menu doesn't look really good it's just UI so I want to add some animations into it and if we click play it works okay so now after that we want to go to the main menu level and I will go to the mixer mode I found some good animations that I want I will go to character download the character and then I will put idle zombie let's say and I really like this animation and I'm gonna select without skin 6 frames and download now that we did it we will go to the main menu and I will I will add it zombie I'm gonna drag my download here and I'm gonna let let them create let him create his own skeleton in Portal you can ignore this and I will create folder for anime animations so now I'm gonna import animation that we downloaded and I'm gonna put on his skeleton so now we have the skeleton I mean we have animation sir and now we will put some light so we can see him and what I want to do is put the camera as well we're gonna select camera after and now we can pull the camera to see how we like it so we have our UI here if you remember so we need to put the guy a little bit more in the right our intensity of the light is a little bit high I would say so we're gonna go to details and make it a little bit like this and what I also want to do is turn off the exposure I will create a bound infinite and I will select exposure and put two on so you can see our character looks a little bit more spooky like that so now if you press play oh sorry we forgot to do something so inside of our main menu we want to sorry we want to to open the little blueprint and on the begin play set view Target okay we want to get player controller and then we want to set view targets with blend we'll plug it to the pick and play we can delete this and for the camera we'll go to the main menu we're gonna select camera make sure you have selected it and we're gonna create right click create reference to the camera and Pull It in blend time will be zero and it should work perfectly so now if you press play we have cute little animation and with that being said we can do a little bit more changes to our main menu because I don't really like it being next to the ending so I'm just gonna pull it like this and make it like this so now if we open our main menu we have our main menu credits I'm gonna do this in the different episode because we don't have time this video is getting long so if we press play we're gonna open our level and if we if we press quit we're gonna close the level so now if you realize if we open our main menu let's go to the main menu if you press play we're still gonna have mouse cursor so how do we fix this is simply we go to the third person map we opened the Little Brook blueprint we set input game only and from the game only we will get player controller and we set show Mouse you need to take context sensitive set from mouse cursor and we put the two off and we connect it to the player controller and now when we compile we go to our main menu press play we have our main menu we have animation and if you press play we don't have cursor anymore so that's perfect working and in the next episode I'm gonna show you how to create a credits screen and maybe we will go over the options in the future as well but for now this is all thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe if I helped you and see you in the next one bye
Channel: RubaDev
Views: 2,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #GameDesign, epic games, game assets, game dev, game development, game engine, gamedev, ue4, ue5, unreal, unreal engine, unreal engine 4, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 beginner, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine tutorial, how to make a main menu in unreal engine 5, how to make a main menu, How To Create A Main Menu in Unreal Engine 5, rubadev, widgets, widget blueprints, ue5 main menu, user interface, unreal engine 5 main menu, unreal engine 5 main menu tutorial
Id: 3YnzCbrvfPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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