How to Create a Full Split-Screen Layout with Unique Toggles in Divi

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well hello Debbie nation welcome to a brand-new divi use case livestream where each week we show you how to add new design and functionality to your Divi websites this week we're going to be showing you some a few unique design features as we build a full split screen layout with some unique toggles in Divi and hope we learn a lot together let's go ahead and jump in and get started welcome everyone I do want to remind you to let me know if you can hear me number one and that my streams coming in for you guys want to make sure that you can hear me you can see me all that stuff is good I hope you're doing well over there let us know where you're from in the chat also ask us anything you can hopefully we'll get to you while the live stream is going and feel free to answer anybody else's questions as we go along and all right so I can see cats 60 designs here is here welcome you can hear me and see me that's always a good sign awesome alright great looks like we're ready to roll here in in YouTube let's go ahead and check Facebook looking like I think everything's okay if you can't just give me a little thumbs up make sure I can and I'm coming in clear over there as well alright okay welcome again for those of you just rolling in we're going to be building a full split screen layout with some unique toggles in Dibby and really this this makes for a really good live stream I think because we're going to be showcasing a few unique things by we're actually going to be putting two sections adjacent to one another and as you can see on the screen here I already have the complete build the preview of what we're going to be doing together and you can see a few unique things already there's this six column icon menu down here in one of the sections on the left and then on a different section over here we have some toggles that are pretty unique you can see I kind of flipped the icon and put on the left and I positioned it absolutely within the design here and this little line here connects the toggle with the text on the left which is a again using the position options so there's a lot of cool things we're going to be walking through and so I don't always too much time oh and also you can see how this split screen really is highlighted by the dividers in the background here you see it we have a section divider on the left side and then a section dividers on the right side that's these cool shapes here in the background you can see how it goes from a curved shape to a more jagged shape here on the right and we've positioned them so they kind of seamlessly transition into one another even though these are two different sections so all right let's go ahead and jump in and get started again feel free to ask any questions it looks like we're most still hearing from some people all right thanks Jeff Sol V J Jeffers Linda welcome thank you for letting me know you can hear me alright I got a thumbs up from hitch um and Dominic says the image is blurry sorry probably either a Mayan or you're in but we'll just have to roll with it and Mac is in the house always a good thing our video videographer there welcome back Mack is gonna answer all of your questions I promise he knows everything all right let's go ahead and jump in let's see first thing we're gonna do is make sure you have you know Divi theme installed and active we're gonna be building from scratch on the front end so be using the visual builder so I'm gonna click build from scratch to get started and let's go ahead and do a one column row here and I'm not gonna start adding my module yet so I'm exit out of there and basically this first part is going to be setting up the sections the dual sections or adjacent sections so I'm going to do that first so I'm go to my background here and add a background image and hopefully I can find that image that I used quickly if not you know what I'm not even gonna search for it right now I'm just gonna use this one that one's not big enough let's use that one so it's gonna take up half the screen so make sure your images is big enough to take up half the the browser because remember this section is gonna be 50% of the width of the browser so just make sure you have a big enough background image if you are using one and I wanted to kind of transition smoothly with a gradient here so I'm gonna get a white gradient let's do the left color completely white and on the right side let's do a kind of semi track semi transparent white and let's make sure we can put that gradient on top of our image so you can kind of see the image but we'll be able to put some text on top of it and we'll be able to see that text clearly so that's why we're doing that okay let's flip it that way all right let's continue on I've got my background color gradient now we're going to do the size so I'm going to jump over to my size here and I'm gonna give it a width of 50% you'll see that section that's 50 pixels that's too small okay 50 50 % and let's make sure and I'm gonna be doing a lot of you know responsive design as we go along so I'll be clicking over into that tablet tab to make sure that my I have a fallback on my my mobile design there because I don't want to have that split 50/50 on mobile won't have enough room for all of our stuff so so 50% on desktop there and then I want a min height for this design because my I have a lot of elements and I'm making it a full screen which means it's going to span the full height and width of my browser window but I need a min height just in case the users you know brings that browser window makes it too short that it would start making those those that content collide with one another too much so I'm gonna give it a min height of 900 pixels and the reason why I selected that value is because once I finished my design I realized what was kind of like my limit of how short I can make my browser before things start getting weird so that's what I'm doing there my min height but on tablet I'm gonna bring it back to none so or auto and sometimes just clicking on the tablet there will will make it Auto so that's all we need to do the height I do want to make it 100 VH and that would be 100 viewport height and that's going to make sure it spans the full height of the browser there and then for my padding oh actually I need a make sure on tablet to set it to auto all right for that height there and then I'm gonna get rid of my top and bottom padding don't need that all right so that takes care of that let me jump over to my dividers let's see top divider here we go so let's go ahead and choose that rounded one this one right here and let's give it a dark color dark gray there and I want to give it a height of let's do 50 view height again we're using the this is very important for this design because we're basing these designs are a lot of these designs on the actual size of the browser so that it is truly responsive so 50 VH or viewport height is going to be consistent with the height of the section so this divider will kind of stay the same or scale nicely as you just get adjust the browser width and height the divider horizontal repeat how many times that little divider design repeats itself I'm actually going to cut it in half and give it a point 5 that gives it that nice curve there but on tablet I'm going to well yeah on tabla I'm just gonna bring it back to normal just give it a one time there you go alright so on tablet I want to adjust my divider height again I'm gonna forget to do this every once in a while so I have to go back alright so there we go takes care of my top divider let's do a bottom divider with the same divider style and basically the same or close to the same settings the bottom divider color is gonna be a green color so I'm just gonna paste that in there and then I want to give my divider height of 30 VH and do a 0.5 repeat on tablet let's make that height a little bit shorter bring it down actually I know what I wanted to do so my desktop height should be 50 VH sorry tablet should be 30 okay that's better and we don't have any content that's why it's kind of all jumbled up right there on tablet so there we go looking good and do I want to flip this one no make sure the divider is underneath the section content we're good there okay that takes care of section 1 so there's my layout we got it a hundred percent of the viewport height we've got our sections background dividers in there now we're going to create another section so I'm gonna actually I'm gonna duplicate this one because it already has most of what I want like as far as the response of sizing and all that you know it also has dividers in place so I'm just going to duplicate this one alright and you'll notice that it just kind of comes underneath here so I'm going to open up my duplicate section there open up the settings and I'm going to position this one absolutely because I want it on adjacent to the one that's already there I'll go to my Advanced tab position give it an absolute position and right now it's going to be by default behind it because it's going to have that location at the top right I need to make it top I'm sorry top left so I need to make it top right and as you can see it's already really cool symmetrical design there looks like a book but we're going to change the z-index on this duplicate here because I I have some elements actually one particular element that's going to be an icon that's going to sit right in the middle there and it's going to overlap that previous section there a little bit so I need to make sure the Z index is higher on this section on the right so that it becomes clickable that makes sense great if not maybe I can explain it better when I get to that point um okay so background let's just take it out there's a lot of stuff you can do with this design but I'm just kind of keeping it simple here let's take out the background color just keep it white for my top divider here on the right side I'm going to change the style from that curved look to a more jagged style so I'm going to pick this one here and I'm gonna move this over so you can see it you can see how it's already aligned perfectly and there at the you know connecting point there in the middle which is what we want I do want to change the color though so I'm gonna give it a green color and I'm going to set the repeat instead of 0.5 I'm just going to make it to 1 and I do want to flip it I think on this one yeah I want to flip the divider I'm gonna flip it vertically there you go and looks like my repeat it's not right that's okay there you go alright looking good just make sure that they are aligned after that let's do that bottom divider again we'll give it the same jagged style let's bring it back up to a one horizontal repeat and flip it and there you go you got that nice transition there flowing into one another and I do want to change the color to kind of like that pale yellow of course you can use any color scheme you want to match your own site and design alright ok so there's my two section kind of frameworks or layouts they're in place which is good I'm gonna go ahead and save it at this point and I've been ignoring you too long so I'm gonna come over here and see if I have any questions for you guys alright so hello Johnson from Nigeria okay so I got a question from kasi more croisine please tell us how to create pulse effects on Divi blurb module probably not the best I probably don't have enough time to show you here pulse effects if it's a if it's a general animation I would just go under the like when you create a blurb here you go under design animation there's a like a bounce which is pretty close to a pulse so that's where I would start if you're looking for an animation that's a one time animation but hopefully that helps alright let's see more questions how could I put designs inside tabs can it be done without plugins so I'm assuming you're talking about the tab module yes I underst there is limitations there and what you can design inside the tabs strictly you know it's confined to the text that you have in there really but if you want to add more stuff in those tabs it's probably going to be more difficult there is a maybe someone here can link to it but there's a there's a tutorial I did on creating some responsive tabs completely custom spots of tabs that give you a whole lot of room for creating your own designs inside of those tabs and those I think their own hover so when you hover over the tap it'll show the content let's see Linda Jacob how did you know what measurements to use so let's see again there's a great tutorial I think I might actually I need to start including it in the description here on the live stream because I basically mentioned it almost every live stream but if you go to the blog it's the length units one just search length units and that'll kind of help it's an ultimate guide to length units help you understand oops didn't press ENTER understand what here it is what units to use and why okay let's go back this video my comment is asking is this video will it be uploaded on YouTube it will be available on YouTube for later viewing yes how how do we add downloadable button when user click on the file start downloading okay a down how to create a downloadable button actually I think we have a a post on that as well just search on our blog how to create a download button the gist of that would be linking to a zip file that's kind of your safe bet to have it start downloading immediately without it having all those weird pop-ups so just create a zip file and link to it that's my suggestion to you you're welcome Linda looks like we're good to go nice little pause with some rapid-fire questions so let's continue on we're going to start adding our content so on the left side of our section by way before I get started here if you're just joining us I do want to welcome you to our TV use case livestream and today we're showing you how to design a full full screen and also a split screen design with Divi and we're gonna have some unique toggles as well and so that's what we're doing right now we've got our basic set up with our adjacent sections here and now we're gonna be filling it with some content all right so moving on so this is part two let's do the title so I'm gonna click on here at a text module and oh I'm gonna exit out here I do want to set up my row first sorry I got ahead of myself right now my row by default will kind of stay at the top of the page I want it in the middle because I want it to be vertically aligned there's a couple of ways we can do this using flex and stuff but I'm just going to position it absolutely so I'm gonna click on row settings and I'm going to add a custom gutter gutter with because I don't want any extra spacing in there and I want a width of 100% max width I don't want to max width set so I'm just going to make it 100 percent as well and then I want my padding to be 0 on the top and bottom I'm gonna give 10% on the right because I just want my text to be not completely on kind of touching the middle of the page I want some room there so now for the position here's where I can position it vertically centered within that section I'm just give it an absolute position and I'm gonna make it center left so there you go you can see it's absolutely positioned in the center of my section which is good all right let's go ahead and do a text module now and let's design it all right so I'm gonna paste in my my h1 title HTML there basically has a few breaks there to make sure the text goes on a different line and then once that's in place going to design our text there I'm gonna give it a poppins font make it bold I'm going to line it to the right and I'm gonna use for my text size avw length unit so I'm going to do 10 VW like the view height or the VH this VW will be adjusting towards them according to browser width okay and then the line height I want it to be 1.2 and the padding here let's do 5 percent on the left all right okay looking good I don't like my location here of my my row it's not really in the center so let me double check here position maybe if I make it to the right center yeah I don't know it's acting weird a little bit I think in the visual builder but it will be right whenever oh it's because I was hovering over it that's why so yeah it should look like this nice and centered okay we're good continuing on let's go ahead and create that little menu at the bottom which is basically another row but this time it's going to be six column row I'm going to deploy my whenever things start to get like absolute positioned and overlapping and stuff sorry about that I accidentally zoomed in with my mouse I'm going to open my layers box here and I'm going to go to my row here I'm just going to add a new row and let's make it a one column because I am gonna be duplicating the column to make the additional rows and in that column I'm going to add a blurb alright and before I start customizing that blurb let me go ahead and move this out of the way I'm going to position my row let's do that so my row settings for this row you can see it's at the top because my other ones in absolute position I'm gonna give it a custom gutter width of 1 again because I don't want any extra spacing around it the columns or anything I'm going to give it a custom width of 100% because I want it across the whole section give it a max width of 100 again take out the padding the top and bottom padding so I'll set that to 0 and am i given an absolute position and I'm going to put bottom left there so I want my row to hug the bottom of this section and then make sure and set the z-index to 3 and now we're good now we can customize our text our blurb module so I'm going to open up my blurb module there and I'm gonna cut down the actual text here because I don't need a whole lot and then for the title I'm just gonna call it Dibby and I want to use an icon here let me close out my menu so we can see what's going on down there there we are and I'm gonna do the buildings wherever that is where's my buildings icon all right I'm gonna jump over to my design tab and give it a basic design let's just go ahead and give it a you know black use custom font size I'm gonna do 40 a nice clickable size there on mobile and then the text Center let's go ahead and Center the alignment there and make my text or yeah mine actually I don't know why I even have any body content here I just need the title so I'm gonna take that out and so make my title text make it 12 pixels so when it really small mm something like that yeah and for one little thing you can see I don't know if you can see that let me zoom in there's a lot of default spacing there so I'm just gonna adjust that by adding one little snippet of custom CSS to the blurp image there and I'm just going to do margin bottom ten pixels instead of I forget what the default is and that kind of shrunk up that space between there okay so now that I'm done with that I can duplicate my column right now this is a one column in that row I'm just going to duplicate it five times so that I have a total of six columns with that blurb inside of it and there you go I'm not going to do it now but then you can go in and add your you know different texts or icons and links or whatever alright so it takes here on my left side see if I have any questions here Cricut asked where to store the zip file I mean you can store it in the WordPress I mean it's all depending on what it is and if you want security or not but I mean you can store it I think by default you can store it in your WordPress dashboard server I'm sorry media gallery there and just get the link from there how can I import a premade header that works for PC but also from mobile and tablet also I also want to remove the default hamburger on phone view those are great questions probably not something I can get to in this live stream if anybody wants to take crack at it go ahead maybe we probably I would suggest you know going to our blog and searching for you know headers builds and stuff like that we normally do a good job showing you how to import those using the theme builder and stuff like that so search there if not contact support I'm sure they'll get be glad to help you with that can you show what your page looks like on iPad I'll get to that Jeffers when we do right now let's see what it looks like now it's probably not going to be great yeah because because we don't have all of our content and stuff in there but yeah just try to be patient and I'll get to that as we go along alright I do thanks for reminding me though I'm pretty sure like from my row on the left side I think I have this one as an absolute I just want to make sure yeah see I need to make sure and change that to default or relative on tablet that's probably why it's funky so thanks for bringing that to my attention to check that this one as well this row is also absolute so every time there's an absolute on desktop not every time but a lot of times you may want to just go ahead and switch it on tablet back to normal which is relative so there you go thank you for that all right well let's continue on with the questions let's see do do you will or will you integrate WooCommerce Tony asks in this project I'm not sure you I mean I'm not sure if you're talking about this one but I mean you could how to use Google material design components in Divi it's a good question again search our blog we might have a few things on that let's see what happened to elegant themes dev team oh we got some releases coming guys sorry it's been taking so long I don't have a set date I've been busy doing my own side of things but hopefully in the near future we'll have some come up for you guys alright good questions let's go ahead and continue on I got a lot more to cover in a short amount of time so bear with me let's see so on the right side basically what we're doing is adding some toggles and we're going to position those absolutely as well so the first thing I need to do on this right side here is update my row settings so I can do that within the layers view here I can click on my row settings or I can do it from the visual builder and I'm gonna bring that one over and let's go ahead and update the row here basically what I want to do for this one instead of positioning each row absolutely for each of my toggles I'm just gonna make the row and the column of the row basically the same size as my section container so I'm making it full height on my row a my my column and then I'm just gonna position those modules within the column absolutely so for my row here I'm gonna do same thing as before I'm just gonna make it give it a custom gutter width of one make it 100% width same thing for the max width I don't want to make it 100% on tablet though I want to make it I don't think yeah I think that's fine to keep it max with 100% and then for the height let's do 100% now high setting Heights of 100% doesn't work normally you have to make sure that your container or parent container in this case the section has a set height by default by default all these divs or like a section row and a module will have a height of like auto because it's depending on content that you have it's just going to grow with the content but if you give it a set height like we did for our section of 100 views height now we can set our row to 100% height and it's going to span the full height of the section that's important because we're going to do the I'm gonna save that out and that now when I go to my column within the row I'm going to edit the settings for that column I have to go to my custom CSS for this cuz normally you don't need this but I'm gonna give it a height of 100% in the custom CSS here and that's gonna make sure my column again spans the full height of my row because my row has a set height so it kind of stacks or builds upon one another so now here I have a full kind of like blank canvas that spans the full height and width of the section now I can start adding my modules so here what a toggle module so search for that add a toggle and I'm gonna give some paste in some content our HTML here because this one has a link in it and I'm gonna style that link using the design settings this link right here and it's got some unique you know characters in there to kind of make it look like a button I don't know something different and I'm just gonna style those a style of my toggle here under the design settings so for my icon I want to make my color I'm just going to make it black for now I want to use my icon the font size I'm gonna make it 40 pixels again a nice clickable size open toggle background color I'm gonna let's go to my toggle here open toggle background color I'm just going to make it transparent I got a transparent here and also for the clothes I'm gonna make it transparent and for my title color where is it title so my open title text color it's gonna make it dark make it you know black again and then the same for the title text color' open and closed let's just do Poppins font there I want to make my title text size let's do 40 pixels okay and make my body text color let's do same color just make it dark black and let's do the link so right now I'm editing my body text let's click the link tab and I'm actually going to open up my toggle here so you can see right now there's the link it's gonna got that default blue color let's go to make it a bold font weight and let's do all caps and let's make sure that link color is black there let's do some letter spacing to make it more unique and actually on hover you can make it even more OOP that's not hover sorry on hover you can give it a little bit more letter spacing so it kind of you know expands on hover alright let's go on I think that's good let's go on to I think we need to take out our background here our excuse me our border so right now it has a border around it real quick I want to adjust the title I don't need that big long thing I need just divvy there you go and then for my size and position here's where things are going to get more particular because I want to max width here and on a 400 because I don't want I want a consistent design so I'm going to make that 4 in a pixel max width I do want to change the width to 50% because I don't want it to go past 50% of the section and so I want take out the border but before I do that wait yeah that's right let's take out the border so right now it's one pixel I'll just change it to zero pixels so that's looking good and now we need to position it so right now it's at you know default position the top left I'm gonna give it an absolute position and to do that I'm going to make it absolute here and of course I need to make it relative on tablet real quick the I'm gonna keep all my modules at the location at the top right or excuse me the top left location and then position them with vertical and horizontal offsets that way they stay consistent main reason why I chose to do that is because I want all the toggles to open from the top to the bottom or I should say not all the top and the bottom ones I do and so that's how you do that vertical offset I'm gonna do 22% so there we go and kind of the goal there is to kind of line it up with my letter of Divi over here on the left side so that's kind of my goal as much as possible and then the horizontal offset I'm gonna do 50% so there you go leaving room for my line which I'm gonna eventually add I'm gonna do to Z and X because I want it sitting above other elements looking good and this one little snippet of custom CSS I'm going to add to the icon because right now it's on the right side and I want it on the left so all I'm gonna add here from my toggle icon is left negative 60 pixels and that just changes it to on the left side all right but it still works the same you click on it it does the toggle all right so that's my first toggle so let's create my bottom toggle because it's a lot really similar to this one in position so I'm just going to duplicate it and right now it's going to sit on top of the other one so I'm open it up I'm actually gonna use my my layers view there to open it up make sure I got my second one or duplicate selected then I'm going to go to my position option and I'm going to all I really need to do is increase the vertical offset to a greater percentage here it is needs to be 70% instead of 22 there it is see it down there now and that's basically all I need to do for that one I can go back and adjust the content but for the most part we're set let's go ahead and create a one more toggle let's duplicate this one again and then let's open it up in their layers view there and for this one go to my position and I'm going to adjust the location for this one to be left center there's you can see it in the middle there's my middle title and then for my horizontal offset right now it's 50% actually going to do a pixel offset of 19 pixels and you can see if I move this over it's right right in the center of the the entire layout there it's overlapping the adjacent section by basically 19 pixels and basically half of the icon size so that's what we're doing there all right all right we're in the homestretch guys thanks for hanging with me I know you probably have some questions I'll get to those in a moment the I do want to update the size for this one as well so I'm gonna go back in this middle blurb I'm sorry toggle and right now let's go to the size here some minor adjustment right now it's set to 50 but we really don't need it to be 50 because we want to give it some room especially on as the browser windows shrinks a bit so let's change it to 95 percent and then give it a max width of 500 okay and this is one I mean completely optional but I just kind of found this cool little snippet here if I change the kind of the organization of how this toggle is built by adding are using display flex I'm gonna add it to the main element here I'm just gonna put display flex and then I'm gonna align items Center now whenever I click on my toggle it's gonna open up on the right of my title there instead of underneath and it opens it up kind of cool so that's why I did that completely optional all right so I think I'm pretty pretty close to the time limit there I mean the only thing I really didn't need to do next is to add those lines divider lines that connect the text here to the toggle I'm just gonna probably hold off on doing that it's real basically the same I yeah of positioning them absolutely right next to this one but I do go into that on the blog post the guide I'm sorry the it went out this morning so check the blog for or the chat actually here the video description sorry I can't talk check the video description for a link to our blog post that went out today on this for more information so but that's the basic set up let me get to these questions so how to design customized WooCommerce categories tags related pages with Divi yes good question again check our blog first if you haven't already we may have done something like that 1:47 dev said Mack thinks Mack did a video on that so yeah you might want to check our archive there but not sure can you upload your own icons yes you can again check our blog we can you can import actually drag actually icons into the Divi layout and it'll automatically kind of set you up to add a custom font within the Divi builder itself really cool actually a good question Peggy oh wait you're asking I was thinking font sorry not icons uh there's an icon font that's why I was thinking that yes you can use an icon font to do it but you can also I'm sure there's plugins out there that could do like fun awesome and stuff as well or you can add a fun awesome manually into a blurb or text module if you want Jen Way says it really may be exactly not for categories yeah I'm not sure Christos is it possible to make a full section horizontal scroll effect full section horizontal scroll effect I think we had one pretty that went out pretty recently actually that's similar to that if not I think we have one coming I think danyetta's doing one that's really cool that's going to be really helpful so stay tuned for that that's great okay good thanks for the questions guys let's see see Angel what's up from Facebook there how's your website loading time for this particular one this is just a it's not really a website it's just kind of a layout but you know you can always customize loading time just check our blog for how to make ditty faster I think there's a big ultimate guide on that so should help you out but thanks for the question alright so let's check out the final result here before we go let's see I'm opening up I'm I'm very leery or not confident that I added all of those responsive design elements to make it completely responsive but the blog post does go in the detail on that so if I do mess up guys please forgive me okay I'm just gonna inspect it here so ya see not looking good all right but the the the reason behind this is I can already tell like for example my section here is probably again set to absolute but not to relative on tablet so let me do that that might do it let's see yeah that that's gonna be a big big help because before I was kind of sitting on top of the other one on one tablet so let me refresh alright so that's a lot closer guys so looks like one of my toggles is not in the right position on tablet in fact these two aren't there supposed to be sitting to the left but that's the basic idea let's see I think that has to do with my offset so position so my horizontal offsets 50 but on tablet I think I need up excuse me make it something else like 8% so that it's hug to the left yeah so that's how you fix those those toggles if you're wondering yeah so you'll just need to do that for all of those all right see watch it grow browser's size is there all right very good last tip here guys I know some of you have a this particular layout doesn't have let me get out of this doesn't have a header it's actually so even on the full screen well if right now it's full screen so it's going to span the full height and width of your browser window but if you do have a Divi header or a default header it's going to not be perfectly kind of fullscreen because it that that header is kind of in addition to that 100 view height that you added to these sections so just real quick I don't think I added this to the blog but if you do a to account for that header go to the section and instead of the the height being 100 of you height give it a custom height looks like this like height equals calc 100 view height minus 80 pixels and that's gonna account for that 80 pixel that's the default height of your your header and that's going to set you up let me zoom in on that set you up for a full screen layout that a that accommodates your default header so there you go that's all the wisdom I have for you today not much but hopefully I was that was helpful hopefully everybody's staying safe doing well and Quarantine out there if you have any more questions just you know hopefully we can get to it and reach out on the blog posts comments are again this video will be available to you later on as well all right so let's go ahead and close this out guys that's all I got for you this week thanks for tuning in everyone please be sure to subscribe to our blog newsletter our YouTube channel and like us on Facebook and make sure you select to get those notifications so that we can notify you every time we have something new for you we'll be back here next Tuesday with another Divi use-case live stream but before that make sure you check out our WP weekly round-up with BJ Keeton which is Friday at 3 p.m. Eastern and also you can check out the video description for more information on how you can contribute to our own blog with your own unique content thanks again and we'll see you guys soon you you
Channel: Elegant Themes
Views: 4,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 34sec (3514 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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