Elegant Themes 2021 Cyber Monday Deal Update LIVE

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[Music] welcome everybody to the cyber monday elegant themes live stream where we're gonna go over all of the fantastic deals that we have for you that you will only be able to get through the cyber monday deals here um i want to start out by saying thank you to all of our partners who were uh we're partnering with uh we have 26 of them and thanks to them we're going to be able to give away a prize for every single sale that we make every upgrade that we make so it's going to be fantastic for you to figure out what uh what you're going to get and to see some of the really cool stuff that our partners are doing in the marketplace uh it's just wonderful stuff so thank you for tuning in and thank you for being a member of our community and uh let's dig in and see some of the really cool stuff that we've got coming your way um you can check it out all out at elegantthemes.com cyber monday and that will take you directly into the excuse me into the uh sale page where you'll be able to see all of the details about the stuff that you're getting from us from our partners uh the magnificent 25 discount that you can only get through this sale uh so i'm going to dig in and show you some of the awesome stuff that we've got um as you can see we have fantastic uh we have our fantastic uh oh goodness um the fantastic design that we've got for the the logo on cyber monday i love our design team and the stuff that they come up with every year it's just uh insanely insanely good um and so now when you sign up for uh elegant themes uh membership at all uh whether you are a an upgrade member or a new member uh at all for either the annual plan or the lifetime plan you're going to be able to get a free product from our marketplace if you're not familiar with our marketplace it is an absolutely magnificent place for you to go uh to get pretty much anything that you need for divi um if uh there is a third party solution for something that you're looking for it is probably on our marketplace uh you can go to elegantthemes.com marketplace to see this and we're going to go through some of the kinds of things that you can find there as well as some of the discounts that you're going to be able to get as elegant themes members right now the current uh prize that you get your free product from the marketplace from one of our partners is uh the dividend pro plugin the huge layout library uh going into it it is uh you'll see that it is a very very uh high-end uh premium product uh regularly at 215. uh this one is going for 150 with the discount that we have going on right now but you can get it for free if you sign up within these within this next little bit uh before the time runs out or and the numbers run out on it as you can see we have 169 of these left and there is a good chance that those will be gone by the time i'm finished with this stream uh yesterday well friday black friday when i did the stream on it i was looking at the current prize and it ticked over into a different one by the time i was able to do my my talking an introduction to the time i swapped to show what the prize was so uh that was really interesting so these go fast and the dividend pro uh plugin here uh gives you 2291 pre-made divi library items 583 different full layouts uh 1784 sections and modules that are uh designed out into and 17 full websites where you can just take it and plug it in and drop it onto your website and you're good to go i mean other than your content they they didn't make that for you uh wouldn't it be great if they did though um but these are great you cannot get this kind of thing anywhere else for free other than being an elegant themes member so uh check that out and do it like like i said 583 individual pages 1700 sections and modules 17 complete websites it is absolutely nuts and on the marketplace it goes for 215 dollars it is on sale right now for 150 but why pay 150 for it when you can get it for free right now the next 169 people will be able to get this one for free uh just by signing up 167 people will be able to get it for free by the just because they're signing up uh for a new elegant themes uh membership um you if you click the the get it now button it will take you to the deal is ending soon on the pricing page and i want to talk about that for just a second because this is the absolute cheapest you will ever get divi we do not do a better deal than this this is the only time of the year that we do the 25 off deal so you can get yearly access for 67 a year uh to get access to everything that we have divi extra bloom monarch as well as our layout packs our elegant themes uh layouts and y'all i use these a lot that these layout packs that come with our membership are just beautiful and they're designed by our design team and they're incredibly talented and it is just absolutely worth it if nothing else for those and if you do it right now within the next short while on top of the ones that we provide you'll also get the ones that divvy den provides with this layout library with a total of 2291 almost 2 300 different uh layouts like it is absolutely crazy i see some comments on on youtube and facebook max asks if i have a divi lifetime license can you grab it for free um unfortunately max this is for new or upgrading uh users whenever they're doing it um i see louis says missed out on the free deal already purposed to purchase the membership um while you might have missed out on this the next thing i was gonna do will i'm pointing at the uh this isn't you but this is where i have the chat over here so you can see that i am appointing where you are to me um i am going to go through what you do get you still get stuff even if you uh are not signing up because we do love our members our lifetime members who have been with us a lot of you have been here from the beginning and we want to give something back to you so if you do go to your members area you can go into elegantthemes.com members area and you can see uh two new uh you'll see at least one new tab of perks and louie and max this is where you're gonna be able to see what you get first you get massive amounts of discounts this is where the 30 percent off for a dividend pro came in excuse me uh because that's part of the cyber monday membership discount um so you can while you can't get it for free because you've up uh aren't just you know right now uh but it is also the you do get the discount from it for being a member just like 50 off of divvy live 50 off here from divi extended 30 off divi professional 60 off of divi plugins um 30 off of divi next and on and on and on from divi engine divi space wp tools dct uh from divi supreme divi modules pi hendrix and just tons of these um that they're on here and you can uh get the discounts for and as you can see the the list just keeps going down so all of these are for only members whether you upgrade now or you're already a member you have access to these discounts and additionally as members any member will get our cyber monday and black friday uh landing page layouts our theme builder templates our header and footer layout packs and our woocommerce product layout packs um so going in to preview what these look like these are the ones that every member will get that all of you uh louis and max and hi george nice to see you too uh hello hello uh used to watch my stream i cannot forget george for everybody who's out there who doesn't know george um but uh but the one and i know you're a member so you'll get these two george uh the uh layouts that go along with our landing pages are just stunning i love these things um especially this one i've ogled this one for a while uh with the with the design i love the offset cards i love the colors i love i'm a sucker for a good a good gradient and animations like this where the scroll effects are already built in that's a you can do that directly within the divi builder y'all it is super easy to do the scroll effects like this as you can see i'm having fun doing this and watching it um and you can go through and like i love this one you get this one for free as one of our cyber monday ones uh all of these two i like this one as well super super pretty i'm a podcaster i stream so seeing anything like this that is is based around uh podcasting and uh having the art and the illustrations and assets come with it for free that are royalty free remember anything that you use from us any of our photography or illustrations are royalty free under the same license as wordpress so use them commercially as you want i do i absolutely do on my side projects so they're they're great for all of this stuff uh you can use them straight out of the box here if you want to and you can see just how beautiful these are these are all free to all members and as you go a little bit further down and keep scrolling uh because the freebies are you know not just the landing pages uh you get headers and footers and if you're like me you probably hoard different uh header and footer files on your computer or in your dropbox for you to go and check out later um but so i do this this was actually my favorite of the headers that you get to download i really like this one uh i know i mentioned this on friday but i like any of them that lets me have really clean uh secondary bars with expansions on uh on hover and then with nice clean submenus i really really like this uh so those are all headers like i said i hoard them i drop the i put them in dropbox or a folder on my desktop and then i'll upload them to the different to the different sites that i may need them on i really really do like them they're gorgeous and we have them from the the uh as we we talked about in one of our meetings the other day that i like garish things and so i really like the ones with all the bright colors and and motion and there are more subdued ones as well for whatever kind of clients that you're running um that you have like these are beautiful headers our design team really knocked it out of the park on this one you can see the header on this one just where everything that you could want with the buttons and uh header uh put off by its side with the menu uh the menu module couldn't think of the word module you guys and as you continue down you can see oh man there's so many of them and then the theme builder packs that you also get uh for anyone who is just joining in um i wanted to let y'all know that you can get these deals from uh elegantthemes.com cyber monday uh this is the biggest sale that we do remember you will not be able to get 25 off any other time of the year other than black friday and cyber monday this is cyber monday uh so you'll be not be able to get it again until next year and there is absolutely no reason that you should wait until next year uh when you can grab it today so it is absolutely a great idea for you to do this um i see uh mike says i love the look of the half price bundle it's a shame it won't be around when i get paid um these uh discounts um if you uh if you click the wrong one if you mean the ones that were in the well goodness gracious i can't get back to anything at this point can i uh count details go into the members area here uh click in marketplace perks if you mean the ones like this uh with the divi extended the fifty percent off and thirty percent off those mike if you mean those uh then you have 35 days to do that hopefully um at some point during i don't know when you get paid it might not be within that but there is still some time on being able to take advantage of those discounts so even if you're a member and upgrading uh and not upgrading getting the freebies uh you still have time to get uh the prizes rather you still have time to get the discounts and the uh layouts that we have um hopefully that will help a little bit to be able to get those discounts for the bundles um for all of the different uh all the different partners that we have excuse me i talk a lot and my mouth gets dry um so yeah they're they're great and going back into the cyber monday sale itself um i do want to to to really point out our service um our support rather our service is great uh from our support uh the the lifetime support that you get with a lifetime access and the premium support um is just out of this world we have fantastic reviews on trustpilot we've been working really really hard to get the uh to get the um sorry i get distracted by the comments anybody who's ever watched me knows that that happens um the uh the ones that uh our sport is is great i've seen so much stuff so many comments especially even this weekend of people being able to uh to get you know help set up and everything like that they are they're wonderful at what they do and being able to get lifetime premium support is is just just insane um we will work with you and be able to go and help troubleshoot it is they're they're a fantastic team and i cannot praise them enough um so you can get that from either 67 a year or 187 uh one-time payment uh it's risk-free if for some reason it doesn't happen uh to work out for you again our support will be able to work with you to uh to make things uh right for you and i see um christopher on youtube asks uh if divvy has anything like the astra theme and uh i divvy is like the astra theme uh astra came after us actually and so what we have we have recently had an update that uh where we were putting out our excuse me uh we were recently putting out our um oh my goodness performance update sorry again the comments um we we recently put out a performance update where right now on all of my tests on all of our internal tests uh divi the divi theme which has built-in page has the built-in page builder was running faster and getting uh better scores on gt metrics and uh pingdom uh than my sites running that i'd had uh testing with astra so um yes we do uh it's uh it is uh something that uh we very much do it's it is great um divi is something that i ran as a freelancer uh before i started working here uh i i tell you that as a as a user uh not even so much as an employee that this is worth it uh i used the annual access and and uh got it that was what i was using before i started working here and uh the the performance over the the competition i have noticed uh personally so um and then uh one of our team members hopped on and said the cyber monday mega module bundle that's fun to say the cyber monday mega module bundle i can't say it three times fast though uh it expires in eight days and seven hours uh that was what mike was referring to uh with the the mega module bundle so uh hopefully you'll be able to uh to get that mic uh that will uh be able to hopefully hopefully they were able to get you like you said you might have to throw it on the credit card and uh like one of the things that i always say one thing that i've said over and over again about divi is that the cost up front is going to pay for itself with one client uh i always say that if you if you have one client or if you can get one client uh to make a website it will pay for your entire lifetime access and everything else after that is profit uh and right now with the 25 off at this url uh you will be able to uh do that even cheaper um going back to the prizes that you get um for what we have scrolling up uh we are at 159 of the uh dividend pro plugins that we're able to get uh that we're giving away uh so those are going pretty quickly and then the next set of plugins that we're giving away is the ultimate divi modules ui bundle uh this is again in our marketplace and if you miss out on this deal for signing up it's uh on sale for elegant themes members right now for 69.30 and it is uh it is a uh 32 different modules and element styles uh 19 full website divi layouts i love full website layouts like this is me oh i love them uh 2540 uh pre-made sections and module styles and it is it is great they have over here on the side you see what they've got in this with fitness and gyms and barbers barber services handyman services they're gonna have different module styles for blogs and carousel styles this is 99 normally you can get it for 69.30 and it's the next one that we're giving away in our cyber monday sale after that the divi module builder uh is gonna come up where uh it gives you the ability to easily create and add custom modules to the divi builder uh this one is cool you get to basically use this as a as a template for uh what you want to do in a divi module so um you can add whatever css and html you want and instead of just using a code block you can use this and get it in there too to work natively with divi uh you may not want to use short codes this is a good replacement for short codes and you can use them import and export this as a divi uh library item it's really really cool um i see uh christopher was i mentioned it finds it's uh really confusing with the different packs of extensions going back to the theme one thing that that i can say to to this and that is that everything that you need uh for divi just to to work is included out of the box that you can just you'll download divi.zip you'll upload it to your website and everything that you need is right there all of our modules are included and our new performance update only includes when you load the page like your user loads the page it will only load the modules that are actually being used on that page uh so that removes a lot of the the page speed bloat and different extensions like that um in terms of the different layout packs um think about that just as uh as the once you're inside there and you're picking uh any kind of uh whether you design your own it's loading in a layout from the library you can do it all from within the builder you don't have to install anything separately out of there when i talk about the layout packs that come from us um while you do have to install the ones from the members sale here or the members area here because they're they're limited time the ones that we release every week are always free and they are always included in the builder uh the moment that they go live you can click load uh pre-made layout and you can download it and install it with one click um the only thing you have to install and deal with in terms of uh the in terms of getting everything in there is just divvy uh from the members area it is super easy to do um like i said i used it beforehand uh before i started working here and it was a godsend for me to be able to uh transition from the builders that i was using before and themes uh to this one for the exact reason that you mentioned christopher uh because of the different packs of extensions i was having issues with licensing i was having issues with getting updates to this plugin and that plug-in and having to keep a a whole spreadsheet of where my keys and licenses were divi stopped that where i just had this one zip file i uploaded and everything was included in that um it really was a simple anything else anything from the marketplace yeah you have to install those separately but those are just uh installed as plugins so um the i do see excuse me i do see what you're saying christopher uh said uh it's the modules that uh that are confusing just wish divvy made it all in one and when installing being able to pick exactly what modules you need on a website i do understand that that is something that i hear uh all the time from well not all the time but sometimes from people uh being able to which ones you want to load uh as a as a creator right now that's not possible but it does only load the ones that you need for the user on there you still have to go through the list of what we offer but your user if you only use one out of the hundreds that we have only that one will load in the uh for the user uh the rest of it is uh cut and uh won't take up any resources so it's it's kind of you know kind of like that uh but i do completely understand where what you're saying on that one um that was part of our performance update for that part and it runs quick um that's one of the reasons you know right now with it being 25 off with it being 67 for uh the upgrade uh for yearly and the 187 for our um for our lifetime membership uh and it being risk-free if there's uh there's really not a a reason to not try this uh being able to uh have the support team our wonderful support team be able to help you out after uh that but i really think that if you uh give it a shot right now uh that you'll you'll see that there have been uh i'm not sure when the last time you i used it but i know that the last year has uh made just my life of using divi and my wife uh much uh more streamlined with our most most recent updates so i love it i can't i obviously you know i work here but as a user i love it i was showing my wife this morning some of the uh new shortcuts that we have that made her life a little bit easier so hopefully hopefully we'll be able to help you with that um and uh hopefully we'll be able to see you in the community uh sometime in the future um looking back at the what we oh goodness i can't find the right tab looking back at what we've got giving away right now it is oh goodness 151 uh back down on dividend pro so this is going to go within probably the next hour or so we are going to have the divi den pro and then moving into the divi modules ui bundle uh both of these are really really strong uh layout libraries where you load them in as a plugin and then you can pull them into your divi library and just install uh these pre-made layout packs and uis it is so great to be able to do that y'all uh i i really love being able to do it some of our upcoming ones are uh divi essentials uh which are one step uh installations we've got divi supreme pro which is a just a massive tool kit of what you can do with divi of just enhancements for every little thing uh that you want we have the consulting divi theme that's coming up the divi toolbox which is also a big divi toolbox toolbox of divi options uh divi mega menu which works very well i can say from experience and just tons more table maker the divi gravity forms built-in native divi module which is great divi flash for more modules the responsiveness helper uh just zooming through here divi zoom that's why i said zooming because i saw that with the hover image module uh we've gotten the this beautiful carousel module from divi gear coming up uh divi megapro um and mike asked is divi supreme plu pro uh similar to uh divi plus um i have both of them on here i believe so hold on uh let's see divvy [Music] supreme pro open that new tab and i'm i saw divi plus over here so let's look at them side by side uh these are both available on our marketplace uh just so you all know that this is uh all of these that we're talking about that we're giving away are partners on our marketplace and if you're not familiar with our marketplace it is all curated and vetted divi extensions um anything that the community makes and third-party developers uh want on there our team goes through and works with them to make sure that they are up to the elegant themes uh standards that uh they are absolutely something that we are giving uh to you as these prizes and we would not do that and we're or put them on our uh our site under our banner uh for that without the absolute most uh faith in them being fantastic uh resources for y'all um so divvy plus [Laughter] oh sorry i got distracted by the comments uh because my could ask is divi supreme pro similar to dv plus and then in all caps uh george like they have some similar modules if i remember correctly and so that that made me laugh because then immediately afterwards oops cap sorry uh message that is uh just you made my day george thank you um but yeah divi plus uh unfortunately i don't i think i've ever used divi plus um but it's got uh new divi modules uh like uh you've got a faq page schema a how-to schema you've got content toggles before and after sliders man i use before and after sliders a lot y'all i use the gutenberg block and this sounds awesome to be able to do it in divi uh price lists fancy text fancy headings uh breadcrumbs uh modal pop-ups uh built into uh divi plus here business hour star ratings again i use star rating a bunch in the gutenberg builder so having that in the uh in the divi builder would just be uh image cards interactive image cards to be able to tilt image masonry galleries image masking is great uh woocommerce modules uh products grid carousel for woo and then looking over at uh the divi uh divi supreme pro uh let me find where they are i wanna start building right now i want to see uh we get uh all the different extensions at this link um modules we get gradient text and flip box and text dividers uh looks like a supreme image uh that looks like uh the tilt image uh different buttons for like facebook comments and the facebook like button a facebook feed built immediate or built into your into your site through divvy your twitter timeline floating images menus uh image hover reveal oh i love it i love it so much star ratings um image text reveal i i do love stuff like that where you can have the click the spoiler kind of things um because i really don't like uh being spoiled on things uh whenever i just go in to have a glance which might have happened to me a couple of times with divi plus shows recently um got image carousels and uh shuffle letters that sounds cool i just want to see what that is um okay so you can see it here uh on reload you'll be able to see how it does that for an effect uh that's really cool i like that good job divi supreme uh icon list and masking text uh buttons uh before and after so yeah there's some similarities here in uh divi plus and divi supreme like i said i haven't used uh use those myself but they're vetted by our design team they're vetted by our development team and we have them in our marketplace which is the biggest uh biggest uh the words are leaving me the biggest endorsement that i can possibly give is if it's in our marketplace we believe in it so uh they do look as though they have the these similar kinds of modules uh whether that's what you're looking for or whether that's not what you're looking for uh going that way excuse me um and then you know i wanted to talk again go to this url this is where you're going to get the discount you're going to be able to get it from elegantthemes.com cyber monday uh you will be able to get access for 67 a year or 187 a uh for lifetime uh which is basically if you're planning on using divi for the next uh three years two two years uh three years even like two years like depending on uh what you're already paying if you're upgrading all of that stuff it's worth it absolutely worth it it will pay for itself divi is one of those things that i always say pays for itself uh you get uh one client uh they're gonna pay more than you paid for your lifetime access and all the resources that you get with it um you do that you sign up for to be a new member or if you're an existing member uh you will go into uh your your members area and you'll see a new tab that's called perks uh you'll see the timer for how long you have to take advantage of all of these deals and then you'll get discounts from all of our different partners we have 26 different partners this year and we are offering they are offering discounts i should say uh for elegant themes members uh through your members area so that is the only way you're going to be able to get that is by being a member and if you're already a member you can go in there right now and take advantage of that through our marketplace and again we were talking about the modules and the things that had come up uh with the you know divi supreme pro and divi plus uh and they one of them had the woocommerce uh modules in there uh we just came out uh elegant themes just came out with a new set of divi uh woocommerce modules uh in case you missed that news um and also we have the woocommerce uh le product layout packs that are part of the black friday and cyber monday um the black friday and cyber monday uh deals here i get myself distracted y'all and i can't find what i'm i'm looking for product layouts there we go um the what these are are just wonderful uh these are instead of landing pages or headers these are our new this year where these are specially designed product pages for all of your woocommerce stores uh it's really hard to differentiate your woocommerce stores from a lot of the others because the elements look very similar until now uh divi does have product page and all of the the product uh necessary modules for these product pages built in now so that you can fully take advantage of designing the the uh product page this is about as far as you can get look at this from the default woocommerce product page uh i would much rather personally and this is again this is me as a consumer i would buy from this site with this kind of design far sooner than i would buy from the default woocommerce uh white background uh very uh very neutral and sterile look um again you know that's just how uh our brains work these look so nice uh and all of these match the themes that you can get in the layout packs that you get also so you'll be able to run any kind of site using these layout packs and you know i like the i like this one a lot where it uh the the i don't even know the the design term for this where they're a little off kilter like this um but you have the product pages you have the buttons and they're designed all different it's it's great y'all these product pages are for all kinds like look at this look at this one right here this doesn't look like a woocommerce product page at all when i was looking through there just now just now this is me actually looking through there i was like oh that that's not one i don't need to click on that that one got listed wrong and it didn't it just doesn't look it looks so different from a product page that you normally see that it got my attention because it was different and it's just it's it's it's awesome uh i love what you can do now with the uh with the divi builder and the woocommerce modules it is so nice if you haven't taken advantage of this with any of your clients and used any of the modules this is where you ought to do it you ought to grab these go to your members area hit your perks tab and then download these woocommerce product pages and use these as a base to really get the feel for what you can do with our new woocommerce modules it's so cool and these only last you only have access to download these for the next 35 days when you do that you will whoops pop up when you do that you will see in your members area a countdown right now you have 35 days eight hours 19 minutes and 29 seconds 28 seconds 27 seconds to be able to uh to download these and use them on your site after that you will not be able to get them back um i was not able to get them back as well and i work here so i had to make sure that i downloaded them uh i made sure that i downloaded them onto my computer and i have them backed up on my dropbox uh because they once they are gone from here once this perks tab goes away in 35 out for 35 days you cannot take advantage of the sales or the layout packs uh because these are not included in our uh ones that we release every week so the best thing that you can do right now on everybody watching all of you i want you to go to this url you need to go to elegantthemes.com cyber monday then you need to oops wrong one then you need to click on the get it now so that you can get this deal uh before it goes away before it's gone that's it before it's gone uh and then it'll take you down here you click and you become a member that's what you need to do so that you can get everything that you can possibly get out of divi this is the one time of year where you're going to be able to get as much as possible we have our partner discounts we have our discounts 25 discount on our membership you get a free prize for uh signing up from our marketplace and you get our downloads uh our special black friday slash cyber monday uh layout packs headers footers and woocommerce modules you will never never get more than that for divi all at one time it is the best time right now right this second uh to be able to get it now you will have 28 days to take advantage of the cyber monday sale um you will be able to get the the discount through this month so if you do need to decide on uh on whether this is for you it is you will be able to uh to do that for the next month but our partners that are giving away all of these uh items and you see how many i'm scrolling through here that you can get for free um that will last until they're gone um um the george again he has a dizzy a divi black friday folder since 2015 so i'm not alone in hoarding the layouts um they're they're great they are they are so so good excuse me and once that timer runs out once this month is gone you won't be able to get them sorry i uh do my best not to cough on stream once the once that month is gone you can't download them but also once all of these partner prizes that they've uh they're giving out to you are gone you just don't get those anymore you get just the discount just the free layout packs just the discounts from all of our partners but you don't get the freebie here so it's in your best interest to do it as soon as you can uh because you can get uh get that little extra one uh like i said i showed before the divi den uh pro plug out with a huge layout library is is uh the current freebie it's a 215 dollar uh plug-in on an extension on our marketplace uh if you're a member you can get that for 30 off at 150 right now and if you upgrade or join right now like right now right now you can get it for free uh that's the one we're giving away and it has almost 2300 library items uh 583 individual page layouts 1700 sections and modules uh and uh then an entire uh 17 complete uh website so that you can just drop it into your website and you're good to go and fill in your own stuff it is a great deal and that is the case for all of these um you get the uh divi ui modules ui bundle uh normally a 99 dollar uh plugin you get for free uh let's see divvy i'm just clicking on things at this point uh the divi essentials uh that you're gonna get is good it's good i can't find the the stuff on there uh divi supreme pro as we mentioned uh earlier it is uh it is normally 219 you can get it for free you want to get this for free you want to take advantage of this go ahead and uh go ahead and get their stuff and yeah george dividend pro dividend is great uh you've been a member for ages uh the folks are are great there like i said we have curated all of the stuff in our marketplace we have gone through it and we absolutely and we can absolutely say that this is the best of the best stuff out there um mike says can existing members access the black friday packs every year this is a yes but um yes every year we have black friday and cyber monday layout packs and freebies like that to give you what you can't do is access the previous years so that's why george and i hoard them and keep them in folders is because once they're gone they're gone but you can look forward every year to getting new ones on top of the ones that we're releasing uh weekly to uh just the uh general user base so uh so yes you can just not previous one so that's why i'm always like get in right now get in while it's cheap because why while this is a discount that will come next black friday and cyber monday as well you will not be able to get this particular stuff uh this particular layout uh pack and woocommerce uh bundle from us uh next year but yes next year if you're a lifetime member uh you will absolutely be able to log into your members area when the sale starts uh click that perks tab and get brand new uh layouts that to add to your uh treasure pile just like george and i do so i think that i think it's totally worth it um i really do and as you can see if you're watching here this is counting down uh the uh remaining uh divi den pro huge layout library plug-in uh as we're talking and it is almost gone uh so we're running up on half of those being gone um and if you want uh if you're planning on doing this we do have this sale going on for the uh rest of this month uh well through december rather i shouldn't say the rest of this month this is the end of this month for the next month but all of this stuff is going away you can also try and i say try because it's not the easiest thing for you to do you can try to get your uh your pick of these by waiting and seeing which of these when they come up but once they're gone they're gone when we run out of licenses we run out of licenses that we've been given by our partners to give to y'all so if you want to get say uh the consulting divi theme and that's the one you're waiting on you can certainly do that but once it's gone it is uh gone uh they uh you'll not be able to go back to that one and it'll only be the next one so if there's one you want you can wait but you know if you don't get it right then no chance on getting it other than that from the marketplace with your fantastic discount um the uh but yeah i think uh that is what we've got going on this year and if you can't tell i'm a little excited about it um if you've stuck with me here um this is a an absolutely uh fantastic deal uh i'm like i'm really excited you can see that i think this stuff is really worth y'all taking advantage of uh 25 discount uh on oh man i have so many tabs open now trying to show you all the cool stuff um we have all of these discounts 25 discount for us best you'll ever get this is the best you'll ever get you're not going to get more than this so do it now don't hold out this is the cheapest you're ever going to get divvy an elegant themes membership if you do it remember you get the divi extended dvlife dividend pro all of these of 26 partner discounts for uh just being a member and if you're a member out there right now those are in your members area as well as links to download all of the landing page layout packs the theme builder templates uh the header and footer layout packs and the woocommerce product layout packs which if you've not used our woocommerce product layout stuff this is where you need to do it it is so good i also want to i also want to give a shout out to these theme builder templates theme builder templates have made all of the stuff i do on the side so much nicer i love our theme builder i just if if it were a plushie i would just hug it right now if i had something i could just hug because it's great and theme builder templates that i've been using as our freebie downloads are so useful y'all so make sure that you download those and take advantage of that while it is in your members area so uh long story short we have a an amazing discount for you right now 25 off this is the only time you're gonna get it so get it uh we are giving away free products from the marketplace uh that are uh they're cycling through and once they're gone they're gone you can go to elegantthemes.com cyber monday and see what is currently being given away and you can watch in real time as people as it updates and we give them away so it will cycle out before very long at all um to the next one and on down the line until they're all gone and if you wait until they're all gone then you don't you don't get the freebie and that's sad for everybody and you should do it now then so you get more free stuff uh so like i said biggest discount of all time the pre-made headers footers woocommerce templates and layouts that our design team did are available for download uh only this month they do go away uh but but like mike ask if you can access them every year we have new ones every year so next year you lifetime members uh and you know annual members who are members at that time too can get the uh the free perks uh and discounts that way um and like i said those discounts we have dozens and dozens and dozens of those uh up to 60 off depending on the uh the partner it is so good um like i said the dividend that we're giving away right now is a two hundred and fifty dollar uh plug-in suite uh layout suite on the marketplace uh it's discounted to divi members uh elegant themes members right now to 150 and free if you upgrade right now so it's just included as part of it there is in my mind there is no uh no reason not to get these 2 300 library items it's insane they're good and we've had people in the chat talk about how they've been members of dividend for a year and how good they are cloud layout libraries are awesome and george says the theme builder saved me more than once uh i had uh which it had a revision so that i could go to a previous version of a theme builder template oh yeah i know i feel you george those uh the revision the history tab where you can go to different versions oh oh oh man oh that one has saved me both on a production site and when i was writing a tutorial for work because i did something wrong and had to go back and uh that one would have been real fun to fix um so uh y'all this is ending soon you have this month to you to take or you have the next 28 days to take advantage and use this uh and use this uh discount our 25 discount uh if you wait longer than that you're just gonna have to wait until next black friday and you're gonna miss out on the discount you're gonna miss out on the elegant themes membership uh being a part of our community and the free stuff that you get right now so go to elegantthemes.com cyber monday and check it out because it is such good stuff um thank you for tuning in everybody i really appreciate it um this is my favorite time of year for elegant themes because we have so much cool stuff coming out we have so much cool stuff to give you our design team is working overtime to get all this free stuff out to you our development team is working to make sure that our new features are awesome that our our partner stuff in the marketplace is as as wonderful as it can be and we have the best stuff available to you it is just a a wonderful wonderful time uh to be a member this time of year to become a member um ryan says i have lifetime access is there anything else i need that you're offering um well what you need you need all of it um no but uh you have access to all of the the discounts that we uh that we have uh in there right now a lot of it is quality of life stuff uh that i've i've downloaded stuff the divi toolbox uh things like that uh the divi layouts i we we are not in any way stopping our free layout packs every week those are those are going and you have access to all of those but these are just extras and stuff like divi den right now is just more of a good thing so as a lifetime member you get all of our discounts and free layout packs that come every black friday and cyber monday uh so thank you all for uh joining us thank y'all for making the chat a delight as always and please take advantage of this sale uh while you can um and before i do that uh mike said i didn't know there are free layout packs every week yes um mike if you go to elegantthemes.com blog or and sign up for our newsletter or just look at the blog either way i suggest the newsletter because it comes to you um we will um we will uh post a blog showing what we have uh with the freebie um and new stuff and a lot of tutorials on how to uh do other stuff using that one sometimes headers and footers that go along with it and those are those are automatically included in the builder if you go into the pre-made layouts or elegantthemes.com layout well this is slash cyber monday but slash layouts uh you'll be able to see that every uh every week when they come out um they're they're like george said every week on the dot uh they will update automatically it populates into the builder when you load in a pre-made layout and you have to do nothing they will come directly to you but if you want to see what they are see some ideas on how to use them in the real world check out the blog and like george said those come out every week on the dot uh as well the uh the blogs are really cool donetta and jason uh do a a great job uh going through all of those and uh the design team uh with just keeping pumping out all of these high quality layout packs uh are just just great so um yeah if you uh i i'll end this on uh what george said if you're new uh for this sale if you're new now uh welcome to the family and you've made a good choice uh thank you all for tuning in and i'll see you later bye everybody twenty-five percent off elegant things.com cyber monday [Music]
Channel: Elegant Themes
Views: 714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elegant themes, divi, divi black friday, divi black friday 2021, divi cyber monday, divi cyber monday 2021, divi sale, divi coupon, divi wordpress, divi theme, divi layout, divi child theme, wordpress black friday, wordpress cyber monday, divi 2021, divi tutorial, free divi theme, free divi, divi header, divi footer, divi landing page, divi theme builder, divi product template, wordpress tutorial 2021, wordpress sale, wordpress 2021, black friday, cyber monday
Id: JceEV6PJMg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 8sec (3308 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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