How to create a clickable hyperlink in a PDF document for FREE without Adobe Acrobat

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Hi, this is Anne with Graphic Design  How to, and today I'm going to show you   how to create a clickable hyperlink in a PDF file  for free. Now, I actually have another video if   you have Acrobat Pro, it shows how to do it with  Acrobat. Acrobat is a paid app, and in this video,   I'm only going to show you three resources that  you can find online. But if you do have Acrobat,   the video for that will be right up here at the  top of your screen. All right, let's get started.  Okay, so there are a lot of PDF editors out  there online, and the one that I found that   I liked the best is A lot of the  other ones, you have to sign up for an account,   or you have to download and install software on  your system. But with PDFescape, you don't have to   do that. Okay, so I'm out here on,  and I'm going to use this side which is the free   online version. So I'll click that and I'll choose  "Use unregistered for free". And here we have four   options. Now I want to load a PDF that I already  have. So I'm going to choose the second option.   And then I'll choose the file. I'll click  it and then I'll choose open. And now it's   loaded my Utopia city PDF into the online  PDF editor. So now all I need to do is come   over here and click Link. And it'll give me  some instructions right here. It says, "click   and drag on the page to insert a new object". First, I want this image to link to a website.   So I'm going to click and drag and make a  box around it. And now I'll enter my link.   We want to link to a URL so I'll say  "OK". All right. So this will link. Now,   I'm going to make this email part into a "mailto"  link. So I'm going to draw a little box around   that and then instead of "http", I'm going to  put "" and we'll say "OK".   So if the user clicks on this, it'll automatically  open the mail service that their computer has set   up and get an email ready to go. And the  process is the same if you want to link   to a different website using text. All you  have to do is draw a box around the text   and then enter the URL. So those are the  two parts we want to link, and now I want   to download the PDF with those changes. So I'm  going to use this little green button over here.   If you click and hold, you'll get a little tooltip  that says "save and download PDF". I want a PDF so   I'll choose this one, and here's my document. I'm going to click it and open it in Acrobat.   And now, if I hover over this, it changes my  cursor to a little hand tool. And I'll click it,   and it's taken me to, which I  actually did not know was an actual site   when I was making this. Let's go back. Now we'll  try the "mailto" link. It automatically takes me   to Gmail, and I'm ready to send my message to So that's it. All right, I   hope this video was helpful for you. If you liked  it and you want to see more videos like this,   just hit the subscribe button and the little  bell next to it, and you'll be notified   every time a new video comes out. All right,  I'll see you in the next video. Thank you!!
Channel: Graphic Design How To
Views: 179,086
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Keywords: add, adding, anne larkina, create, create a clickable hyperlink in a PDF document for FREE, easy, for beginners, for free, free online pdf editor, graphic design, how to, how to add hyperlink in pdf, how to add link in pdf file, how to create hyperlink in pdf, how to hyperlink in pdf, hyperlink, hyperlinking, interactive, link, linked, linking, to web page, pdf interactive, set up, step by step, text or image links, tutorial, using, website, without Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Acrobat alternative
Id: h7gRZg5BH0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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