How to Create a Blog Website - WordPress Extra Theme Tutorial 2017

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hey what's up guys this is Nick from and today in this video I'm gonna show you how to create a beautiful blog or news website using WordPress and extra theme and let me tell you one thing extra theme is created by the creator of Divi theme so basically you have all the features over here which are present in the Divi theme Plus this theme the extra theme is specialized for blog so this is just an amazing thing so let's see the website which we'll be creating in this particular video so as you can see on your screen this is the website which we'll be making in this particular video at the top we have this trending section all the blogs all the posts that are trending will be shown over here then you have some social I can show you a search button then we have our logo here and this is the header the menu section you can increase or decrease the size of this section you can increase the or decrease the size of this icons and size of this logo and so on obviously okay now let me show you one beautiful thing as you can see this is a mega menu a very beautiful mega menu and this is also a mega menu it has three sections all the three are blog and here we have three sections to our blog and third one is a list and as you can see there is a very thin line a purple line over here and when we come over here this line changes the color changes so basically we are using a very beautiful theme or very colorful theme we can change and control the color according to our des needs and when someone sees this beautiful mega menus they think man you have to do a lot of coding and so on for therefore that but that is not the thing guys believe me there is just a single box you tick mark on that box and you have this thing you don't have to do anything whatsoever and before proceeding let me tell you one thing if you see in the video description below you'll see any index you know you'll have the timing and the title for example if you don't want to see the demo episode which I which I have created and it just want to go to the Hostgator hosting section where we'll be purchasing the domain name and hosting then you can just click on that timing and you will be redirected to that one and if you don't want to see that thing also you just won't just want to start from where we install WordPress then you will see that section also you can click on that timing and you will be redirected to that in this video you will be you will go to that timing where we start creating the website so you can check the description below that will be really helpful but I would personally suggest you to watch the complete tutorial don't miss out you can if if you don't have time to watch you know two hours three hours tutorial then what you can do you can watch something today and it's leftover portion tomorrow and this kind of thing but I would personally recommend you to watch the complete tutorial that would really help you okay now your is a slider or very beautiful post slider if you see you know we have different post title author date you know all this category and so on and here also again let me tell you don't have to do any coding you don't even have to create a slider there is a module there's something called modulo you and there is a post slider module that is automatically present you just have to add that and that is really simple now after a few minutes I'll show you how easy to create this kind of website okay now when we scroll down we have two different sections and here there are two different categories for example this section contains all the fashion category and this section contains all the email marketing category and as you can see again the color for both the section are different we can we have all the control on this color we can change the color according to our need obviously then when we scroll down we see this section a post carousel section as you can see a very very beautiful section again and very useful also and this is again the same section which we saw here but here as you can see there are only two things for you and there are only two columns and here we have three columns so basically we can have one column two column three column 5 color anything we want and doing that is really easy stay tuned so that you can see how easy it is okay then at the end we have put this tab section as you can see they are different at present it is on the fashion category now when we click on this it goes to the email marketing category and you see all the posts related to email marketing and also you can see that color also changes at present it is purple color and when we click on SEO it becomes orange so this is just amazing and this is the sidebar as you can see at the top a very important thing which is a search bar then we have this recent post with thumbnail and extra informations then we have this follow us button so here recent tweets I'll show you how to you know configure this thing then we have different authors so basically I'll show you how you can add different authors you can invite other peoples to write for your website or to write for your blog and that is very important okay then we have recent reviews as you can see over here there are three different reviews and we also have a recent video when you click on this video it starts playing okay as you can see over here it is video my own video ok so this is how it is okay now let's see how different post will look like the most important thing how your blog would look like okay so let's see that for example this is a blog family fun with pasta so this is basically the title we have this author date category and so on this is the featured image then we have this section and when we when I scroll down make sure you see the animation because there is a lot of animation used in this particular website okay then there is a single column oh yeah then we can divide this into two different columns as you can see and as you can see there is an animation and this looks really beautiful you note that two different images over here okay then again you can see the animation okay oh you have an image you have this text over here you have some text some title separators or a subtitle at the top and similarly when I scroll down this is how you can see the beautiful beauty of this particular blog and as you can see this is a parallax effect over here and we have divided this also into two different sections and this one has a dark background color and we have a light text or that and also call-to-action button and believe me guys these are post you would have seen post but they're basically the blocks and post looks like just text you know some text and images but here as you can see we have made this thing so beautiful and I'll show you how to do all these things we can also and I put this circle counter over here as you can see we can do a lot of things ok now we can put these things also this fat question you know when you click on this it maximizes question it answers the thing or you and we can give this rating this review ok and at the bottom someone can even reply by typing their comment or your and click them on this simple post comment button and let me show you how easy it is to create or to make changes in this particular website to do so you just have to click on this button which says enable visual builder okay now let's make some changes so you are ok so let's scroll down and suppose you want to make this change you can you want to change this text so what you can do just select this thing and change the text to whatever you want okay as you can see anything it is that simple ok you can also change it you want to delete this portion so just select this click on this delete button it is deleted and you say man there is a lot of gap or your other is a very small gap so what you can do just to drag this wood thing to the bottom and you have a lot of space over here and you say I want to change this image ok so just how old this image you have this gear I can click on that you know select this image select any one of the image you want for example let's select this one click on upload an image click on this plus and you will see the changes over here as you can see the image changed so it is that easy my friends it is really really easy you can change the in animation you can also change this side column or year for example let me show you when you have a how are you you get this thing you can increase or decrease all these columns all this gap in all this thing over here so it is that simple changing in image changing anything over here so creating a website like this is really really easy and basically most of you guys might know how easy to create the website with Divi theme and this is the same exact thing we have the same module we have the same same basically the same structure ok now let's see a different post how different post would look like okay so this is the second post a guide to spices now let's scroll down this is obviously the featured image first section as you can see counter then there is an image a full width image then we have some text over here I'll create a call-to-action button again a full width image okay then we have some text over this bar counter oh you're okay full width image then some text over your number three and there is a circle counter over here okay so basically you can see I don't have to explain you this you can see and make out that this is so gorgeous so awesome okay now let's see the third post okay so this is the third post this is a video post actually and this is actually a video okay so when you click on this the video place then this is this section as you can see a very beautiful section the image both the image are overlapping each other and I'll show you how to do that it is really easy okay then there is an audio your an audio file and then again we have some text over here then there is a full width image in the background and we have some text over your I show you how to do this obviously then again a full width image over your okay and then some text over here we also have a slider so you know this is really crazy you can use a slider in a blog this is really crazy man okay so we have a slider inside a blog we have counters inside the blog we have full width images inside the blog this is just awesome okay now let's scroll down you can see all these beautiful things over here so basically you get the idea what I'm trying to say this is an amazing super awesome thing okay so now let's start making this website start making this blog okay so I hope you guys like this demo video make sure you give a thumbs up to this video so let's get started to create any kind of website whether it be a blog website a simple business website and e-commerce website a social networking website whatever it is we need two basic things one is a domain name and second is a hosting plan okay so basically a domain name is just the name of the for example nyesha calm these are domain names and what are these hosting plans or web host so basically if you see your YouTube if you you you're seeing my video so basically this video is stored somewhere in some computer in the world and you know whenever anyone wants to see my video they can see the video anytime they want okay so all these files all these videos all the images are actually saved somewhere in the world so basically that is what of your post is you have to save all your data all your images to some computers to some hottest that is 24/7 running okay so basically that is what a domain and hosting thing is and that is a compulsory you you cannot proceed without that and there are many different companies providing many different plans and many different features now let's see the company which I prefer so good open a new tab and type in vlog TOCOM slash DMD okay it's slash DMD and press enter when you do so you'll be redirected to this particular page so let's scroll down and here as you can see that three different plans summer cloud rain cloud storm cloud and you might be thinking why do I prefer tmd hosting because there's so many different companies you know there are so many different companies why do I prefer tmd let's see why I prefer that see basically it is not the basic the regular shared plan that you get with other companies for example there is a plan which we have purchased but on that same plan on that same hosting there are many people using the same hosting so you have a limitation you cannot use more than 25% of the CPU you cannot more use more than 25% of the processes okay so that is a limitation here you don't have that kind of limitation also the computer or the the server that these guys are using is very strong as you can see six calls for six GB RAM and you get unlimited bandwidth the most important the most amazing thing is this SSD space you know you guys might know if you don't know you can go to Google and search for SSD versus HDD web hosting and you will know the difference between the this particular plan and the regular website so let's select this first result let's see what it says so as you can see guys the difference is just just mind-boggling as you can see the first one is speeder so basically the speed of your website will be around 20 times faster than the regular website or the regular hosting which you're purchasing you know all also this is IOPS basically that is I think the refresh rate okay so that is basically see it says higher is better and you can see the difference you can barely see this right a bar and this green bar is so big let in see it says lower is better again as you can see it says 0.04 millisecond and it is 4 milliseconds so there is a huge difference between all these things you guys can do your own research and believe me guys this is the best thing and at this particular price you just cannot expect anything more than this ok then you also get a free domain for example Nashik com was given to me as free domain by these guys when I purchased this strong cloud ok you get a free domain on all these three packages whether you purchase a summer cloud rain cloud strong cloud whatever ok then you have premium support you have cPanel optimum cache you also have a wild card SSL for example as you can see over here this is a green socket which says HTTPS this is the SSL certificate this is really important ok and this is wild card SSL it means you not only get one SSL but you get multiple SSSs else ok so suppose you want to make four different websites then you can host hosts all the four website on this particular plan and you will get SSL certificate for all the four websites ok and whereas if you go you're in the market to purchase an SSL certificate it will cost you around 30 to 40 dollars ok so that you're saving a hell lot of money or you're okay then you have this jetpack backup performance more than three times better then spam experts money-back guarantee of 60 days so this is just amazing so you can select any of this package I don't recommend the summer Club because here you can host only one website whereas in raincloud and strong cloud you can host unlimited website I am using the storm cloud so I will go with strong cloud you can go with rain cloud also it's all up to you but I would prefer going with strong cloud so just click on this signup button now here you have to select the domain name which you want for free for example I can select any domain name like Anaya shake one or two whatever dot-com dot in you can select everything that from your and once you select your domain name just click on proceed and here you have to fill in your basic information okay contact information like your first name last name email address phone number and so on all this basic information okay then you have this payment information or your your credit card debit card details suppose you want to make payment through your credit card or your debit card then you can enter all this information over here you can also pay through PayPal you have this PayPal option or you also okay then now here we have this domain registration you have to choose your data center your location from your so select the one which says nearest to you for me it says Singapore is nearest to me and if you are living in a different place you'll see different thing or your so basically you have to select the one which says nearest to you okay fine then you have to select this period at present by default it is selected twelve months and even I prefer the 12 months plans so you can just go with twelve months and you don't need all these things okay so just unpick this thing and don't make sure everything or your is an ticked then a very important thing which says promo code so I have a very special promo code for you guys just type in nature whitey and a double y AR whitey okay and click on this apply button basically it stands for New Year YouTube okay and as you can see it says this promo code gives you seven percent of this purchase okay so basically you're getting seven percent discount on this particular purchase and seven percent my by the way is the highest discount that tmv per gives okay so you guys are lucky now just click on this or tick mark this I agree to the TMB hosting terms of services and click on this checkout button hi guys once you click on that checkout button you will receive a very important mail from TMD hosting this is the most important email address that you will receive from these guys okay because you have all the important information your name servers your server IP your hosting package your FTP username password everything all the important things were your so make sure you save all this information somewhere if you have more than one email address then you can just forward all the this particular mail to those email addresses okay do whatever you think is safe for you and just make sure you save all this information somewhere in your computer now what do you have to do you see this control panel link or your click on that link or make sure you open that link in a new tab and basically that is nothing but your domain name slash cPanel so basically it is for me it is new you shake calm slash cPanel for you it will be your website comm slash cPanel okay now here from your from this mail copy and paste your username and password over here okay just copy and paste your username and password or your unlink and click on this login button hey guys so this is the cPanel this is the beautiful cPanel of DMD hosting this is your cPanel now what do you have to do you just have to scroll down till you reach this section Softaculous app installer section and the first option is WordPress just click on that WordPress now we have to install WordPress on our website okay so as you can see you have this option which says install now just click on that option okay from here you have to choose the domain name you know it will be only one domain name your domain name over here but because I am using this for quite a long time and I have many different domain names so I'll use my domain name from you okay it is extraneous check calm and just delete everything from your so make sure in directory thing is empty okay there is nothing in this over here okay and you can leave this thing for now the site name and site description will be true this later on you can change this thing now also okay for example when you come to my website as you can see the site name is extra theme block tutorial okay so you can just name me anything in your site name okay a site description or a tagline okay then we have this admin username and password just don't leave this thing as it is okay make sure you change the user name and password and select a very difficult to guess very difficult to inner and any way for anyone to guess a user name okay so select a difficult one okay now you can select any username and password let me select mind okay now you have to change this email address okay change this email address and put in your email address is the email address to which you have access okay which you can access which you are using you receive email address from there you send mails okay so that particular email address so that you can you know get all the important information related to your website on this particular meal okay now scroll down and click on this install button okay as you can see you guys it just took around three to four seconds to install WordPress on our website and you have two different links so your one is the website link and second is the administrative URL the backend or the dashboard link okay so just open this dashboard link in a new tab okay so as you can see this is the dashboard this is your dashboard this is how our dash would looks like now let's see how our website looks like okay so just how your it says my blog and here you'll see this visit side option open this link in a new tab okay as you can see this is how your website looks like at present but don't worry we'll change everything over here and as you can see you also have this SSL certificate oh yo okay so this is just amazing now let's again come back to your website now it's time to install the theme okay the theme which will change the look of this website and it will make the this like this a beautiful website like this okay so for that we use a so what do you have to do again open a new tab type in /d v10 okay it is di VI 1 0 10 okay so basically this will give you 10% discount that's why I'm using the dividend link okay here you have two different packages or yearly access and a lifetime access you know there are many themes for example the Divi theme the extra theme and there are many different themes Oh in this particular package you can click on this link you will see all those things there are many different plugins also which you get so basically whether you purchase this plan or this plan you will get access to all the themes all the plugins premium support theme updates and so on ok this is a one-time fee you don't have to pay again okay this is the lifetime package fee this is the early access but don't worry many people think when you purchasing the early access after 1 year your website will just shut down and you have to pay these guys some money then after that your website will be active that is not the case my friends well what it says that after one years you won't receive update unless you purchase or renew your plan ok so basically if you're happy with your website you don't need any update then you can continue this thing as long as you can ok so that is awesome and you can use this particular theme on unlimited websites you have no restrictions whatsoever ok so you can select any one of this for example I'm I would recommend to go with lifetime access but the early access is also fine it's all up to you just click on this sign up today button ok now you can select any user name email address and so on and you can make the purchase and you can just download the extra theme from there ok I won't be doing that because I have already downloaded that so after you download that theme what you have to do just go to this appearances and click on these themes ok now click on this add new button from the top now click on this upload theme button now choose file ok now you have to select the theme file from your so this is the theme file and click on open and click on install now so basically this will start installing your theme on the website and after that we can start creating and making changes on our website so by the time this theme is getting installed you guys can now just press that subscribe button so that you don't miss anything in in future ok because I make really amazing websites and you can see my channel there are many different website ecommerce website I also have a multi vendor website ok so you can see all those things that is just amazing ok so you can subscribe to my channel you can give a thumbs up to this video if you have any doubt you can comment in the video in this comment section below ok oh yes so the theme is successfully installed now it's time to activate the theme just click on this activate link over here ok so I extra theme is successfully activated now what you have to do you have to just delete all these things because we don't need these themes the select this click on this delete button ok delete all the themes because we don't need these themes obviously ok fine now let's come back to our website refresh and let's see how our website looks like now oh yes as you can see this has started looking awesome ok so it is already looking awesome we haven't even started the creating the website but it still has started looking awesome ok now what I have to do we have to convert this thing into something awesome like this ok so let's do that come back to this website to the dashboard and before proceeding further let me tell you one thing first now I'll divide the further section into two different sections first I'll show you the basics of making a post or creating a post then we'll see the advanced post for example the thing the post which you saw on the demo tool was overall the advanced post you know where you see use different and emissions when you use sliders when you use you know counter circle counterpart counters so that is all advanced thing first I'll show you basic things if you guys are using WordPress you basically are aware I know most of you guys will be aware with the basic theme so what you can do go to the even the video description that if there you will see next link which will say advanced thing so you can just click on that advanced and you can skip this basic section but if you want to watch this just continue okay so what do you have to do first we have to create some post so you're at the left-hand side you'll see this post option how old that and click on add new as you can see over here now first let's see how a post looks like okay so now let's open this post fun family front pivot pass the pasta okay so this is how our post would look like now let's start creating this post this amazing beautiful post okay this is the basic section first as I told you I'd present at the top that is a title so here your title will come you can put in any title for example let's put the same title family fun with pasta fine and here you'll put all the content or your okay all the thing which you want to type which you want to come under your blog okay for let's copy some dummy text from your you know let's copy this dummy text and paste it oh you're okay again pasted over here so now this is the basic thing okay so this is the title this is all the things that will come over here and you have some options or your for example if you select this thing this particular portion okay and if you want to make this a heading to section you select from your and select heading 2 from you okay and we don't want all this thing heading 2 so what you can do we can select all these things from your and from your select paragraph okay now if you want to make anything polled italicized then you can just select that that particularly and make this bold italicized and so on you can also have these bullet points this is basically you know if you have used and you might have surely used Microsoft Word that this is exactly the same thing okay you can Center align left align right align all these things for example now you have more options when you click on this toggle toolbar you have more options this the first one is strike true so let's select this letter this word and click on this strike through so you can see oh you're only this sentence this letter is striped okay now you have a horizontal line so let's put a horizontal line all your so just select this horizontal line and as you can see there is a horizontal I know you you can also change the color text or change the font color and so on so just select that font which you want to change color select this text color from your select red or whatever color you want so you will see all these options over here okay and you have some more options like this special characters you know when you click on this you have some special characters you can use these characters also okay so it's all up to you so this is the basic thing you have the title of your or this thing which you want to type would come over here now here is the category so which category this belongs to for example let's put a category called or famous okay so this is this particular post belongs to the famous category okay you have some tags so basically what does back to for example this this post single post might talk about many different things for example it would talk about sports and you to talk about some player and whatever it is okay so basically suppose you're typing and SEO thing I know so basically it is type talking about SEO it is also related to web site because SEO is related to websites so you can have two or three different tags for this one would be SEO then you can put a comma to add more tag and second could be website okay so it is also talking about SEO and also talking about website now click on add so you have two different tags now what happens suppose someone wants to read all the post or want to see all the posts related to websites so they can click on this website tag and they will see all the post in which you have put this tag website tag okay so this is also very important okay then you have this sidebar location at present it is set to right you can change this to no sidebar left sidebar whatever okay you can make this post a featured post you can hide the author box if you want this is the author box let me show you okay here it is this is the author box in your shake so you can hide that I don't know why would you do that but you can do that obviously you can hide the title and meta on post okay so let's see the title this is the title you can hide this title if you want okay hide post rating if you saw at the bottom that was some rating okay you can hide this thing also so basically if you want to hide something you can hide this thing then we have at the bottom as you can see this thing so let's see where you put this thing okay here it is breakdown okay so basically if you say if you're talking about an SEO post okay then what you can you can have some breakdowns or if you serve for example let me give a very clear example I am talking about extra theme okay I'm writing about extra theme in this particular post so what I can do I can read something for example the design of the theme so if we die I can type in the title design of the theme okay and I can give you some rating for example 90% okay and I can add some more drag breakdowns just click on this add price breakdown button and now I want your know easy how easy it is so I can just type in easy or difficult and just type in some percentage for example eighty percent it is really easy okay then we have some what root what could be another thing mobile friendly okay so one thing could also be mobile friendly how whether it is mobile friendly or not so again I can type in mobile friendly and I can give this thing or something rating for example 70 percent okay so this is basically this is what it is okay you can also have this review for exam you can change the title review and you can also have a summary let let us put a review this theme is just amazing fine so you can have a review over here okay so this is how it was now you have different formats formats I present this is the basic format this standard format you can have you know video format audio format which are basically not very much used okay you use the standard format most of the time now let's see the featured image if you see at the top this is the featured image and all these things the lower the thumbnail which you see over here these are all the featured images okay so this is what the featured images and all the images which I have used in this particular website I have given that on my website block TOCOM I have given a link to that page in the video description below you can check out that link you can download all these images which I have used over here and you can use that freely without any restrictions okay now let's add a featured image so just click on this set featured image select files okay let's select any image for example let's see let's select this one okay this one now click on open now click on set featured image now once you are done with all the thing you just have to click on this publish button so basically this would publish your post now your post would be live and anyone who visits your website could see this post now let's see how this post looks like okay so just you have this view post option open this link in a new tab ok so this is how your post would look like as you can see over here you have this title over here this is the author date category and you know all these different things over here you have this featured image over here you have the rating 60 years the average rating is 60% okay then you have this thing which will type to everything over here this is the thing strike down this is changed follow this is heading to and as you can see this is pulled and italicized okay now let's scroll down you have all these ratings over here okay design 90% easy 80% mobile friendly 70% okay and you have the featured image over here so basically this is how you create a post now let's see how to make changes in the author how to add different authors and how to make changes in the author for example if you see at the bottom your name is there but there's nothing more your whereas if you see my website over here the demo website you have a very short description you have social links and so on so let's add that so come back to your dashboard and at the left-hand side you will see this users option just take on users okay as you can see guys at present we have only one user that is you you know basically your email address your role as administrator so first add some description some social icons to yourself and then we can see how to add different or other authors okay so just click on this edit button okay you can change this color eggs for example coffee you know if you act to a plasma whatever it is so you can see this color changes sunrise and so on I'll give this thing to default you can change this thing according to your know if you want okay now coming down you have your first name your last name basic things okay so now your shake okay you can choose in your nickname okay display name publicly as in a year shake of whatever it is okay then you have your email address your website so my website is block to calm your facebook URL my facebook URL is slash near shake ok dot-com actually this okay my twitter ID is also slash ninja shake or real New Year solute is slash real name so whatever it is you can put in your URLs or your Facebook or Twitter Google+ whatever you want okay now you can choose your profile picture from here you have to change your cravat you can see that how to change that and here you have to type something about yourself for example let's come over here in this demo episode you'll see ok very short description about yourself for example a professional blogger youtuber freelancer whatever it is okay so just type in anything about yourself you can generate your new password but we are happy with our own passwords you just click on this update profile okay now let's refresh this page this post and see whether the changes have taken place or not scroll down and as you can see we have the Gravatar we have our name we have this description we have both our I can show you now let's add a new user so as you can see under user you get this option admin just click on this add new ok now choose any user name for example let me select new year´s triple7 ok email address is triple 7 at first name in a year you know not let's change the name ok so that we can have two different user names ok and here it can be you can put in any website obviously ok you can show a set password by yourself if you want okay so let's set a password over here ok so when you take Mac this thing send the new user an email about their account so basically the person who owns this particular email address will receive all this information their username first name last name their password and so on ok and here you can select their role so make sure you select author ok basically the one who are who is the author will only have the rights to know write a new post you can type a new post ok so he can do that thing for you ok arrest anything he can do for you ok for example if you if you think he cannot make any changes to the website through the design of the website you cannot create any page you cannot create any category or so on he just had the authority to type in new posts for you ok and if you select him as administrator then he has the same rights that you he can delete you as an admin as an administrator so that is dangerous make sure it is author and click on add new user ok ok now you have successfully added that person that person will receive that email address and he can log in and he can create a website a blog just like you created ok so we have seen the basic things about blog how to do all these things now let's start making the real blog ok the advanced thing the real blog which I mean like this you know a blog which has all this beautiful things so let's make this exact same block ok so again come back to this website how our blogs our post and click on add new post now let's copy this title paste in this title over here we find select any category so let's select the famous category scroll down ok select a featured image let's select which this is the one so select this featured image you're gonna upload files select files here it is select it click on open now click on this set featured image ok so we have our featured image over here you can add title and reviews as I showed you earlier ok now just click on this publish now click on this use the Divi Builder button ok now click on use visual builder ok hey guys so we are on the visual builder ok as you can see so this is how it would look like now now let's see what we have to add we have to add this text first so let's copy and come over here so a first let's delete this and let me show you from the beginning ok to add anything first ok fine yeah we will have to add these things ok now suppose you want to add text over here this is a simple text so you want to add text so you search for text or your so there is some module called text so jealous select that pasted in or type in the text which you want oh and you can see you can drag this thing over anywhere you want and you can see the changes over here okay so we have the text for you but it is Center aligned as you can see so let's make this Center align just click on this and you can there are also other ways to make this center line and if you see the font is quite bigger and it is black here it is the font color is black gray and you're in the demo website it is black and it is a little bigger okay so let's do that so click on this design section now go to this text the text color is dark dark basically means black and when you select light this text color will turn into white okay text orientation you can select Center from here also okay now font size now let's select 1800 so as you can see it changes and you can also change the font for example bitter font to air war there are many different fonts as you can see over here okay so you can select any font let's make this thing that only and now let's change the text color okay so select this and make this flag so as you can see now it is black color just a light okay a little bit lighter black okay so you can change all these things from here you can change the text size line height spacing and so on okay you can have a border but that is not we have not used all those things over here okay this is it now click on this okay button now as you can see there is some gap from both the sides so let's add that just how over here you will get this option now suppose we are selecting 60 pixels from your so also select 60 and 60 pixels from this side okay so whatever you are selecting from one side make sure you select the same from the other side also so let's make this 60 pixels okay fine so this is looking awesome beautiful okay and there is some gap at the top also so you can just add some gap from the top fine now let's add these two things so here we have two different sections or yo now so for that just click on this plus button regular and select this thing two columns okay because we have two different columns with two different text now let's select this demo text from your and your all again search for text okay select this one okay paste the text to a year okay this is how it looks like now again let's make this black and let's do all those changes go to text dark color obviously orientation justify to make this justified that would look much better yeah you can increase or decrease the size of the font let's make it 15 pixels or maybe 16 pixels fine so 16 pixels looks good now let's make this black okay okay so this is black in and you can light or make it dark from your okay this looks fine now let's click on this side okay button Save Changes and now there is again a beautiful feature in this particular Divi builder you can see or visual builder by this elegant theme you just you can just copy this thing and just drag this thing or your okay so you don't have to type and do all the things again you just have to just copy and paste it over your drag this thing or your as you can see there is a lot of gap in between so what you can do it you can decrease this gap okay and you can decrease it more from your okay so this is an amazing thing and after you do so make sure you keep on safe saving changes there to our type that two different ways of no saving changes first is to click on this button okay and here you'll get this save option so just click on that and second is just to care control just to press the control button and s button together so control s would save this page fine now let's see what comes next so this is the next section as you can see there are two different images they are all both are sticking to each other well they are not over lapsing okay so let's see how to make that for that just add a new row from your okay click on this select regular two different color now the first one is an image so select for image okay this is the one now click on this upload button and upload that image this is the one click on open upload an image okay as you can see here it is now as you can see this is not this is at the left but we want this at the right and that - at the extreme right okay so let's do those changes go to design spacing okay let's first make this alignment okay alignment is left make this as right okay but this is not still at the extreme right okay so what do you can do go to spacing okay then right Margy just put it as zero okay okay now click on the Save Changes button now how are you how here you'll see this thing okay so click on this gear icon now this green type of color gray gear icon okay now go to design spacing okay then here you have different options for example column 1 custom padding so at the right put in 0 okay so we don't want any fighting at the right so right custom padding for the first column and for the second column left cause a custom padding should be zero okay fine now go to this sizing and you make this thing yes use custom gutter with and at present it is set to three make this thing as 0 fine this is the most important thing basically gutter is the space between different columns so we are saying we don't want any space between columns because he as you can see there is no space this is a different column this is a different column and there is just no space between both these images okay that's why we are making custom gutter as 0 now click on the Save Changes now select this add button and again search for image module select this image select the image you want upload files select files now this is the one we want open upload an image ok says he can see it is already set to left-aligned by default but here if you see this is just a little bit below this image okay so we'll do some spacing setting over here so go to spacing under design and at the top of padding at the top margin put in 30 pixels okay so this will make bring this thing down if you want to make it more down then you can put in 60 pixels or 100 pixels whatever you like okay and after you're satisfied just click on this Save Changes so as you can see has creating this kind of thing is so easy so simple okay now let's see the next section so this is the next section we have this beautiful title there is a separator and a subtitle then all these things forward okay for that again click on this plus button regular single column and search for text because this is simple text just copy this text from your okay paste it over here or type in oh yo okay now go to design to make changes to this text okay select this text section alignment should be Center okay fun you can change the font for this thing and make this thing a bigger for example 20 pixels or maybe more than that oh let's make 25 25 looks fine and let's make this thing darker cure so you can change the text color from your you can make it any color red blue green whatever you want but we are using black color a little bit lighter black color okay so this is fine okay and as you can see this is also bold so just select this thing from your this whole section from your and this looks awesome now exactly like this okay now after this if you see there is a small divider over here so what you can do go to this text section again okay now click on this add media upload file and in that file which I told you you I have given link to all these images and you will have this divider your divider to click on open select ok so as you can see we have the divider here let's put the enter button over here fine so as you can see the divider oh you're fine so this looks awesome click on Save Changes so we have the title separator and let's add this text now ok so again now click on this button this Add button because we want to add a new new element or new module under this same section ok under this same column so just click on this gray add new module button and again search for text ok now paste in this text ok now again go to design to make changes let's increase the size to 18 pixels fine color should be black okay alignment will be Center fine and rest everything looks fine just click on Save Changes and as you can see it has some gap from both the side are some padding from left and right so let's do that how are you ok and just drag this thing a bit over here so let's make this hundred pixels from both the sides it's all up to you you know I have not written all these numbers anywhere I am just creating the west side and whatever I think looks beautiful I am doing those settings so you can make this 90 pixels whatever you want I think hundred pixels looks fine so I am putting hundred pixels from both the sides ok now let's see so this is the next section we have at the left hand side and image and at the right hand side some text ok so again click on this plus button click on regular two different columns at the left hand side we have the image so select for image select this image upload image and let's select this is the one okay so click on upload file select File search for that image here it is click on open upload an image and you have the image over here click on Save Changes now click on this add new module button this plus button and click select text from your okay now let's copy this text and let me show you how to put all this color and so on okay now just paste it over here fine so you have this thing over here as you can see this is quite bigger ok this font is quite bigger so what you can do and this is just a little bit bigger so what you can do just select this font first okay and make this thing as heading 2 and select the top one and make this thing as heading 1 okay so this looks bigger but if you see in this website in the demo website this is more bigger than the heading 1 here as you can see we did heading 1 but it is still not that bigger and here it is just nice you know it is looking nice this size is fine so what you can do there is a very small and a very simple trick over here so instead of heading 1 let it be paragraph fine now go to this text section just click on this text over here and here you'll see this one written over here so before this one just type in P or what you can do just go to this visual section again select this and let's change the color first for example here you have this color fine so select this thing from your the font color and let's select this orange color fine now go to this text section and you can see this thing over here there is some code over here okay it's a style is equal to color so and so now what you can do after this thing okay put in font - sighs : space and you can put any number for example 30 pixels okay and as you can see when we put 30 pixels the size increased but we want more bigger size so let's put 60 pixels okay so as you can see this size looks awesome this is now looking exactly like this so we want 60 pixels fine now everything looks fine we all these fonts looks fine just click on Save Changes now and if you see below this there is a small divider so let's add that divider also again come back over here click on this Add button add new module button and search for divider okay here it is divider and here visibility is this by default don't chose a divider select show divider go to design change the color okay some light color as you can see from your this looks cool click on Save Changes and now again if you see there is some gap at the top okay so at the top of this text there is some gap so what you can do select this click on this gear icon to make changes to this particular module now go to design spacing and at the top you want some spacing okay so what you can do at the top padding you can put 60 pixels or maybe 100 pixels or 150 pixels okay so we are putting 150 pixels and let's see okay this looks fine or maybe let's make this 200 pixels fine so this looks awesome now this looks exactly like our demo website okay now click on Save Changes and there is a little more gap poyo as you can see here there is no such gap and here there is a lot of capsule let's decrease this simple as that just you know as you can see really simple thing fine so everything looks awesome click on save so that you don't miss any changes now let's see what you have next so again there is some text over here and here we have some image okay so let's add that what we can do you know there's a very say more easy way for that you can copy this section paste it again and you can just have to change this simple text for example let me show you this copy click on this duplicate row button and as you can see this same row it has been duplicated now what you can do we want this time the the right hand side so drag this image put it over here fine as you can see the image has come to the right hand side now select this thing the text drag this thing and put it over here okay also the divider drag this thing put it over your okay okay fine okay so we have the divider and text over here we have the image were here now we have to change the text for example it is 0-2 so instead of one just type in two just like this okay so that is really awesome and copy this text from your and instead of this text paste in that particular text so as you can see guys this thing really makes your life so easy you know you don't have to create the same thing again and again and again and you know just easy thing now let's add or let's change this image let's see which image you want we want this one so again come back for your click on this key or I can to change the image click on upload button select the image from your this is the one select click on open upload an image and as you can see all the changes have taken place now click on Save Changes now we have to add this section this one okay but first let's add some gap between this as you can see there is some more we want some gap over here so let's add some gap fine this looks cool now let's again copy this same section ok so just click on this copy but what you can do you can just drag this section about that section ok fine so let's do that ok fine ok now we have this section over here so the duplicated section is now at the bottom now let's change this text to Oh as you can see here it says 3 macaroni okay fine just copy this text instead of this font just make it macaroni and instead of one just type in three fine really simple click on save okay now let's add this image again click how oh you click on this gear I can upload an image select the image you want fine this is the one click on open uploaded image Save Changes everything is done just add some gap between below this fine this looks cool now now let's see the fourth section this is the fourth section as you can see this is a image and this text is coming actually at the image let me show you when we create you will understand better so now click on this Add button regular no not regular full width image because this is a full width image ok so select full width image and full width image from your ok now select the image upload the image you know all the images are given to you ok select this is the one click on open fine click on upload an image here you have the image it's loading fine everything looks fine just click on Save Changes now let's add this text over here ok so what I do you know I will first add a new section so just click on this add new section regular fine select this 2 by 2 column okay now this call cut this thing now what you can do you can just copy this single this thing this text we created just copy this find so we have this thing or your now drag this thing over here so we don't have to create it again and just put it over here fine so we have this thing over here as you can see this says full and I don't know what it is spaghetti or it it whatever it is just type in that ok and this is for not three so just make this changes and as you can see in the demo website this section is coming at the image selects to those changes were here again click on this gear icon design spacing now just delete this section talk and instead of this thing now we have to you know make this section of little at the top so we have to bring this text over this image okay so what we will do you will go to custom margin and at the top you'll type in - 100 pixels ok so as you can see this thing has moved up and it is actually on the image if you want to make it move more up you can increase the pixels for example 200 pixels now as you can see if you click on Save Changes this section is actually on the image as you can see this whole section is an image you know this purple section whatever you see is the image section and this thing is actually on the image so this looks really awesome ok now let's see the next one so this is the next section which we have to do so again come back oh you click on this add new section button and let's see we have two different rows over your regular two different columns fine there is nothing it oh here it is plane and we have to add something over here ok on the second one so click on this add new module search for text ok not text exactly why we want this call to action button ok so search for call to action this is the one title as you can see this is the title whatever it is just copy this paste it over here then we have the text this is the text ok here comes the text and button URL our button says read more so button text will be read more type in read more over here fine scroll down link you can type in the button URL boy and as you can see this is how it looks at present okay now go to design ok let's first remove this background color we don't want any background color so just remove this click on this Settings button okay we don't want any background color so just make this no use background color no as you can see everything disappeared because L all our text is white but don't worry we'll fix this thing okay come to design and when you see there are many different options over here okay so what do you have to do you okay just leave it and click on Save Changes for now okay now select this section click on this gear icon okay now you have this background image okay background option select this scroll down this is background 1 okay and this is column background 2 now select this plus button and select this black color now as you can see we have a background color but let's make this a little bit transparent okay as you can see a little bit transparent and let's increase the blackness fine this looks fine now let's click on this design button now and spacing and so on we'll see that later first let's add a background image as you can see over here then after that we'll still will see more changes for now just click on this Save Changes okay now select this thing this blue section for selecting the whole section okay so click on this gear icon background and this is the image okay this is the background color and this is the background image so select this one click on this plus button let's see this is the image oke click on upload files select files now select that particular image let's search for that one where is it okay do we have it or not I think we don't have that image fine I'll fix that you will see that image basically I will fix this thing okay now let's select some other image for example for example let's select this one fine let's select this image and click on open click on upload an image ok as you can see there is a background image now now click on Save Changes now what you have to do we have to remove all the gapping from your so just remove all this gapping you know you know it is really easy just remove all this gapping all this space all the space between this thing ok fine so this looks much better now what you have to do you have to select this gear icon to make changes to this particular section ok now first let's change all this text and so on for example over here as you can see the text is quite beautiful here it looks quite terrible so select this design select text ok light color it is fine and this text orientation is left for you as you can see it is all left oriented fine now header text this is the text you are talking about now let's change the font to able okay and now let's not make this bold so just deselect this one fine this looks beautiful now okay now what you came to just scroll down to the bottom and your we have this button option select this and make this yes use custom style for button ok and as you can see this button color is different over your now what you can do first decrease this button size from 20 to maybe 16 okay 16 looks fine and let's change the button background color okay here it is something like red color so let's select this red color okay so this is how you change the button background colors and so on now let's select these spacing things okay because we need some space at the top bottom and all the sides over here so go to spacings and now select top padding maybe 100 okay now right side padding let's select 30 okay left also 30 fine and bottom again hundred fine so as you can see but still there is some gap over here ok we want you don't want this gap also at the extreme right side so first let's delete this thing the right thing just delete it click on Save Changes ok now come to this thing this section the interior section options click on this gear icon row settings design spacing ok and custom margin at the right side put 0 pixels and as you can see this thing has shifted oh you and there is no gapping at all now ok now click on Save Changes so this is how you create this kind of sections you know it was quite complicated I do agree but if you know if you understand how to you know make changes how to create something that becomes really easy and really exciting as well you know you enjoy doing this you enjoy creating website after that ok now let's see the other section so this is the next section now let's start creating this thing before doing anything let's first say this section keep on saving the sections again and again so that you don't miss any Save Changes ok now let's add this one so again click on this plus button to create or to add a new section now click on this regular ok as you can see at the top there is a title and a divider then we have some text fine click on this single column search for text ok paste in this text or you go to design text orientation center ok make this 25 pixels the size of the font and font color should be black ok and just minimize this fine now let's see what is written okay make this as bold also fine this looks exactly like this now now let's add this divider I have given this image ok so come to 10th text and below this or just tie or just press ENTER to come to the next line and click on add media and select this divider click on select ok you have this divider now click on Save Changes fine now let's add this demo dummy text fine click on this Add button add module button again search for text paste in this text fine go to design text orientation should be Center click on Save Changes now again we have some padding from both the sides and actually this is not this is justified ok so again go to this gear icon design text orientation make it as justified click on Save Changes ok now let's add some gap over here okay maybe 100 pixels from your and 100 pixels from your as well okay you can obviously increase and decrease these pixels it's all up to you I am using hundred pixels you can use more or less now let's add some space from top so as you can see making this is really amazing you can see the changes actually in front of your eyes watches are you seen basically in different kind of website you just have to put some number at the background it depart at the back end and you don't know what changes that will occur and here you can do everything I know visually so this is really amazing now let's add this thing this circle counter so again click on this Add button regular and as you can see here we have three different columns so select this 3 column so your and search for circular circle counter this is the one the title Oh your is United States so type in United States so your number is 88 percentage ok so just type in 88 and here it is okay now go to design let's change this color to this is red or your orange whatever it is go to Circle Circle color make this thing as red fine okay wait wait wait don't select this right just delete this this is not the one actually go to content again and background okay background color so you have to choose change this thing bar background color okay select this red okay so this is the one which you have to change your key under content a background color bar background color so this is what you have to change just click on Save Changes okay now let's make this euro 100% India 68% so let's just copy this thing two times and drag this thing over here so that you don't have to create it again and again again drag this thing or you just change this to Europe and change this to India fine now let's change the percentage so just click on this gear icon and let's put this 99 percentage come over here select this gear I can make this as 70 percentage or whatever percentage you like okay fine click on Save Changes ctrl + s obviously now let's add this section some text over you find so again click on this plus button I'll add a new section select regular single column search for text element obviously or and select this text now paste in any dummy text or yo okay like we have oh you click on Save Changes and let's add some right side and left side padding okay maybe this time 150 pixels fine from both the sides fine so this looks cool and this is justified actually so just click on this gear icon design and text and orientation should be justified Save Changes fine now let's copy this thing again as you can see we have this thing through two times so just copy it again and now let's add these things okay so click on this plus button oh yo I had to add a new module okay and go at the bottom and select this thing toggle okay now select the title for example here as you can see the title is whatever it is donek lorem ipsum and let's select this thing okay this is the interior content placed in over here and as you can see this is the interior content over here fine so just click on Save Changes again and now similarly you can create two three different titles just copy these things three times fine click on Save Changes control s and you have this thing or you now do we have okay again we have this same thing again so what I will do is I'll copy this thing and drag this thing at the bottom so that we don't have to create this thing again okay make this thing Goyo fine okay everything looks awesome super amazing okay now let's add some gap actually over here so just press this Enter button okay as you can see we have some gap for you okay from here also you can add some gap so we have some gap now and this really really looks awesome okay guys so this is how you create a blog in 2017 or 2018 or 2020 whatever your you're watching this thing okay so all those old-style things are gone and the new style is this you know you don't have that simple as I showed you in the basic thing out when we are doing the basic thing if you watch that if you if you are watching the complete tutorial you saw that basic thing where you had only few option like just to make that thing as polled just to add some basic things but here you have so many different options okay so we have successfully created our first vlog make sure you save see all this settings okay fine now what do you have to do now let's create the second one okay let's select this one a guide to spices fine now let's create this beautiful blog okay so again come back to your website and here you have this option which says new okay so how about that and select post so from here also you can add new post new pages and so on now let's see the title a title says a guide to spices so paste in this title a guide to spices okay select any category you can select multiple category for example for this it could be spices also it could be famous also click on add new category okay okay rest everything looks fine select a featured image for this okay this is the one okay upload files select files okay select a good featured image for this one let's select yeah this is quite smaller actually okay this is the one let's select this one okay click on open now click on set featured image so you have our featured image over here click on publish now click on this use the visual builder now click on use visual build up hi guys so let's scroll down and see what we have to do so you as you can see we have to add some text over here first some bigger text and two smaller text as to regular text paragraphs okay so again click on this Add button from your okay now we want a single column from your so select a single column click on this module select text ok paste in this text over here now let's see this is Center aligned so come over your text instead of left orientation select Center fine and let's increase this size of the text over here as you can see so come or your the text size let's make it as 18 pixels fine and let's also change the color to black color fine now click on Save Changes now let's add these things or your this simple text ok so again click on this plus button again search for text module and select this one paste in the text okay now you don't have to do anything just make this thing as justified okay okay now what you have to do just copy these things again and delete some lower portions from you fine so this looks awesome now let's add some padding from both the sides okay so let's just select with you drag this thing 200 pixels or whatever you want I am selecting hundred pixels okay from both the sides fine so this is 100 pixels from both the sides now let's see what you have next we have this thing actually if you see here there should be one more but we haven't added just to make it look beautiful okay so there is three counter boxes and then and then a full width image so click on this Add button regular and select four columns ok and select counter okay so this is basically the number counter as you can see okay so select number counter okay there is a title which says lorem ipsum so just type in bottom if cents over here and in the number type in 223 fine and in the element this make this thing no because we don't want this first design fine okay what we can do you know as you can see this comes under the same padding section so instead of adding a new section let's make this thing yes first let us delete this section and let's add this counters under these sections only okay because we don't have to do this padding setting again okay so now click instead of this clicking on this blue plus button click on this green plus button okay now select four columns now select counter the circle counter a solid the number counter lorem ipsum 223 and we don't want this percentage element so make this C no okay now let's change the color from your design text okay title text color red orange whatever you want okay here the color title text is actually black so let's select black okay and yo the title is quite smaller the font is also different okay so let's select different font from your let's select able okay so this looks fine and let's make this this is quite dark so let's make this thing a little lighter this looks good okay now let's change the font for this number so number takes to avoid oh yo now let's decrease this size okay to maybe 65 okay 65 looks fine now also let's change this color okay to this color and make this thing a little bit lighter so that it looks nice click on Save Changes now instead of doing most of the settings what you can do you know just copy this thing to time drag this thing over here again drag this thing over here now we just have to change the title and the number we don't have to do all those color settings again and again okay so here let's see you the title over here paste it over you're fine again the title placed it over your okay now let's change this text eighty eight and three one two ok so select this button instead of two twenty three put in eighty eight and instead of two twenty three select three one two fine click on Save Changes so this looks amazing now let's add this image this is a full width image as you can see okay so click on this Add button full width full width image select this image upload files select files ok where is it let's search for that one okay here it is as you can see they can open upload an image and as you can see we have this image over here click on Save Changes let's see let's come down now we have to add this section whoa you're okay so come back whoa you click on this plus button regular single column select text ok select this one and copy these things all these things for your paste it over your go to visuals fine now let's put some gap between all these things ok make this zero 1s header one OK pumpkin seeds as header two and this all will be paragraph which is fine and also let's change this color of number one to orange ok and as you can see this is all Center aligned so let's make all this thing's select everything and click on this Center align button ok so this looks fine now click on Save Changes there's also a button over here so let's add this button click on this add new module button and select for button ok here it is button text it says read more so let's type in read more fine go to design to change all these things for your button use custom style yeah now button size should be 15 pixels okay just to make this thing smaller and as you can see the color is orange color so background color you can change anything let's make it red okay and button text color at present here it is blue we'll change this to white okay so as you can see this looks fine now okay now let's make this thing at the center so button alignment Center so this looks fine click on Save Changes now let's add some gap or maybe a lot of gap from both the sides lot of padding left and right padding so just drag this thing make this 200 this time again from this side also 200 fine click on Save Changes so that you don't miss any changes over here now let's drag this section ohyou're as you can see between this image okay there is a wide section here in the image so let's drag this thing over here that would really look nice okay so click on this gear icon design spacing and top margin let's put it on minus 150 okay as you can see this looks amazing it looks like you know this gap was for this only and if you see this image section when you hover this image you can see the title and some of the text are actually on the image okay so that really looks nice click on the Save Changes so that you don't miss any changes now let's see what is the next section so we have another full width image okay so again click on this plus button full width full width image and let's select this is the image so upload image upload files select files and this is the one click on open upload an image they here we have now let's see what we have next then we have this thing ok now let's do these things now click on Save Changes click on add new section a regular two columns but as you can see the left column is blank and we have everything at the right column so let's cut this thing we want we don't want anything in the left column select this right column button click on add new module and at the top we have this text so search for text module select this one copy all the text okay come back oh you paste it okay now let's see this is had a one head or two and the color of this number is orange or whatever it is okay select this header one okay first let's add some gap between all these things okay now select this header one heading two okay and rest everything is fine now let's change this color to orange fine click on Save Changes okay now let's add this bar contours okay so click on this add new module search for bar counters this is the one okay now what you have to do click on this Add button to add first one the title here as you can see is lorem ipsum dollar select that percentage is 44 pixels 44 percentage okay fine now click on Save Changes again come back thick or now let's click on this Add button again and here now this time it says who you lead I don't know what it says ok 6 to do percentage just type in order and let's see the third one okay now let's do all this designing changes now okay the first one is element we want to use percentage so make this thing yes okay now background so select this thing and this will change this background color over here okay now here we have the bar background color select this thing okay select red orange whatever color you want okay fine any color you want find so this is the color now go to design text title text fine as you can see here the title text is bold so make this thing as pulled also let's increase the font size to 15 or maybe 14 15 looks quite bigger fine and here also as you can see the size of this bar is quite bigger okay so let's do that go to this percentage text and increase the percentage font size to 15 or let's increase this to 18 now as you can see it is quite bigger now click on Save Changes so this is how you do all this changes okay now let's add this image again full width image so again click on this add new section full width full width image upload again click on select files okay now let's search for that image here it is click on open upload an image click on Save Changes okay now first let's do one thing as you can see this section is coming on this particular image so let's do that click on this gear icon design spacing top margin - 100 maybe okay - hundred pixels looks fine click on Save Changes fine and let's see what we have after this image okay we have two different sections we have at the left-hand side this text and at the right-hand side we have this particular progress bar okay so what I will do I will just copy this text from you so that I don't have to do this text again and again come back for your click on this Add button regular two columns fine cut this thing because I have already copied it okay now drag this text to the bottom okay to the column which we have created drag this thing over here or over here whatever you want fine now what do you have to do first let's change these settings as you can see when we copied we had this setting the top margin setting just delete this make this as default click on Save Changes let's bring this thing over here fine okay so this looks fine let's change just the text okay whatever it is three instead of two okay and instead of this select this chain and click on Save Changes again and again now let's add this circle circle counter click on this add module search for a circle counter this is the one okay so it says lorem ipsum 78 percentage fine lorem ipsum 78 percentage background color we have bar background color you can select any color from your and click on Save Changes okay now let's see what we have we have another full width image so let's add that click on this Add button add new section full width full width image upload upload files select files this is the one click on open click on upload an image fine click on Save Changes now let's see what we have after this we have another text over here so again I won't be doing that again what I will do just copy this thing from you come oh you add a new section okay regular two columns okay cut this thing and drag this thing which we copied oh you okay oh yeah and just make this four instead of three and what you have you have chilies okay spelling is wrong that's all right fine now let's add this image the oranges image click on this add new section regular okay not regular actually let's delete this first we have to add a full width image so click on this add new full width full width image upload upload files select files this is the orange image clear select that click on open upload an image fine click on Save Changes now again we have some text over here so again I won't do that again what I will do first let's add a new section regular two different columns and instead of creating everything again what I will do I'll just copy this from your drag this thing at the bottom and put it over your find now five dried oranges fine so instead of four let's make it five instead of chili is let's make tried orange fine okay after this we have this we have seen how to add this thing in the earlier page so I won't I don't think there's any need to show that again now let's add this image the bottom image click on this add new button full width image okay upload image click on upload files select files ok now let's select for that image where is it this is the one click on open upload an image save changes so with this guys we have successfully created this post also and another amazing post now click on Save Changes ok now as you can see guys this is the post ok so what I do instead of creating everything again what I will do I give your layout in fact I have given a link in the video description below that there you will find all the layouts for example the last two posts which we created you can find those layouts also so you don't have to create basically those post also I just showed you because I wanted you to know that this is how you create it ok now let me show you how to use a layout so what do you have to do go to this website your website ok and this again how are you click on this add new post let's see the title from your blog in for fashion let's add this title fine now you can create any different category for this fashion and you can select multiple categories ok now let's select a featured image as you can see in fact this is a featured video ok so I will show you how to do that first let's select a featured image click on upload files select files ok so this is the one fashion blogger click on open select featured image ok now your instead of standard format select video ok and you're putting the video URL for example if you click on this this is linked to a video URL for example go to my cute my YouTube channel near shake calm house slash ninja shake and here you have so many different videos for example I want to link that to this particular video mu commerce check out settings so here's what I do I just right click or your link address come to this page and paste that link oh yeah okay you can also upload an image fine and click on save or publish fine now what you have to do you you have this extra theme options over here and when you have all that extra you have different options for example Divi library and so on so what you have to do just click on this TV library ok now here you have import and export click on this input and export ok now select this import button choose file ok and on this folder which will download where you have all the images you also have a folder which says layout select that select the fashion post you'll have 3 different layouts ok fashion post click on open click on import TV builder layout ok so it will import everything and it will import all the images as well for example it will not only import the format the design it will also import all the images which I have used over here ok so that is very important because as you can see this is the post which we just created blogging for fashion ok now let me show you the another way for importing layouts ok so chewkey what you can do just click on this enable visual filter now scroll down here you will see this option over here ok now select this one the extreme right one this is the import export now select this import button click on choose file ok now go to your layout options ok now select that layout fashion post click on open click on import Divi Builder layout and it will import everything for you oh yes as you can see it has imported all the things which we needed as you can see all the sections everything all the images the audio everything is imported now ok you have this slider also here now you can make any changes anywhere you want ok so we have seen how to create all these things you want to make any changes go to this gear icon and change everything okay so I have given you all the three layouts you can with you don't have to create the layout one by one you can just use it okay fine so let's click on Save Changes so we are done with this on how to create our blog now let's see how our website looks like so go to your website now let's look at the website okay now let's change the front-end look let's see the demo website first okay here as you can see we have a slider then we have two different sections over you and so on and so forth okay so let's make our website just like this okay so for that come back to your dashboard okay and click on this pages how old Oh or what you can do you don't have to actually need don't need to create any page okay now go to this the main main website and at the top you'll see this option edit layout just open that link in a new tab the edit layout link okay from here select all the categories you have okay now here this is the layout which is automatically selected okay this is the layout now what you have to do the first one is featured post slider which is automatically there okay now click on insert module okay now here you will see this featured post slider option select that and if you want all the categories or if you want to only spell a specific categories to be shown on this slider you can select it I want all the categories post limits number of post to show okay display featured post only if you want to display only the featured post you can make this yes ignore displayed post if one post is displayed one time if you want to ignore that you can make this yes okay title characters 50 characters here it is title characters if you want to limit that to 50 you can do that okay sorting method most recent okay fine okay rest everything looks fine just click on save and exit okay click on update come back to your website refresh and let's see whether the changes have taken place or not whereas so as you can see we have the slider over here okay now as you can see six different post or if you have less than six then obviously we have only four that's why it is showing only four post over here so we have this slider now let's delete this thing and let's add this to things for you okay so again come back over here delete this section delete this section also now click on this add standard section ok now click on to column so here because as you can see here we have two different columns okay now select the first column click on insert module and select post from your ok now select the category for example I want the famous category in this particular post fine post limit you can limit the poster for example it's limited to 4 number of post ok if you want to display only featured post yes you can do so all the same options are coming again and again ok so you can check these options and click on save and exit now select this second one insert module again post ok now let's select another one let's select this spices ok and let's select this sorting order as ascending ok click on Save Changes ok now let's see what we have after that after that we have this thing ok the carousel post carousel so again click on add standard section single section insert module and search for post carousel this is your booths carousel ok if we want all the categories to be shown over here our post limit let's put this 8 ok and rest everything looks fine ok we don't have to do any changes click on save and exit now after that we have three different sections three categories ok so again click on standard section three different columns select the first one select post and your select famous or any category you want click on save and exit select the second one again post select spices ok save and exit select the third one post ok now select the fashion click on save and exit ok so we are done with this also now let's see the last one this is the tab section ok again come over here click on add standard section ok single insert module and tab post this is the one ok now here you have to select different columns for example for in the first tab second tab third tab for tab so let's select the first tab let's add the first tab click on add new tab select the category so first we want the famous category okay click on save click on add a new tab now we want the spices category and click again new tab now we want the fashion category ok now you can limit the number of post and so on the same options are coming again you can see all these options click on save and exit ok now click on this Update button come back to your website refresh and let's see the changes oh yes as you can see all the changes have taken place ok we have this 2 different section this is the famous category this is the spices category this is the carousel or your okay this is 3 different section this is the tab section but if you notice we have the same color oh you know here it is blue all blue blue blue but here we have different color color for different sections so let's do that come back to your dashboard over here and go to categories ok that you will find under post so under post you will see categories go to categories ok select the first category famous click on edit and you can select any color for example here it is purple I want the purple click on update ok now back to caddy now select the second one fashion and here it is I think pink whatever that color is click on update so you can change different color for different categories okay now select the spices red click on update now again come back to your website refresh the page and now as you can see we have different color for different categories as you can see Oh your different color for all different categories here at present it it as famous that's why we are seeing while it now when we click on spices the color changes so this really looks beautiful okay now let's change this header from your as you can see the header over here is very very big and here on the website the header is quite smaller as you can see the menu is quite smaller it is quite bigger and also we have to create the menu the mega menu like this we have oh you okay so let's do that again come back to your dashboard how our appearances you will see menus so click on menus now you can name this anything for example I am basically naming our main menu now click on create menu and make sure the primary menu is selected only then this thing will come over here okay now first thing will always be our homepage so go to custom links copy your website URL paste in under the URL and in the link text just type in home the end now go to add to menu okay fine let's make this all capitalized fine now after that you can add different categories for example now let's select all this categories three categories okay now as I said you were creating mega menu is very easy for example let's select the famous category and here we have different options okay extra mega menu option so first one says mega menu three featured okay so when you select this you this happens you know three featured Oh most fine and now let's select the spices and now select mega menu to featured and recent list so when you select that it would look something like this to feature and recent list okay click on save menu come back to your website refresh your website and let's see whether the changes have taken place or not okay so we have our home and we have this famous and whisker when we hover over that famous we have this mega menu when we have our spices we have the spices but we don't have the reason because there are no there are no recent we have only two particular post in the spices category that's why we cannot see that now let's change the size of this header the child size of this menu okay so how are you and click on this theme customizer okay now first go-to site identity okay and you as I said you earlier when we were purchasing the TMB hosting that we can change the site title and tagline later on so you can change that from your for example your website name or it can be blog tube okay okay and tagline tagline can be for example best place for bloggers fine now we have this site I can oh your this is basically the favicon if you see the demo website at the top this small I can if you follow my cursor this small I can that is the fav icon so come back for your go to click on this select image click on upload files and select a square size a square shape image okay for example I have my image vo this is the one click on open select crop okay so here this is it shows you how it will look like n at the top you can see the changes have taken place already okay now click on sorry don't click oh you click on save and publish now come back go to header and navigation setting okay first one is format setting at present it is left now you can put this logo oh you're in the center so for that just click on over here and as you can see the logo has come to the center if you like that you can have that also now the primary menu bar setting okay so menu height here is the menu height knowledge decrease this menu ideas you can see when I decrease everything changes so I am putting this as 680 AD oh your non low bow height you can increase or decrease this also okay it is at present 50 text size you can increase or decrease this text size from your fine then we are letter spacing and some different options okay now click on save and publish and when we scroll down as you can see this is the of the sticky header okay now we can also make some changes for your for example let's come back and fix navigation setting so basically this is the basic navigation and when we scroll down this is a fixed navigation so you can change these settings over here you can make this headers this section quite smaller you can also decrease the text size because you know you don't want the same thing for both when this user is using the website is scrolling down you should see a small header a small menu and when he is at the top he should see a big menu okay after you do so just click on save and publish now click on this X button okay so we have done that everything looks fine okay now let's do some changes over here at the sidebar as you can see over here we have a beautiful sidebar recent post with all the thumbnail this fall was thing this Twitter and so on everything we we have öyou so again come back to the dashboard how our appearances and under appearances you'll see widgets click on that okay now except search bar delete everything because we need the search bar the search bar is there at the top rest delete everything just click on your delete click on your delete and similarly for meta okay now let's see after search we recent post okay so what do you have to do you have to select extra decent post here it is extra decent post from you click on that and make sure main sidebar is selected now click on add widget okay so here you can add a title for example your the title is recent post so we can add a title we can select how many posts post to show five post or four post or three post whatever you want now click on Save Changes and after that we have follow us okay so again come back go here now you here we have extra social network followers so select that make sure main sidebar is selected click on add widget okay now we have different for example here the first one is Facebook so you can put in your facebook URL over for example my facebook URL is slash news shake or real know your sorry okay so you can have this for you now after that there is Google API then you have YouTube and so on so my YouTube URL is slash know your shake okay we have you know and so many different actually websites you can select all those things I will select only two or three which I really used for example Twitter and YouTube and those kind of things and Facebook okay now Twitter so my Twitter URL is slash real layer fine okay everything is fine after that just click on save now the third one or the fourth one is this recent tweets okay so for that we have to go first let's minimize this click on oh here it will minimize this now here you see extra recent tweets select that make sure me inside very selected click on add widget okay fine now here we have to first clear create or an app okay you will if you maximize this thing the social network followers and go under Twitter you will see the link okay where is that Twitter here it is here there is a link okay you click on this link this link will help you or to create of your application that is very easy let me show you how to do that okay when you click on this link you first think what you have to do go to absolute or calm so let's open this link in a new tab and make sure you are logged in okay as you can see I'm already logged in now click on create new app ok now you can name this app anything for example I can name this as blog tooth ok you can put in some description let's add some dummy text Mon you don't have any dummy text what let's add this text ok put in your website ok let's put this website over your ok and you don't have to do anything just take mark this create click on create your Twitter application ok your application has been created now what do you have to do you ok wait wait a minute here it is now click on all your keys and access tokens fine now click on generate consumer key and secret ok again click on generate consumer key and secret fine now you have all these things for your now what you have to do go to this section or this widget section and paste in all this information for example let's minimize this ok here we first one is consumer key ok so here it is consumer key copy this thing from your place to do here next is consumer secret this is the consumer secret copy this paste it over your access token ok so let's first okay here it is the access token now what you have to do under token actions click on create my access token okay so let's see okay here it is access token copy this paste or your access token secret access this is the one access token secret copy and paste it or click on save okay once you do so you will create your recent - it's like this ok now let's add this author's again come to widget now let's delete this we don't need this okay now again minimize this go to extra and authors okay here it is extra Thor's main site by selected add widget okay click on save and after that we have recent reviews okay so extra recent reviews this is the one click on add widget you can type in any or you can give it any title for example recent reviews click on save and the last one is recent video okay so here it is recent videos click on add number of hosts to show one and title recent video okay and how click on save okay so everything looks fine let's refresh the website and see the changes okay as you can see everything is awesome now we have the search bar we have the recent post we have our follow links we have this Twitter Oh yo as you can see all my recent to its are showing video we have our authors recent reviews and recent video okay so I think everything is fine everything is okey I think we have completed everything yeah we have completed everything guys so this is how you create an amazing an awesome blog or a news website or whatever you call it okay so make sure you guys subscribe to my channel also give a thumbs up to this video that would really help me and really help this video to spread also share this video with your friends on Facebook Twitter wherever you like it okay and hope to see you guys next time take care
Channel: Nayyar Shaikh
Views: 64,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create a blog, how to create a blog for beginners, how to create a blog website, Wordpress Tutorial for beginners, Create a News website, How to Create A Blog Website, how to make a blog, how to create a wordpress blog, blog, blogging, how to start a blog, wordpress blog, starting a blog, build a website, make a blog, how to make a wordpress website, start a blog, start a wordpress blog, create a wordpress blog, create a blog, wordpress, extra theme, nayyar shaikh
Id: YdJBPRWup1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 48sec (7308 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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