How to copy files to a USB Flash Drive

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what's up everybody she boy Alan Wade back again with another great video this video fool disclaiming before we get started it's not for everyone so after I tell you what I'm doing if it's not for you just go ahead and skip it and watch something else ok it's not for everyone everybody isn't on the same level so this video was requested by a few people that were having problems putting files onto SD I mean flash drives rather flash drives or storage small storage devices memory sticks many different names for this specific item right here but this one right here is a sand sand disk many different manufacturers make them and basically I'm going to show you how to put files on to from your computer when you download it from the internet onto a flash drive now the reason why I'm doing this and while I'm showing people is because people were downloading dot PS files from Allen a Wacom and they were having problems putting them onto the flash drive to load them up and say the embroiderer machine so that they can stitch out those files along with the videos guys so like I said it's not for everybody if you know how to do this and don't worry about it just ignore this video if this videos for you give this video a thumbs up and if it's not for you and you know somebody who might find this useful please share it with them okay so I'm going to show you guys how to do this both on Mac and PC if you're using a Macintosh we're going to show you how to do it using the PC Dell HP any of those other types of pcs operating systems and you're gonna you just look at the window and the screen that looks like your screen is the one that you're going to follow the directions for all right so let's jump into this video guys alright starting off with the screen of our Macintosh on Mac our Apple computer devices normally when you I'm gonna go to a dub productions com alright so I'm gonna open up a browser go to a dub alright so this is my little small site right here and I got a few files down here that I gave away for free so if you guys are interested in that then you guys can go check them out let me see where are they hold on hold on hold on I know I had them on here did I take them off oh here they are okay embroidery free embroidery files right here click here to download just Nike logo well they'll go okay so guys when you download something whether PC or Mac by default it goes to your downloads folder alright so I'm gonna click one of these buttons right here these icons right here on the screen to download one of these free embroidery files that I have on Al Anon a dub production com alright so I click it and you see the little icon down here at the bottom it symbolizes it that it's downloading it and it downloaded it alright so now I'm gonna take my memory drive my flash drive and I'm gonna insert it into the USB on the side of the computer like so I'm gonna give it a little while to load up to recognize now when this normally when this downloads it has a little icon on the side here and you can tell when it stops that it's done downloading so I don't even need this browser anymore because the file is downloaded on to my computer so I'm gonna close it out alright so I see right here on the desktop of my Mac computer that my flash drive is all loaded up so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to several ways I can do this I'm gonna go ahead and click on a hard drive hard drive of my Mac because I put my hard drive on my desktop hmm okay most people are not going to have their hard drives on a desktop so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go down here most people have their taskbar whatever it's called down here I'm going to just click on the Downloads folder so you're gonna have to find a downloads folder let me empty others treasure fast if you can't find your downloads folder just go over here to the magnifying glass click on the magnifying glass and type in down loads folder ok so it's right here it brings up the Downloads folder you can click on it and it opens up the Downloads folder look at all that crap I got in there alright so you see the nike swoosh alright nice switch that we just downloaded you can tell it was just download it because you can see right here where it says today at see the time and everything that's proof that it indeed downloaded you can compare that to the time that it is right now and see your most recent download ok so you can also adjust to see uh anyway leave that alone okay so you press you click on it wants to highlight it and then you can control C to copy it command C if you want a PC but control I mean command C if you're on a Mac ctrl C if you're on a PC you copy you press you select it and you can double click or you can press um edit come up top here we're up top here and we do that again ok so I click on the dot P ES file come up to edit copy copy Nike swoosh write copy Nike swoosh and then you're gonna navigate to this side right here where all your folders are and you're gonna click on your hard drive whatever it's called you can see the name down here you're going to find it in this side right here you're gonna click on it right and then you're going to come back up to edit and then you got a paste all right heard that noise and you see that now that file is in our folder alright this is on our hard drive ok so let me delete it and do it a different way for you guys I want to know a little shortcut so I'm going to go back to downloads alright so scroll back up here go back down to my downloads folder click on it and I'm gonna hit command C that's a shortcut that's the same thing as hitting that edit and going to copy and then I'm going to go down just pause this video if I'm going too fast command C is the same as saying copy alright alright so I'm gonna go down to my drive I don't have to click on here I could just go to the desktop right here because this is its equivalent of doing the same thing so I could just click on the desktop right here and open up that folder open up that uh open up that on the flash drive and now that I'm in a flash drive I can go command V alright command V is a shortcut for paste if you are on a Mac alright so now you can just close both of these folders out click on that click on the hard drive go to file and eject all the way down here eject the hard drive and when it disappears you can safely take it out of your Mac and you have your file on your flash drive now you can put it in the side of your embroider machine and stitch out that file that's the way to do it on a Mac alright guys now let's jump over to our PC and I can show you guys how to do it on a PC alright now we are over here on the desktop of my pc i'm using a deal right here del g3 this is what your desktop looks like well you might have a different picture on yours but it doesn't matter all the functionality is the same what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna go ahead and open up a browser you can open up a browser Google Chrome or Internet Explorer the one with Eon it it doesn't matter all of them do the same thing so you just go ahead and open up the browser you go ahead over to Allen a Wacom you download you buy your you purchase your dot P yes for a dollar and you know or you purchase the one for $20 or $30 or $40 and I mail this to you and you don't have to worry about any of this but if you want to just purchase one at a time you just do like this I'm gonna go ahead over to a dub productions comm for example all right and I'm gonna do the same thing guys so we're gonna go down to the downloads and this time I'm going to download the Puma logo okay so you go to Puma click on it starts downloading see that little thing in the corner right there flashing now it's downloaded now that it's downloaded it stopped thinking that will stop thinking I can go ahead and close this out right here close this window out because it's already downloaded onto my P see okay on the PC you should see a little folder once again this is your downloads folder well this is your file explorer okay once you click on that file explorer it'll it'll open up some files and you once again go to your downloads folder and you see the puma logo right here at the Downloads folder another way if you can't find that downloads folder is to hit the little circle right here little magnifier type search that's even easier click in there alright and you type in down DOW and downloads alright see right there as you start typing in it appears so you click on it boom opens up your downloads folder and there you go now take your memory drive same thing stick it on the side of the USB on the side of the computer you hear the little noise in my case the USB Drive you can see it at the top which says USB Drive it opened up alright opened up see that Nike swoosh from before that we got now we got the Puma logo what you can do like I said you can click on it on the Puma logo and what I say control-c for pc control see that copies it right now you can go ahead to the other folder if you want to use this menu over here it's different ways you can do it you want to use a menu over here and click on the USB Drive you can if you want to click and drag this to the side because our other folder is open alright let's act like the other folder didn't open right so we can keep it consistent just like we did it on the Mac if it didn't open then you go ahead over here and you look for it you look for it you're looking for a USB Drive because you inserted the drive into the USB this is the USB slot the USB Drive flash drive hard drive external hard drive you inserted it in the side of the USB so now the USB is what you're looking for on the side and the menu right here so you click on the USB it opens up that same folder and now you can hit come and I mean control control V control V and that copied the puma logo back on there that's still it's a different way all right let me delete that real fast delete that boom go back to our downloads folder we're looking for our downloads boom we found it you click right there there it is click on it and right over here if you come up here in the menu see where it says copy copy click on that then you go back down USB Drive click on that to open it up and then you come back up here paste paste it now you got that Puma logo and you got the Nike logo did it with the PC I mean did it with the Mac now we did it with the PC so now we're gonna close out this window come down to the bottom I don't know what yours look like I'm not sure if all of them look like the same like right now but you're gonna look for a show hidden icons arrow right here and it's gonna show you everything that's mounted onto you computer everything you computer is doing so right here this little picture right here is a picture of my USB Drive you want to eject that in order to safely remove this so none of your files become corrupt and this thing can ultimately break and become not usable if you just snatch it out so you want to do this properly alright some of your files to be corrupted and it could like mess up everything alright so you just double click on it my double click I just click two fingers on the mousepad just I don't actually push it I just tap it but you might have to click yours physically and let me do that again hover it over top of that clicked it one time pushed it went up top click that one time actually yeah just clip it and then a eject freezer now it's ejected and now I can safely remove it and now you have both of those files on your USB Drive now you can go ahead and insert it in the side of your embroidery machine and stitch along with the many videos that I make for you guys also another method you can do this that's really really simple if you don't want to do all the command-and-control and copy and paste you can just drag and drop whether you're on a Mac or you're on a PC you can just as soon as you found your downloads folder and you found the item that you want to put onto the memory card and you see where the memory card is which is the USB Drive you can go ahead and press and click you can press and hold click and hold and drag the the thing into the other folder so what I'm talking about is you click and I'm holding my finger down onto the button and then I'm dragging it down then I highlight USB Drive and then I let go once I I let go once I'm in a USB Drive see once you once you hover over it too much and you're holding it too long it opens up the whole thing that's why I popped open like that but once you hover over USB Drive and then you let it go it pasted it it should paste it well did it do it yeah it pasted it in there alright so let me do that again for those that didn't at work all right so you go to downloads your it is right there click hold drag over and this is since it's already in there it's gonna ask me do I want to replace it you can replace it or you can say skip this file or whatever so alright so that does work you can drag and drop that's called the drag and drop method that's another way to do it whether you want a Mac or you're on a PC alright a double action guys thank you so much for watching I hope this video was helpful if it was give it a thumbs up if you know somebody that could help your grandmother your grandfather your father your mother share this video with them if you guys want to know any other computer basics I don't want teaching you guys I don't mind showing you guys anything that I know because everybody's not on the same level and sometimes like people that need to help it can be frustrating to try to find out or try to learn from somebody else who's not willing to teach or is getting frustrated with you so I understand how that could be so guys just bear with me why not when you see these videos if you're way more advanced than just wait for the next video but I try to help everybody out not only for myself so people can download and purchase my files but also for themselves because it's good to make yourself feel better and be confident having a new skill and those new skills that we learn you start building and building the building next thing you know they might become more advanced in you alright so thank you guys for watching I hope you guys enjoyed it give this video a thumbs up like comment subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already now head on over to Allen a wacom and purchase your dot p/es files because now you know how to put them onto flash drives and use them on your brother se6 hundreds selling an embroidery machine talk to you guys on the next one she boy I'm out peace turn up that while I listen to arrest me I can win the best baby [Music]
Channel: A-Dubb Productions Allan Wade
Views: 245,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video tutorials, A-Dubb Productions, allan wade, how to, blog, blogger, tech, tech news, technology, vlogger, vlog, How to copy files to a USB Flash Drive, usb, flash drive, copy files, copy and paste
Id: aAWjjnxkOe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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