How to Cook Tochong Bangus

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how are you guys, welcome to Panlasang Pinoy i hope you are all well today we are going to cook Bangus or Milkfish with Sauce this is the dish that has tahure or fermented bean curd, and tausi which is called Tochong Bangus these are the ingredients for our recipe white sugar, vinegar , one whole sliced chicken we need also here tausi or salted black beans for the tochong sauce ,we will use tokwa or tofu this is the tahure or the fermented bean curd and this is homemade which i make later,i will teach u how to do make this ginger onions garlic tomato we need also water and oil check also the description of our video,the list of the ingredients are there so if you are ready, come on let's cook together let's prepare first the bangus or milkfish put salt on it make sure that all the parts were salted after salting the fish, leave it for a while about 10-15 minutes let's also prepare the tokwa or tofu preheat oil i use oil used in frying meat before so we could save a little but do not use used oil for 10 times deep fry the tokwa and cook until golden brown remove the tokwa or tufo from the pan and let the excess oil drip set aside the tokwa and we will fry now the bangus or milkfish fry the one side until golden brown and turn the other side remove the milkfish from the pan and let the excess oil drip put it on a clean plate and we are ready to cook the tocho sauce on a clean pan, put used oil saute the onions, garlic ,ginger and more tomatoes look carefully the tomato and onions continue sauteing until they become soft i will pour vinegar, then let it boil let's put the tahure or fermented bean curd i need to make homemade tahure because there is no available here in my place this is how to make tahure, i put salt then i refrigerate for one day then i soak in a soy sauce cover and refrigerate for one week it takes time to make so if you have tahure in your places,you can save one week just saute the tahure and put tausi or fermented bean curd put on ly the beans, do not put the liquid because it is salty you can crush the tahure and tausi to become more delicious the taste will come out of here pour here the water let it boil while cooking, let's prepare the fried tokwa slice into cubes, the size depends on you after boiling the tocho sauce for 5 to 7 minutes, put the fried milkfish let it boil to have taste it become more delicious and tasty cook for 3 minutes turn the other side of the milkfish then put the sliced tokwa or tofu continue cooking for 2 to 3 inutes move, do not cover, let the liquid evaporate and i will put ground black pepper do not put salt, taste it if it is salty just add liquid i put also cilantro, an optional ingredient put sugar if you want a sweet taste it is just simple, and it's ready transfer to a serving plate,and serve it this is our Tochong Bangus this is very delicious , let's eat guys
Channel: Panlasang Pinoy
Views: 1,017,649
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Id: aq_lPBivjUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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