How to Cook STEAK RANCHERO Like the Best Mexican Restaurants - Arnie’s Cafe & Grill

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order up Barney station welcome to Orange Cafe and Grill where I'm cooking up my favorite Mexican and Tex-Mex recipes from my old restaurant menu in this video I'm cooking up steak Ranchero take Rancheros basically any cut of beef cut up in the strips or cubed and smothered in a fresh hot sauteed salsa for this recipe I'm searing a sirloin steak on my made-in 12-inch carbon steel frying pan then cutting it into slices and adding it into the hot salsa which has garlic onions tomatoes and jalapenos this is a great quick and easy to make meal that combines two of my favorite things steak and salsa and it's an awesome way to bring a cool variation to your own at-home menu so let's get fired up and cook up a delicious steak Ranchero at Orange Cafe and Grill vamanos what we're going to be using today is going to be one roma tomato one jalapeno pepper two garlic cloves a dash of cumin a pinch of oregano one cup of homemade tomato sauce you can use canned tomato sauce if you want and about a handful of cilantro what I like to do in this type of recipe is I just like to cut it into little round circles like this that way the slices are large enough that if they have a little extra bite in them Terry and Mom can kind of take it out of the way and they don't have to actually buy the chili pepper I'm gonna cut up my cilantro so we can have it ready and you don't have to chop it up too fine cilantro is good just like that for this particular recipe I like these long slices this way and I'm only going to take about half of this onion here and just like the tomatoes for this particular dish I like these nice long thin onion slices just like this all right first thing we're going to do is we're going to put a little bit of oil in here and we're going to drop our onions baby that's what I want to hear you want to stir fry that a little bit I'm going to put my Jalapenos in here if you want to just let them heat up a little bit and let the carbon steel frying pan and the oil do their magical thing okay things are looking good here now we're going to cook these veggies with the meat for a little while so you don't want to overcook them they're just where they're soft right now and the onion is starting to get a little bit translucent so it's time to add the garlic and if you pick up a little bit of cilantro along the way it's okay now another thing that a lot of cooks like to do they like to grind up the fresh garlic and the cumin and the Peppercorns in my case I like to sear the garlic a little bit all chopped up like that I think it gives it some extra flavor when you cook that garlic in the hot oil like this and right about now I can see that the garlic is starting to get that nice toasty look and they're starting to smell really great the aroma is fantastic this is about the time I like to add my tomatoes in here we want to incorporate everything all together let the tomatoes get nice and warm kind of set my halfway cook all right the tomatoes are starting to soften up they're starting to change color a little bit they look great I'm going to add a little pinch of oregano and I want to drop it right in the middle where the heat is at I'm also going to drop a little dash of cumin oh that smells great when you add those spices to a hot pan man it just smells amazing okay everything's looking good here time to pour in the tomato sauce so we're going to heat this up a little bit all right friends our salsa ranchera AKA Ranchero salsa are ready to go we're gonna go ahead and take them off the heat we don't want to overcook this remember we're going to put it back in the pan and let it cook a little bit with that meat so that all the flavors will incorporate together and make an amazing steak Ranchero I want to take just a minute to say thank you and tell you a little bit about today's sponsor made in you know we cook a lot at home way more than we can show you in these videos and I'm always on the hunt for the best cookware to improve my recipes then I came across made in did some research and I was blown away at how great their products are and the range of product they offer for any cookie needs including this beautiful eight inch shift knife and this gorgeous little paring knife made in designs professional quality product for the home cook like us and their kitchenware is actually used in multiple three Michelin star restaurants you know a big thing for me is using pans that are safe non-toxic and uncoated and if you feel the same way I do then mate inch carbon steel collection is for you this 12 inch carbon steel frying pan is the perfect hybrid between a cast iron pan and a stainless steel cooking pan that heats quickly and evenly and it's light to maneuver for Great Fire Control and I'm really excited to use this carbon steel frying pan because as you use it and season it it will naturally develop a non-stick surface now this is especially important for me because I like to put all my pants to the test over the open fire grills and this carpet steel collection can take the heat from open fires up to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit so I'm excited to use these pans over the open fires and the grill real soon if you're like me and you want some good high quality pans you all definitely need these pans in your kitchen check out the carbon steel collection and made into other cookware by using the link in my description all right now let's get fired up and start cooking a delicious steak Ranchero all right we're going to take a little bit of oil this is a one pound sirloin steak we're going to drop it right into the pan here I want to give it a really good sear we're going to season it with a little bit of wow and put that on top there I'm going to press down a little bit on it get a little bit of Heat going there a little bit of that mired reaction a lot of cooks like to cut the meat into strips first and then just kind of stir fry it I like to do it this way because I want that nice Char in my steak I want that mired reaction right up front now one of the things I like about this nice big 12 inch carbon steel frying pan is it holds the whole stake in there we're going to give it about another minute and let the high heat and the carbon steel pan do their magic let's see what this looks like oh yeah baby that's what I was looking for a beautiful Char like that we want that nice good charred flavor on our steak now we need to wow that steak a little bit more on the other side this is smelling so good if you've never smelled that mired reaction Char on a steak and you need to try that one of these days I mean when you smell that it's like oh man it's different than the barbecue Aroma it's they're both great but this is different it just smells so good whenever you have beef searing on a hot pan it smells so good all right let's move it around a little bit all right friends we should have a nice Char on the other side I'm going to turn down the heat take my steak out put it on The Cutting Board I'm going to pour My Salsa ranchera in here okay while this is warming up again we're going to cut up our steak we're gonna slice it across this way make some nice long strips and so that they're kind of nice and even I'm going to cut off this little piece over here set that aside the other way and we're going to slice that too all right y'all see this is nice and medium I'm going to put it back in the pan finish cooking it with our salsa ranchera maybe I'll take a bite first um okay we're going to take all this delicious yummy beef here gonna give you a little stir let it finish cooking with the salsa we're going to drop a little bit of cilantro in here now if cilantro is not your flavor you don't have to use it you can leave it out and when I make steak Ranchero I like to use sirloin or fajitas or skirt steaks like fajitas or even Ribeyes or New York strips you can use any kind of meat you like but I prefer to use these kind of meats instead of Chuck because they cook really quick and you don't have to cook it for a long time they're done literally in 10 minutes all right friend it looks and smells amazing beautiful all right let's get some of this steak Ranchero on our plate here I'm going to get a little extra salsa ranchera and put it right over my steaks here boy if you guys could smell what's going on today it's fantastic all right Fred do we have a big serving of steak Ranchero very traditional is also some rice and some fresh homemade pinto beans this is gonna be delicious I'm gonna take a bite got my Fork take my piece of meat here along with some of that salsa ranchera I got to give me a jalapeno in here only thing I'm missing right now is a squeezer lime that's another option you can use I don't need it today this is just super good just by itself [Music] I got to give me some of these delicious fresh homemade beans mmm Terry's favorite beans are my favorite beans and the rice most excellent especially if you add a little bit of Bean Juice um but really the star of the show today is the steak Ranchero I'm going to take another piece of my Mexican spoon take another bite [Music] on them all right friends I had me a couple of really delicious bites of the steak Ranchero highly recommend you use sirloin or some kind of steak that cooks quick so that it can get done really quick this is a 10 20 minute dish all together from start to finish friend I highly recommend you give it a try it is delicious I'm gonna wrap it up because Terry should know they're salivating she's hungry too we're gonna both enjoy this delicious steak Ranchero dish so friend I hope you enjoyed this video we had a blast making it for you if you enjoyed it please hit the like button and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any videos from Arnie tags so if you would like to get some of our APC wow our OG or our brand new brisket rub you can get them at if you want to up to your barbecue game go to hit the link in the description and we'll see you there thanks for watching folks keep smoke light make it work and boom all right friends here we go we have our Tomatoes our cilantro our garlic our jalapeno peppers and the onions which are making me cry like a baby oh I love that sizzle this is kind of a weird shaped onion it's like an onion on top of an onion kind of got the half for free one of my fans said that my dance that my pit dance needed a little work that I should try Moondance so let's try that I can't Moon dance with the crap sorry we'll stick to the pit dance [Laughter]
Channel: ArnieTex
Views: 286,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq, barbecue, barbeque, grill, grilled, grilling, how to barbecue, how to bbq, steak, how to grill steak, how to cook steak, ribeye steak, fajitas, beef, arrachera, carne asada, how to cook sirloin, flap meat, fajita, asada, steak ranchera, steak ranchero, steak recipe, recipe, mexican recipe, mexican restaurant, how to cook steak ranchero, ranchero salsa, ranchera salsa, salsa ranchera, salsa roja, mexican cafe, mexican recipes, mexican restaurant recipe, bistec, bistec ranchero, salsa
Id: sHkbEfyHwb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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