How to Smoke a Rabbit | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to chud's bbq my name is bradley robinson and today i'm going to show you how i made this beautiful delicious smoky juicy smoked rabbit coming up easter is right around the corner folks and that means you're going to be seeing a lot of hams lamb pork loins all sorts of things hitting the dining room table but for me when i think about easter i think about bunnies and it just so happens that i have a rabbit in my freezer so that being said today i'm going to show you how to smoke a rabbit and it is going to be delicious let's head to last night this is a rabbit i picked this up at countryside farms the other day when evan and i were out there shooting a leroy lewis patreon video getting a farm tour talking to sebastian you should definitely check out that video it's a super cool place he's raising some really cool animals like foie gras ducks geese guinea hen rabbits and if this rabbit is half as good as his ducks then we're in for a treat [Applause] there's a good looking rabbit ooh we got the liver in there too cut that out make a little snacky poo a little later on nice and clean got these beautiful tenderloins in there and if you've never had rabbit before it's just like the movie say tastes just like chicken so that's how we're gonna treat it starting with a brine oh this is a neck but it looks a little too much like a butthole we're gonna flip that around oh is that better some water i'm just gonna eyeball as much water as i think i'm gonna need to completely submerge this thing without overflowing the vessel once we have the weight of water we're gonna add five percent of salt oh ye don't overdo it oh you're getting close perfect and we're just gonna whisk that up until it all dissolves beautiful we're gonna go in with the exact same amount of weight of some hot sauce i'm going with some frank's red hot this is just going to add some acidity some extra flavor you could go in with some lemon juice or something like that but i find a nice acidic hot sauce works quite well and basically what we're doing is just trying to mimic the properties of buttermilk and this is my go-to chicken brine for any time i'm doing any kind of poultry really next up going in with some crushed garlic some mustard seeds for good measure a good shot of white pepper some italian herbs you go fresh but i mean we're going into a brine so they'll hydrate nicely add some nice flavor and because i always have way too many on hand we'll throw in a couple of bay leaves as well whisk that up get it nicely mixed and now in with our rabbit enjoy your little bath perfect fit into my refrigerator this goes until tomorrow morning one day later and this rabbit is fully brined smells good i'm gonna give this thing a quick rinse just to get all these extra herbs and any extra salt or brine off of there now we got this rabbit out of the brine it's time to split it open just like a whole hog these hind legs are pretty well spread already so i'm going to just take these handy dandy kitchen shears and go right through the old breast plate up here and see what we can do scissors are not the right tool for the job beautiful now that we've got this thing fully opened up i'm going to go through and just kind of clean out some of this stuff a little bit any of this membranes similar to the membrane you'll find on the back of a chicken thigh but we've got these beautiful hindquarters here these are very similar to chicken thighs then we've got these two little tenderloins these little back straps in there very meaty very delicious and then we got these front legs a lot of good meat i think it's time to season this thing up in my rub i'm starting with two parts black pepper one part garlic powder and one part paprika just gonna get dead all nice and mixed up simply enough gonna get it nicely coated even coating all over it's already seasoned all the way through because of the brine this pepper and garlic and paprika is just going to add some nice color as well as a little extra flavor give us a nice bark on the outside beautiful smells good already super simple rub not much to it just trying to get a little extra flavor on the old easter bunny here and you can go with whatever rub you want on this you could just put pepper on there again it's a lot like chicken or turkey or something once it's brine it's already got enough flavor but adding some extra on top can't hurt anybody so that is looking good to me i think it's time to fire up the pit we're gonna start out with this wrap got these june bugs we're gonna start out with this rabbit bone side down over the coals we will come back and check on it in a little bit one hour later we've been rocking a solid 300 degrees on this here mini chud box let's see how this little bunny is looking ooh smelling real nice got some juices coming up let's give it a flip beautiful color on there looking good smelling good we got that fat dripping down on the coals giving it some wonderful flavor oh it smells so good we're gonna let this rock for a little bit longer while we make a mop sauce starting out with two sticks of butter and we're just gonna let that melt down i'm actually doing it over here by the way once fully melted and all the water has expelled we're going in with some fresh garlic let that cook away get nice and fragrant we're also going to go in with some worcestershire sauce good old pinch of mustard pie a little bit of hot sauce why not and a little bit of beer you know the drill from here folks oh yes please all of this butter and spices and goodness is gonna kind of collect in the old rib cage here making sure everything stays nice and juicy and moist and tender well adding extra flavor and anything that drips off yet again will add more flavor in the form of some delicious smoke i mean what more do you need in life than that happy easter check back in in a bit another 15 minutes later after a few more months we're going to flip this bad larry right back over so we can get some mop sauce on the top side god that smells good beautiful color on there and this is just gonna help soften up the bark add some wonderful flavor make sure nothing's drying out at this point we're approaching around 170 internal temps we're about to pull this off just one more last layer of flavor beautiful two hours of total cooking time later this rabbit is done and it's time to pull it off it's reading right around 160 165 which is right where you want it to be bam we're gonna let this rest for just a little bit come down in temp before we slice in hard to beat the direct heat folks smells so good one decrease in temperature later and i think it's time to dive into this thing put a slice down there just like a chicken thigh folks find the joint snap it off leg number two looking real nice and believe it or not i'm not that well versed in the butchery of rabbits we're just gonna go for it we're gonna follow the rib cage kind of like a turkey oh that meat feels real nice i find a natural separation on this hind leg so i'm gonna just follow that front leg natural seam right here we'll just go right in there take this leg off oh my goodness that looks so juicy i'd eat that and like i said i'm gonna keep following along the rib cage here see how much meat we can get off of this oh a little snack for papa that was good and we got this beautiful loin looks just like a chicken tender that white meat oh so tender i mean look at that meat would you just look at it juicy smells so good from the direct heat it tastes just like a chicken thigh so good for this other lawn we're gonna take it from the back that is some beautiful white meat right there uh yes please i don't know about you folks but i think it's time to dive in yup mm-hmm they're so good it honestly tastes just like chicken this is some delicious protein right here um this is what they should be serving at fairs forget turkey legs rabbit legs that's a substantial piece of meat yeah this is a keeper i mean what's not to like about that all this loin meat this backstrap rabbit meat is perfect for chunking up and making a beautiful sandwich out of [Music] leroy and lewis beat barbecue sauce on sale now at oh yes please oh god boop does it get any better than that folks seriously why don't more people smoke rabbit it's so good all right y'all that is it that is how to make a delicious smoked rabbit if you've never cooked it before i highly recommend giving it a shot it's an incredibly easy super tasty way to add a new protein to your repertoire but if you enjoyed this video be sure to let me know by hitting that subscribe button like the video hit the bell all those things if you give this recipe a try for yourself be sure to tag me on instagram chad's barbecue i'd love to see what you all are cooking head over to for all things pit related and until the next time i see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 65,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easter, barbecue, smoker, bunny, charcoal, texas, Backyard BBQ, Mop Sauce, Grilled
Id: hbjEVhDF5pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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