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yeah I'm coming after the chef that served Naruto that ichiraku ramen nobody's safe here cuz palm for this you guys I know what I'm talking about just search no Ruth Oh eating ramen I'm coming after that chef you guys joined this content don't forget to like this content here also labelled come on you'll part of the notification me show you how easy it is to make Naruto's favorite ramen don't blank first things first we're gonna clean our bowl why do we clean our bowl the cleaning process will help with a clear broth so I got 6 pounds of pork bones here boiling time 15 minutes 15 minutes up pour out your impurity what we're doing now cleaning the bone or cleaning any bits of periods off thrown back into the pool nothing to it now feel my pot up to 16 quarts of water to this beautiful stop I'm going with 1 tablespoon of salt 1 stock of green onion 1 whole ginger root lastly to whole onion you know why guys I lied I forgot all about this I have a cup of portobello mushrooms here from the longevity episode I've been to this now stock must sit and a medium high heat for 6 hours minimum XR topping so I got some chat support well pork belly here to marinate 1 tbsp of sesame oil 1/2 a cup of white wine 2 tablespoon of mirin 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce 2 tbsp of brown sugar quarter teaspoon of Chinese five-spice and I'm going to do 1/2 a tablespoon of white pepper take your beautiful club clean hand get into the guys it's gonna get a little messy but it's gonna be worth it in all right make sure you rub it into every single crack guys it's a must let this sit for two hours next topping green onions next Naruto Maki I believe this is just fish it's just fish sticks sheath into something very nice nice little total on it if you guys are wondering any if you guys are from Canada I got this at team tea next I couldn't find any Mima or pickled bamboo I got something better pickled turnip here so I'm gonna do pretty much just slice it down guys I'll say still tastes delicious like the me mount or the bamboo or the pickled bamboo still gives its purpose and the same color T right hey slice this topping our perfect ball egg so all we're gonna do take your egg wait for the water to boil lots of boils just the room into pool guys I don't care if they can swim just in time six minutes make sure guys six the minutes only I wait for our eight to boil let's make a bath for them to sit in so I got 1/3 cup of mirin 1 tablespoon of sesame oil 3 tbsp soy sauce a cup of water tbsp of sugar mix that in and there it is your egg bath 6 minutes up out of the hot pool into the cold pool take you guys over here we're gonna peel up right away guys don't let them cool down too much you guys follow the six-minute step you're gonna have the perfect egg just got that nice and peeled drop them into our soy base pool you guys want to know what six minutes does Tanev so I just peel this I'm on the science for this place it's kind of cold right now so it kind of cooled down but you guys get the point just what six minutes does to an egg did the sunlight just killed it yeah lastly our pork has been sitting for two hours nothing to I'm gonna roll it up I'll do my best to roll it up take my chopstick on my chopstick some skewers I'm just gonna stab it in just to hold it in place I got two tbsp of olive oil here take my pork roast I'm gonna sear all the sides got that nice sear it all around just gonna throw it to my baking sheet ovens preheated at 400 degrees Fahrenheit throw it in for 40 to 50 minutes to this guy's we got the rest of the sauce here all we're gonna do fresh ramen time let me show you how easy it is to make the best fresh ramen Mina home don't blame to make good fresh ramen at home I got 300 mil of warm water here I got this right here this stuff right here is the secret right here guys so it's just big baking soda so how do you get big baking soda all you do is bake big baking soda for one hour so the reason why we bake baking soda is because the big big baking soda will make the water more alkaline and it'll help give the ROM and texture noodle its texture and color so one tablespoon of this into our water we're gonna mix this with our water tossed in three cups of flour make a little well make our alkaline water and we're just gonna pour it in slowly to know that your big baking soda water is legit is when you see a tinted yellow color to let your here pour in a little at a time no rush just a little that time this is probably the hardest dough you guys will ever work with so please be aware of that it's kind of awkward to say yeah very awkward very awkward to work with all we're looking for you guys come on we all know this when we're making ramen noodles is a nice hard dough always look for a nice hard tool when you're making ramen once you've got your dough nice and crumbly like this we're just kind of work it in so kneading time 20 minutes guys I'll say 20 minutes of me if you don't meet for 20 minutes you've done it wrong see how awkward and crumbly this dough is that just means you're on the right track this is five minutes in see how awkward it still looks you're on the right track keep going at it guys just keep going at it still waiting on that David this table is still not breaking definitely not breaking just don't mind my triceps that's I just need a lot of dill you don't need machine you are your own machine that's what it is it's getting there 15 minutes in congratulation you just rolled out the hardest dole you can ever possibly rolled out and you got a sick tricep workout we're gonna do now we're gonna let this sit in the fridge for 15 minutes just to let the dough relax 30 minutes in my char C's been baking a wait twist us around like this cuz I want to show you guys remember that glaze we just cooked up no glaze this nothing goes to waste nothing to it now throw this back into the oven for the remainder of the time well has been resting for about 15 minutes I'm gonna do now nothing to it guys heaters will always hate that this part I don't know why they always say hey it's fake it's edited what's what's with that edit I was like what what edit I just put a back there guys you know what I'm saying cry chop the perfect chop again guys nothing to it now take one of the crud sharpies flatten it out roll this out take you guys over here to my pasta roller gang guys there's seven dolls and we're just gonna go down to the second down so seven somebody asked why I'll just go down to the second down you guys can't stop at the third the fourth I'll the second one for me is the right thickness I enjoyed my noodle dough so if you want thicker noodles stop at three stop at five or stuff I said just a beautiful sheet of ramen you guys can't even have this whole sheet as one noodle if you guys go on this'll course starch here which I'm just going to place on them front that back turn you guys around again sorry guys we run it through our spaghetti cutter take some more cornstarch pull this around is one big beautiful bundle of ramen fresh noodles me before your eyes once you got that nice and all rolled out we're just kind of throw it to the side for the time being sours in our stock is complete nothing to it now all we're gonna do is strain this oh yeah add it to care it in because it's just laying around why not right so strain this filter this and you should be left with only 12 quarts of rich pork broth to this this put it back onto your flame year to season my beautiful broth I got two heaping scoop of soybean paste lastly this bad boy here I know every chef has their own twist and take on it this is my ramen recipe or an errata recipe so I'm gonna add some good fish sauce in it guys to add in onto the umami sauce so two tablespoon at a time I'll stir that in and we're gonna taste and adjust for my liking all day I have 4 tbsp of fish sauce through 12 quarts of broth and my broth is just sitting on the low right now I told her got to cut my char C so take off your toothpick move the sounds for this cause it's gonna slice down [Music] it's still raw goof it's still raw guys what we're gonna do is just slice it down and we're just gonna pan-fry it I'll pan fry it chef cooks so just pan frying this again just because I goofed big guys would have been perfect if it was to trial there you go set this up so ramen into the pool cooking time 40 seconds 20 seconds up strain it under cold water why we do this under cold water is because we want to stop the cooking and it helps with the texture throw it to our Bowl here got our broth first it goes something like this char siew Oh speech RC then it goes green onion two pieces of fish cake and get your egg nervous a computer for those eggs are just perfect you got your pickle veg or your Menma office amore take a look at this not too shabby what do you guys think real deal or what I say so when do you guys coming by quick time guys well it's still hot let's get into this guy's finally I'm just starving just try the broth fris with everything in it quick time guys it's got it nice I'm super pumped for this Wow that broth it's just amazing hello for quick time it's cooked now alright nice this noodle for time decimal so that's what's up hey quit on this right here it's on a whole new level of love mmm maybe it was a maybe it was a sign the food God didn't want me to overcook it so they undercooked it for me for me to charge this up mm-hmm it's practically bacon a bit of the knob Naraku nerado I keep saying no Radu now root the rice cake make this at home I guarantee you you'll never eat instant noodles ever again and it's healthier that fatty pork bacon mm-hmm it's just so beautiful just so beautiful [Music] six hours to make one minute to take that that was so worth it so worth [Applause] best boy ramen ever made my life it you guys enjoy this one don't forget to subscribe you have it also don't forget to pick up on your shirts a food life's beautiful thing shirt like Janice this brat haircutting await huh kitty you couldn't even wait for some air time honey you have to make some noise I'll do my outro huh kitty huh huh little brat are you not making any noise kid I'll give you some airtime you know I'll give you some air time he's got to get easy right
Channel: Quang Tran
Views: 7,757,092
Rating: 4.7697444 out of 5
Keywords: cartoon feast, cartoon food to reality, food wars, cooking videos, naruto ichiraku ramen, how to cook ramen, ramen noodles recipe, ramen stock recipe, tonkustu ramen recipe, authentic ramen recipe, mukbang eating, eating ramen mukbang, asmr eating sounds, relaxing cooking videos, naruto ramen, how to cook naruto ramen, how to boil the perfect egg, relaxing eating sounds, japanese food
Id: 6W2iC0g1xr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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