How to Cook Ginisang Repolyo with Chicken

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Welcome to Panlasang Pinoy! Every new year, we have our own New Year's Resolution. Most of us wants to lose weight. Or maybe some of us wants to start eating healthy. In short, we do not want dishes that has high in calories. That is why today, the dish we will be making is not just healthy but delicious as well. And I call it as "Ginisang Repolyo na may Manok" (Stir-fried Cabbage with Chicken) These are the ingredients that we will be using for this dish. Cabbage or "repolyo" Boneless Chicken Breast (sliced) Red and Green Bell Peppers We will also be needing Onion Garlic Oyster Sauce and "Knorr Chicken Cube" Aside from this, we will also be using water, cooking oil, salt and ground black pepper. Here is the complete list of ingredients together with their respective quantities. As you would know, this dish is so simple to prepare. So come and join me to cook this dish. We just need to heat up a cooking pot and we will put cooking oil. You can either use canola oil, vegetable oil or corn oil. It could also be extra virgin olive oil or olive oil. There would not be any problem when it comes to the oil that you will use. And when the oil has warmed up, let us now place the garlic. We will first sauté the garlic. And what I like here in my garlic in this dish is that its color is quite brown. That is why I will cook the garlic until its color quite turns into light brown. The garlic that we are using was crushed with the use of "Almirez" (Mortar and Pestle) Some us doesn't like our garlic to be crushed. They will just sliced it to bits or chopped it into pieces, and that would be okay. Now we will put the onion. What I am using here is the white onion. You can use shallots in here, or can also be red or yellow onion If you are in a hurry, you can just slice the onion like the way I did. But you can always slice it or chop it into smaller pieces. Just like minced onions. We will just continue cooking it until the onion becomes cooked. And now this is ready. As you would noticed, we have evenly cooked the garlic. And the onion was tender already. Now we will put the chicken. As what I have said earlier, these are boneless chicken breasts that we have sliced thinly. I have sliced it thinly for it to be easily cooked and easily tenderized. You can also use here chickens with their bones still intact, but if you will use that, my suggestion is that you would boil the chicken with bones first with 2 cups of water for about 20 minutes. Then after, we will just shred the chicken separating its meat from its bones and then we will put the chicken meat in our dish. When it comes to the water that we have boiled the chicken with, set it aside first and we will use it later on. Going back into our boneless chicken breast, we will just continue cooking it until the chicken turns into light brown. There you have it, the chicken's color is now light brown but I will just continue cooking it for about 2 minutes more. So that we can be sure that the chicken is well cooked and the onion will caramelized a bit. When the onion had caramelized, you can notice that its taste becomes sweet. And now we can add our water. We will be using 3/4 cups of water. We will just let it boil and we will scatter the chicken across the pot. so that it can be evenly cooked. And when the water has boiled up, we can now add our 'Knorr Chicken Cube' I am using this for us to have a rich and flavorful chicken taste here in our 'Ginisang Repolyo' with Chicken. After that, We could now mix it. We will just let the chicken cube to dissolve. And we will just continue to boil the dish. What we want to do is to boil it until the chicken softens. And while it is happening, the water in it gradually evaporates. When the water in the dish had evaporated and reduced into half, we can now put our oyster sauce. This oyster sauce is helpful to make our dish more flavorful. And that is why, if you have an oyster sauce with you, I am encouraging you to use it in our dish. We just need to mix it. And after that, we will just continue cooking. We will just let its sauce to evaporate or reduce more. And when the sauce has reduced, we can now add the cabbage that we have chopped earlier. What I am using is a small cabbage that I have cut into half. And this is the half of that small cabbage that I have chopped. We will just mix it. Just make sure that we have mixed the chicken that we have saute earlier together with the cabbage. What cabbage we are using is the typical one. This cabbage can normally bought in the market or groceries. If you want it to be different, or you want to experiment with the dish, you can use any variety of cabbage. Just like the savoy cabbage, we can use it in here. Or we can also use a different color of cabbage, just like a purple cabbage. I will now put water. This is half cup of water only. We will now mix the cabbage and chicken. And after that, we will just cover the pot. We will just cook it for about 5 minutes while it is covered. After 5 minutes our cabbage is now cooked. Lets just mix it together and add the other ingredients. We will now add the red and green bell peppers. I have used one of each and only the small ones. What we did is I cut it into strips. We will cook it for just about 2 minutes. But it will still depend on you if you want your bell pepper to be tender, you can cook the dish more until the bell pepper completely tenderized. And now we are ready to season the dish. It is just simple. We will only use salt and ground black pepper. It is important to first taste the dish before we season it, so that we would know how much salt are we going to add. Now this is the salt. And this is the ground black pepper. When it comes to the ground black pepper, I would like to add it generously. That is why we will be adding just the right amount of ground black pepper. So that we could really taste it. We will just mix it. Just make sure that the salt and ground black pepper were mixed well. But it is important that you mix it slowly. Mix the dish from the outside to inside. It is just like tossing the dish. So that the vegetables won't get crushed. And if you want it to be with more sauce, you could always add water. Now this is ready. We will just transfer our 'Ginisang Repolyo' with Chicken into a serving bowl. And we will now serve it. Now, here is our 'Ginisang Repolyo' with Chicken. This is now our 'Ginisang Repolyo' with Chicken I have smelled already the chicken and oyster sauce. Smells Good. Now we will taste it. We will taste the cabbage, chicken and the bell pepper all together. Mmm~ Still crunchy. It is delicious. The tenderness of the chicken is just right. What good in this dish, is that we do not need to prolong the cooking of the chicken for it to soften because we have slice it in to thin pieces already that helps to fasten the process of softening of the chicken. I like it so much. As you would know, even though this dish is so simple, when it comes to its taste, it is still flavorful. Really delicious. Mmm~ Pair it with rice and it is perfect. And even without rice, it is still okay. It's really an awesome dish. I hope that you try our recipe. It is so simple to do yet so delicious. That is the 'Ginisang Repolyo' with Chicken I hope that you have learned something new this day. And if you like our recipe, don't forget to like this video and also please share. And for those of you who have not subscribe yet, kindly click the subscribe button below. Also, kindly allow the notification so that you can be notified by Youtube if we have uploaded new videos. Thank you very much for your unwaivering support and views in our videos. 152 00:11:14,000 --> 00:11:17,000 It is really overwhelming and I am very thankful to all of you. Hoping to see you on our next videos. See you soon.
Channel: Panlasang Pinoy
Views: 1,583,744
Rating: 4.8557382 out of 5
Keywords: how to cook cabbage, cabbage recipe, cooking cabbage, chicken and cabbage, cabbage with chicken, ginisang repolyo, repolyo recipe, panlasang pinoy, filipino recipe, filipino food, Pinoy recipe, cooking healthy, manila, philippines, california
Id: j3kIj35AVdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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