How to Convert Google Earth KMZ file to Shapefile (Quick and Easy)

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hi welcome to this ArcGIS tutorial on how to convert a Google Earth KMZ file to a standard shapefile so let's get started first we open Google Earth now for the demonstration purposes today I'll be choosing this big island called Madagascar to digitize so what I'll be doing now is I'll be digitizing this using Google Earth and I'll be transferring the digitized file into arcmap and create a shapefile so first we go to add polygons and I'm just going to give a name here I'm going to name it as Madagascar and I'm going to create a style and a color and now let's start digitizing now I'm not going to be that precise in digitizing because that's not really the purpose of this tutorial it's just to show you how to transfer the KMZ format to standard ESRI shape file you see now we are almost done and we can double click to complete it after that you can press ok to save it and then if you scroll down over here you can see we have got a new file called Madagascar next what you need to do is you need to save this file so you just right click on this and go to save places as okay when I'm trying to save the file you can see actually it's going to get saved in a format called KMZ now this KMZ is the standard format which is being used by Google Earth especially when you create some sort of a shapefile 11 and when you try to save it it'll get saved in this KMZ format and this is the file format that we are trying to convert later on into s3 shapefile so I'm just going to save it like this then we can open up map ok once you have opened arcmap you could search here or you can simply press ctrl F and here type KML to layer and select the first option now here it's asking us to input the KML file so here we have to actually navigate to the place where we saved our KMZ file and as you can see here it's Madagascar and we just open it and as the output location I'm going to specify the same folder KMZ - shapefile [Music] all right then you can press okay okay now as you can see we have successfully added that shape into our art map interface now I'm just going to go ahead and save this as a shapefile now in order to do that you can click here and right click and go to data and export data what I'm trying to do is actually what I'm trying to just save this as a new shapefile and I'm already in my folder so I'm just going to change the name and leave the dot SHP just as it is so I'm going to name this as Madagascar shapefile yes now I can go ahead and get rid of this one okay now how do we verify whether we have successfully exported this or not one way is to actually check whether we have gotten the correct projection or not now if you go to properties and here you can see that actually it has the WGS 1984 coordinate system which is used by Google Earth and also another way to verify is actually by adding a base map you can go to file and you can add data and add a base map and check whether this correctly fits with the with the real location or not okay once the base map is loaded you can see that we have perfectly align our digitized shapefile on top of Madagascar so that concludes the tutorial for today if you like this video you can give it a thumbs up and if you would like to see more videos on the practical usage of our GIS as well as fighten programming I welcome you to subscribe to my channel as well thank you very much and have a good day
Channel: GeoDelta Labs
Views: 25,703
Rating: 4.913846 out of 5
Keywords: ESRI, KMZ, Google Earth, Export, Shapefile, How to
Id: vnrm3nhKIJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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