How to Connect Microsoft Project to Power BI

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hello and welcome to another video in our YouTube series about Microsoft Project in this video we are going to be talking about how you going to connect your project to powerbi if you want to expand your reporting capabilities with the powerbi uh tools so there's two ways that you're going to have to do that and that's going to depend whether you're working with project desktop or project for the web so if you want to know the differences between them just make sure you watch the previous videos in this series but for now I'm I'm going to show you where you would go regardless of uh where you have your project saved if you log into your powerbi account you can go to the apps area and that's going to be right here on the left side of your page and there will be a button saying get apps right on the upper right side of the page so if you go to get apps you'll be able to find if you type here project you'll be able to find some different connections that you can have and I'm going to go ahead and actually go all the way down because both of the connections we need they will be here so the connection with this uh older project icon is going to be how you're going to connect to project desktop SL Project online because you will see that you need to upload your project to project uh online or project web app uh to be able to use this connection or powerbi um templates in general and this new icon here is going to be for project for the web so just a little notice if you go to project for the web and I'm going to show you that real quick before we continue so I have that already open here and you will see that Microsoft just released a announcement saying that Pro for the web is going to be part of planner okay so if you are using project for the web you might still have those capabilities I'm not going to be able to uh tell how the process is going to be different after they make the transition but probably you still going to be able to use this just using a different connector okay but the process will be the same just try to find planner as the connector but for now I'm going to show you how it is done today so I'm going to go back to powerbi the same window that we were before and we are going to first connect to project for the web because this one's going to be a little bit easier and then I'm going to show you how you can do to project uh online or a project web app the project server that we can connect from Project desktop okay so first project for the web you're going to use the very last one in the bottom of your list so I'm going to click on this one and all you have to do is Select getting up you will have to accept the terms so you'll be prompted to pick a workspace where you want to create this report so I already have a workspace I already have a connection here here so for this reason I'm just going to go ahead and select h a new one you're probably not going to have the same amount of questions that I have here but I'm just going to select here install another copy of the app in a new workspace okay but in your case you can just uh pick the one you want and the name for the newwork space is going to be project for the web YouTube demo I have an extra three here So Pro for the web YouTube demo and I'm going to go ahead and select install it's going to take a few seconds to load and as soon as it's done you will get the message and you can go to the app so I'm going to go ahead and go to the app and this is what you see I just want to draw your attention that this is going to be dummy data okay so these are not my company's real data you have and you see the warning right there up on top where you would have to go to actually connect to the data from from your company from your organization so I'm going to go ahead and select connect your data and you just need to pick the URL for your environment the easiest way for you to find the url for the environment for the data verse environment that you're using is by going to power apps so I'm going to open a new tab here and I'm just going to type make. power you can see the uh address in my web in my browser and then it really depends in which environment you're going to be using project by default if you do not create any additional environments everything that you create on project for the web it's going to be in your default environment so you just have to find right up on top your environments uh my default environment is going to be this one called uh I think it's the personal productivity that's the one and you can see the environment type simply by hovering on top of the environment's name and you will be able to see that this is my default environment so everything that your organization creates in project for the web in general is going to be on the default unless your company creates a specific environments for certain groups of people working on certain project so for this case I'm just going to pick my default environment which is going to be this one personal productivity and I'm going to click on the two little dots here with more options and I'm going to go to go to admin Center in your admin Center you'll be able to find the url for your environment so I can just right click on this uh URL and then copy the link and if I go back to project which is in my powerbi uh page right there I just have to paste the environment here and click on next and then it's going to update my information with the organization uh with my organization's projects and then I'm just going to sign in and connect and and then you can see that there is a refresh in progress once you have finalized the steps the data is going to connect and you will be able to use uh powerbi there is a template already so you don't have to be super proficient with powerbi uh if you know the basics you can start working with uh powerbi capability because all the data connections will be made for you by creating this connection through this parameter okay so this is going to take a while and then I can show you that the result for this one in just a little bit oh there it is so we have have our data here and you have all the different pages so I have my portfolio dashboard so this is what I have here for the entire company I have my portfolio timeline and you'll be able to see the timeline of your projects our projects are kind of like in this environment a little bit left over time so there it is you can see them kind of like popping up in the timeline we use this for some of the demos okay and you can see all the different pages and if you want I can go to edit my report up on the right side this is going to add the app and then I'm just going to select that I'm going to go to the workspace in the workspace you will find a copy of the report itself and also the data model that was used for the report so if I open my report right there you'll be able to uh edit everything and this time I'm not going to pick the very last one I'm going to pick the one right before because this is how I'm going to connect to project uh projects that were Crea in Project desktop just as a reminder if you if you work with project desktop you just have to upload uh your file you have to publish your F to project to Project online and I'm going to show you that in your project Center I'll in just a little bit but let's go ahead and follow the steps for this one so I'm going to click on the second to last icon right here on my list the one with the older project icon and if I click on this one process is very similar get in out get in out and then the same process here I already have a workspace so I'm just going to go ahead and create a new workspace for this which I will delete after this demo so I'm just going to select a new one and I'm going to call this project desktop YouTube demo so I'm going to go ahead and install this one and there it is I can go to the app the process is going to be very similar but here here there's a little catch so again this is uh simple data okay so this is not the data for my organization if you want to connect to the data from your organization I'm just going to go here to connect your data and here you have to get the URL for the pwa site that you have uh for the project so this is going to be a little bit different the location you are going to go to find that is going to be the project uh web uh page so go to project. you can see the address here in my browser and you if you go to the settings right here on the upper right side you will see the option to uh pick your pwa site so if I click on my pwa side it's going to give me exactly the URL of what I need that I need for the connection so I I'm just going to go back and type the pwa site URL here you have an example of how the URL looks like so you just have to remove this one and then paste yours on top of it so this is going to be pragmatic Works uh pwa site and I'm going to go ahead and click on next the rest here is going to be very very similar so I'm going to sign in and connect as well and I'm just going to show you I have my pwa site open here just for you to see you need to have your projects the projects you created in Project desktop uploaded here okay so just make sure that you have them here they cannot be locally in your computer they need to be published in the pwa in the project Center in your project web app uh for you to be able to see the data on powerbi so we're still waiting for the connection to complete and there it is and now we have two projects these two are the exactly two that we have here in my uh project Center and you will see that the information that we have is only the information that I have uh in those uh simple files only one has some cost associated with it and there additional information the other one is BL blank is just a template file so you will be able to see all the different uh informations here as well and you have all the pages you can navigate to so portfolio typel which uh in this one is very very simple we only have one uh portfolio cost again we only have one project with cost information associated with it but everything is here and the process if you want to download the file and work in your project desktop if you want to create new files new pages um new graphs new visuals new reports you can do that uh just have to download this to project desktop to your computer so you can work in Project desktop so I hope this helped you configure your connection because the connection between powerbi and project is a little bit different than the traditional connection that you go to get uh get data and then find data and create data model Yourself Microsoft made our life a little bit easier with those templates and you can just use them by connecting to your uh sources so either it's going to be the environments if you were using project for the web and I believe when they make the transition to planner that uh process is still going to be the same and if you were using project desktop you just have to use your pwa site uh same as you have used for uh all your project uh needs okay so I hope you like this video and I'll see you in the next ones
Channel: Pragmatic Works
Views: 12,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft project, power bi, connect microsoft project to power bi, microsoft project power bi, power bi tutorial for beginners, power bi dashboard, power bi project, microsoft project training, microsoft project for the web, microsoft project plan, power bi training, power bi basics, power bi dashboard design, power bi tutorial, microsoft project resource management, microsoft power bi for project planning and control, project for the web, project online, project management
Id: N3BXMvLc2rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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