How to Connect DJ Subwoofers to Speakers & Mixer

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[Music] hey what's going on everybody this is brylan with funkytown entertainment uh back at it again with another how-to video for you guys um what i'm going to be showing you all here today is how i hook up my sound system whenever i am using uh subwoofers um there are two ways to hook up your subwoofers uh whenever you are running your normal top speakers and then having subwoofers either under them or placed in the middle of your um of your dj setup uh the way i prefer to do it and the way i was taught is that you want to run your subwoofers individually on their own individual aux send i was taught this by my brother he's a sound engineer works for a lot of bars and clubs and places around in the area and he has a lot of musical knowledge and how to eq certain things and work with mixers and he taught me how to do this and at these big stadiums they do this in order to have control of their subwoofers so that way whenever you raise the volume on the entire master volume it doesn't pull the subwoofers up if you don't need them to come up if you have them separate i could raise my top speakers up higher and not have to have the subs come meet them the subs can stay at this level and it just sounds a lot clearer and you have a lot more control and be able to fine tune on what you want to do so i'm going to show you guys how i hook things up and i will kind of explain everything when it comes to what an aux end is and things like that so yeah i'll go ahead and show you guys real quick and uh here we go all right guys so sorry for the mess uh it's kind of a messy room in here but i'm going to show you anyways how this works uh just to kind of show you what we're working with i'm working with my allen and heath z10 mixer i love this thing it's fantastic um it's really crisp and clean sound i have a lot of videographers that tap in at my ceremonies and my receptions that tell me this is one of the cleanest sounds i've ever had coming from a system so this thing is great if you want to pick it up i'll go ahead and show you more on this but i'm also running i have two this one's just on top of it i'm just running the one this is my one of my ev ekx 15 subs that i have and i'm going to be showing you i'll be running it just one mono channel like that and then right here i do have my ekx 12p top right here that i'm just running the one usually of course i run two but just for the example today i'm just showing you the one so i'm going to show you guys how this works oh also i'm running the laptop as my line in for music source but let me go ahead and show you real quick so how this works is usually we are all used to running all of our speakers and stuff like that out of the main outs right here right so on my um on my mixer right here i have main outs right here the xlr outs left and right just right here that says main out i'm running this one into my top cabinet so i'm running this into my top speaker which is this one it just runs right into this line this right here and it say it says uh aux out if it will focus possibly i know that light's in the way come on so right there it says aux out what that is is that is a line channel that runs out and it allows you to operate things individually outside of just the mains so let's say i were to raise my main volume right here all the way up that would control if i had my subwoofers hooked up to my top cabinets it would control everything the exact same way but since i have my subwoofers connected through this quarter inch out right here with just the aux out i am able to individually control my subwoofer to make sure that the volume is where i need it to be let me go ahead and show you guys how this works so as you can see we're gonna be using channel four right here it's gonna be where uh my laptop is hooked into this right here is the line in from the laptop i have everything neutral just to keep things simple and easy and this is my volume for my specific channel so if i raise this up just like that it's going to control the channel volume for the top cabinet right here you can see these gray knobs right around here this gray knob is actually the one that is going to be the volume for my subwoofer so what i could do is i could raise this up let's say to unity and at noon 12 o'clock right there that would bring the music up for the subwoofer only so i could have this knob all the way down turned off and having the music play and you would only hear the bass because i have this turned up now if i turn this back down the music would not be coming out of the subwoofer and no music would actually be coming out at all in this scenario but let's say i left this aux send down and crank this up you would only hear music coming out of my top cabinets so let me go ahead and explain a little bit more about this i also have right here a master volume for my aux for my aux so i honestly like to use that a lot of times i like to set this at a nice proper unity usually on that and then what i will go ahead and do is only use this just so i have a just separate volume and i don't have to be reaching in between all these little knobs right here so i'm gonna go ahead and play a song for you guys it's like a non-copyrighted song so hopefully it's gonna not get flagged by youtube and i'll show you how it works just give me one second to set it up and real quick i forgot to mention something so um i want to mention the difference between stereo and mono so whenever you have your main outs right here right so the xlr outs that i have right here if you are running a left and a right those outs are made to run in stereo that means that there is a signal going to the left speaker and then a signal going to the right speaker so there are separate signals for left and right when it comes to mono mono means that the left and right signal are all in the exact same signal so mono means one probably in like latin or something like that and so mono right here that is what the aux send or the aux out is going to be um configured in so mono is going into here i was always told that you should always run a mono line into subwoofers the reason is that is going to give the subwoofers the best sound sometimes whenever you have just a left or just a right going into a subwoofer it's not going to give all the full punchiness and all the bass and the deepness that a sub is supposed to give now if you run a mono line into your subwoofer it has both left and right in the signal and so what that does is that gives that strong punch that you are expecting from base now you could always run a top cabinet mono and there's certain scenarios where that's actually the best thing to do depending on the room that you're in so you can have just how i'm doing i'm running it technically mono but if i were to be running a second speaker like my one down the bottom i would run the line out for the uh master on the right and that would run into it so that would be a stereo uh line out for uh the audience to hear which a lot of times that's what most uh djs do is they like to run stereo so that is the difference between mono and stereo subwoofers should always be run in mono and then the top cabinets can be made run in mono or stereo depending on the situation an application that you need to use for your venue or for the uh for the audience so all right y'all so just to show you what i'm doing i'm about to start hitting the play button on my laptop over here and now i have the song playing so if i turn up this individual channel right here [Music] you can hear that the music is coming out of my top cabinet right there what i'm going to do now is turn down that channel and turn up only the subwoofer so once again i have individual control of what is being heard by my audience so let me go ahead and turn up everything i'll turn up right here off the top cabs right here the top cabinet you definitely don't hear that low end but here it comes in because now i'm going to turn up my individual channel for my aux send which is the aux end into the subwoofer so here comes the low end [Music] so as you guys can see i have individual control of both my top cabinets as well as my subwoofers let me go ahead and explain why you guys why that is a big deal and why it's honestly preferred by most sound engineers and people that have an idea of how sound works alright y'all so i want to explain one more time why i do this why i like to have separate control of my subwoofers versus my top cabinets the reason is i think it gives the best overall sound that you can have and the more control you have the better fine tuning you can have and the better sound you will have as well so how a lot of people like to do it is they like to run just out of their main outs of their mixer straight into their subwoofer down below and then from the subwoofer straight up to the top cabinets the only way for things to work like that is if i am controlling everything all together if i wanted to make sure my subwoofers weren't pushing too hard i would have to go to each individual subwoofer and turn the volume down on them to me that's not ideal so that is why i like to separate separate and have separate control of my subwoofers so that way i can give the best sound possible like i said my brother who is a audio engineer he really taught me this and made sure that i hadn't had a grasp of this and it's honestly a game changer because when you have those songs that you know it's going to have a really good bass and you really want to push that bass and push it up if you have it linked the way a lot of djs do it which is just through the master outs the only way you can get that bass up is if you pull that volume all the way up and you're gonna make everyone's ears bleed whenever the top cabinets are screaming at people right but if you can individually control it you can just turn on that one knob right there on your right hand on that mixer boom and you can get that bass really pumping and just really adding to it so that's why i do what i do if you have any questions let me know hopefully that was explained easy enough for you guys to understand and stuff like that and if you have any questions holler at me also guys let me know if there's anything else you want me to talk about on the next videos i do i love being able to make videos that help everybody out and because there's a lot that i learned from youtube and things like that so i want to be able to give back to everybody else and really be able to teach people if they really want to know how something works so if there's anything that you see that i do or anything like that go ahead and comment down below and i'll definitely try to get those videos made for you guys but yeah so that is basically it if you have any questions let me know put the put in the comments down below and i'll see you guys next time on the next video thank you guys [Music]
Channel: DJ BRY
Views: 74,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJ, Mobile DJ, DJ Speakers, Subwoofers, subwoofers and speaker, subwoofer and mixer, How to set up subwoofers and mixer
Id: iNC0hJDurag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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