How To Connect a PA System with a Powered Subwoofer & Audio Mixer

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so in today's video i'm going to show you how to hook up a pa system with a subwoofer in five minutes we're also going to talk about some of the features and benefits of having different cables and connections and some of the options you may want to have we're going to cover all of that in today's video so to cover what we actually have physically here and it doesn't have to be the same as what you have at home or wherever you're at right now well we've got two harbinger v 2310s these are 10 inch actual powered speakers we also have an s12 again a harbinger subwoofer which is pretty darn awesome i must say as well and we have a complete harbinger mixer package here this is their brand new lx12 now to make this all work we're going to also need a couple of extra things we're gonna need four xlr cables which we have but we're also gonna talk about some options there as well we also have ourselves a microphone because what would a pa system be without a microphone so we have a sterling p30 and look extremely professional we're all done we're going to be able to have ourselves a set of sterling headphones which are the s 452s which are really awesome and when you wear these headphones you just look like you know what you're doing let's get to it so the very first thing once you actually have everything in place before you plug in all the power cords is make sure everything is turned off we don't want to have anything on at this point we just want to make sure everything's turned off and we do once everything's turned off and you've confirmed that then you can plug everything in and make sure you're all set ready to go so once you have the actual power cords all in place now you're going to be able to start making connections now of course your speakers are going to be in one place your subwoofer is going to be another and of course you're going to be starting off at your mixer always start your mixer work your way out to your actual product on the floor why am i going to the subwoofer first today is because i want to actually take advantage of the built-in crossover in this particular speaker but also allows me to have a little bit better cable management now i'm very fortunate i do have a lot of xlr cables and this entire connection is just going to require xlr cables we're going to go from the main out here into the main in on the back of the subwoofer and then we're going to go from the output of the subwoofer to our left and right main speakers pretty simple but what if your speakers or your setup are different now even though this is all set for xlr i could easily use other cables so there are three other types of cables that you could use to complete your setup one can be using an actual quarter inch to quarter inch bounce or unbalance if you're under 25 feet it doesn't bother me if you're using unbalanced cables a lot of people have them and that's fine if that's what your mixing board and your speakers call for you're good so two other cables that you can use can be quarter inch to xl or male depending on if your mixing board has xlr outputs or not this might be the way you're going to want to go if all you have are quarter inch and the other cable is very popular cables these are my cables so we've got ourselves an xlr female and we've got ourselves a quarter inch male i can use this all the time on setups like this because all i need to do is take the actual xlr connection plug that in to my main out and then i can plug in my quarter inch into the back of my subwoofer or into my main speaker as part of my input that'll work too so here we go we're going to start with our xlr connections we're going to connect our actual mixer to our subwoofer and that we're going to be doing with some xlr cables happen to be 25 feet whatever you have and what's appropriate you'll be fine with remember this is also a good time if you don't have enough cables after doing all this you might decide you want to go down the guitar center you might want to go on the link down below and get yourself a couple extra cables so what i've done now is i've gone from my main this my left main out and i've got here my left in so i'm gonna go grab that put that in the left channel so now i have one cable set up so now we're gonna hook up the right side and again we've got ourselves a nice xlr cable and we're going to plug in to the actual mixing board now this is a nice mixing board because the actual connections i don't know if you notice that or not are facing opposite to each other so the connectors don't get in the way i can easily put that in and out just like that and now i'm going to be able to plug this right into the back of the sub before again input number two there we go so the easiest way to let youtube know that you like this video is by hitting that like button it also lets other people know that this video is not so bad to watch and maybe they might want to watch it too so now we're going to be plugging the subwoofer into our main speakers now there's lots of options on the back of the main speaker but we only need one we just need channel one in this case so again we're going to go from our subwoofer our main out we're going to plug that in right and then our next one is going to go right to the back of input number one on the left we're going to repeat the same thing on the right now and again the right side we're going to take the output of the subwoofer again on the right and we're gonna plug that right into channel one right back there so in this video we are using an actual sterling p30 it's a dynamic microphone but it actually has a power injector built into it so this is gonna allow us to get a lot further away from the microphone and still get really nice sound so again this is also available by guitar center links are all down below just like all the other equipment we've talked about today we're going to be plugging that in via this cable right here which is going to be in channel number one and i have that cable running all the way over here to my boom arm we're going to be plugging that in now remember because this is an amplified microphone there's an actual micro amplifier in there we are going to want to end up with phantom power on so this being my headphones right here we're going to be plugging that in of course right where it says headphones so this way we can listen to the sound without having to pump it out through the speakers we can listen through it through the headphones we're going to be all set so we're looking at turning things on it's always important to start with the source because this is what's going to feed a signal to the next piece and it's lined so the mixer is going to feed the subwoofer and the subwoofer is going to feed the main speakers to prevent any noise popping sounds or any surges from the actual unit interfering with the next piece in line always start at the beginning which in this case is the mixer then we're going to go to the subwoofer and then finally end up at the speakers so here we go the actual mixer is on now we're going to turn the power on on the subway for now remember we did turn down all those volumes now we're going to get our main speakers on this is a good way to turn things on everything's on safely everything's on there's been no loud crashing popping sounds we are good to go if you've got a pa system you'd like to know how to hook up yours or maybe you have a question about how your pa system is working by all means leave it in the comments down below so at this point our microphones are down our mains are down our speakers are turned down we're just going to give it no more than 25 volume 25 percent on this sub 25 on the means we don't need a lot of volume at this point in time we just need to turn on a little bit this is going to allow us to do some basic tests i'm going to bring up my main slightly and then i'm going to bring up my microphone now microphones you're going to try out over time and you're going to feel exactly how much you need out of your mic but i do know i'm going to need to bring this level up because it's the only mic i'm using and now we have all of that set up ready to go i'm going to give this a little bit more volume and we are good now why am i doing this at 25 is so this way i can practice make sure everything's good make sure everything is working well and now that we have our microphone in the front of the whole system you're hearing me through the pa system not just through my lavalier and there we are that's ready to go so is it any more complicated than that no this is really the most important thing to getting started start with your mixer main out into your subwoofer from your subwoofer to your main speaker so 2 10 inch and a 12 is really comfortable for 40 to 50 people i'm not gonna go over the top with this that's a reasonable amount of people to enjoy this system but the most important thing is i hooked it up in a way so i can take advantage of the actual built-in crossover that's offered in the subwoofer which i have personally set up at night because that's the way i like it outside of that it's pretty much dead simple at this point once you're ready to use it in a live setting you can start bringing up the volume levels to make sure you maximize the overall performance of the system remember that overall volume on the pa system so the subwoofers gain controls the volume on the back of the subwoofer versus the volume on the back of the speakers is basically this volume will not interfere with your speaker volume the main output on your actual mixing board will be an accumulation of this plus this when it comes to how much preamp or how much total volume you're going to get out of your speaker also remember all the products that you're seeing in the video today are all going to be linked down below for you so if you're looking for anything from harbinger or you're trying to figure out if these are the right products that maybe you might be interested in by all means we do have all the videos at the end as an additional playlist and we'll also have all the links down below for you so at this point i say thanks for watching maybe i'll see you next video bye for now
Channel: expert island
Views: 150,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live sound setup, live sound mixing, live sound, full live sound setup, how to set up a sound system, sound system setup, pa system, pa system setup, pa setup, dj system setup, live sound setup tutorial, mixer setup, how to set up pa speakers, powered speaker setup, powered speaker to mixer, mixer to powered speakers, live sound mixer setup, how to hook up pa speakers, How To Connect a PA System with a Subwoofer
Id: zudqrse-h5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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