How To Connect An FTDI Adapter To A UART Port

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[Music] hello guys and welcome back to my channel in this video I'm gonna show you how this FTDI adapter might sail your quadcopter or at least your flight controller in this bag I have a small graveyard of flight controllers and for example this one stopped working because the USB port was the attached actually at the first time I used it which was very unfortunate and unfortunately this one doesn't have any free UART ports so I couldn't save it however in this flight controller for example there are plenty of free you out ports so connecting it to an FTDI adapter is not going to be a problem now it's important to perform the following steps when the USB port is working because it's going to save you a lot of work in case the USB port is going to get be attached so the post we are going to use on the FTDI or the ground which is the farthest right and third one from the right is the +5 volts then the TX and then there are weeks the next thing we need to do is to connect the FTDI adapter to the flight controller on the fat controller you will have to locate the +5 volts ground TX and RX on a free uart port i'm going to use your tree which is located over here so i'm going to use the ground the +5 volts TX 3 and RX 3 when connecting the RX and the Teague's from the flight controller to the FTDI you're going to need to connect the RX - the Teague's and the TX to the RX which makes sense because the FTDI is receiving when the flight controller is transmitting and vice versa so for this demo I made this adapter I'm going to connect the ground and the 5 volts then the TX and finally the RX now the FBI is connected of course you can also soldier dispense but if you don't want a permanent solution this connector might be enough for you you can see when I'm plug in the battery the FTDI adapter is working the ending will need to connect the like control your computer and turn on the configuration MSP on your tray in my case or the uart port that you chose to use then just hit save in reboot and now if everything goes well you will be able to use the FTDI adapter so first connect the adapter to the flight controller then connect the USB port it turned on and now let's see if we were able to connect and voila it is working and we can configure the flight controller according to our needs so I think that mine an FTA adapter it cost about $2 foot and the side in case it is a good idea and of course enabling the MSP port on a free UART so if something goes wrong with your micro USB port you have an alternative solution instead of just throwing away the flat controller there is a way to flash the flight controller through the FTDI port and enable the MSP port even though it's not enabled but it's more complex than just enabling the MSP port when everything is working fine as always I thank you for watching my video I hope you enjoyed it and you find useful if you have any questions feel free to ask it in the comment section below and I'll see you on my next videos goodbye [Music]
Channel: KremerFPV
Views: 53,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fpv, racing, kremerfpv, unboxing, quadcopters, quadcopter, drone, review, test, flight, racer, eachine, realacc, banggood, gearbest, quality, accessories, רחפן, סקירה, מרוצים, דרון, ftdi, uart, port, flash, save, flight controller, fc, betaflight, omnibus
Id: t_BQAqgQoDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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