How to Control a 12V Motor with Arduino: Easy Wiring & Code Examples

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welcome to my live Workshop where we are going to learn how to control pretty much any DC motor with an Arduino that way we can start programming some custom movements for our motorized props our animatronics our robots or heck anything that you're building that needs some very cool movement I know what a lot of you guys are saying I don't know how to code I never coded anything before this is going to be way over my head it is not listen I did it I kind of like tried to stick with Ye Old motor speed controller and Via this little knob here you control the speed of the motor so you set it and forget it and just let it go but after a while you're going to find that kind of bored at looking at the prop moving that way watching the same animation over and over again gets kind of monotonous and so today we're going to try and figure out how to UNM monotonized those movements can we just connect the motor to the Arduino I wish right video over but no alas we we can't the poor little Arduino its pins right here only put out 5 volts and well this requires 12 volts so it's going to have a tough time running not only that each pin is limited to 40 milliamps maximum well these motors are going to draw way more than that to power something like this I always recommend a 12vt 5 amp power supply so there's no way that this Arduino is going to be able to power this this thing will fry like a lot of my other electronics it'll join the bunch so we kind of need a translator a power translator if you will and that's where motor driver modules come in sometimes they're called motor control modules here is your Arduino and we're going to write code and this code will send into instructions to our motor module now our motor module can definitely handle current and power and all that and it's going to translate this to your motor and whether you're using this motor we got this little motor right here this is like my my 9vt right there and there's even smaller Motors and motor driver modules come in all kinds of shapes and sizes mostly you're going to see them either as a chip you're going to see them bigger like like this and many of you guys will remember our motorized spider prop project this is motion activated and through the nose of the skull it fires Silly String at you if it detects you the legs move and it's also motorized it'll chase you down the street and it's in its prototyping uh stage right now so it's kind of moving along a little slower than I'd like it to I hope you guys can relate if your projects are also not going as fast as you would like please post in the comments so I know I'm not the only one so you see this hot message going on right here and let's I kind of don't want to give you a closeup but I'm going to you can't unsee this we got a whole bunch of spaghetti we're just missing the meatballs to go with it but if you peek over here you can see these motors now these are three to 6vt Motors and same thing this is an Arduino Mega this can't just hook directly up to the Motors so we have our translator here our motor control module and this is the l298n I can't believe I remembered that then what's the difference how do you even choose a motor control module for your motor mostly it has to do with the power capabilities of it and that's really what it comes down to there's other little things but really that's what you're looking for something like this and that l298n cannot hit handle the amp draw that something like this is going to draw you're going to need a motor control module that's beefier so for instance that motor control module can handle up to 2 amps per Channel certain motor control modules can only control one motor some can control two this one can control two and it can handle 7 amps so that means it can deliver 7 amps of power to this motor which is great and the name of this one is the XY 160d so let's take a closer look at this motor control module and you're going to notice a bunch of stuff on it but we're just going to concentrate on the important stuff so the green terminal connector here is where you hook up the power that is going to power your motor I have here a 12vt 8 amp power supply so that's going to get hooked up right there and this is the power that the motors which you can hook up here are going to use and this is where you hook up up your motor one this is where you hook up your motor two and there's screw terminals for positive and negative for each of your Motors right there so that's hooking this up to the motor now hooking this up to the Arduino is on this side you see a series of pins right here in vertical columns so this vertical column right here is how we connect motor number two to the Arduino and we're not going to deal with motor number two because once you hook up motor one motor 2 hooks up the exact same way our 5V that's the first pin at the very top now this connects to the 5vt pin of the Arduino here and that is going to power the board so we're powering the motor through here but the Board needs power too it it's like give me a little love too right the next pin we have is called E and that's enable a on the other side it's also called enable a usually on most motor driver controllers it'll be called and en n b so enable a and enable B one for each motor but this one it just happens to be called the same thing so the next one is called in1 and the one below that is called in2 These are the pins that are responsible for controlling Direction so your Ena your enable pin controls speed and then finally we have a ground pin which is unusual for motor controller boards to have kind of a ground pin that goes directly to the Arduino normally what you have to do is split your ground coming into here and send one to the Arduino and then one goes to your power supply this is where you connect to your computer to upload the code to the microcontroller chip right here the arduo has a couple ground pins just to make kind of life easy on both sides here we have the 5vt right next to it and the 5vt will send 5 volts out to power things you know so this is where we are going to power our control module these pins we're not going to use for today they're your analog pins we're going to be working pretty much on this side of the board and these are your digital pins I usually don't use zero and one because they're also used for other things but from two to 13 you can use any one of these pins now you'll notice some of them have like squigglies you know what the heck is that it means those pins have pwm functionality now each of these pins all of them what they do is when you want to turn something on it'll send 5 volts out when you want to turn it off it'll send Zer volts out but some things like speed are nuanced they're not either zero speed or high speed there're speeds in between right and that's what the squiggle helps us do well not exactly the squiggle but it tells you that this pen not only works as a onoff type of switch but it also can do the nuances in between and and so for the speed pin it would make sense connect it to one of the squigglys the first thing we're going to do is hook up the 5volt PIN to the 5volt pin of the Arduino and for that the easiest way to do that is using these breadboard jumper wires they're the DuPont style ones so they come with male male ends male female ends and female female ends now working with motor drivers primarily you're going to need the female to male ends and I'm going to find the 5vt pin of the Arduino and stick it in there all right so now the Arduino can power the board so it can do its rig Ral you don't have a ground pin which a lot of times you're not going to have a ground to go to the Arduino you would basically take a jumper wire cut off the end stick it in here and then stick it in your Arduino so you have like two grounds coming out of here the ground is actually the last one we have a ground right next to the 5 volt so I'm going to go ahead and just kind of keep them together they can like chat with one another the second pin was our Ena pin our enable pin that's our speed pin so we want to try and connect the speed pin to one of these pins with the squiggles so for that I'm going to use green green for go so we know that's that's the accelerator pedal right there so I am just going to try and slip that in and we can see that number nine has a squiggle so I'm going to I'm going to go number nine on this now we have our two directions so I'll just make them blue so Direction one our in one which is the third pin down and see this is where it starts to get got to fit it in here our third pen so in one I'm going to put that on number seven now for the Direction pins it's okay if you put them on the the ones with the squiggles doesn't do anything cuz the squiggles works just like the other ones they just have a bonus feature and then I'm going to hook up into I'm going to put that into pin a the Arduino board is officially hooked up to the motor driver controller so next let's just shift this guy here and hook up our motor if you're hooking up a regular motor well it's pretty easy see how it only has these two leads you know if it had wires on it then you would just connect them here these are labeled out one and out two and it doesn't matter which way you connect it it doesn't hurt the motor it works just fine you connect it one way it'll turn counterclockwise if you connect it the other way it'll turn counterclockwise wiper motors you're going to find that they have anywhere from three to five wires mine is a five wire so I kind of tape these guys back here because you know we're not going to be using them so the black is my ground and the yellow is my highspeed wire the green one tucked away in here is the lowspeed wire so I like using the highspeed because it gives you more of a speed range to choose from if you're also working with a wiper motor and you're like I don't know what my wires are I have a in-depth video and tutorial so hit the link below for that and once you kind of get your wire situation sorted out well heck you can come come on back and pick up where you left off put you in here and you in here guys we're almost done we are going to hook up power to the motor so this is our 12vt power source right here now for this I always like to pick up a female adapter power ground goes in here so we have that connected which means we can connect our motor but I'm going to hold off on that in order to upload code to our board I have my USB cable which is also plugged into my computer so I'm going to go ahead and hook him up and I usually like to work with the other components unhooked for now until we're ready for them to download this program it is free which is like the best thing of all I love free stuff go to the official Arduino website and then you download the type that fits your operating system so when you fire up a blank sketch this is kind of of like what you get and I'm just going to take a quick moment here and see that my board is set indeed to the Arduino Uno and the correct porch meaning where is it plugged into your computer and often times it'll cheat it'll kind of like tell you like pick me pick me you're going to see two kind of areas this void setup area and this void Loop area so anything you put in this setup the program is going to read one time and so it's like instructions that you just need to tell it one time and it's like okay I got it I got it and in the void Loop area is where you put the code that gets executed over and over again so whether you have one line of code in here or 20 lines of code it basically reads it down in order one by one executing it once it gets to the last line it goes back up to the top within that section and it starts it all over again so the first thing we need to do is tell the Arduino what pins we're using just because you connected it to the physical board it's not like Auto sensing like oh my God I got stuff hooked up to me we're going to give them our own names so the first pin let's start with the Direction pins so in one and I set that to pin number eight the int that you see here stands for integer and you can see that it just kind of turned into a color our doino has certain keywords that it recognizes that it's like oh I know what you're talking about so in integer is any any whole number well pins are whole numbers you know 1 2 5 there's no pin 2.5 we're telling the Arduino that we have our in1 from the motor connected to pin 8 now this name here you could tell doesn't turn any color you can make this up you can call the in one pin cats you know cats rule pin but the problem is when you come back months later you're not going to remember what cat's rule is so you always want to make it like very descriptive let's do the into pin I'm going to call it into pin and that was connected to S and then let's do the enable pin the enable pin is connected to pin n with the squiggly and you never want spaces in your madeup names you know it's all got to be squished together and capitalization matters so anytime you refer to this later on in the the code you have to make sure you use the exact same capitalization spacing everything I usually like to name it what it's labeled on the drive because for troubleshooting it just helps me find it a lot faster but that's up to you for the void setup each of those pins can be used as an output or an input in the Arduino board so you kind of need to tell it how you want it to behave what mode is it going to be in is it going to be in an output mode or an input mode well because the Arduino is going to be outputting information to the motor driver they're all going to be output modes we're going to set the pin mode and you can see it turned to color it's like oh I recognize that the pin mode of what pin well the in one pin let's start with that one so we want to set the mode of the in1 PIN to an output and you can see it recognizes that uh you can also set if you're working with a sensor or button or something like that you can set it to an input so you can see it recognize that and again capitalization matters if you use other capitals or lowercase it's not going to turn colors on you and you want your code to look all Bob Ross that's when you know you're doing it right so let's do the next one and that's also going to be an output for the next one our speed pin well that's definitely an output cuz we're going to be outputting some speed yes we are so let's set that to an output so so far we've pretty much completed our setup for this we've identified what pins are what using variables so this variable right here will store the number eight so when it reads it here it's like oh what's in one pin oh it's equal to number eight so that's a much easier way to do it now alternatively you can just put actual physical PIN numbers in here the problem with that is inevitably your projects are going to start getting bigger and bigger and every year or every couple of months I always like to go back to my project and expand upon it hence all of my unfinished projects I should probably stop doing that when you use a variable say you add on to your project and you got to jump this to another pin it is so much easier being able to change it up here like say this needs to move to pin 10 you put pin 10 in here every time in one pin comes up it's going to be like oh it's pin 10 okay so you can house all of your pins and have one place where you make all your changes instead of having to go through all of your code this might end up being 100 lines of Code by the time we're done it's not it's not let's move on to the loop section which is a section that gets executed over and over again in this first example why don't we just get the thing to move we want to send a signal to either in1 or in two not both because if you send a signal to both they're going to try and move in different directions at the same time and that kind of doesn't work in order to send this signal out we use a function called digital right and you can see just like pin mode it's like I know what you're talking about the values you put in here is your PIN number and what you wanted to do like if you wanted to send a signal or not send a signal we want to write the in one pin which is pin 8 high so when you write something High it means that it's going to send 5 volts out to the motor driver pin the motor driver is going to take this 5 volts then it takes the power from the power supply and juices up that motor to turn it the way you want it to turn it's also good measure that if you are sending a high signal to in one pin you also want to tell it like obviously you know then don't send a signal to in two so that way it only turns in the One Direction and when you've set this to low it means zero volts are sent out so we're going to send 5 Vols out to in1 and 0er to in2 that's great you put the car and drive but unless you step on the accelerator pedal you're not going anywhere we are just stopped at the red light let's get this speed going and remember speed is a little bit special because we are not just like turning it on and turning it off we want to be able to pick a speed so we're going to use a different function and that is analog right this works very similar to digital right but instead of high and low we can pick something that we want to pick so the ENA pin we're referring to the speed pin and here we are going to enter in oops we're going to enter in a value anywhere from 0o to 255 one could assume zero means stopped 255 means Max Speed pedal to the metal Lead Foot let's Lead Foot this thing why 0 to 255 and this is what pulsewidth modulation does the digital pins they can't send analog voltages so it kind of fakes it it works with a duty cycle so with a duty cycle of 0% it's just sending out zero volts and a duty cycle of 100% it's sending out the 5 volts per time interval and you can see the vertical green lines those are your specific time intervals so the percentage that the power supply is sending power to the motor kind of determines your duty cycle so if the motor is getting powered 25% of the time that averages out to 1.25 volts which also is basically a value of 64 in in pwm value so we're not delivering directly less voltage we're kind of like fake delivering because the power supply is being turn turned on for less time per time interval so theoretically when I plug this in nothing is going to happen because there's no code in here unless I left some old code from another project well we're going to find out you can verify the code and it's going to check it for errors all of us got to hold our breath here all right let's upload it and if it's verified it usually uploads without problems okay it's turning counterclockwise for a lot of the motor projects the direction of the motor may not matter but if it does matter because maybe you are dropping a spider from the ceiling and then it's got to go back up to the ceiling so one way to fix it is with the code and just swap your highs and lows problem fixed you know so if I swap this to low and I swap this to high and we're going to upload it and nothing's happening because I didn't plug it in now we see that it's moving in a clockwise Direction so that's usually the easiest way to fix it the other way to fix this is actually to take these two leads and swap them put the yellow or power lead up top and put the ground lead on the bottom leave the code the way you had it and it should work just fine back to the code why don't we try different speeds see what happens let's move it halfway when I it it sounds a lot better it's just the vibration is hitting the table and kind of creating a you know like a humming noise let's try 50 and upload all right so why isn't it moving it's just making a sound for every motor it's going to have its own unique bottom because at some point the average voltage that it's getting is so low that the motor can't even really function figure out what the the bottom is on your motor first so that way you don't write all this code and then realize like why is my motor not moving so we know that our bottom is 70 so we'll use that for our future code so now we know how to move it in One Direction move it in another Direction and set a speed that's cool but that's not really different than kind of what we were doing with the motor controller we got to like step it up we have so many tools here so next why don't we turn the motor in both directions or One Direction and then change to another Direction within the same program this is great for like the spider example if you have the little spider coming from the ceiling the motor will turn in One Direction stop and perhaps the spider does some kind of animation and then the spider will then retract back into the ceiling it's going to turn in One Direction at a speed of 255 now how long do we want it to turn in that direction cuz at some point we need a stop it you know so it can then go the other direction so let's keep it going that direction I don't know for 3 seconds 3 seconds so this is a new function it's called the delay function and Arduino will usually read each line and execute it super fast you won't even be able to see it turn you know before moving to the next Direction cuz it happens so fast so we want to pause it for 3 seconds and delay takes milliseconds as the value between the parentheses so 3 seconds is 3,000 milliseconds then what do we want to happen we want it to change direction digital WR the in one pin low and digital right the into pin high so we're just basically reversing this situation over here and how fast do we want it to go well it depends we can make it as fast or slow as we want so maybe the spider drops down really fast scares the people and then slowly retracts back up maybe we'll do a speed of like 175 you know we can fine-tune it how long do we want it to be going up obviously because it's going up slower we're going to need to increase the time but for our demo purposes why don't we just keep it at 3 seconds as well this would take some trial and error by mounting your spider so it's going to come down for 3 seconds but then we wanted to hold that position so why don't we then stop the motor so let's do digital right in one pin low and we're also going to digital write the in two pin low and we want the spider to stay stopped for like two seconds 5 Seconds you know he's got a show to do so basically What's Happening Here is he's coming down from the ceiling at a speed of 255 and he's going to take three seconds to come down from the ceiling then we're going to turn the motors off both directions are going to be set to low so it's not going to turn in any direction and it's going to sit there for 5 seconds while maybe perhaps some other animations go off of you're choosing then it's going to reverse and take it back up into the ceiling slower at 175 and it's going to take 3 seconds to do this then it'll repeat and come back down and I guess as a good measure we should probably pause the motor up at the ceiling as well so you know we'll pause it for maybe 2 seconds seconds before it comes back down and scares people repeatedly digital right actually we can just copy and paste right from here and we know how this goes sometimes sometimes it gets all jumbled so it's just going to repeat this over and over again now you can always hook up a motion sensor so it does do nothing until somebody walks by and so there's a lot of ways further ways to kind of control this all right so so it's turning at Max Speed it stops it should turn the other way a little slower all right and then it should stop for two seconds and then the spider is scaring people oh my gosh and now it's retracting back to the ceiling and pausing there for a second so we know now how to turn the motor in each Direction within the same program we've just been setting a single speed it does something and then a single speed where it does something else but what if the motor speeds up on its own so this could be a zombie crawling at you where it starts slow and then it starts to get fast you know and then maybe it starts to get slow again so let's see if we can change speed we'll leave the direction alone because by this time we know how to how to do Direction and we start again we've been analog writing the speed and putting in a specific number well we want that number to change so we're going to create another variable up here so that way we can house a number in this variable that can change so this is also going to be an integer because it's going to be a whole number it's either going to be0 to 255 so we'll call it speed Super Creative I know we're actually not going to set it to anything I'm going to leave it as is because we'll set it later in the code sometimes you want something to start at zero so you can set it here but no we just just leave the speed along so in the loop how are we going to do this well first we need to figure out a direction you know for it so let's digital write um in one pin high and we'll therefore we're going to write the other one look now in order to increase speed let's increase by one increment at a time so like you know it'll start at zero or in our case 70 because remember it's not going to start until it starts at 70 so from 70 and increment by one all the way to 255 the easiest way to do that is with a for Loop so we started with four and the initial condition is we want the speed to start at 70 you can put whatever speed is the slowest for your motor or you can put it at stopped you know you can start it where it doesn't even turn and then it'll increment up and start turning but we'll start it at seven so the first thing we specified is where do you want the speeds to start now how do you want the speed to move so the speed or the condition to add one to the speed I'm actually going to use motor speed cuz I noticed it changed colors so that might be that it's a keyword for something else so we don't want to confuse it so let's do motor speed and motor speed there so so long as the motor speed is less than or equal to 255 what we want want to increase the speed right so motor speed Plus+ so basically we're setting up a condition we want the motor speed to start at 70 and so long as when this Loops back the motor speed is still under or equal to 255 we want to keep adding one and we do that with this Plus+ situation and all that is is shorthand for like speed equals speed + one that's pretty much like what it is and you can see I've started another bracket here because so long as this condition is true it's going to execute the code inside this bracket here and what we want it to do we want it to analog write the speed pin or the ENA pin by the motor speed and how long do you want the motor to run at each speed I don't know let's uh let's try 250 and see what happens so what's happening here is the motor is going to start at 70 it's going to run for 250 milliseconds then it's going to come back here and it's like oh 70 is still less than or equal to 255 it's less than 255 what do we do add one to it so now it's going to write 71 into motor speed and that's why we use variables you can't put a number in here or else it's it's not going to work so it's going to hold that for 250 it's going to come back up here and this gets ignored it only look gets looked at the first time it's going to go here and say okay yeah 71 is still less than 255 what do we do add one to it now it becomes 72 hold that for 255 and on and on until it reaches 255 and then it's going to come up here and say okay is it less than or equal to 255 well yes it is so let's add one more and when it comes back up it turns into 256 so when it comes back up here it's going to say is 256 less than or equal to 255 it's not so it's going to jump out of this whole thing and it's going to jump into a new thing which we shall create actually once it reaches Max Speed let's keep it going for a little bit so so we can definitely see like a visual cue that it's reach Max Speed so let's keep it going for one second now let's start to decrease the speed same deal we're going to go motor speed and we're going to start it at 255 because it's going at 255 what's our condition so our condition is so long as the motor speed is greater than or equal to 70 because that's kind of the slowest that our motor will go then what happens we want to take that motor speed and likewise minus minus from it right we're going to start at 255 so long as the speed is above 70 we want to keep bringing it down so here now we need to actually specify to analog write the values to the pin so analog WR the ENA pin by the motor speed like that and then we'll keep it the same you know so each increment is going to last for 250 milliseconds so you can in essence accelerate up real fast and then accelerate down real slow just by making this number bigger and then we maybe we'll keep rotating it slow for another second all right it's starting slow slowest acceleration ever like Granny's behind the wheel this one all right in the code I'm actually changing the speeds because it's like way too slow for me so let's upload some new codee all right so this is moving a little faster getting up to that Max Speed so the smaller you make this delay within your for Loop the faster it's going to move through those increments and here it's already slowing down now say you don't want to increment by one you know maybe you can go motor speed motor speed plus 10 you know that means you're going to like increment by increments of 10 so if you start at 70 it's going to add 10 to that 80 90 100 and that should move you much faster through the increments so I'm going to upload this new one and it should speed up see how much faster it speeds up because it's going in increments of 10 and now it's slowing down slowly cuz we didn't change that so it takes a little bit of experimentation until you get the movement you want let's do minus 10 over here and see or you can go in increments of 20 or 50 you know it could speed up real quick now you guys can write kind of a program movement using speed using motor direction and you can basically orchestrate something from start to finish but what if we just kind of like randomize stuff how would we randomize the speed we've chosen a Direction so let's uh analog uh analog right the ENA pin and we want like a random speed here and you already saw huh that turned a color so let me give us a little space there is another function called the random function and it takes two values like that set a low and set a high and I'll pick a number in between our low is 70 you could put like a lower number where you know your motor will stop so it could be doing something stop you know and then do other things at different speeds I'll keep M at 70 and I want the max to be 255 now I'm going to put 256 so why because it will go up to this number minus one I used to put like 255 and that means that it'll pick a number randomly from 70 to 254 right so always remember on the high end to add one so how do we stick this function in here well quite simply we're just going to to kind of copy and paste although I'm kind of like writing it out like that so basically this parenthesis here closes this parentheses and this parenthesis here closes that parenthesis and the little semicolon we just kind of put it after the whole thing this is going to go through so quickly it's going to turn a direction pick a random number immediately go back up here pick another random number so we wanted to pause at that random speed for a certain amount of time and what do we want it to be um before picking another speed let's do every half a second so we can kind of get a sense of of the speed so every half a second it's going to pick another random speed from 70 to 255 let's upload the new code see how it's kind of like changing directions randomly or not directions it's changing speed randomly so that starts to give your prop kind of a you know a different unpredictableness to it which I think makes it look more realistic now of course we are cycling through random speeds rather quickly this would probably make your prop look kind of jerky you know and so you may want to spend a little more time at your random value can we randomize the speed and direction so you never know what direction and you never know what kind of speed you're going to get we're going to leave this code AS is because we already have the random speed situation going on here so let's see if we can get the random kind of like add this into the high and low I'm going to go ahead and delete him and we know we need random right and we know that we need two values in here low and high also corresponds to a zero and a one zero is the low that means don't turn it that direction at all oh but we don't want to put one we want to put two because then it'll choose values zero through one can I put a one all right so and you'll see that sometimes I have a space sometimes I don't have a space spacing doesn't matter so long as your statement your complete statement is on the same line uh I'm just typing fast you know so here we want to do the same thing we want to randomize see 02 so what's going to happen here is that it's going to read this line of code and for the direction it's going to pick a z or a one and pop it in here then it's going to go to the next line of code and it's going to pick a zero or one I mean sometimes you'll end up with two zeros sometimes you'll end up with two ones now what happens when it tries to go in both directions often times the motor driver will act as a break so you'll never see it uh trying and go into two directions at once sometimes we'll get a one here and a zero here which means it'll turn in One Direction and then you know the opposite direction and all while that's happening it's going to pick a speed uploading the new code let's see okay yeah sometimes it gets the double zero or the double ones where it stops so you can play around with these numbers and kind of see what you get if you guys get something cool definitely post it up in the community I would love to see the final thing is that it's this time situation it's always 500 milliseconds or whatever milliseconds that you happen to to set it well let's randomize that too yeah random and the shortest we want it to go is maybe like 250 milliseconds that's pretty short and say the longest let's make it 3 seconds so 31 add that one and let's see how that works oh it's angry about something oh I forgot a parentheses there I gave it a plethora of parenthesis now let's see what happens all right accepted it that was like a fast one it picked a high speed for that in a short time we also have this 3 seconds so if it happens to choose double zeros where the thing doesn't turn it's going to stay stopped for 3 seconds so you can continue to massage this to your will and see kind of how you you like it we've gone through a whole bunch of animations if you guys use the code or Heck if you guys come up with your own code definitely post it in the community I would love to see what you guys are working on because clearly I just keep adding to my project so you definitely can't see what I'm working on these are shot live so inevitably there are things I forgot to mention missp speakings all that kind of stuff and I get to the end and I said oh I can't believe I forgot to talk about the most important part so click the link on the bottom there is a full tutorial where I cover everything that I probably forgot to talk about join the community I would love to see what you guys are working on we do these live and as well as our live Zoom Community builds it's just time that we dedicate together to push these things along so have a great night guys see you at the next Workshop bye
Channel: Rachel De Barros
Views: 5,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NIx_KycgOJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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