FTDI USB to Serial Adapter Demo

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[Music] hello everyone welcome back to network 13. today we're going to be doing a short video on this item here which some of you may recognize this is a usb to serial adapter board and the ic on here is an ft-232 which is manufactured by future technology devices international and what you do with this thing is you plug a usb cable in here plug it into your pc and this side presents you with ttl level signals for receive data transmitted data data terminal ready clear to send and the header also gives you connections for ground and vcc out from your usb connection i purchased this item some time ago from an ebay seller and i want to see if i can get it working today so i have it in my my solderless breadboard right now and i have a connection here for ground that's going to my my my scope ground i have another connection here on the tx line and that's going to the center on my scope probe i have a jumper here connecting tx to rx so that we'll be able to test if this is working we should be able to send characters here and then we have a null modem connection the character should return back through the receive line and back to my pc and this is the usb cable now i don't have it plugged into the pc yet so we'll be doing that next okay we moved over to my laptop computer which is running windows 11. we're going to look at the device manager so this is the list of peripherals and other gizmos gadgets that are running on the on the machine right now so we're going to plug in the cable for the adapter board see what happens here okay list has refreshed and now we have a new item under ports called usb serial port com3 so let's take a look at the properties for this so the general tag we have the manufacturer is ftdi port settings are 9600 baud eight data bits no parody one stop bit look at the driver tab driver providers ftdi driver details okay this is with a loaded provider future technology devices international so it looks like it loaded the driver okay it is showing up as a as a com3 port all right let's go over to visual studio 2019 where i wrote a very quick and dirty console app in order to test this board out so what this is going to do is i'm going to be able to enter strings or characters and send them to com3 to the adapter board since the adapter board is wired for null modem which means i have the tx and rx lines connected any data that i sent to the board will be echoed back through com3 and i should be able to read it here so let me start this up so just going to start off we'll send hello so program tells me it wrote five bytes to the serial port received five bytes from the serial port and the data that it received was hello so i said hello i received hello let's try something else now let's try some numbers six bytes written to serial port six bytes received from the serial port and the numbers that i sent were echoed back and let me try one more with some non-alphanumeric characters 13 bytes sent 13 bytes received and they were echoed back now if i remove the jumper from rx to tx in other words if i open the modem connection i should not receive any characters back so let's try that i said hello now i sent five characters but i received zero and hello was not echoed back okay so this tells me that the hardware is working correctly so let's go back to the workbench all right we're back at the workbench now we're gonna use the uh console app that i wrote to send some characters to the adapter board and we're gonna be capturing the signals on the scope screen so i'm gonna start with a capital a okay now i have the cursor set to the width of one bit so the default condition here is for the um the output to be high which is five volts now to start one packet you start with a the start bit which is which pulls low and then after the start bit you begin the data field and this is the least significant bit so this would be one so we have one one we have no two no four no eight no sixteen no 32 we do have a 64 we have no 128 so we have 64 bit and one bit so we have 65 decibel we look on my ascii table 65 decimal is the ascii code for a capital a which is what i sent okay now after the most significant bit we have the stop bit and the stock bit goes high so i'm gonna send two just to clear this up a little let's show this a little clearer i'm gonna send two a's to capital a's so this is two capital a's now we have our start bit or a one bit [Music] no two no four no eight no sixteen no thirty two one sixty four that's 65 no 128 and our stop bit and then this starts the next packet here so we will start with the start bit which goes low we have one one no two no four no eight no 16 no 32 164 no 128 so we have 65 and 65 which are two capital a's and then we have at the end we have the stop bit let me try one more of these [Music] let's try uh let's see let's try the uppercase u uppercase u so we have start bit we have a one [Music] no two a four no wait a 16 no 32 a 64 and no 128 so we have 64. 80 84.85 so the the ascii code decimal for capital u is 85 and then of course we have our stop bit all right this concludes our video for today if you have any comments please leave them in the comments section below the video or you can email me at network13.contact 13.contact gmail.com that's network13.contact gmail.com please check out our other videos i think i have 43 others now that are up if you enjoy what you see uh please consider subscribing i think i'm at 785 subscribers as of today which is december 25th 2021 christmas day merry christmas everyone and with that i will say as always thank you for watching [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: Network XIII
Views: 21,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FTDI, FT232, USB, UART, Arduino, Microcontroller, electronics, digital, serial, com, engineer, engineering, technician, hobbyist, ascii, data, IC, chip, pcb, design, breadboard, oscilloscope, pc, c++, solderless, hacker, kilby, noyce, resistor, voltage, current, datasheet, circuit, demo, maker, transistor, cmos, vlsi, capacitor, diode, semiconductor, project, hobby, micro, computer, ebay, demonstration, lab, workbench, video, logic, RS232, communications, stream, ASCII, unicode, upload, sketch
Id: 7yhgYJe2ShM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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