How to configure Supabase to send emails from your domain

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one of the coolest things about Super Bass is that it has a built-in authentication system this allows you to send emails like confirm sign up invite user magic links change email address and reset password all without having to build your own backend let's see how that works in practice so I'm going to go to my Super Bass project and I'll navigate to Authentication to demonstrate this workflow I'm just going to invite a new user to this project so I'm just going to use my personal email here and there you go the email was sent and we can double check that on Gmail so it's here this is really nice right like I didn't have to build any integration myself or configure anything it's ready for me the entire workflow of inviting user problem starts when you need to move from development to production the first thing you need to do is to change the email address as you can see here the email is being sent by no reply at you want something that reflects your brand the name of your app and that users can identify so it's really important for brand recognition that you change that to your actual domain second problem is around rate limiting recently superbase had to make some changes and Paul the CEO of super based announced that they decreased the number of emails that you can send to to four emails per hour he goes and talks about the fact that the default email system they provide is only for testing purposes and it's not intended for a production use and this links to the production checklist that describes this workflow a little bit more so what we need here is to use a custom SMTP server that won't have those limitations and we created an entire super bass integration that is built into resend so you can do that without having to copy and paste every single parameter let's see how that works I'm going to navigate to domains first just to show you that here I have a domain that was verified and this is going to be important because that's the domain I want to send emails from so once I have this verified I can go to settings and I can look for Integrations now I can start a Super Bass integration first thing this this will do is redirect you back to your Super Bass dashboard so you can authorize API access I can choose the different organizations that I have in this case I'm going to authorize the personal organization and when I'm back I'll be able to choose exactly which project from Super Bass I want to integrate with so I have two projects I'm going to pick this one and now I can create an API key which will serve as the password for this SMTP server and we're going to create an API key that's isolated only to this domain so now that I have this API key it's just a matter of finalizing these details I can change the sender name to be you know my app I can change the sender email and as you can see the host ports the user the password this was already configured for me so I just have to click on configure SMTP integration now and once this is done I'll start to be able to send emails using my own domain so let's navigate to the Super Bass dashboard here to confirm the integration you can see that the enable custom SMTP settings has been toggled and all that information that we we had before is now populated here so let's see how it works now let's go back to authentication I will use that same email so let's invite this user again and now let's go back oops let's go back to our email there we have it now we have this email that was sent using my domain this is has already been signed with SPF into Kim now I'm not limited by the rate limits imposed by defaults which is for emails per hour in fact on recent we have by default a soft limit of 10 emails per second and we can increase that depending on your needs and what's really nice about this is that now you you won't have that problem of like trying to find if an email was sent or not if it bounced or not because every single email that is sent for resend is available here so let's go to again and we can navigate to emails and we can see exactly what happened with this email that we just sent the timestamp when it was sent when it was delivered the HTML content the source code of that email even and it thinks you know if there's any problem if someone is like complaining that maybe they're emailing arrive now you know exactly what happened with it as an example here I can maybe invite a domain that doesn't exist and now if I try to add this email like invite this email that doesn't exist I can see that this email bounced so I have full visibility into this workflow and it's really really powerful I hope you like this integration let us know if you need any more help with it and see you next time
Channel: Resend
Views: 5,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 51vzcGEmjRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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