How to configure Cisco Jabber with CUCM/IMP 11.5

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hello everyone and welcome to this video on how to configure Cisco jabber with Cisco I am and presence and what we're going to do is pick up where we left off if you saw the last video and have been following along where you got unity connection and I am a presence integrated and now we're going to be creating some users and some service profiles to then build the Cisco client service framework to associate with the end-users and get the jabber up and running so and one piece of housekeeping is in the previous video when we went into unity we changed some of the user credentials and default templates for the voicemail and we'll actually do the same thing for the web application since unity connection web interfaces with jabber uses so we'll get logged in here and open another tab and bring up a unity connection all right and so in this case what we'll do is go down to the authentication rules and this time I choose the recommended web application rule and similar to before we're just going to uncheck for trivial change some of these values say never expires save that and then likewise on the user template go to voicemail user template we're going to go here and edit the password settings but last time we changed it on voicemail this time we're going to go to web application and unchecked the user must sign in and next sign in save that and then also change the password so we switch this to web application and we can give it the same one two three one two three and in hindsight we probably should have done that before importing the users because they already receive the template but what we can do is whoops to go over users and when we click on the actual individual user what we can do is manually change the password so if we go edit user password settings it should inherit so you go to web application here yeah so it inherited what it had previously so we'll just make make the changes here and then likewise change the password so one two three one two three so again edit password settings changed web application uncheck user must sign in and then we'll change the password to one two three four the web application and I'll pause this real quick and do do this for the rest okay so i've updated all of those and we are done with unity connection for now and hopefully this is zoomed in now one of the viewers said that they were having a hard time seeing what i was doing in the last video so i plan on doing some post editing zooming action going on so hopefully you were able to see that and if not let me know but so the first thing then we're going to do is create our you see services so if we go over to user settings and you see services we hit find and see that there aren't any defined here so we'll hit add new and then these are the list of services we can add so we'll start with voicemail and this is unity connection and just give a name voicemail obviously you can do more than voicemail with unique connection but for this lab that's all we're really using it for so then for the IP that's the one nine two one six eight two zero two two one three and we're using HTTP go ahead and save that now we'll go and click on add new and do the next one down see we're not doing mail store conferencing so directory this will be our LDAP so we can give it the LDAP name and that is that one nine two one six eight two oh two two five four save that add new now we've got our I am in presence so we'll call this um [Music] see IM p and this is at 192 168 to 0 2 to 1 4 save that and the last but not least we have our c TI managers which will be our publisher and subscriber for call manager or communications manager so we just call this one pub and IP address is 192 168 0 2 2 1 1 save and add one more which is our subscriber 1 9 2 1 6 8 - 0 - 2 1 - safe alright so now if we go back to this back to fine view list we can see we've got all of our services defined and now we'll create a profile to tie these all together so under service profile click find there isn't one currently so we're going to add a new one we'll call this a jabber InP and i'll check this make this the system default and so now we'll just choose our voicemail profile we set up and we didn't do mail store or conferencing and for our directory will say LDAP and then we'll use our LDAP credentials oops my cursor go and then for the search base that was the organizational unit of VoIP with the domain controller of free lab dot local and I am in presence we got our CI MP and then primary will say pub and sub save only because that's what we've been doing through this whole thing I mean you can delegate what you want the publisher and subscriber to be but we should be good to go here and now let's create the actual endpoints for the users so we'll go to our phone and previously we had the IP communicator as well as some hard phones and so now what we're going to do is add a new a new line but this time we're going to be using the Cisco Unified client services framework and we can give this whatever name we want so this one I'm just going to say you to a and again all the devices with the star net are required so we'll just make sure those are selected and then or have a value at minimum and then for the user ID YouTube a and we have to set the SIP security profile as well as a sip profile so we'll say standard non secure and sip standard for the profile and leave the rest defaults if you save and then for the DN we're going to give it the same extension which was 2001 and we can just scroll down make sure so that our voicemail checked give it a name if we want change the busy trigger at one and we'll say one associate the end users like we did before so say YouTube user a is associated with this and we'll save this alright looks good now we'll do the same thing for user B so we go back to our phone list add new Cisco client services framework YouTube B oops profile save that so now uncheck that in error all right and then we'll give it the extension in 2002 and actually this one we don't want it call forward and also I'm gonna uncheck this we just want it for the bizzy's and say u qz e is the trigger to one and will associate the end-user 2002 it looks good save that and then I'll pause the video and do the same thing for the other users okay so now that I have all the endpoints the client frameworks created now we're going to edit the users to associate the service profile and these end devices and then we also have to give a few more permissions so if we go to our end user start with YouTube user a if we go down here you can see we have this home cluster and enable user for unified cm I am and presence so when I go ahead and enable that and then if we go down we see the control devices we want to go to device Association and add the client framework that for YouTube user a so we'll say save selected changes go back save this so now then we go down and under permissions hit find here a few we might want to give as the standard end users so that they can use the web portal and then standard CGI enabled and allow control of all devices so we'll add those and save and then we'll go back and do the same for YouTube for each user so YouTube user B or you can enable the presence and then go to device association add the client framework get that in there and then we'll add the permissions standard end users and control devices and save now pause the video and finish this for the other users okay so I went ahead and edit the rest of the users and now we can go back to our I am in presence administration and run the troubleshooter just to make sure we've cleared up all the errors that we had last time I so diagnostic system troubleshooter and it sees so far so good we're not using the RCC not using directory service a connection a bit so in the previous video when we turn these on see let's go to I am present serviceability I may have unchecked the wrong one initially we selected them all and then I unchecked the federation's but I think I may have let's see what I do yeah so it looks like I unchecked the connection manager actually didn't need the file transfer manager these are the three here that I usually don't do so let me save that so we'll start the xep connection manager alright so that's been activated and so now we can go back to our I am presence Administration and run the troubleshooter again just to double-check all right so now looks like this time everything everything looks good so we should be good for that so now since we're on PC a YouTube A's remote desktop obsession and we were doing the testing last time use an IP communicator we'll go ahead and open up cisco jabber the windows client and i'm going to choose the advanced settings' choose the cisco iamin presence so i use the following-- server and this is one nine two one six eight two zero two two oh four two one four hit save and then the user ID that we created were the youtube a at CU c MIMP one at 3.3 lab dot local put in the password sign-in all right and we'll give it a second here all right for the voicemail we got to put in our account settings so YouTube a and this is where we set that one two three all right so you can see here we've got our voicemail notification that we have a voicemail just like an IP communicator if we play it let's mark it red now the message waiting indicators turned off on both of these phones and then we can go over to this other remote desktop this one can be YouTube user B or oh I hid IP communicator I want jabber so here we're going to do the same settings I am in presence and put in the IP address one eighty one six eight two zero two two one four and then this one is YouTube be at COC MIMP 1.3 lab dot local put in the password all right and let me see if I can get both of these on the screen all right so let's see if we go let's add a contact so you to be cat to see MIMP one got free lab dot local put this in our peeps directory so you got user a there and we'll do the same over here but we'll add YouTube a at CC on my NP 1.3 lab dot local all right so now so if we hit chat and you can see over here it popped up say what put it up and then you can see the IMS taking place back and forth so that's just with the regular messaging now one of the things that you can do is this little icon down here you can choose if you want to use the jabber as your endpoint to make calls or use it to control a device so for example if I were to choose use my desk phone for calls this is linked with this IP communicator so if i dial for example extension 2002 which is youtube user B you can see that it's ringing both the phone and the jabber client but notice it's using this phone and a forwarded voicemail so and actually for this example let me do this we'll go to our let's see phone and that was the 79 85 we just called if we go over to the line we can actually set it to auto answer so we'll say Auto answer on headset just so there's no extra reverb all right so now if I call now the hard phone is automatically answered it shows that you're on a call this shows the presence that it's being on a call here and we'll hang that up now what we can do is if we switch it to time to say I'm going to use my computer for calls this doesn't have a webcam but that phone does have a camera on it so if I call again using the jabber client and the auto answers it's unregistered right now looks like and ones like let me actually turn the camera on okay so I just turned on the camera so you should be able to see the phones and I'm just going to exit out here for a moment to see if the phone will auto answer so there it goes so now you can see I don't have a webcam on this remote desktop session I have up here but you can see that you to be shows offline from I am but on a call because we got that 79 85 so here you can see the you know obviously the the presence and video so let me end that and open up jabber again and actually I probably should what I should have done is uh I should have done it with the Cisco seus let me um so let's dial I have to grab the phone here but let's see two zero zero four so this one [Music] we can answer and move it around so see if so yeah so here you can see Cisco seus it's kind of like a portable dealio those are always cool so now you can hang that up so there you have pretty much the basics of the integration of call manager 11-5 with i am in presence and we were able to get the users associated see the IAM status send instant messages back and forth make video calls control endpoints with our calls view voicemails add contacts so that should get you started and i hope this has been informative for you and thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: wmx99
Views: 77,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, training, jabber, instant message, presence, communications manager, lab, home
Id: RH3HaI7NdM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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