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hey folks welcome back to another episode of adventures in dog training with american standard dog training and american overwatch k-9 services [Music] [Applause] [Music] so to my left here is mr bentley you guys may remember him he's one of our most popular videos we have going on when he was with us about a year ago he was only three months old uh maybe like 10 weeks i think when we first started with him it's been a long time when he was with us he was only here for a three week on leash board and train program we sprinkled a little bit of off leash me and we sprinkled a little bit of e-collar work with him just because it helps us with training in general but the family at the time only wanted to go for the three-week program which is fine he was still a stud after that as you can see back in some of our previous video clips but after about a year they realized you know what we wish we had gone for the off leash training and why don't we go ahead and send them back to your program just to tighten him back up reintroduce the e-collar get him charged up on that and now it's been a couple weeks since we've had him back and now he's ready to go back home off leash train so we're going to show you what that looks like here in this park as you can see maybe in the background there's kids running around on the playground it's a little quieter back here because we're not supposed to have the dog off leash per se and the park ranger was rolling around earlier trying to trying to catch us but anyways the dog's going to be very well behaved as you'll see and he's ready to work right now so we'll get right into it and we'll show you what he's learned these last couple weeks there's a distance between eyes it's getting hard to reach out [Music] i haven't seen you in season as you can see that's what off leash healing would look like after a four week program um and just to clarify we originally had him for three weeks then he came back to get that final week but it's been over a year since we trained them so it takes longer than a week when they come back we kind of have to brush a little bit of the rust off get him back in the training mindset and so it took what would have been a four week program ended up being about five five and a half weeks so he goes back home tomorrow but as you can see now you can take him anywhere i mean it's really quiet out here but the last few days we took him to outside of a strip mall we took him into the middle of a farm with you name it every kind of animal was there and he was off leash the whole time so this is the type of freedom and i always stress this in all my videos an e-collar allows you to have this kind of freedom this kind of control over your dog and that control again brings the freedom allows me to bring him anywhere and he can run around off leash at the at the snap of a finger he can run around like a wild man out here in the in the field have a great time but god forbid he starts to chase a rabbit across the street i can call him back with one call if he chooses not to listen i have a remote control right here just like changing the the channel on the tv boop press one button and we're on the channel called get your butt back to me as soon as possible right buddy good boy good stay i'll pay him a couple pieces of hot dog because i like that stay boy all right let's see we do a little bit of distance control with him see how he does this is not really part of our program but we play with it just to have some fun so distance control is working your dog from a little further away then obviously sit down good stay that's how you're usually training your dog but once you start adding distance it changes the picture and dogs are a little bit what we call like autistic in the way they learn this is a different picture just like me talking to you from here is different than obviously i'm this close to you it's just a different picture to the dog okay so here's that different picture see how he does i have no idea he might be all right watch sit good down good try hand commands only see how he does he's got to pay attention to me for that to happen there is a ton of stuff happening in the background so his eyes on everything but that so we use the e-collar if needed just a tap of it there we go now that's program by the way the e-collar is layered with sits downs recalls finish go to place come off place look at me so when he feels it he may jump into kind of like an autopilot response like hey i feel that i know there's a way to turn it off so his initial the biggest thing we charge it up on is get your butt to me because once your dog gets to you then he can look at you sit down whatever you need so we hadn't actually that's kind of my fault we have never used and by the way that was a level six out of a hundred he's just hyper sensitive to it but a six is like me tickling with my finger um he's just a little as you can see animated right now so sit good watch so from here we'll do it now that he's looking at me good a little bit of creeping we try not to let them creep but that's okay he's not a competition dog good let's try another one hopefully it doesn't creep good he's a little adverse you see to the hand movement see that it's not from us but he hasn't been with us for a year so you can figure out what's happened in the last 12 months in fact when we got some of that little bit of rust we had to take off good boy which i'll show you now oh i have a leash here i'm like looking for my leash it's on me i'm going to show you a little bit of the rush we had to knock off it's going to be hard to show you and by rest i mean bad habits things that have been classically conditioned good boy he is super super light on the leash right now as he should be when we got him back over the course of the 12 months and i'll just i'll make it real personal i'll explain to you in just a minute what happened we can all learn from it been there done that many of us have made mistakes in the past before but i'm going to come in closer to the camera and tell you the story come on so there's actually we just decided going to be a part two to this video where we get a little personal and talk a story about bentley um and something he had learned learned incorrectly and we would call it probably the title that video is what you should never do with your dog and if you do do something bad with your dog when it comes to leash pressure or using the prong how to fix it but stay tuned for that part two it'll be coming up right after this one but let's go ahead and stick to the focus of this video as you know me i like to talk in circles and i'll ramble on for hours about dog training but when you get back to the meat and potatoes of it which is bentley is awfully strained now and so we're going to get a couple more shots of him doing sits and downs but from a different angle good boy down good all the way down my friend good good we can walk around them we can take this looks like no big deal but put your dog in a down stair and then bend down to tie your shoes and see what happens nine times out of ten they like to get up run over just a different picture usually when you get down low it means it's time to play so we proof them off of that we let them know that a downstay is a down stay is a downstate doesn't matter if i'm doing jumping jacks or what i do if i walk around them if i walk over them we'll pay him a piece now because he's doing so good good boy get them comfortable do some more hand commands watch good a little bit of creeping i know you can fault me for that the folks at home you can deduct one point you shouldn't creep when we do hand commands or down good so no creep on the verbal let's see if he creeps on the hand just for note creeping means like inching forward good now he did in that time because i was closer to him but we'll back up try that again sit sit good yeah a little bit of creep that's what we use play sports for there's a way to fix that i'm not that concerned it's not this dog's not supposed to be competing in anything it's just the house dogs but really happy with that you could almost compete with him he's pretty sharp sit heal boy let's go in circles boy if i stop he's supposed to auto sit i'll show you that on the other side heel good boy a little crooked let's try it again yes that's what i was looking for probably can't see from that angle but he's supposed to stop right where he is not kicked out that about wraps it up i mean this is an off-leash dog we'll do a couple uh throws of the food let him stretch his legs a little bit you can picture this being a tennis ball free maybe come in behind me and then you'll get some of these shots free good good boy i've been feeding him hot dogs so he doesn't want any of this one dollar kibble free how about this one how about a hot dog i bet you go all the way for that one free there he goes you go out there for those hot dogs bentley here how about a finish my buddy where are you where are you that's what i'm looking for good boy so that's actually a great example of a recall because i threw a hot dog but it was kind of half split in two so when it landed it split off he got one the other went right into the grass and he was hunting for it right in the middle of him hunting for it i recalled him to me and that that's the name of the game that's a true recall that means calling your dog off of something in this case it was hunting for a hot dog so i'll throw a couple more and try to demonstrate that free these will be land in the street well that one went in the grass but that's okay i'll let them get that one that's right where the other two are so let them enjoy that and then at any second now like right now bentley here yes this one i'm going to throw it deep into the grass before he even gets there call him back to me true recall right here it is buddy gotta make sure our e-collar set where we need it to be i'll go to a 25 for this one should be enough free that one's in the street i'll let them have that one finish come on good boy one piece on the way out three four five pieces on the way back bentley here yes good boy he's going to get 10 pieces for that at least i'm just going to hook him up because that my friends that's what we call a recall good boy good boy he did so good you did so good and and to and just just kind of recap what just happened there because that that's let's not gloss over that it's special that's that's what he's here for because that's what the family called and said on a leash he's amazing the second you do this and i'll demonstrate it on a leash at home he's amazing on alicia at the park he's amazing the minute he hears this sound let's wait for it that's like rock and roll time so they would unclip it and he'd be off to the races literally doing the zombies the zoomies there's all kinds of names for it but running around like his ass is on fire just having a great time and the last thing he's going to do is come back the problem is if he's doing that like he's literally there's no control and so that's where the e-collar comes in so if he wants to have a case of the zoomies he can have the zoomies he can run around here all he wants but the second i call him he needs to come back as you saw here so on this one call them one top of the e-collar comes flying back to me so that's how we're going to end it on a high note super proud of bentley he's ready to go home now and like i said very proud if you're interested in our dog training program check out the comments below excuse me check out the notes below and the description actually that's what they call it i'm still getting used to this youtube thing if there's something else you want to see future videos post them in the comments below if there's something you liked post in the comments below just something you don't like i don't care too bad for you there's plenty more content coming we have three or four more dogs coming in the next month something to look forward to we got a pomsky coming super excited about that we got a young female german shepherd puppy coming and we have this is an american staffordshire terrier we actually have a staffordshire terrier coming they're a little smaller a little more bite-sized we'll call them pocket rockets and so make sure to stay tuned for that and we will see you on the next you did so video so good wear those three pieces [Music] you
Channel: American Standard Dog Training
Views: 62,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dog trainer, dog training, k9 trainer, k9 training, puppy training, puppy trainer, best dog training, best canine training, canine trainer, canine traininer, how to train dog, how to train puppy, how to train canine, best dog trainer, best puppy training, best puppy trainer, dog training tips, dog training advice, puppy training tips, puppy training advice, dog pull on leash, Amstaff, Amstaff Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Off-Leash, off leash training
Id: 7j4IyMwU78g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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