How To Come Up With Cool Dance Moves, Concept Choreography | Dance Tips | STEEZY.CO

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Captions’re typing Jessie: “I’m sorry” Jessie’s the loudest typer. Hey Steezy, it's very challenging trying to come up with new ideas/concepts or pictures. What are some ways in order to think of new cool dance moves? Utilizing concepts is a great way to not only get through choreo block, but to come up with new and unique movement. Just take a look at certain street styles, a lot of their moves were inspired by different concepts from everywhere For instance, animation was inspired by stop motion animations, so you see different pictures. Waacking came from the actual act of waacking, it comes from everywhere. Here are some examples of how I use some concepts to my advantage and maybe they’ll help you out. One thing a lot of people love to do is base their movements off song lyrics. For examples, we can get super literal like Bruno Mars 24 karat magic. Twenty. Four. Carrot. Magic. in the aiirrrr~ Or even like Lotus-Flower-Bomb These are very literal examples but it’s a great way to explore different movements rather than just relying on the “library” or default moves that you would normally do. #2: Feelings Now, you don’t have to base every single move off of hitting every beat or words – sometimes, it’s ok to just pause and fill the moment with emotion. The point is to use that emotion to set a sort of guideline for the sort of movements you want to go towards. For example, we’re gonna scoot here… I can do a simple arm grab like this - and then pull it into my body. Now, there’s plenty of different variations I can do with that. For example, if I really wanted to show excitement in my movement than I can grab it like this...ha! Like I want to grab it. If i’m hesitant and maybe it might hurt me to grab it then I can reach for it...grab it...look away...and pull it towards me delicately. Or! If i’m angry, i can - boom! Grab it hard, pull it in. Right? And eat it like a hamburger. Whatever. Using this method will allow you to create an infinite amount of variations off of just one simple move. Everyday objects can inspire movements, too. You can pretend you’re an object - like a fidget spinner. Or you can pretend to dance with the object Creating a false sense of reality from these imaginary objects is actually the basis of what we call miming, and in Layman’s terms, it’s pretty much making an imaginary object look real. Which can be one of your strongest tools when creating concept based moves. Miming gives you the ability to take an object and manipulate its characteristics to your liking. P.S. If you make an object look like it has weight to it, it makes it seem just that much more real. *Clay Groaning* Steezy Plug But you can make cool moves off of things that are seemingly not cool. You can take from anything: person, place, thing, number, letter, deep dark secret, whatever it is, you can pull from it to create an awesome move. And at this point no move is 100% unique - but the one thing that is unique is your mind, and the way that you think. No one thinks like you, and no one dances quite like you. And therein lies your own style. If you do this enough you’ll develop a style that is uniquely you.
Channel: STEEZY
Views: 132,821
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Keywords: concept choreography, dance tips, steezy, thatsteezy, steezy studio, choreography tips for beginners, how to choreograph a dance for beginners, how to choreograph a dance solo, how to choreograph a contemporary dance, what makes good choreography, how to choreograph a group dance, group choreography ideas, how to choreograph a dance routine, choreography tips, choreography ideas, freestyle hip hop dance, freestyle dance lessons, freestyle dance wiki, cool dance moves
Id: kQQYeAcz960
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 5sec (185 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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