How to Combine Words & Shapes in Cricut Design Space

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Hello and welcome to craft with  Sarah. In this Design Space tutorial   I'm going to show you how you can cut a word or a  name out of an outline shape in Design Space and   for this example I'm going to cut my name out  of the outline of a heart. Let's get started.  I'm going to go into images  and find a heart to use.   I want one that's the outline of a heart  not something filled in like this one,   I just want a nice outline to use. This  one could be suitable but because the   line is a different thickness all the way around  it'll be difficult to get my font looking right   and consistent with the line. I would prefer one  where the line is the same thickness if possible.  I'm going to choose this yellow one so  insert images and make it nice and big   so it's easier to work with. Go into text  and type out the name that you want to add   and then select the text and go into the font  drop-down and now you can choose from the Cricut   fonts or ones on your computer to filter it  by. On your computer click the system button   and then you're looking for a font which matches  the outline and I've got quite a thick outline,   that yellow line around the heart is quite thick  so I want a thick font to use. Ideally you want a   script font, one where the letters will touch each  other because then it will complete that heart all   the way around and you won't have any gaps in it.  I'm going to scroll down and try and find a nice   thick font to use. I quite like  this one which is called Anordighos,   maybe I'll put a link in the description of  this video. I like this font because it's a nice   thick font so it's going to match with  the thickness of the yellow on the heart.  Now in Design Space when you use a script  font it adds this huge line between each   of the letters so it doesn't join them up and  that's not ideal as that's not what we want,   we want our letters to be joined. To do that  make sure you've got your letter layer selected   and then press Ungroup and this moves  each letter to its own individual layer.   Now what we can do is click each one and drag  it so that it's connected to the previous ones.   I need to rotate them so that it  will fit along the side of the heart.   Select all of the letters by clicking on one  layer in your layers panel pressing ctrl and   then clicking on the others. When you've got  them all selected press Group at the top of   the layers panel and that just means you can  move them all together. Now nice and easily   I'm going to rotate it with a little arrow and  make it a bit smaller so it's going to fit.  How this is going to work is we're going  to cut out all of the yellow that you can   see between the letters but in order to do that  we need to make sure that the beginning of the   s and the end of the h are going to form  a nice shape out of the heart when we cut   it . At the minute if we cut it now it would  look a bit weird because you'll have this gap   of the yellow in with the s and also the end of  the h. What I'm going to do is Ungroup my letters   by clicking on the Group and pressing Ungroup and  now I can move each one individually again. I'm   going to make it so that my first letter covers  the top and the bottom of the yellow and you can   see now this little bit of the s at the bottom is  covering both sides of the yellow. I'm going to do   a little bit of movement on the other  letters so that they're better following   the line of the heart and I'm moving each one  making sure they're still connected and that it's   better following the heart. Then with the h I want  that tick on the end of it to go above the top of   the heart and I might need to move the whole thing  down a bit so it's not too rotated against the a.  There we go and now you can see the top. If I  just zoom in the top of my s down here it is   covering the top of the yellow and the bottom  of the yellow here and the same thing on the h.   It's covering that whole space and that's going  to make it easier for us to cut the heart.  Zoom out again and select all of your letters  and this time we're going to press Weld   and that's going to join all the  letters together into one layer.   Some times when you Weld it can fill in the holes  in the middle of the letters and if it does that   hit the undo button on the top left and then make  your letters really big and try welding it again   and that should fix it okay. Get your letters  layer and then right click and duplicate   and drag it on top of the other one as we want  to make sure these are exactly one on top of the   other because it's going to help us cut it out  of the heart. Go into a line and press center   now and when you do that you might find that it  moves the word around a bit so that your first   and last letters aren't going over both edges of  the heart any more. If it does do that just keep   an eye out and move the heart around so that it  is all correctly lined up in the layers panel.   Click the I next to the first version of your  word just to hide it as we only want the second   and the heart showing at the moment. Select  both those layers by clicking one of them   and then press ctrl on your keyboard and choose  the heart and then down the bottom press Slice.   What that's done is cut the heart and the word  out from each other so you've got all these new   layers called Slice result. We don't want the  ones that are the same colour as the text so we   can right click and delete them. We also don't  want this one which is where that word was cut   out so right click and delete that one. All we  want is the bottom one which basically shows you   the outline of the heart but you've got this gap  where your word was and now if you turn on your   other word layer by clicking the eye you can see  that you've still got all of the details there.  What we need to do is hide the bits of  yellow that are showing up between the   word and the letters and to do that click on  the heart and press Contour down in the bottom   right. Zoom in a bit to make it easier and  then you've got all of these little sections   from where we sliced it and just  click on those to hide them.   All of these little individual pieces we want  to hide and then when you close that you can   see you've got rid of them and it's forming  a nice line between the heart and your word.  The last thing to do is just to click on the heart  and change the colour to match your text and then   make sure you're happy with how that's  all looking. For example on mine   I've got a little tick on the s  where it's creating a little bubble   where I haven't quite lined it up properly. You  can fix that by going into shapes and choosing a   square and I'm going to make it a  bright colour so it's easier to see.   Then click the padlock icon and resize it so  that it's a long thin line and then move it   so that it matches the line of the heart .  Place it against it, there we go. Now with   the line selected and the word press Slice  and then delete the first three Slice results   and now you can see that bubble has gone. Now it's looking a little bit smoother where   it switches from the heart to the word and you can  do the same the other side if you want to as well.   I won't do that for this video but you can see  I've got the h forming a little bubble and you   could get rid of that using the same thing. This  is very nearly ready to cut and the only thing   left to do is to Weld these two layers together  so that they're all cut as one continuous shape.  Choose both of your layers and press Weld and  again if you find it notices it fills in bits   that it's not supposed to just undo the Weld and  make it really big and then try welding it again.  Here is my finished design and now I can  change the size to however I want to cut it.   Let's say eight inches and then that's  all ready for me to click make it   and cut it out of vinyl or card stock or  whatever it is that you're planning on using.  I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial and if you  have please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to   my You Tube channel for loads more Design Space  and Cricut tutorials. Thank you for watching.
Channel: Craft With Sarah
Views: 665,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: design space, cricut, cricut design space, slice, cricut slice, design space slice tool, how to slice in design space
Id: 1OEfu8n1-Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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