How to Color Red Hair Using Black Widow Pencils | Adult Coloring 101

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to my channel welcome also if you are new uh if you are new don't forget to hit that subscribe button that way you can catch other videos as i post them and if you want to be notified just hit the bell so today we are going to work on this lovely red hair tutorial and we're using black widows so i have already done the light pink or as i like to call it cotton candy pink hair using black widows now that one was short in colors this one is not so we have one two three four five six seven colors that we're gonna need for black widow but you will notice they are all black barreled which means they come from the original three sets of black widows unfortunately yes it does take all three of the original sets but i mean if you're trying to collect them or you have them already you're good to go i did try to make this with the one set wasn't possible two sets just wasn't possible unfortunately well with black widow and how they have rolled out their releases yeah you just can't at least with this hair i mean you can pull off a red hair using one or two of their you know batches however if you want a realistic hair with a lot of depth and dimension in general you need a lot of colors um red hair is not an easy hair color to pull off simple i you can do it um but for me i i really want like the depth of the color i want you to see shadows i want you to see hints of brown i want you to see that yellowish tinge yellowish orange tinge it catches you know when it gets the light and then of course that fiery red that's still in there and as you can see like all the way down through her braid and this did require the seven colors i have picked can you omit one yes um so say you don't have one of those sets or you're low on a pencil in fact i think only two yeah two are cobra two or scorpion the rest are regular black widows um technically one of the reds you could probably skip out on but no matter what the rest of these i'll leave it to you it will change the color slightly there is a prismacolor to or black widow to prismacolor conversion now you can do that um i am going to make a video though because i've had a lot of you asked to do these in prismacolor the technique for black widow or harder lead pencils like polychromos luminance is not the same as a prismacolor or arteza those are very soft very smushy they do blend out incredibly quick because they're so buttery you cannot approach those the same as we do here not only would you be sharpening for days but you won't get the same effect um it is actually easier to or faster i should say to do a whole head of hair with prisma and you can still make it realistic i mean there look at chris chang and what she does with a prismacolor um it's just it's a different a totally different style so keep that in mind if you are converting this into a prismacolor you need to adjust your approach um if you do it exactly like me you'll be sharpening a lot and you still may not get that same effect because a prisma is just not going to give you this layering it's going to start smushing down because that's what prisma's christmases prismas are are known for and in fact why i love them but i don't love them for hair oh i'm so sorry prisma i have a whole thing of them behind me and they totally just heard that i'm sure they feel so betrayed right now okay so what colors do you need for this um i can't even hold them all in my hand and these are skinny pencils imagine this is derwent oh my okay so you are going to need black widow bw 28 which is egg yolk then you're going to need um sunset from the cobra set cb 44 another black widow pencil pumpkin bw14 another black widow pencil ladybug bw89 scorpion pencil blood red sc33 cobra pencil chestnut cb 68 and from scorpion brown bug which by the way is one of my favorite colors um sc15 again you can go ahead and swap these out or find ideally find a just a hard lead pencil with a similar color you need basically a goldenish yellow color a pretty true orange color a almost like a vermilion color you need a bright red and then a deeper red and then you need almost like a rust color and then you need a brownish red color because that's what brown bug is um so if you can just find something with a harder lead that will hold its point in those colors you should be pretty good um so yeah there will be no color cards for this one this is going to be one of the short tutorials initially i was going to do the entire thing with you guys um from here down but that is still [Music] way into an hour maybe two so instead i'm going to kind of show you guys the gist of this combo and um you know kind of let you take it where you want to take it i'm trying to do a mix of the long and short tutorials simply because i can get out more with the short ones um but i do know that a lot of you prefer the longer ones so i am including those those are sped up though of course with color cards in fact the last one was sped up times three [Laughter] it was four and a half hours and i had to shrink it down so that's why my hand is like in that one for pink hair um so yeah i know you can slow those down to keep up with me but um i had done a poll a while ago and it was kind of a 50 50 mix a lot of you didn't mind the shorter ones a lot of you did want to still see longer ones so i'm trying to accommodate that but also you know just my schedule and sanity because i want to get through the list you guys have provided me with a monster monster list of hair and i'm giddy and excited to do it um i just want to get through them for you guys and if i do four hour tutorials let me start zooming in here if i do all four hour tutorials um that's where i kind of slow down on production of those even this month because it was so busy i only got this is going to be the second one and it won't even come out till august i'm filming this on the last day of um july so yeah that just fyi on that um seven minutes in let's start okay so the first thing i want to teach you is the braids now all of these braids down here are going to be exactly the same approach so as with i did another hair tutorial with braids i think it was red with polly's um so you gotta remember it's tucking in here tucking in here tucking in here here here all those areas where the hair is tucking down in are going to be shaded more because the hair is going inward now you're going to have some shadow as these pieces come out from under each braid and the artist is kind enough to show us that however it will not be as dark so you'll notice here where i see like tucking in i have it darker but see here i still have some lightness to it because this is not tucking in however this one's tucking this is tucking this is tucking this is tucking i think you get the gist but and then obviously here is a highlight because the hair is actually curving in the braid so keep that in mind so let's um do a couple of these little braids for you guys we'll do these ones down here because they have more little shading so we're starting with a base coat because the black widow does need something to grip on a smooth cardstock if you're using strathmore or a toothier cardstock then you can swap if you want but i still recommend doing the base coat myself but that's just me so start with your egg yolk which is our our yellow light pressure if you have problems with that hold it way back here i have problems with that hence any time i'm doing light pressure i'm always holding a pencil as far back as the eye can see all right i'm doing a very light coat with light pressure that wasn't obvious but it really shows up on this paper now a white paper you'll be like is it there okay now grab sunset so this is where we're gonna start building our color actually you know what i lied start with brown bug it's been a long day guys so i'm gonna put down the sunset i was like wait a minute i'm not building right there with that color okay so see how this is a nice reddish brown same principle as with any hair i have taught you pick your point flick out pick your point flick out just flick flick flick you'll start doing it in your sleep before you know it i'm going to make a little darker under this part here because that braid is kind of you know blocking it but see no pressure as i'm lifting upward that is very crucial or just drop your pencils like i do because that makes it easier okay now grab your chestnut now with that same thing i'm starting in my darker areas but i'm pulling it a tiny bit further than my darkest color not everywhere though in some areas i'm just barely flicking above it whereas in others i'm pulling out a little further okay now take your blood red remember you can always go back and add but there is nothing more devastating than having to erase your hair and start over so less is more you can always add more later and yes all of the colors will be in this braid red hair is a complex color all right ladybug uh red hair if you've ever looked at someone with genuine red hair like this fiery red i mean it is brown it is blonde it is all sorts of things yes i made mine a little bit more yellowish but i wanted i'm actually playing off of when you have a very bright red hair color it will look like golden yellow and orangish in the light so that was the aim for that okay now grab your pumpkin i'm still overlapping everything do not move back and forth that will blend you're still always flicking towards your highlight using the same pressure and you're just building layers on top of one another okay now grab your sunset now this one you want to bring out further than anything else to kind of help close in some of the gaps towards that yellow because we don't want that yellow to be a straight line across no one's hair highlights with just a straight line and if it does well then kudos i'm wrong um now grab your egg yolk again and very lightly so that we don't blend anything out here i'm just using this to redefine our yellow and then i'm also kind of gently bringing it down into some of those grooves in between the colors okay now i already have our yellow on this side of the braid so we are gonna take our brown bug and thing hopefully you guys can see around my hand i have to turn the page though i mean hair when i'm doing it with myself you know i'm not even thinking about it i just move the page all over but on camera i'm like oh shoot [Laughter] and usually the most comfortable angle is not the angle for the camera maybe i need to get like a second angle something that just sits like right here you can see from above you can see from the side okay now grab your chestnut so chestnut is like a rusty brown whereas brown bug is like a deeper red brown and you'll notice i don't have a brown brown because we don't want that i want all reddish browns so again pulling from the darkest shade and just slightly out okay now grab your blood red these names are so perfect for halloween okay now grab your ladybug now while you are using the same colors vary up how you use them you want you don't want each piece of hair to look exactly the same so try not to think about it as you're putting it down as much okay grab pumpkin and this one we're going a little bit more over the tips towards the highlight but not as close as we will be with the other orange although this one i'm gonna bring across okay now grab your sunset now again you're going from the base up but this one we are definitely covering into the highlight now one thing i want to do real fast before i grab my yellow is grab my brown bug and add a little more depth because i don't feel it is dark enough same thing with this one over here hair is a finicky thing it's never really done until the whole thing is done and then you might even walk away and come back the next day and start adding more layers so always keep that in mind like we finished the video i may come back later and be like it needs more of this grab your chestnut and you should do the same i want you guys to take these combos and just the techniques but use them on any hair piece you have it doesn't have to be this picture from mariola budeck go find a different picture with a girl with braids if you want to practice braids um my goal is to teach you the technique and with each one you'll learn fundamentals and grab your egg yolk we're just adding our highlight um so yeah each one you'll learn a color combo and you'll learn fundamentals like here i'm showing you you know where the highlights are where the shadow should go i'm basically giving you the foundation so that you can take that color combo and apply it anywhere because it's really important that you learn to take what you've learned and you know use it elsewhere because if you only use it on this page as a color along you'll find yourself you know kind of struggling to continue using it elsewhere because you might like this red combo but you need to go practice it on a different page and not just this one so that's what my goal is with all of this i want you guys to learn these combos so that you can take them and use them on any page okay now we're back to egg yolk i am going to do the section up here just so you get an idea of how to do the top of her head so again we're going to go in with a coat of egg yolk oh could you imagine coating your hair in actual egg yolk so the rest of this page was actually done in polychromos in case anyone will ask because usually i get people asking what what color is that in black widow oh no sorry that's paulie's yeah i did this all in polychromos but um i guess i was in a black widow mood for hair i don't know all right brown bug so i always have a teensy bit darker right here coming off the root but not as crazy as mariola has it here i will however see these areas where the flower petals are overlapping her hair i will have shadow there because obviously this headpiece of hers is going to create a shadow or two i mean look at that thing it's like a monster of flowers she didn't have a shadow i'd be like okay they're glowing i guess but that's one thing a grayscale you kind of have to decide okay is there really a light source here also where is the hair curving and hitting the light this huge flower right here is going to block which is why probably mariola has that shadow whereas here the headpiece is curving around her head and turning and the light is now hitting this corner but also the hair is lifting up around her head and down here it should be darker because you're not going to have a ton of light hitting your hair right here i mean just you know go stand in the sun or go look at someone's hair in the sun if if you don't want to stare at your own um or you're trying to study it uh of course be careful who you're sitting there staring at cause they'll be like can i help you what are you doing but just see how their hair curves and how the light bounces off of it like that's honestly the biggest thing that helped me learn how to do hair okay chestnut because this one's a little lighter i'm gonna be a little more liberal down here with this one i do need to color in her scalp her skin is actually not done all the way it's mostly done but i wait till the hair is done before i'm like okay call it good so see i'm adding this one here to represent the shadow cast by this flower but you'll notice i didn't use my darkest color because i don't want that to be super dark okay same thing there's going to be a highlight here but we're coming off the hair is curving down her head there should be no highlight here i mean not only is her hair curling down to the side of her head here but then she's got this massive flower thing in the way there's no light hitting that that's why you'll notice over here i don't have any crazy highlights i do have some but you won't see as much of the yellow shining through because this is not hitting a bunch of light down here so our highlight will almost be more orange than anything else okay so bring that in [Music] and i do apologize i know i had said i would do this entire thing on camera um this side of her head then i decided you know this may be better if i do a short one and that way i can move on to the others in the list um okay grab your blood red so i do apologize if anyone was planning on this being full okay so i'm grabbing here now i am going to give her a teensy tnc highlight kind of like i did here but not as dramatic as this one because this one this big flower is pointing this way so it's going to create more of a shadow whereas this is going to catch more light so again this will end up being more of an orangey shadow in here instead of the yellowish color see now bring it down here now i am trying to preserve some of the yellow here because that one i will have a little bit more yellow in it same thing down here i am flicking it from the bottom but pulling it out just a little bit more okay now grab your ladybug okay so we're pulling more towards the center of that little highlight spot we have keep that moving i'm gonna pull this a little more too because i don't want that to be super highlighted and we may have to go back over it never know it's not quite the color i want okay again i'm still overlapping everything but i'm bringing it out further into my yellow that's the key as you go lighter and lighter those colors kind of overlap and pop out so that we slowly build our layers so grab pumpkin and build our layers into the highlight i for me personally i just feel it makes it look more natural so on this one with the pumpkin i'm actually crossing into that yellow not all the way i'm not moving back and forth i'm flicking in to the yellow a lot more than i did in the braided sections because again i don't want this to be some dramatic highlight there same thing down here okay now grab your sunset and this we are actually going to drag across that yellow there so see sunset has now become our official highlight color that's kind of what i did over here okay now right here i'm going to bring it across but i'm going to leave a teensy bit of yellow because i am going to bring my yellow in there now here i'm going to bring more of the sunset across okay now grab your egg yolk and i'm just very lightly putting that there very lightly adding that one in there very lightly i'm just adding this here okay i always like to sit back and look at it for a second which never translates well on camera but i'm showing you my process so all right yeah so i like that i do like that um because i'm getting a teeny bit of shine here but i'm allowing this huge flower from the headpiece to basically block and then this curve of the hair because this is all curling away is hitting a highlight and then this has just a little bit of light hitting it but not a ton in fact i think i may want to add a teensy more red um grab your blood red this is why i say just sit back you can always add a little more here and there never go crazy with a color though if you're adding it in just for an effect um just add a couple pieces here and there and wait and see walk away sit on it like i said the most tragic thing you can do is go overboard right out the gate and then you're like oh no i gotta erase it and then you've lost like in some cases an hour of your life from flicking okay um grab pumpkin real fast i'm just kind of bringing that over some of the red there we go okay yeah i think let me zoom you guys back out so you can see the two pieces we've done so yeah it looks kind of funky right now with her random braid done right there but of course once it's all filled in it will look a lot better so and just to recap the colors you need are cobra um cb68 chestnut brown bug sc15 scorpion um black widow bw 89 ladybug blood red from scorpion sc33 i really hate how they changed up the order of how they label these black widow bw14 pumpkin cobra set cb 44 sunset and black widow bw 28 egg yolk in fact you know what i'll leave those out so i can take a picture for you guys um but yeah it's so funny how they did that so on black widow it starts with the series number color name on cobra they have the series number color name and then with scorpion they're like now let's totally screw everyone up color name number series why um yes black widow are coming out with more pencils i do not know what they will be but supposedly this fall i think they were teasing um your guess is as good as mine as to what those will be but you know what i hinted black widow would really love to see after this set everything combined into one so that you know for you guys when i'm trying to make these tutorials i'm not like sorry guys you have to buy all three of these so i don't know about you but i would really hope to see that happen one day but thank you guys i hope this was helpful please as always leave a comment below i will answer any questions you have you can also message me on instagram um if you are one of my higher level members on my channel i do offer one 30-minute coloring one-on-one session every month so if you are struggling with hair you can sign up for that and then you'll get a 30 minute lesson every month with me on whatever um so say you want to color a certain hair and you want to sit there and do it side by side we can actually do a zoom meeting or i have another program as well where you're sitting next to me coloring alongside me so i can help you and correct any things so i do have that um but as always with my channel there is no locked content so those who are members of my channel you are helping support me i mean you get really cute emojis uh including a dancing colored pencil which i keep using in comments because it's so freaking funny um and then of course you get shout outs at the end of my videos and live streams and whatnots um and yeah just the higher level gets the private one-on-one lesson but never will there be private videos lock tutorials nothing like that it all just helps support my channel and that is honestly so awesome of you guys i have had a few of you sign up and i appreciate it it is helping tremendously with me buying supplies and just helping my channel grow so yes um let me know what you thought of this shorter tutorial and i am doing my best to do a combo of short and long to you know appease everyone it's just so hard to do them all but i am trying to combine them as much as i can and do like a few of each type each month but thank you guys so much for watching i hope to see some red hair on instagram if you use this combo please tag me i would love to see it in action and then until next time take care [Music] you
Channel: Colorfully Optimistic
Views: 699
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: BvjRGFuVp3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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