AdultColorBook Backgrounds - Decisions Decisions

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okay welcome back everybody to coffee and art in the morning Monday morning and I'm gonna spend another 30 45 minutes this is us another segment we already did a society of idea collector segment and now I asked the girls in chat what would they like to see going off that list I read in segment 1 and they voted on they voted on having a chat on how to decide how to do backgrounds in color books so I'm going to go through I've just picked a random 10 or so one two six seven eight yep ten I picked a random ten off the shelf to kind of discuss backgrounds sue says I've done acrylic backgrounds and it the more of you but don't know what to put on them okay all right well I'm going to I'm not sure which one this one probably has a variety okay so we're gonna start with the magic morphia so my imagine morphia mytho morphia and anna morphia I do I have washes pretty much on the bulk of the pages as a background so when I say a wash and people still ask me what do you mean by a wash watered-down acrylic paint I just scored a little bit of my Americana craft paint out on a pallet I'd squirt some water on it get it you have to water it down enough so that it's still see-through okay if you want to see your color book lines now if you wanted just a flat background whatever the color black whatever color if you want a flat background don't put any water just use it straight out well I scored it out but just use it full strength use a full strength if you don't want any if you just want a solid background but if you're gonna do if you're going to go if you're if you're gonna go put a wash over something with the watered-down acrylic paint you've got to have it watered down enough so you still see your color right because if I went full strength on this you it'll cover up all the lines but I like to use full strength in the backgrounds and then different things on top now y'all see me do a ton of stuff with outerspace planets fog mist so I avoided pulling out certain books that I have that a lot in so and a lot of color book pages don't have necessarily a lot of if you want to call it sky or background or water okay they don't have a it's filled up most for most in most cases it's filled up with your stuff right in this case I'm doing a fire I'm doing so I I started out with that I'm not sure what color but something like you know a saffron yellow or something like that and painted the whole thing the benefit of using acrylic paint whether water down or not in your color book is that it gives your page some tooth so that your pencil when you go over the acrylic paint with your pencil it's just you have to experience it you have to have that experience the feel of it so here is just the flat and then here is where I've gone in with just an orange pencil and started shading in to make it look like it's on fire I can go back in here with more pencil grab and even go darker like let's say with like a Tuscan red or something and I can go in here and start darkening even more close to the building and make it look you know more like fire going on back here so the question I got that I that I went through a list of questions on the last episode the question was how do you decide how do you decide what to do in your backgrounds and that is just so subjective and in this case I had dragons okay and they're gonna be dark green dragons eventually and I wanted them to be like fire-breathing for one thing we have a mirrored image here right it's well it's not exactly but I mean it's like you know there's similar things so here's what this started out as and this has been color shaded a little further along but I wanted them to be fire-breathing dragons in a battle so you can see I'm going to have him see how they have the little stuff coming out their nostril and then again I can go even add more paint or whatever to make it even more accentuated what type of brush do you use for the intricate spaces just a small brush I have no particular brand all my acrylic paint brushes are whatever fit whatever works I mean I might go down to something like a little pointy one like this I love flats and angle brushes I love me some angles let me see what's going in here I love those are my favorites is the angle brushes mmm here this one's kind of beat-up but you'll like this and a new one will be nice and crisp where you can get a thin line a point a flat there's so much you can do with an angle brush and they of course they come in different sizes right I mean come down to this is not an angle but you see I mean you can get them any any size I just pick whatever works sometimes I'll use a larger brush for this and then smaller for the tiny bits sometimes you know I don't even paint that will might I might not even put paint in some of that it might just be pencil because there's so many it's just so tiny in there I'll just get in there with pencil you don't need to put a wash of paint if you're only going to put one or two little pencil like yellow and orange just do that with pencil but if you want to put stuff on top you know like fire steam stars water any of that then you know that's got more more real estate to work with so in this case I want fire breathing dry dragons so therefore I went with fire that's how that choice was made so let's just see here okay so these are the intro pages so I wanted this one to have a look of you know fire and water so again the reason that I went with blue in here was because I wanted to look like water this is just like a muck pond if you will I imagine all these little creatures are coming that's just like a mucky pond you know like in the you know in sub-sahara a savanna and the devil you know not the desert but the you know where the animals come to get water then it's kind of like mossy and monkey okay so the swans here the reason I went with the dark blue instead of black was because the swans are I wanted them white with shadows of blue so rather than having a black background I went with blue because I knew the color of the swans remember - guys I've talked about choosing colors and that in my color books other than say a full-on garden with a thousand different variety of flowers or something I really stick with five colors or so so in this case I have blue and yellow or orange rather so there's gonna be koi fish there's blue and then I see some leaves and things but they're gonna be secondary colors so this is really essentially two colors blue and orange watering Cole Thank You Orla that was really hard wasn't it okay this one has got gold on it I've talked about gold paint before and you've got a you know it's tricky to shade this one's got my typical sky planets and stuff started on that and he's just got a wash of grey and then down here he's on he's gonna be in in grass so there's gonna be green down here okay how do I decide on say this one is because of the gold the blue in the King Tut mask it's a very vibrant blue from the pictures I've seen I have not seen his King Tut's mask in person but from the pictures I've seen it's like this color blue so that made me decide so that's the blue and of course the gold okay here is a train going down the track and again this is just washes and base coats and you know some of these are done actually they really are but I wanted to do smoke coming out of the Train so gray seem to fit so I'm thinking you know I'm kind of thinking ahead a little bit like what do I want the picture to say so if I'm saying that the trains going down a track with some lot of smoke see all these I have imagined this is all in the smoke right this is all in the steam you know that's coming out all this is coming out of the steam so I just did a grey background again the mech moth I'll probably put stars or something all back in here but I wanted to focus to be on the metallic II look so you can see I've only got just a little bit of it done right there in the middle if anything else I think copper you know this would be a good place to use a new copper paint although I have the same kind of paint in a jar but this would be a good place to say [Music] I'll knock that over because there's copper and stuff in the mechanicals of it this would probably be a good place to edge it with copper and kind of feather it out because it's mechanical now y'all gonna have to remember what I used here because next time I go to do this I'm gonna say what did I use because I'm not writing it down so I'm going over the black paint but I'd want to kind of feather this out so let's just put some down you have to probably do this in stages and again the reason I'm picking the copper is because I got the copper you know it's really not it's not metallic pencil its Siena its Siena I think it might even be a little nope no gel pen it's just CNN blue so a little on the baby white I'm a in this is why I do it on my hand I mash the paint into the baby white and it might take a little bit of going back and forth between full strength like out I need to edge it a little closer here to make it more opaque right up against in here but then I can like feather it out and have a black and metallic background hang on hold it up so you can see I want to make sure I don't glue my lid shut still wet but I think you can see a little bit of the shimmer there we go and of course I'd take more time get it you know get it darker right up against the body and then feather it out but you see so you can do that and you could even do if you wanted to you could have copper copper missed your baby right back out of trash and opening a jar back up here I might have to do a little bit with the brush see ya looks cool huh alright now let me dry it before I so blue my pages together hang on [Applause] all right so something like that say all right this one I just thought the Panda is black and white let's go with hot pink I don't know what else I'm going to put there but that's how I decided the color I decide the color because the pandas black and white this one I'm not sure how I decided on the Sienna other than I thought it would look good with the blue and I'm and it's in progress but I started doing some twinkling lights around the moths or butterflies whatever they are but again I'm going with like two basic colors here the skulls black background it's blue because it's on the ocean again a type of a fire look with like King Kong's busting through the city there so again it's kind of I knew I wanted him looking like because you know they got look there's a rocket right there like he's battling you know the King Kong movie so that's why these colors I wanted the the Penguins going moving through the water and still blue I just said hey purple black and white pink penguins and I had this is the only one that I've even really got anywhere near finished but he I'm coloring him purple and black and white so I'm gonna have them breaking through the water so you can see I painted the background purple and now I'm going around each one to make it look like they're breaking the water like here's this a good example see I'm making it look like he's breaking in the water is they're not done right it's not done so that's how I decided that was my mailman did I get anything she's getting bused yeah oh my looks I think it sucks something oh I think that's my passport well I got my passport and they said they'd send the pass but if you can when you reorder your passport you can get the little cards now like your driver's license so now I have my passport and the little passport card they send up step right okay so this one I wanted it to look like moss like like almost like a green Spanish moss because I imagine these you know pineapples Hawaii so this is probably gonna have some nice you know I started the little mushrooms there but I want this to look like moths so it's still in progress but that's how I'm just telling you guys how I decide on the backgrounds not that they're all done did you break in the what yes the pencil is broken in with water let me show you Jennifer let me get my lab and I know there's a lavender in here I just used it the other day ASMR moment I [Applause] can't find it so lemme bust out a bundle here not sure if it's this color is this yeah I think it's a lavender color okay so now like here's one that's kind of in progress but I want them to look like they're kind of coming through the water and then you can you know softly you can blend okay so you can see here I'm just putting the lines don't feel like you had you can't you know have some squiggly lines have some odd things in your background no one says it has to be blended out smooth as silk you know Kirby's not gonna email ya just sayin [Music] let me answer this friend anis hey honey I'm streaming can I call you back if you need something huh um I think he was outside call him again he's probably back in now okay so I was started doing pink post-its where I'm still working and blue ones where I finished but I forget to put them in okay so all right the spider the reason it's black is because I was gonna do silver spider web so that's all done with well first what I did is I went over the whole spider web with a silver gel pen and then on top of the silver gel pen I use Stickles silver Stickles in the background I think I'm just gonna leave it because this one shows the little image is not colored this one shows them with all different colors and this is like a good example page now if I ever completely finished the book I might go back and you know I love to finish all these books why did I pick this it's a salmon color it looks kind of they might look a hot pink on camera but it's like a salmon color I think I just wanted something different than blue I might do a Sun burst back here I don't know okay the mech mop and this is I love showing this one mechanical moths there's they just have a base coat on them right they just got a wash they got a wash the background is is paint now I hope you can see where I've some of my blue from the other pages seeped over the edge that's this is why you put wax paper between your pages so I did a solid green and they're just they just have a wash of lime green and I took my pencil and I made all the lines see how they're all kind of fuzzy I mean uh squiggly and my how I want this to look and I do this every time but I love doing it I want my moss to look like they're going so that's my way of getting that effect that's my way of getting the yes okay again this one I want to be a tree underwater if you all that this is all fish it's all fish in the in the tree here octopus the what do you call it the roots have octopus limbs and it's all underwater and these of course is just it's not finished it's just this is my idea of where I'm going with it there's going to be waves there's gonna be watering way so the reason that's why it's this blue it's my what's one of my favorite blues slate blue so it's just a blue base because it's all underwater this one I'm not sure again if it's a black background I don't really have to have a reason I like stars space and so that's gonna be what its gonna be you know so there's a lot of black backgrounds again I showed this one a minute ago about the fire the fire-breathing dragons this one is brown and green because I imagine they're like deep in the woods so I'm doing all kinds of speckles and and making it very uneven because I'm gonna make them look like they're all hidden down in the woods so it's going to be very dark eventually probably to the edge I mean some of it's probably going to be very black down in the crevices because I want them to look like they're traipsing down in like a little fairy forest where it's very dark down here so that's that's why the brown cuz I want it to look very woody okay and then this the splatters and all that just to make it look like maybe dirt you know they're there in the fairy forest in my mind okay I'm bright blue sky I got washes of blue and I did all the mechanics just a wash of blue to start the reason another reason guys to do a wash over a large area especially something like your Kirby it doesn't mean that everything has to stay blue your pencil will go over this okay your pencil can make that blue cloud white again if this was if you had done this with pencil if you had penciled this whole area light blue you cannot get that cloud white again it's the paint the acrylic paint allows you to go over it and turn it into anything so just because I have all this mechanicals done in blue doesn't mean it has to stay that way just like the MEK moths and all that green and gray and all that you can go over this and and make it any color but what it does by putting a wash over the whole thing it gives you a base it gives you something other than just a white space that you have to go in here in color every little mechanical bit if you've got a wash of groove blue or gray or whatever color your mechanics are you've got those mechanics colored they're colored now all you have to do is highlight it shadow it you can change the color but you've got something on there that if you did that with pencil you could not get it you can't get it back but with with look acrylic wash you can go in there and do anything on top of that oh thank you ah thanks Jerry Jerry said if Dedes one thing is inspiring you well that's like that's like my mission right that's my goal my goal on all the you know doing all this sharing all this telling you all the techniques I tell y'all everything I do is to inspire you to try you know don't be afraid you can do it if you mess it up so what you know okay again the background here it's water it's deep water so I wanted it a deep a deep brown I mean a deep brown a deep blue and then and then the the water splashes could either look like stars or it could be bubbles I just got a crick in my back so again going around it with pencil all that light blue is pencil it's all pencil now it's not very well define yet probably maybe around you can see a little bit more right in here and you can even get it lighter and more dramatic remember the main thing that I tell people about their color book pages that when they say they don't like their color book pages more times than not it's not the colors that they've chosen they could have a hundred colors or three colors it's the contrast they don't put enough contrast now granted these that you're seen this is just a base coat so there's no contrast and most people that show me their pages they look like this not this messy but I mean they look flat like that there's no real dark darks and no light light lights it's you know they don't put the contrast this one I decided I think I decided because of that little red part on that I think it's an Ibis I'm not sure but I think I decided the background color based on that red right there and I'll probably either do his eyes his you know know something that that same red in him I don't know why these don't go together to me but you can you can make things cohesive with color so by having a red background a red here and red eyes or red Nazir's or red nose or you know give them a tongue or put some of that redness fur that will make it cohesive color will make your pieces cohesive again one big wash of that teal blue over all the birds this will be a monochromatic page but it's not going to be flat like this it'll end up being okay so let's let me just do a quick little I want to kind of keep this this segment on backgrounds but I want to since I talked about a contrast and stuff I'm gonna go ahead and just do a little bit okay so see that ours just flat he's just a flat wash of the same color in the background the background is not a wash it's you know and I might have to put two coats sometimes you have to put two coats but you know it is what it is so I'm gonna go in here with white on the tips of the feathers and then probably this wing here so let me just do a quick little okay so just with the white just look how well this flashing it a lil maybe you can see cuz it is kind of there there we go see with the light how much it's already changed from the flatness of the others what book is this a car to its imagine morphia and now I'm going to go in here with the darker in Anna's peacock green I think parrot green and I don't want to spend a lot of time I just want you to show you the drug the drama that contrast makes and people I guess are just afraid to have something very very dark or something very very light but it makes all the difference I'm telling you it makes all the difference and I haven't asked Eileen and Janet what they're doing today on their show the Janet and Eileen show okay so now there's just what they wouldn't get them of the turn it so can you see how I put a layer of darker so it's it's just one shade darker than the original okay now I can go in there with another dark I don't really want to go with black probably well I'll just do black because I want to make it real dramatic it's not black again I am gonna try to feather out this black so it doesn't look like a line of black but I want to show you the dramatic difference when you go very very light and very very dark and very very dark does not have to be black I'm just not taking the time to dig out the next shade of teal because I'm trying to kind of keep it a background show but I want to show ya okay so now I added some black or I would have normally added very very dark sorry guys the wind is opening there now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my go back to the the green the pair green and kind of go over the black so it's not just a black line there because I want you to see the drama of contrast so I'm quickly blending that in okay if I can get this oh sorry bump the camera I'm trying to get the light off of it there see chance doing drip edge okay no that would be fine I don't know if the hipster wants to go out to life he's waiting on someone to call him to come out one of our sensors on a security system needs replacing and they're going to come do that today so it's between 12 and 5 they'll be here between 12 and 5 so I may or may not pitch because we want to call him to take me to Waffle House but I know don't laugh at me anniversary Waffle House see can you see that and if the white is not showing up here let me even do it one step further and I'm gonna take the paska let's just get one that's working I always pick up the one I should just throw it away the one that doesn't work cuz I feel like oh there's a little bit left in there okay so I can just put a little tip of white on the edge and even get it even more drama and you can do this with pencil too just depends on how many layers you put but what the thing I like about the pasca is I'm what I'm doing is I'm getting rid of the the lot of color book line the line art right on the edge I'm getting rid of the line art right on the very very edge of the feathers I'm not doing the whole feather I'm just doing the edge maybe if I go down this side that'll show it better to ride along the edge I'm getting rid of the black line from the line art I hope that helped on contrast all right let's keep moving because I got ten books and we're still in book one again just a wash of them I don't I don't have a background color here don't have a background color here let's go to some more background okay this background I painted in a tree and I just did that with some lines a pencil and eventually and I did this real lightly because I don't want to put the mist I don't want to put this foggy mist on here and till I'm completely done with the back right but and you'll see me do mist and fog I just put a little bit here just to show you where I'm headed so in this case the background trying to make it look like a tree so here's the start and then we went a little bit more shadow and then it'll have a mist and fog but you don't put mist fog water you don't put any of that that's the icing on the cake okay because otherwise you're gonna try to figure out how am I going to cover that tree now see when I go back to color the tree I'll just have to I'll have to just go over the whole thing and put that back but I do a lot of this for demos for you guys so I jump ahead I try to tell you look don't do this till the very end okay let's see I think that's all the backgrounds in that so that's in imagine more if I won't go through Anna morphia and mytha morphia we've gone through these pretty recently and but right now my point of going through these is to show how I decide on backgrounds okay the look and I don't have to speedily up here I'm going to get done with the next 30 minutes okay so this is the look and these have fashions from around the world of many many close-up faces and it is by suwa and I've done a few in here but you can see here what she's done and I'm going to close the blinds go the sun's starting to peak through the clouds and it's giving me a glare a lot of backgrounds that are just plain so kind of like leaves and up to you see that look she has a little bit of Birds down here so depending on whether I want to concentrate on the outfit alone some of them I put more backgrounds on and here's the different I love this book this is one of my favorite books I need to work in it more often because I love it so much Milan Stockholm New York Shanghai Tokyo and Seoul and they have US sections for each one and again sorry about the lights okay it's just the white paper so let me get to some of the pages I've done in this so you see it's a lot of negative space see the background it's a lot of negative space which I love that - you love this book - yeah and then here's one that has a lot of shops in the back little shoes over there but if you still notice look at all the negative space there's no bricks on the ground it's a and and that makes it very dramatic when you color that okay so here's one that's done with again a star in the background and so what I did here she's sitting on oh I've just decided that was a brick wall I decided this was cobblestone it wasn't there I put all the splatters and this and those Mudge's and the dots and all that and then I love her little red Dorothy Wizard of Oz shoes and then she has a little green handbag so again the way I decided the colors I see how that whole outfit goes together even though that may be a little too matchy-matchy but yeah so she's just sitting there on her phone stars in the background and that I'm using this book for the faces and where shadows are and making out where Sun was yeah awesome Arwa I love this book so again look at all the negative space behind the Eiffel Tower it's just flats just negative space literal nut but negative space gene did this one she did a good job on that one and I know it's there if I tilt it this way it's not as Glary but I it's hard to flip up uphill uphill flip this one I just I don't know just wanted a teal background that's as far as I got this one I wanted to look like they were you know there was buildings and it needs a little more work but you know I put a blue thing on it like I'm done because I think mentally I'm just over this page I didn't do the signs yet you know there's still some more stuff to do but I just splattered and streaked gray paint to make it look like buildings or you know again this one's not done but she's just kind of like floating in space on her moped or is it a moped no it's not a moped it's uh I'm not sure what kind of motorcycle and so I just thought she would look cool like a redhead with the you know so I think the leopard dress was there I just did the cheetah colors the cheetah colors what else is in this one this one has about three or four parts to it and again we did dark-skinned girl did I wanted it to look oh look there's like some kind of a poster that looks like it's been ripped up and stuff so I just made it extra distressed did the background all like again brick I mean not brick like a cement wall like this is like that what do you call it that's steel there's a name for that you know like what toolboxes are made out of that kind of steel I have done this one a couple of times I haven't made a copy I heard this was the one we I made a copy over to practice my Copic drawing on this one I've done I think I sent this I have one no I have a copy of this I made a copy of this one for my art journal Archie's into my art journal this one I colored and sent to Eileen I think this one I'm thinking that's why I sent to Paula I sent one to Paula so anyway that is the look black in here okay the time chamber darius song or daria song the time chamber and there's i got two of these two diamond plate Thank You Haven yeah diamond plate steel Thank You Danielle somebody always knows everything in our group somebody knows everything between all of us we're just you know we're a walking encyclopedia amongst all of us thanks daddy now you follow me on that one yeah thanks that's sweet so I have this two different version of the time chambering what's the other one though ocean one another one no the lost ocean is Johanna Basford never mind I should show that one to the time garden saw the time chamber in the time garden all right so let's just do a flip do I just want to talk about backgrounds right now okay so this one's not done but what I did on this one purposefully is I wanted to look like she was in an upside-down world so I did the stars on the bottom and like the Sun the light the sunlight on the top so really if you look at it really goes this way say hmm so I did the light at the top and the stars at the bottom you're too afraid to color anything still then you what you need to do I say this all the time Haven make you a copy to practice on if you wanted to practice skin just copy off a face and practice on it if you wanted like you want to do this page you're afraid to do it make a copy of it and do it right next to each other like like have your copy or her right here color her skin and then come over here you got it right over here now you can do it over here you know color it twice okay let's see this one I wanted all these flower orbs floating in space this did take a long time I gotta say this was a this was a taking on this one quiet the undertaking and the colors I chose were the lime green pink and white like the chrysanthemum and like the cherry blossom colors so that's how I decided the colors I wanted them all floating in space so that's how we got outer space and this one I did dot this one's not this one's not splattered this is dotted one dot at a time and that way you can get in between you can get them a twist I wanted it to be like they're balls but they're see-through you know they're holes in it thanks and so I really like this one but if you notice it's pink green or lime pink lime and white I mean there's a couple orange accents but overall it's three or four colors that can keep everything cohesive okay this one I just wanted a blue sky with clouds so the backgrounds blue accented the edges with blue the owl is blue she's wearing white with blue shadows and and I did her hair looking like it's blowing in the freeze and I did a little bit of a Sun peeking through the clouds that's just all paint it's all paid there and that's all in that one okay keep moving okay so these two oh let's go to lost ocean so in lost ocean Johanna Basford I I think her artwork is stunning but it's so tiny it's hard for me too because it's hard for me to see around I can see it if I concentrate let's say it's tedious for me to squint to see some of it so I just don't enjoy coloring something so tiny it's just like mandalas or mandalas I don't enjoy coloring patterns but if you want to see some awesome mandala coloring then look at Julie topaz pearl girl Julie oh my gosh that girl rocks the mandalas and patterns okay so let's see what I got here I've only got a couple things done in here I think okay so on this one the ship is sailing on the ocean right he's sailing on the ocean I wanted a nice sky that's I just like it and I did a little glow around the little lighthouse and then I wanted this to look like a undersea another dimension so that's why we got the water dripping off and I did instead of the it's got kind of land and sea it's like he's traveling the world in my mind he's traveling the world so there's green flowers and all that right under the ocean waves and it's like another it's like another dimension by Dragonslayer sarah thank you so in my you know I started this I knew I wanted the Stars it's never hard for me to decide I want stars you know in a glow on whatever is on land and then some of these swirls I might have went in there with some pasta on top but this is all paint paint paint drips this one's not done again this was one to show three colors well white white orange mint and teal and it's a little flash down and then Stickles so there you can see the Stickles now you can see this is not done got more to do and all these swirls I added myself I just wanted all kinds of swirls in it but the like cabochon or whatever they're done and all the orange they'll have Stickles like that okay and that's all in that one okay let's cover these two right here a Rap City in the forest and mid wet dead bond don't laugh don't don't email me so I think rap seeing the forest was the first one I think somebody said and then the Midway and somebody probably told me the translation dance of happiness dance of happiness and rap see in the forest so let's see what we got in these are a lot of Gardens see that these are pretty much done decided for you there I mean there's some silhouette I mean some you know just one image kind of thing but most of us like gardens and you know you just do a lot of florals and then the little bunnies okay so this one we did not this Halloween but I think the Halloween before so the background is nothing there's nothing in the background left the background white I could paint a black because it is Halloween could paint a black and stars I just I don't know maybe we maybe we didn't have time but again look at the color choices purple green and orange it makes it cohesive this one I think we did lab this last Christmas green your typical green and Christmas colors but I believe we looked up Norwegian patterns and so we colored this based on a Norwegian pattern if I'm not mistaken we did spend a lot of time getting the fur on the reindeer I'm trying to tilt it so there we go it's a little flash now but so the cut the pattern we went with the color based on a Norwegian I think it's Norwegian pattern so that was decided for us the pattern was already there the dance of happiness let's see what we got in here again it's lots of animals lots of animals I love this book and I want to get back to all I love all my books I want to get back to all of them you're getting who markers in the mail again I can just remember don't do double-sided page there's just like perfect so go through their alcohol markers but I love looking all these animals look at the little bunny the little chipmunk the little duck the little frog another bunny see I want to stop right now and just color this I really do I mean I'm gonna put me on and this is this is why I always have so many things going on because I'll come across this and I want to color this double page spread now if I try to do this on camera on a video on a show it probably about three two-hour they probably take about six hours you know and that's probably if we kind of hurried we have done a couple out of here this one this one's one of my favorites too again the background I decided on stars with the brick walls kind of just fading into the background but we did a we did it we spent a good bit of time showing you how to do bricks we did a lot of metabolise I think in those bricks the bunny was laying in the in the birdbath there was no water coming out of it this water is painted in all the drips that's just pain just because there's no water there doesn't mean you can't put it in we could add water coming out all these pots could add water pouring out of these you know jugs or whatever so what I did is I wanted one of every color bunny so we have a white one a grey one a brown one a black one so we have every color of little bunnies and we did spend time getting the fur nice and again here's one that's here's one it's a lot of colors and again because there's a garden so you got pink flowers you got the bluebells with some lime you got Greenlee flowers some ivy some purple flowers some blue whatever pink so there's a lot of colors in a garden scene this one's you had one of your favorites - Colleen yeah I really like this one and then the grass and then we put little grass blades coming up over you know we put the whiskers why to make them stand out same for his whiskers put him some eyebrows with white paska there we go whiskers see we added all that in on top but don't try to put those whiskers in till you got the Shelf done God is the icing on the cake okay so what else do we have in here okay that the birds again lots of colors because there's a whole different kind of plants I didn't put any stars on this I just wanted a black flat background so that all the birds popped you know if you put a black background everything in the front is gonna stand out so we got some little bluebirds there with little white pasca fluff same thing for the little owls see the little highlights on there little lay on their little feet see the little highlights on their feet whiskers on the little chipmunks and again it's a little flashed out but he said darling I know everybody wants okay this one I don't remember why we decided to blue we did this one on stream I'm not sure why we did the blue and I'm not I've checked it personally Auto likes it to be black but I think we wanted to try a different color so we just did it a flat blue and we're more concentrated on doing all the gold chains there's all kinds of gold chains and of course the little bunnies and their fur and their eyes it's kind of you know it's a little there we go and then this one again the water color it was just water koi fish orange koi fish green lily pads blue background some white white whatever kind of flowers some kind of lily flowers there I guess there were the water lily flowers so and then all the swirls igano I went over with white pasca so we have lots of white swirls and then over the top see those lines right over the top of the fish so it looks like they're underwater see the white lines and I kind of really put more but I kept it subtle but that's like they're in the pond and they're under the water and that's the reflection on top of the water ah I think that's all in here so I'm starting I started doing oh we must have done that we must have needed a piece of deli paper for a test I started doing the checkerboard here oh here's another thing to show you and I think it looks like I've shown it before a lot of times in color books the black in the color book is really not black it's gray so you really if you want a nice checkerboard or whatever if you want it really black you're gonna have to go over it and pencil or paint or whatever cuz that's their version of black and that just doesn't cut it for me it has to look like that okay so that's all in that one let's keep rolling here simius Nova's tom thomas laughs tomek's again love this very detailed as you know let me get you the one I finished first I get to the one I finished this was I can't even tell you how many hours I'm thinking 20 I don't remember exactly at the time I I remember it at the time this again black background there deep in the forest I wanted a fall scene so all the leaves are all orange yellow and red some purple mushrooms I put little shadows under everyone all the tree trunks everything is done to make look like wood there's our little sleeping princess right there well my little sleeping princess and all these leaves all the leaves then the animals and this was not a unicorn I think I'm pretty sure it wasn't I well maybe it was and I think we I think he's not a unicorn I could be wrong but we made him blue you know he was I don't know he's a blue horse maybe he was a unicorn I don't remember but anyway we made him a blue unicorn and again when he tilts it so you can see all the fur this took a long time see all those leaves see the different colors there's a brown tree there's a gray tree shadows this was very very tedious I love it I love the way it looks but this baby took some hours and the other one I'm working on over here is the purple and blue dragons and there's a little princess that's the little princess is that she's not peeking out there and then here's the prince he's sitting there in the top of that one again I got mine so the black it just seemed like it needed to be black to make the white clouds and make them stand out I want them very bright and bold and that's as far as I got on that it's mana there are monochromatic purples and monochrome out in the Till's see where I'm going with it very detailed very detailed none of that's done right there see it's just like a base and if I'm not mistaken this is the Crayola this is these as a base the Crayola super tip markers on both of them and then you can go in and shake the pencil do I have anything else I think I have something else started in here I thought I had something else started maybe not oh the cover the inside front cover I started that ok so then to a Hannah Carl's ons summer nights and tide var of which stands for seasons so you know she has she gets him in English and in is it Swedish am i right is it Swedish so in summer nights and I have a whole bunch of these I've got Clara Marco va's hardbacks as well but we haven't looked at these for a while so I pulled these out again this is just a little bit of a chat about how to pick color book backgrounds okay so this is summer night let's see what we got in here okay this back page is done this one reminded me of my daughter Denise when she was pi about ten with her glasses and two sleeping cats and I did put Stickles in her outfit there some of the flowers so again this background was decided because of all the florals its kind of decided for you right now you could color them all the same color flowers what else do I have in this started on these little mice here just nuts we didn't get far with that saying for that lizard I think I've done more on the other one seasons so this one is our blue I mean everyone and I didn't think about when we did it at the avatar and Christmas we made these into Christmas bulbs and they have I put wink of Stella over them to make them shimmer and then here's the light the glow so there's one of those somebody asks about a glow or a light so again I can do that pencil because of the black right that works because it's on the black did the stars here star there a little bit of like smokey bit coming up there from the candles but look at the colors other than I mean it's got some other colors like red orange yellow and green but they're the same colors that are in her headpiece so all these colors are these colors other than that it's orange and blue same thing the candles are orange and blue okay blue stars in the sky but all these colors right here are the same colors in the balls in the Christmas or I think they remind me of Christmas ornaments okay and her skin is all pencil that did take a while it did take a while to get that nice blend but there's there's no paint or anything on it's all pencil all right so let's see what else we got in here I think I'm more done in the in the Clara Markova books because I have four of hers I think for four of the Clara Markova and two of the Hannah Carl's on so here's some cats we were we didn't get far with it as far as we got so again these kind of backgrounds can pretty much you know stars I'm gonna do black bubbles I'm gonna want to do ocean but some of the ones especially in the in the Clara Markova I think I decided not to do I think I decided not to do this is magical delight I decided not to do the backgrounds but here's a thing on Collin and again that's a that's a choice of no background as a background I just did because she's got all these little I think they're supposed to be mushroom spores something they're all there's these little dots all through her book right so not coloring a background is a background right so this one is and again the colors purple orange you know purples and oranges and you know there's quite a bit of brown and green but it's it's not a lot of colors but what I did do is add extra colors inside the little doors and there's a little glowy light right there and then this has a glow coming through now the backs of these were not cut there was nothing so I put my own wood grain on there and then this one the little bird houses say same for this one this there was nothing on there it was just white but I didn't want to open this up and have it just be white so I had to put something you know I had to put something there and then on the inside see it's got a little glowy my lantern what else do we have in this one the little mouse again you see I think I I think I decided on this book not to paint the background not to do anything with the backgrounds I added my own moss see all the little moss right there I add that's all with a pen added all my own little moss like Spanish moss type thing hmm so this is a good example of a background uh nothing done on the background just leaving a blank throughout the whole book okay all right Color Me enchanted this one here my plan for this one was just taking a color let's just take I don't know a purple or something taking a color one one marker and the end taking the book and go lay down and watch TV or whatever and go through the whole book and anything that's that color color it just that thing just that one thing that's that color and that's what I've been doing in this book I haven't done it for a while let's be seamless be honest so for instance yellow can we put that up I'm gonna do it right now so I went through the whole book and anything that I felt needed to be yellow I just colored yellow the black here is already done but it's not black enough for me I'll have to go back in with a pencil to make it really dark all right so look a yellow flower so you know if that's just another fun challenge to do you know just take just take a color and your book and just go through the book and anything that you want that color now this I gotta say this book was one that I had to be careful not to over saturate with the marker because for some reason it did want to go through usually I don't have a problem with my Crayola super tip markers they don't bleed through but this one I had to be careful it's not bleeding through there but if i scrub scrub it will so I always test your books on a back page or something so I would go through the whole book oh that's this is the yellow the yellow and the orange smell if you get the black super I don't know if they make them anymore but the ones with the black barrel have sent their sent it and the yellow and orange smell exactly exactly like fruit loops it's like whoever made these the scent in these markers and whoever puts the scent in fruit loops they're in there in collab I'm telling you they are in a collab it's fruit loops people and this this book is perforated too not that I don't tear pages out of books that are stories you know okay so let's see this is two different artists okay so here I went through the whole book doing that teal and then see I came back and shaded with pencil came back later to shade but it was just fun just to take one marker one marker and sit down and color all the way through this Paulo streaming tonight yeah it is a bright yellow and it smells just like fruit loops I just saw somebody say Paul is gonna stream I love just gonna stream tonight or what so but they have these these kind of little girls kind of remind me of uh you know the twins and the house you know Jack Nicholson I think that's a wine anyway they kind of look creepy so here yellow I've done a couple colors so this one I went through did orange and I went back went back and shaded so I started out with the orange and went back and shaded with the dark orange pencil pencil the shiny yeah it's I mean now you're help stir herding cats out there okay again yellow orange and then at another time I probably went through with the kind of slate blue marker and then of course I've shaded since then so it's just kind of fun to take a color yeah takes a color and just go through the whole book here's some blue and just find everything you want that color come in I'm almost done and I think about five minutes oh okay I'll be out in a minute I think I saw the mail and I told the girl but that's my passport card oh my happy mail bring out but bring me off that happy mail I can wait on the passport no I already got the passport for Saturday and then my passport card came in today but hopster said we got happy mail okay so again yellow and I know I'm gonna go over finest if you want to go ahead and go set up a Janet I'm running five minutes late here here's flowers and cactus again all done in the basic color I mean one color this one I did continue on the Sacred Heart did some fire there there's all kinds of swords and stuff coming out I haven't colored any of that yet but I did do the background what else is it okay here's some little pink little pink wood nips mints or whatever they are elves I don't know what they are okay just set it right there I'll open it hey happy man we'll open the happy male ladies and then this one's got green purple and yellow so you can see I've just gone through hub stirs of his shaking his head like he's just being such a but here's green and red again red roses hi I'm stirring a female this one is the block was already there and then I added the red what else see I've done quite a bit in this one actually okay and last my show is this one I don't know how to pronounce it it's a it's a Carolina Kubik Houska and she has that other kind of creepy one out - everybody thinks it's a creepy I don't know they're not a little dark oh here come the cats okay oh you know what we didn't do we didn't do a society of idea collector giveaway i completely forgot to do the giveaway should i do it now even though it's on the other channel i can put it in the i could put it in the description if i do a giveaway okay well hang on cuz i forgot to do a giveaway out of a bowl okay so this one again the background what i've done is just kind of do a wash sales just got a little bit of wash of color and coming out all the spots are already on this one a splatter the splatter is already done the all the dots that's already in the piece right so what i've done and this is kind of make it like a watercolor wash in areas now this book does fall apart this book does see how that that's already done this was part of already so I went with Iran with the watercolor theme right so I'll just again I went with just a wash around cuz that's what her book has like this so I kind of just rolled with it see this is what it looks like in a black and white see I added all this so you can see and again this book does fall apart for whatever reason it just wasn't abound well book no not really Terry so I just went with washes of color as a background so that's another option just you know do some watercolor you could do with neo color too and then and then go over it like you know scribble in or take your you know Neil color too and make it spread out I think there's one more in here this one I think this one we did with ink tints but it's the same it's the same principle just a little bit of watercolor wash so yeah again I have quite a bit going on in that and I'll just go ahead and do the you know because likely the person that you know it's hard to see the chances that they're gonna see that video anyway if they win you know there's a lot of your guys and I've already given away a lot out of the society I just I don't know what I'm going to give away I'll let do a couple of small envelopes of something you know paper clips and koala or something I so I'm gonna cover it up and I'm gonna dig down and just pick out one name in atone do two names Connie Connie you I don't she was here earlier so Connie and again I dig down and Susan stellar I'm not sure which who she is cuz we have a lot of Susan's I don't recognize Susan stellar but Susan's stellar and Connie you I'll put you all together some little society of idea collector so let me right on here but their names together and then what I do is then their names will go I have a separate place for names that have been drawn and then after everybody's name is drawn we'll start all over again so let's put society idea collector in being okay so I don't know Connie likes Oricon I saw her at the other at the first episode so yeah so Connie and Susan stellar you know they'll get a little Society envelope thing alright so let's open my Happy Meal right here oh this is my I don't know I want to show you my passport picture by the way they make you now just if you are going to get another Passport oh well maybe I'll show you I'll cover up anything on numbers or anything but this is the card I send you the car I'll cover up all the information but they make you put your hair behind your ears and take off your glasses so here's my there's my passport picture okay so there's no let's see what's in this happy mail here oh it came from lenses I'm not sure to this Oh No oh the Amazon I don't think don't let me get the scissors yeah yeah and yeah we can go to Janet's well I gotta get figure out well I can go for a little bit I think but huckster said the security you know the security guys on the way okay so let's see oh my gosh I don't know who sent it to me but this I let's see if it has a name on it I'll show it to you in a second it doesn't say who it's from so someone's gonna have to fess up it's not the only paper in it yeah I'm not sure you sent it I have already used this book completely I've used this book completely from cover to cover so someone sent me another one it's the Aggies Emmys shooters and swirls marble book that I use for planets it doesn't say who is so whoever sent it to me fess up somebody fess up I don't believe a thing in the description - so this book is awesome awesome awesome four planets look look at that whole solar system right there yeah I had somebody else had sent me this book oh oh the covers aren't upside down hang on I'm looking at it upside down the covers just on upside down I used the book completely I mean I have like a handful of marbles left I have a handful of marbles left in my collage bin but I love this book for planets I'm telling you people it's awesome for every sized planets look did you see did you send her to me Suze I wouldn't doubt it if you did but look look at these marbles it's all it's all the marbles you lost all your marbles if y'all look at my you stream in my playlist I mean my slideshow that is on my playlist it's like seven eight years old I need to update that plate the slideshow on my Ustream channel but there's one in there it's called all the marbles and it's a guy losing his marbles so look at it I don't know somebody somebody tell me who sent it if anybody is here that's gonna fess up because I've talked about how used look planets telling you people planets don't let it hang on okay it's okay just don't want to make sure the cats don't get together because the guys here I'm still looking I don't see you dead sentences oh my gosh is all right I'm gonna put your name in it yeah she said that they don't send put names on use books okay well Sue's you didn't send me the last one did you did you send me the last one I can't remember who sent me the last one now I think it was was it who was it her I see her name right in front of me I can't think of it she sent me this out of space calendar too yeah put your name in it sees so yeah I'd literally used all these marbles in collage over and over I loved the book and I only have just a you know I think I have like a couple of these laughter you know I don't have look look it's a universe people it's a hole you bought it - oh my gosh Colleen I you will you will use it up well I mean I seriously I used every marble except maybe just a couple of strips that I have left they make awesome planets I'm telling ya oh you're welcome Ellie I'm glad the background was helpful for you I don't know if you were the person that asked the question on my youtube channel Ally I don't remember how he sings if you are the one that asked about doing backgrounds but some of the questions I got two or three people asking me the same question somebody else sent me the other one yeah I know who it is I see it but I look I'm telling you people I don't know why I'm using those big scissors and you don't have to use them full size you can cut them down can you see that more kind of far away and then we have white paint going across the top and then we'd probably have a couple of little star shines here I don't think I've got enough so anyway I hope you enjoyed this segment and one ply we did a couple of giveaways there and we will meet over at Janet's who's gonna do some drips I'm gonna have to just go ahead and glue this down Suze I'm gonna just have to go ahead and leave it there all the time thank you thanks guys yeah soon as the soon as the security you know test or whatever guy you know leaves I'll get hopster to take me out to lunch and Michael's week Janet before you leave girl you did not take that other video off a private yet the one with the gold the gold testing with the matte medium all that it's not there girl it's not there it must still be on private take that video off private [Laughter] thanks guys alright y'all have a great day you're welcome you - good to see you G good to see bye
Channel: Dede Willingham
Views: 23,269
Rating: 4.867198 out of 5
Keywords: color books, coloring, color book backrounds
Id: Fq9pZXtVDiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 35sec (5075 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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