How to Color Correct Skin in Photoshop - Fix Tanning, Uneven Skin Tone and Color Cast

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today we're gonna learn how to come correct in Photoshop whether it's tanning uneven skin tone or even a color cast we're gonna fix all of that today in Photoshop so that any further ado let's get started so here we unfortunately you my friend are most welcome here and by the way all the images that I show in the tutorial is available for download so make sure you download them so that we can follow along so as you can see in this image this image has an ugly color cast green Psilakis so let's go ahead and zoom in have a look at her nose this green cast some fur hairs have also got it so how do we remove it very simple non-destructive way create a hue/saturation adjustment layer click on this gray white circle icon click on this and select hue/saturation now this is big if this is not big you can make it big by stretching it okay it's necessary that you have it big so we need to remove the green so all we will do we will click here choose green from the drop down menu and there we go also what you can do you can even sample that so you can click on this and you can click on the greens and you can sample them now of course we're going to modify the selection so this doesn't really matter just for indication purposes we are choosing it from the drop-down list okay so as you can see the green area is selected here so take the heal slider all the way to the left otherwise to identify which area is being affected so let's go ahead and zoom in we want the greens to be removed from here so people make the selection as narrow as possible take the slider from the left and take it to the right take the slider from the right and take it to the left so let's understand this for a moment I've already talked about this but let's again understand this the bar at the top is the target the bar down is the result so this is the bar this is the target spectrum and this is the result so if we are affecting this area this section of the color spectrum and if we move the hue have a look have a look at the result one so if I move it see this is being affected so this is the target this is the result so we are affecting the greens of the image now this green is not exactly this green so what do we need to do we need to move it so let's go ahead and move it but now what's beginning to get affected now don't worry this is not going to get blue this is just for indication purposes we have taken the slider all the way to the left so as soon as you see that the this green is exactly selected to stop there okay to stop there and just modify the sliders to make sure that most of it is just selected okay is just like not more than that not anything more than that not anything less than that just that is selected now use the out slide side sliders to make the selection slow there okay there we go now this is a good selection now bring the slider all the way to the middle hue slider and take it to the left or right and see which one's matching with the original skintone this is making it more worse if you take it to the left watch it's gone it isn't that interesting have a look the before and after so this two before this is the after all of it is gone have a look it's so natural now so this is the before this is the after so that's how you remove contamination all you have to do add a hue/saturation adjustment layer then select the color adjust the hue and it's gone now I would like to add the key here is to have a great selection if you move to the greens okay yellows too it has actually named it yellows - instead of greens so it has renamed that so we can live with that so yellows - as you can see you have to have a nice selection here if you had a selection here and there it would have messed up see it's not yielding a nice result so make sure you have a nice selection so that's secret to this method now let's talk about uneven skin jumps as you can see in this beautiful image of an old lady it's all good her face is all good but if you zoom and have a look at her hand her hand is a little greyish it's not replicating the redness of the face so how do we replicate this skin tone in her hand simple all you have to do add a solid color crickets add a solid color adjust with lexicon this gray white circle icon again and choose a solid color now don't worry about the color right now click OK turn off this layer double click on it again and choose pick a color from here okay click OK now turn it on and invert the mask select the mask press control/command dye it change the blend mode of this one to color take a brush make sure full brown color is white if it's not press D to reset the swatches if it's something else like for example if it was red or something like that press D it will reset the swatches and make sure the foreground color is white now zoom in to the hand make sure the flow is somewhere around 20 ish and start painting here slowly there you go you have the skintone that now this is to read what you might want to do you might want to decrease the passage just a hair maybe something like that and you want to go back and paint it a little bit better have a look so this is the before this is the after gray hand red hands not exactly red but beautiful red hands now here's what's great about this technique if you think the color that you picked is the wrong one the advantage of creating a solid color adjustment layer is this you can double click on it and you can click in different areas to see which one goes with the hand for example you can zoom in and you can even pick different areas to see which one is going with the hand there you go so this one is shooting the best click ok so you already have the mask you already have painted the panned and then you can also also double click on this and choose the color that you want isn't that very interesting ok now one of the other ways of dealing with uneven skin tones is using the hue/saturation again ok as you can see in this one her skin tone is really really good really really awesome but as we move down there's a yellowish tint on her neck there's a yellowish tint on her hand and there's a little bit of yellow here in there so how do we get rid of it simple create a hue/saturation again and this time what you can do you can pick the color so you can zoom in and you can take this and you can pick the color okay it automatically determines that this is a yellow color now all you have to do simple take the slider elevated to the left or right just for indication purposes and make this one as narrow as possible okay let's zoom in for a better understanding and let's make this one as narrow as possible just like this and move this left and right where the exact area is selected stop there okay as you can see the exact area is being selected here so we are going to modify this take it a little bit to the left not too much just a little bit okay take it a little bit to the right until we have a good selection now let's make it smooth now what are these outside sliders think of it like fuzziness when you go to select color range there is something like fuzziness also any applied blender and you press alt or option and click on that the slider breaks into two parts what does that do it makes the transition between the area that is selected and the area that is not selected smooth it's just like feathering okay so there we go it's good now zoom out bring the hue to zero and take it to the right or left to see which one's matching right is not helping the left as you can see this is going away this is becoming red as you can see the yellow is gone now you can also tweak the lightness there we go make bring it a little bit to the left there we go have a look close it down before after the yellow is gone have a look closer look so before the yellow thing there the green thing there click it again it's gone now let's talk about tanning as you can see in this example her face is bright but look at her hands it's dark right so we need to match that we need to bring that to a certain level where both of them goes well with each other so simple here two people use the hue/saturation and sometimes you can also use the curves okay-y hue/saturation because it does a better selection and curves you have manually make a selection now that's the hard part right but sometimes hue/saturation when hue/saturation doesn't work you gotta use the curves all right let's try the hue/saturation hue/saturation click on this icon and click here on her arms ok click here on her arms once now have a good selection make it as narrow as possible and take it up to see most of her arms or selected so let's go ahead and zoom her in there we go make sure you select the arms now let's go ahead and take this all the way to the left and let's move it to see when most of her is selected ok now we'll take it a little bit to the right a little bit of the rest left there we go and most of her arm is now selected pretty nice selection pretty good selection ok great now but along with the arms her face is all selected but that's not a problem because her arms are separate from her face right we can easily mask that out so double click on this now and bring the hue to zero but it's not helping why because we are in the master we need to change that to let's say Green's was it in the greens was it in the Reds yes it was in the red so you need to find out now bring the huge to zero and then let's try increasing the lightness so let's move it a little up there we go and let's let's keep it here it's easier for you to look at now let's increase the lightness this is all good let's increase the saturation just a little bit now this is natural but it's affecting her face we cannot even match it so click on the mask take a brush and paint on her face with black okay increase the flow to 100 right we don't want to affect the face or any other part so you can paint in with black to the parts that you don't want to affect or you can paint in white over the hands very roughly what you can do control a command I this makes the mask black then you can take the brush make sure the foreground color is white and roughly paint over the hands so much easier to do okay there we go now double click on the properties and increase the red light is already increased then you can use the saturation there we go now this is looking natural before after before after now when this doesn't work what you can do let me turn that off you can add a curves adjustment layer and similar way increase it okay and you might want to add a hue/saturation layer to decrease the saturation because when you increase the curves it just kind of affects the saturation of the photo also what you can do you can change the blend mode to luminosity that doesn't affect the saturation then control a command I and you can take the brush and paint over her skin like just like that okay that's kind of tedious job to do but when hue/saturation doesn't work curves is your way to go just a thing before we wrap up I just noticed this if you zoom and have a look have a look here it's kind of stranger so we need to have a better selection so double click on it so this is there make sure you go to Red's again and let's select even more now this is completely selected now we can move it up better right so better selection is the key so that's how you collect skin tones in Photoshop just remember we have just two basic techniques number one the hue/saturation adjustment layer and number two the solid color adjustment layer and painting in and the blend mode was the blend mode color okay blend mode color solid color adjustment layer and the hue/saturation adjustment layer just remember this and you're all set and then none of that works you have the girls girl so I hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and you know just subscribe make sure you hit the bell ring the bells so that you don't miss anything I'll see you guys on the controller and stay tuned and make sure that you keep creative I'm trying but I've got a feeling I'm falling falling for nobody [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 90,510
Rating: 4.9754524 out of 5
Keywords: piximperfect, fix skin tone, even skin tone photoshop, uneven skin tone, patch skin photoshop, tanning in photoshop, reflection in skin in photoshop, skin color cast, skin retouching, retouch, portrait retouching
Id: gTrbSAqfJOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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