How to Coach: Scanning

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hi everybody it's luke from foot tech back with another coaching video today is all about scanning scanning is a bit of a buzzword in football coaching and has been for the last couple of years um we're seeing the best players in the world there's lots of talk and lots of lots of examples of them of terms of how much they scan how much they're checking their shoulders through a game some of the greats it with the likes of chavy lampard as well as another one to look at skulls was brilliant at it and obviously a lot of the the current players certainly messy is unbelievable in terms of the amount of time he's checking around to see what's going on in order to help him make better decisions kids need to be taught this stuff early on but the problem that we sometimes see when children are coached scanning is that they're told to scan without really any idea of what they're looking for so we once spoke to a former academy coach and he said that because the children understand that the coaches want them to see them scanning all of a sudden you had kids walking around just going like this without really understanding why and what they're doing and what they're looking for it was basically just to appease the coaches so the coaches could say yeah i'm checking my shoulder so what we need to do is we need to teach them to scan but we need to do it in real life situations in order for them to understand where are the defenders where are my teammates and obviously where's the space which is a big thing where's the space how can i exploit that do i need to pass do i need to dribble based on what is going on around me after i've checked my shoulder so we've got an activity here similar to one that we put up a few uh a few weeks ago actually but a shorter version of it where your players should have a lot of opportunities to scan but it's going to be in context it's going to be in a real life game style situation which should then make the process a little bit automatic but a little bit more real and and the learning should be a lot better as a result of them doing it in this way let's take a look at the activity and we'll go from there so really easy one to set up we recommend doing this in threes the one in the middle is able to move sideways and probably just two or three steps either side of those two yellow gates the blues have got to play to each other and try to score a point by passing it through one of those yellow gates all one has to do is defend if one intercepts he or she can then play 1v1 in that particular half of the pitch against the blue player first one to scoring the goal win so if the blue tackles them they can score in the same goal and obviously the reds got to try and scroll in that goal as well so what you're gonna find here is that the number one has got to scan they've got to see where the blue player behind them is going which is then going to dictate where they move and how successful they are intercepting that pass so you see what we what we're saying when you try it it forces them to scan with some players you're going gonna have to ask them questions what can you do to see what's going on behind you and just sort of force the issue to an extent don't give them the answers but certainly just give them some ideas and a bit of guidance what is it you can see behind you where's where's so-and-so behind you and all of a sudden then they'll don't know to do it they'll know to check so it's a great games it keeps the three involved you don't need loads of equipment the goals on either end you could also use cones for those goals as well if you don't have lots of equipment between all your players but really nice and simple one to set up let's have a look at it in action at one of our sessions recently so just have a little look you see the player in the middle will be checking his shoulder just every so often just to see where those players on the outside are it's ever so slightly but it's all good it's all worth praising just to build that habit reinforce it you'll see here it's just gonna make a slight interception he's checked his shoulder there he knows that the danger on the other side is sus that that if that attacker is going to go the other way and he's made a nice interception here again we've got the player in the middle she's checked her shoulder she's realized where the danger is and she's made it really hard for the attackers to to be successful just show you that clip again so you can see just a little check to the left and there you go she's made it really really hard for them to get that successful pass so give it a go as we always say very for your players it works well with smaller numbers because it just forced the issue a little bit and but it's a it's a well filed exercise lots of fun lots of touch of the ball little bits of 1v1 as well so yeah give it a try and let us know how you get on you
Channel: Foot-Tech Academy
Views: 39,911
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Id: u43G8uochmk
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Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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