How to Clean Install macOS Sonoma on your Mac - Step By Step Guide

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[Music] hey guys welcome to Macintosh weekly and today in this video I'm going to show how to do clean install of Mac OS snon supported max if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe and now let's begin Macos Sonoma is now available as a free software update bringing a rich set of new features to the Mac that make work and play even more powerful to perform a clean install of Mac OS Sonoma you'll first need to confirm that your device is supported or not in case your Mac isn't supported don't worry a separate guide for unsupported Hardware will be published soon to know the support list check out the compatibility list video from the I button after that you'll need Mac OS SN installer and then we'll need to create a bootable USB which will require USB with a minimum 16GB capacity and then the clean installation step will be done also before getting into the process make sure to have a backup of your Mac as a clean installation process requires erasing the drive now to download Mac OS installer make sure that you're connected to the internet and signed into the App Store in the App Store search for mac osoma and after you find it click on view and then click on get in software update Windows you'll have this prompt click on download for downloading Mac OS s installer and the Mac osom installer will be downloaded in a while depending on your internet [Music] speed after the installer is downloaded it will pop up now close the installer and then plug in your [Music] USB and as you can see the USB appeared now open the Disk Utility and erase the USB with the following parameters [Music] after erasing the USB close dis utility now open Terminal and run the following command here the USB name is USB replace USB with your USB name after entering the name press enter key and then enter your password and now press y key to proceed and the Mac OS sunm installer will be created in a while [Music] [Music] ISB has been created successfully close to terminal and out boot your target Mac to the startup manager for booting your Mac to Startup manager for Apple silicon press and hold the power button until you see the startup option if you're using an Intel based Mac press and hold option or all key during startup now plug the Mac OS Sonoma USB in then from the startup options select install Mac OS Sonoma and click on continue now if you're greeted with install Mac OS assistant CIT the install Mac OS [Music] assistant now select dis utility and then erase the main Drive instead of volume with the following [Music] parameters now if you're prompted with the race smack notification click on Race smack can then select race smack and restart you me will restart and after that you'll need to activate [Music] [Music] it now connect your Mac to the internet using Wi-Fi or [Music] [Music] ethernet after your Mac is activated again boot it to the startup manager and then proceed with the Mac OS snow [Music] installer now select your language and click on the right arrow key to proceed now follow the onscreen instructions to install mac [Music] osoma here select the dis you created and then click on continue keep in mind that during the installation proc process you MC Mary start several times so don't worry about [Music] [Music] [Music] that [Music] a [Music] as you can see Mach osoma setup screen is here set up your Mac according to your [Music] preference [Music] and finally Mac OS Noma desktop is here and as you can see Mac OS Noma has been successfully installed on Mac so that was it hope it was useful consider like for the video subscribe to the channel and if you have any question just comment down below thanks for watching and have a great day ahead a
Channel: Macintosh Weekly
Views: 28,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macos sonoma, macos 14, macos, how to install macos sonoma, clean install macos, clean install macos sonoma, how to clean install macos sonoma, sonoma clean install, macos clean install, clean install macos sonoma from usb, apple, macos sonoma clean install, macos sonoma fresh install, macbook pro, clean install mac, install macos sonoma, macos sonoma installer, macos sonoma how to, macos 14.0 installer, clean install macos sonoma using bootable usb
Id: ik_7b1ySLi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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