DIY Clean Your Roof | Easy Step by Step Roof Cleaning Guide

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so i know why you clicked on this video you're looking for an easy way to clean your roof well i'm about to show you an easy solution to make your roof look almost brand new all over again [Music] just so you know who you're getting advice from my name is zach flinkensoft i'm a u.s navy veteran active duty eight and a half years and now i'm a general contractor in nine states and i have my roofing license in over nine states i also do work all the way from billy up the street for the united states government so i just want to make sure when you watch a video from digital roofing innovations you understand that we're qualified and also i'm going to show you the absolute easiest way to get something done okay so i promised you i'd show you how to clean your roof and before we hop into this i want you to let you know my roof is gonna be clean that we're gonna hop on and it's because i cleaned out once a year so all my neighbors always comment they said zach you have some kind of special shingles on your roof because your roof always stays clean we'll know this because i do maintenance on it once a year and make sure that you know i don't have a bad roof you know lord knows the roofing contractor in the neighborhood doesn't need to have a bad roof so i'm going to show you how to do this with just simple household chemicals and a way to keep your roof looking great for years so first thing you need is just a simple sprayer most of you guys have this around the house if not you can just pick one up for 20 bucks mine's just a roundup sprayer that i use obviously i use it for a lot of things but mainly i usually clean my roof secondly i have some bleach to make sure you want to get some heavy duty bleach something that's purely almost pure bleach and then just some simple dish detergent we have dawn but it can be any type of dish detergent what you really want to use this detergent for is it helps build up the viscosity of the formula and if you have a roof like mine that's only like a 412 pitch and if you don't know how to get a pitch on your roof we have a video on how to get the pitch of your roof it's not really really important for this but it will help so you can look through our videos if you want to get the pitch on your roof but what we normally want to do is have a right formula for this so the formula we're going to use is off a two gallon sprayer and so it's very simple so two gallon sprayer we're going to put in one gallon of it can be moderately warm to hot water you don't want to scald yourself uh but obviously one water normally works the best uh you're going to use almost a gallon of bleach and then put in two ounces of your dish detergent now if you have a very high pitch roof you may want to put three ounces of this detergent or maybe four because what that's going to do is make it a little bit more viscous and it's going to set a little bit more when you put this on the roof if you have one like mine it's a really low pitch you can get away with just using bleach and water but i like to add in just a little bit of dish detergent so basically it's a 50 50 mix with a little bit of disc detergent okay guys so right now in my sprayer all i have is water so the first thing we're going to do is just spray everything down outside with just water so again the reason we're doing this is we are going to be using bleach up on the roof and we're going to be using a little bit of dish detergent both of those things can cause damage to your vegetation if you're not careful you also may want to make sure any pets are up before you get started i have mine uh here to help right now and so what you want to do with your nozzles you want to go ahead and turn this on a fan if that you have that option but you don't want to just spray everything with a hard stream so you just want to spray everything out because remember we are basically putting pollution because some of this is going to get on the ground so i'm looking in my yard i don't have any bushes or really any plants or anything on the outside if you do you want to make sure that you spray all that down with water before we get started remember the solution to pollution is dilution okay so we've already pumped this up so we're just going to go ahead and start spraying water all around the house if you have a garden hose just got a little bit more pressure you can go ahead and use that we just want to go ahead and spray water all around the house again any vegetation if it's any trees or anything that's going to be in the way you want to make sure you go ahead and get water on that before you get started well you may have noticed my clothes have changed well that's because one of the beauties of doing outside work and shooting these videos outside is you still can't predict the weather so we kind of ran out of sunlight last time and a rainstorm came which was great because we got all the product on the roof but you couldn't really see it in the video and then it washed it all off so that's why the roof was oh nice and clean right now so we're going to redo this portion of the video and we're going to start off with this broom here so we've already rinsed everything down go up here with our chemical now this broom particularly if you have moss is great to use now if you've got a really steep pitch roof and you can't come up here to sweep that's not a problem you could go straight to the chemical but if you do have a broom what you're going to do is we're going to brush off all the debris on the roof that we can so we don't have to worry about any extra debris and then also if you're someone who has a lot of moss on your roof you want to go ahead and get all this moss off by sweeping right so you want to sweep off any moss that you have and get that off first what you want to use is a pretty hard bristle burn but you don't want to be using something so hard that you're actually going to start taking the granules off your roof so something that's uh like i use a shop room is a great thing to use so we're just going to go ahead and sweep down the whole roof so you're going to do this down the whole thing remove all the debris now once you have all the debris off you're gonna go ahead and go ahead and go to your chemical now i've already pre-mixed this so again we're using a one-in-one combination with our water warm water and in our bleach and then we're also adding in a little bit of dish detergent somewhere between two to four ounces so once this is charged up we're going to make sure that this is in the fan mode now when you're applying this it's very very important to try to keep as little as possible off the ground because remember even though we put water on the vegetation we don't want to get it necessarily wet with this stuff a little bit's okay but when you start make sure that your wand is where you're just going to coat the outside of this group all the way down so you can go ahead and start an area and go all the way down and then you can turn it and again you're not wanting to completely saturate your shingles you just want to get them good and wet you want it fairly uniform but again you don't have to soak this something like this is just fine now keep in mind we're not just getting the moss off the roof we're also getting any streaks some of these old roots out there that's just got a ton of streaking on it and you don't know how to clean it this is exactly what this is for okay so again you're going to do this on the entire part of the roof and so it's probably not going to work on your first time so what you're going to do is you're going to spray everything down you swept it sprayed it down when you get off the roof make sure the last part that you switch uh that's last part that you put your chemical down on is right by the ladder so you're not walking on a wet roof spray everything down with the water again all your vegetation wait for a rainstorm once rain comes go ahead and come back on your roof see what it looks like most of the time this takes two treatments particularly if you're using police water and dish detergent one it's a great option uh most of the time it's gonna take a couple of a couple of attempts so you're gonna do the same thing all over again for the second time and after the second rainstorm if you go up on your roof i guarantee you it's gonna be 100 times better than it was before now if you're a homeowner that has a lot of moss on your roof and it continues to grow or you have a lot of algae i'm about to show you a way to almost completely eradicate you having any moss on your roof going forward [Music] now any of you that have a newer roofing system you may have what's called a ridge vent so this ridge van is just a piece of plastic with ridge cap over the top of it but whether you have ridgevin or not you definitely have a ridge and so the way that you can almost completely eradicate having moss on your roof or algae is to put a strip of zinc or copper whatever is going to look better on your roof or you can find right along the top here okay so if i was installing it on this roof we obviously have nails driven in here i'd be putting it right along the line here of my ridge vent and then you're just going to gently nail it down and you want to make sure that you go back and seal the top of those nail heads with some type of sealant or construction adhesive if you don't you could perhaps have a leak so you want to make sure if you're the one doing this yourself homeowners make sure you go and put adhesive right over the top of those nail holes so all you're going to do is run that all along your ridge vent if you're having it grow on both sides go ahead and put it on both sides most likely it's probably going to be on one side of your roof so installing that basically what happens is when rainwater hits this it's going to interact with the metal and there's just going to be a tiny bit of runoff from that metal that's going to come with your water and it completely eliminates moss growing on your roof i know it sounds crazy but i promise it works [Music] whilst trying to make sure i talked loud enough you can hear me down here in alabama in the summer time especially in the afternoons we get a lot of the creepers out there that really start making a lot of noise so i hope you can hear the video well if you enjoyed the video and you feel this helps you out a lot please give us a thumbs up if you want to see more videos on how to improve your home or if you're a junior contractor in the industry or a salesman in the industry please subscribe we've got a lot of great content coming out and remember digital roofing innovations we believe in using a modern approach with traditional values have a great day you
Channel: Digital Roofing Innovations
Views: 167,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof cleaning materials, diy, roof cleaning, roof cleaning moss removal, roof cleaning with pressure washer, roof cleaner, how to wash roof, roof cleaning equipment, roof cleaning mixture, roof cleaning business, roof cleaning robot, roof cleaning soft wash, roof cleaner spray and forget, roof cleaning solution, roof cleaning setup, roof cleaning cost, roof cleaning products, roof cleaning services, roof cleaner lowes, roofing contractor, home remodel, home renovation, roof
Id: -WLuwVbCPmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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