How to Clean an Electronic Throttle Body Safely

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[Music] so what I got for you today is electronic throttle body needs cleaning obviously not too bad on this side lots of carbon and sticky oil on the back side you're going to use the regular throttle body cleaner don't eat the carb cleaner too harsh on these spray your down from the front to spread again from the back let that soak a little bit now while that's soaked and I'll tell you why it took it off the car electronic throttle bodies are different and if they have a motor and the actual position sensors in there and if left connected and then you're messing with this plate in here you can actually ruin the motor in there it's all still connected by the gear set there's been a lot of complaints about that and leaving it energized while doing that it is the primary cause the other problem is is safety this motor and there's a net reduction set in here can actually according to Ford if you slip your finger in here even with the key off somebody's throttle bodies do a sweep and they have ice breakage strategies built into them and stuff like that either way it's a high torque motor and a gear reduction gear set and what they say is that if you're in your clean this nothing activates the clothes it can actually chop your finger off never seen it I don't want to try it it's got a regular spring return on there's like any throttle body but that motor is energized and it snaps back watch out I don't want to try it nice one again took a soft bristle brush and you really get it all on edges use a plastic brush don't use any metal then silver rag in the throttle body cleaner so once you soak that right then you can get in here lift the plate and clean where it seats in there and they can clean the edge of this plate here also get a lot of sticky carbon out of there help it get its Idol trim back zero as close as possible and also let that air just flow through here a lot easier than that rough sticky carbon in the end that should come out pretty clean like this one [Music] you're ready to bolt bag on
Channel: FordTechMakuloco
Views: 1,959,515
Rating: 4.7065711 out of 5
Keywords: Electronic Throttle Control, ford, p2110, p2107, p2135, surge, die out, focus, f150, escape, fusion, Ford Focus (Automobile Model), Automobile (TV Genre), Model (Profession), low idle, after, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, hesitation, recall, carbon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2014
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