How to Clean Airbnbs FAST!

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hey guys it's eli here with e e cleaning services with a very quick video on how to clean an airbnb fast now if there's one thing you remember from this whole thing and you turn off the video after i say this it is this simple order of operation will save you a ton of time beds bathrooms kitchen surfaces and then floors now the first thing we're going to do is assess the situation through the house and take a look at what beds were used what bathrooms were used and just get a picture for how the house is looking overall pro tip when you've been doing it as long as i have i literally just smell the air and i can tell these were good guests today okay so number one beds i went through and stripped all the beds that were used you want to get laundry started as quickly as possible always find your speed wash when you're washing whites use a little bit of bleach on cold pro tip wash the sheets by themselves don't mix them with towels because when you're drying it's going to take way too long to dry also when you're washing the sheets don't load up more than two beds worth of sheets a king i really wish it was that easy okay that's beds check let's move on to the bathroom when you're cleaning you're going to need two things a spray bottle with some dawn and water it's probably the most versatile cleaner out there and a paper towel get your bottle on a nice wide spray and you really just want to cover then you're going to come through with the paper towel and we're not saving any trees today and we're going to clean this up the great thing about paper towel is well the number one thing that grosses most gas out and is super easy to miss is the hairs that get left behind so with a paper towel you know just take one square you wipe where the hair was you can fold it over and keep wiping and then as you get all those hairs you just throw it away and grab a new piece i got my towel bar all nice i got the toilet paper presentable clean rug for the guest soap is stopped up hairs and stuff have been rinsed away everything's wiped down fresh trash bag mirrors sparkling clean and some backup tp for when you need it beds bathrooms kitchens surfaces floors this is the flow that you want to stick with another pro tip another pro tip it's good to check on the dishwasher because you want that thing clean before you get started working uh and that's kitchen i went through and stacked up some stocked up some snacks for the guests coffee wiped all these stations down rinse out sinks make sure the oven's sparkly another pro tip put some tin foil at the bottom of the oven that'll make your job easier and even though the guests were super clean with the inside of the fridge it's still a high traffic area so i went ahead and wiped all the major surfaces inside keep an eye on that washing machine again i got it on quick wash so as soon as it's done i want to throw it in the dryer for some heavy duty drying actually already finished one load of wash and dry so we're gonna get this thing folded and here we have the perfect burrito uh the pillow sheets serve as your lettuce and tomato and the fitted sheet is sort of like the ground beef at the center and the flat sheet of course is your tortilla with the tag sticking out to make it easy on the next guy so that's beds bathrooms kitchen now let's move on boom surface is complete that means last thing we have is floors which when you're in a house with a lot of hardwood like this one you want one of these bad boys and a vacuum of course with all the little carpets around as well when it comes to sweeping you want to sweep from the back of the house to the front of the house that way as you're walking back and forth you minimize the amount of stuff you leave behind and that's basically it beds bathrooms kitchen surfaces and then the floors on your way out i only got a little bit of laundry that's coming home with me and the last thing you're going to do is just walk around the house and make sure you pick up after yourself that you're not missing anything in a clear state of mind i like to even use my phone to do a walk-through video it's a nice piece of insurance for you and for the property manager so i know i made it look easy but honestly these guys were super nice to the house and i have a lot of experience so i'm able to go through quick and plus i'm editing it and stuff so it looks good but if you enjoyed this video please give it one of these share it with a friend if you learned something today or found it entertaining in any way but my name again is eli with e cleaning services and hope you're having a great day
Channel: E+E Cleaning Services
Views: 24,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleaning, how to, Airbnb, Airbnbs, diy, entrepreneur, sidegig
Id: ThTfhHeyHQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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