#airbnbcleaning How to Clean an Airbnb

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hey guys welcome back to my channel today i'm going to show you how to clean an airbnb follow me so as you can see this place is a little bit of a mess just because we got here maybe 30 keep it on me we just got here about 30 minutes ago i'm gonna show you what you need to do so that way you are not looking puzzled on your very first clean first things first come inside the kitchen if you see dishes that are dirty that need to be placed inside the dishwasher go ahead and do that and if you see them already in here run this if it has not been ran a lot of times in the beginning i would start my clean come in the kitchen and realize that this dishwasher hadn't been ran and i either had the hand washer to have to wait till it did run it's first stripping the beds you want to start laundry so as you can see here we stripped the bed and we ended up putting one of these on now when you strip the beds you're taking off the pillowcases you're taking off the fitted sheet you're taking off the flat sheet and you're taking off the duvet if you do not if you don't want to know what a duvet is it's basically a sheet that goes over this comforter you take off the sheet and put everything in the washer so as you can see from here i would put my stuff in put my soap stuff on turn this thing on i like to wash the sheets and blankets on normal or speed wash at the height that we're back in the room you already put your load in it's time to sanitize the bed i like to use odoban what we like to do is make sure that we sanitize all of the mattress the mattress cover we sanitize all the pillows the comforter all the hosts what they're using to make the bed here they use the duvet we put the throw pillow on and the throw blanket on we put the pillowcases on your daughter we still need two more pillowcases that's why this isn't fully made but this is what a fully made bed looks like once you are done with that you're going to take a microfiber towel stay over there that has been made you're going to want to check underneath the bed make sure there's no debris make sure there's no dirt if it's a floor you want to make sure you get under there and sweep because there is lots of dust in between that time you want to make sure that you are wiping down the lamps straightening back the nightstands putting back the remotes checking the drawers as you can see there's something in this one so you got to make sure you wipe out the drawers so you always want to make sure you wipe out the drawers go to the other side check the dressers make sure there's no hand prints on the tv just roll the towels really tight and make sure that there's no hair on the towels and we sit at the corner of the bed same thing so this is how the towels would look to big towels to hand towels to washcloths after you do that you're going to want to sweep you're going to want to vacuum out the rooms we usually don't sweep out the rooms until we are completely done then we sweep them off but you want to sweep out the rooms put everything back if it's missing um and let's go ahead and go to the next thing how long your wash took you can go and check your linen if it's done go ahead and throw that baby in the dryer if you need to put in another load go ahead and do so i advise for glove purposes start with the kitchen then go to the bathrooms okay so at this time you want to make sure that this is unloaded whatever making sure that you are picking up the toaster and wiping underneath opening up the refrigerator and cleaning everything from the inside from the outside everything it has to be clean you don't want any fingerprints also make sure that you are sanitizing the light switches the door knobs the door handles another thing to make sure you do is to um straighten up everything in here so if this is messed up straighten that up this is messed up straighten it up everything should be in here pretty nicely and then also one important thing is i see a lot of people make mistakes on is the sponge if the sponge is looking old it stinks it's dirty just replace it get a new one and make sure that you slip it in wherever whether it's here or there but make sure that it's clean because who wants to clean their dishes with a stinky smelly sponge i know i don't um and yeah so see how i as far as the sink when you do the sink you're gonna wanna make sure all this is wiped and sanitized this here this would need to be refilled okay and you see all this soap scum or soap debris that's all dried up that has to be taken off when you get into the microwave even if it looks clean pull the plate out pull the other thing out wipe it in wipe it out as far as the stove you might not be tall you might not be telling us always make sure you check the stove a lot of times the stoves aren't even used but you want to make sure that you check it and clean it also one important thing that people tend to forget is you need to check the drawers you need to make sure does somebody leave anything in here you got to make sure that all this is straightened up all these are nice and straightened up everything is tidy if anything looks like it's missing replace it opening everything up if something looks like it's been broken or missing just make sure you report everything coffee everyone tends to forget this one thing that i've noticed you lift it up you take it out you clean it down when you are finished leave it up it's showing that the guest can use it there's nothing in it it's been clean and sanitized i don't like leaving it down i like leaving it up showing oh you know it's clean now i can put my coffee pot in um trash make sure to dump the garbage when you are doing the garbage make sure just taking the garbage out and you are checking all in here underneath sometimes there's a board right here and sometimes dirt gets you know falls down there you need to make sure to clean it the living room when you clean the living room you got to make sure that you're wiping down the coffee table coffee table picking up any pillows and taking everything down and wiping it down you see how this is the stain so i'm going to use a microfiber towel try to get that out but after that i'm going to make sure that i'm moving the pills and make sure i straighten everything up because this should look nice and needed here dust dust dust okay also another good thing is whatever couch you have you want to make sure you lift it up and check to see if there's any debris underneath the couch okay once in a great while when you're doing deep cleans or every other clean start cleaning on the other side of the couch you're gonna get all that dust that dirt people school stuff um and all that um phone died sort of now bathroom let's go so here's the linen closet this is where all the linen is kept bathroom just like you clean your own bathroom you got to make sure you open this up see how they left stuff now imagine if a guest came here and said honey look come and look at this what is it sweetie this place must have not even cleaned all that well there's all kinds of stuff in here and then you start looking like oh okay use toothbrush how clean was this airbnb clean you're gonna wanna make sure you clean everything when the blow dryer here it looks dusty and dirty no one has used it but it's dusty dusted off okay same thing this is filled up pretty nice but so soap stuff debris everywhere all of this needs to be cleaned up this needs to be very clean nice no marks no toothpaste water stain anything always check underneath here make sure okay is there anything that we need to get rid of there's trash bags back there toilet the toilet should be fully cleaned trash can should be a new bag in there toilet paper depending on what your host likes can you get in there depending on what your host likes if they're okay with leaving it like this that's fine this house in particular anytime it's half a roll they empty it out the shower on your host again this here this host this is unacceptable you have to throw this out anything halfway under needs to be thrown out or refilled up get rid of everything everything needs to be cleaned from top to bottom yep the razor this you see how dirty this is it shouldn't look like this when you were finished after that you're just gonna sweep you're gonna mop you're gonna want to vacuum make sure you vacuum all the rugs make sure you vacuum the rugs in the rooms and also make sure when you come inside the closets you check the drawers make sure no one left anything but more importantly make sure all the hangers are the same color if that's what your house likes and make sure that they're all facing the same exact way and all in one place that's it you guys um and then what i like to do at the end is spray my air freshener if there's any mirrors make sure you get the mirrors if there's any dishes in here make sure you get all the dishes and that's it and you are all done you
Channel: The Hustle Network
Views: 25,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CRkI-BsUjFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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