How to clean a shotgun quickly, and inexpensively! ~ Solvent secrets unveiled!

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welcome back you know of all the many questions that I get daily regarding firearms and they range from ballistic questions to you know calibers and and scopes and all sorts of things one of the more popular questions I receive have to do with cleaning cleaning solvents cleaning oils how to clean guns and what's the best products to use and the best methods and so forth and so on so I've got a very dirty browning maxis here that I was out shooting just a little while ago and let's take it over the bench and we'll go through the process of cleaning up this gun maybe it'll help you out now don't be stymied over all the items you see on the bench here very first thing and I probably neglected to talk about this in previous cleaning videos you know when you're cleaning a gun you got to make a mess and you've got to contain that mess even if it's even if it's in your basement like I'm in right now I don't have to worry too much about spattering on the floor and things like that but if I don't have something on my clothes I'm gonna have a real mess take note of this just cover this this old diaper for instance now this staining is just from cleaning firearms there's something about the something about the the mess that is made by various solvents and oils and everything when they get together was gunpowder and carbon they really create an indelible mess that you can't get out of clothes so don't wear your best shirt and your best you know your best t-shirts and all that stuff when you're cleaning guns and also too you might want to you know fashion yourself a over the end of your muzzle if you want you can just cut a hole in a milk bottle you know even just with a wax cardboard card and cut a hole in the end of it and just drape it over the end of your barrel so that when you when you brush you missed from the end it doesn't create a spatter you know all all brushes spatter but there's something about the way these these long bristles hurl droplets a long way and you can really make a mess with just one time through that barrel you can really destroy you know your local surroundings so let me talk about some of the things as I'm getting my apron on here look let's talk about some of the things that you see here and maybe I can help you figure out what's best for you now through the years you know one of the more popular one of the more popular solvents has been Hoppe's number nine this was invented around 1903 now if 1903 was the year that the Wright brothers flew the Kitty Hawk you know they flew the first airplane at Kitty Hawk you know it's it's it's an old it's a very good solvent it has a very nice dalvik odor to it I love the smell it brings me back to my youth when my dad used to clean guns way way back when I was about oh five or six years old I can remember him using this stuff so it has that it has that fabulous smell with some people I saw a few people don't like it I see in reviews but you know really a lot of people are attracted by that and that's fine it's a kerosene based solvent and as a kerosene based solvent with a little bit of ammonia and a little bit of banana oil for that odor and a couple of other ingredients I think it has some alcohol and remember alcohol is usually it's it's added to a concoction to allow the mixing of the other components so it has fairly fairly common ingredients you know remember that marketing is the biggest issue mister Hoppy's put on the bottle here gun bore cleaner it could have said saw blade cleaner it could have said engine cleaner it could have said any number of things just because he put gun bore cleaner on it does not mean it's only for guns and conversely it means that a lot of solvents that are made will work just as well as copies number nine about three decades after mr. Hafiz invented that that product there was a guy by the name of Stoddard who invented mineral spirits mineral spirits was a vast improvement over previous petroleum-based solvents in there for one thing it had it was cleaner it didn't leave it didn't leave a kind of a varnish residue when it dried like some kerosene based cleaners well it had it had a lot of good properties that expanded the range of things that it could clean way beyond the things that were cleaned was simply kerosene based cleaners kerosene based and a lot of people would you know substitute any kind of petroleum but this this widely expanded the range of things including the fact that it could be used to thin paints so it had a very diversified audience and it could be sold to any number of people so whether it be painters or engine mechanics you know anybody who was cleaning their guns and things like that and it was not marketed as a gun solvent however there were many of clever many clever people who realized that a clean gun so well that they simply repackaged it and they put gun cleaner on it maybe added some colorant colorant to it awesome odor that would change its smell from common pink cleaner and things like that so be very wary of that and be very careful of the fact that you know marketing can oftentimes reduce the cost you know when you buy when you buy paint thinner in a gallon in a gallon container and it's reduced to a small bottle that you buy at the gun shop that's exactly the same thing with a different with a different label on it they can charge you more for this than they would charge for this at the hardware store that's the way that's the way things work you know whether it's whether they're repackaging rice or corn flakes or whatever you know you buy in bulk and you repackage it and then you you bump the price up so this stuff works terrific now this was the original type of formulation it's a clear liquid it's cleared water and that's that's in this bottle here they've been recently this this version of it here is very green it doesn't have it doesn't have any of the strong it doesn't have any of the strong odor component that the mineral spirits previously had its non-volatile so that it doesn't it doesn't have a fire hazard you know using it in your house there's a lot of it's better if it gets into your you know groundwater it doesn't create a it doesn't create a problem with that so you know it there's there's many reasons why this is it's it's easier to use and I can keep it on my workbench without it evaporating so and it will continue to work even when it's dirty this is the color of the new stuff that I have here so it's a milky white you can see it right here it's just a it's just a white solvent I can keep that on my workbench without worrying that it's gonna you know have a flash ignition problem and I can use that to just drop pots in with this I have a dog bowl here with a with a basket I can throw small parts and from my ar-15 and recover them and clean them up nicely so I like it for that reason and believe it or not if it cleans at least it's good if not better than the previous clear stuff so you know keep all those things in mind now when it comes to oils I did a recent video on cleaning the ar-15 and cleaning the ar-15 is it presents a certain problem with regard to high temperature gases emitting just at the at the bolt and carrier there I've never found a product that works as well as LSA for that for that reason and you can see I did a little repackaging myself just to work at the bench because I don't wanna I don't wanna this stuff is rare it's hard to find so I don't want to end up spilling this and losing my investment of $10 that I spent on it it's not the ten dollars but it's the it's the replacement the same thing with this this is mineral oil mineral oil is what I use for 99% of all my gun all my gun purposes to wipe down the gun with a cotton flannel cloth this was simply a 20 inch square cotton flannel cloth today that I made up I think I've shown that to you before and just simply treated it with some plain USP mineral oil you get this at the at the drugstore or in the pharmaceutical aisle of your supermarket this stuff works for virtually every gun use under the Sun with the exception of those high temperature situations that you have with the ar-15 Balti m16 bolt and carrier and it's also very good we'll be showing you the gas the gas system inside these shotguns also can get pretty dirty and require some protection from those high temperatures which LSA I find is also very very good for but I don't use it on the whole gun there's no that you know there's no need to waste that expensive product that rare product one everything on the gun and it's not it's not necessary to lubricate various parts so this is this is nothing but clear mineral oil this is the way the copy's package that they simply took clear mineral oil and and packaged it in their orange bottle and they charge more for this than I pay for this same exact product so that's the way it works I'm just trying to bring you up to speed on that CLP I have it out here I stopped using CLP quite a long time ago it doesn't it doesn't last that long it's more of a cleaner than it is a lubricant it doesn't you know if I'm cleaning something I certainly can buy a lot more of this this this year cost less than this little bottle CLP so I simply clean with this lubricate with a little bit of mineral oil to protect my firearms and that's all I need to do so I'm gonna take it down through the rest of the stuff that we need to clean with this cleaning rod right here this is very very special to me this was the same cleaning rod that my dad used when he was believed not when he was probably about 16 years old as when he bought this hand he had been you know he was cleaning his shotguns with this when I was a youngster and you know I end up with it now and it's a very special thing so I keep it always and just one of those things that regardless of how modern things are you know a good cleaning rod is still going to work now I have replaced the the Federals I had to I had to cement on with some epoxy because they were actually starting to get loose but it's still the same machinery now you need to have if you're using a cleaning rod you need to have some bronze brittle cleaning brushes as I've said before bronze bristle is the only way to go you don't want to be using plastic bristles nylon bristles because they just simply don't work well enough to scrub you in a shotgun bore you're gonna get some plastic residue from the plastic shot cups that will cause streaking inside the barrel and on a hot barrel you know especially with the target shotgun that youth or duck gun where you've shot many rounds you you want to be able to aggressively get at that plastic and this is the bronze bristles will work better than anything else I got this for Christmas one time this is a this is like that other brush to the 10th power I think you know there's just a lot of bristles there it speeds up the process a little bit and this is one of those specialty items that you can get you know in the in the glossy catalogs for you know highbrow shotgun shooters and things like that if you you know if you want to treat yourself to something like that it works a little bit better a lot of brass there it's just it's one of those special things that you can put inside a fancy cleaning box but it's not necessary very important to have a good bore mop I've been using the same boardwalk for probably 30 30 or more years they just last for a long time they just they cleanse themselves and Andry dirty themselves but they perform this simple function of swabbing out 90% of the stuff inside the bore once you get it swabbed out then you can then you can attack it with the bronze brush to get out the final residue also - it'll mop out stuff afterwards had before you clean it up and we'll go through that whole process always good to have always good to have an m16 brush by the way you know these do work better than toothbrushes toothbrushes have a tendency to fray very very quickly when you're using a modern machinery this this one here I've had for a long long time in it and it just it just stays in good shape so they're well worth it they were a good invention for the government and to have a have a mallet or something you may need to have for your shotgun to take it apart as we'll go through it you may need to have a good drift suitable size drift punch you know and this don't don't snicker and don't sneer and don't don't bother writing me nasty grams you can use a six penny nail you know this this here is just a simple in fact this is this is small zone six penny but you can use a simple six penny nail and the reason why you can is because on shotgun rivets the the shotgun has these it has these pins right here and you can see they have a if you can see we're in the middle of that pin there's a dimple and now these pins are hardened pins these cross pins are very hardened pins and we're a drift punch is also a hardened steel article that doesn't go inside that dimple this nail will and it's a mild steel that's the nice thing because it's a just about as mild as a brass drift rod so you can place that inside those dimples and they won't drift off and they won't they won't cause a scar on your gun so rather than having a drift punch that might slide off and and rake across your fine finish this actually works pretty good so again don't snicker once near sometimes you know field experiences what I learned in the army and carried it into the rest of my life used what worked what whatever you have available cleaning patches you need to have you need to have some good cotton flannel cleaning patches for your shotgun just like you do for any other so to reduce it to to reduce it to the primary things that you need to have if you're cleaning an automatic sharding an Auto loading shot and when I say automatic please I'm not talking about full automatic automatic was a term that was you generically for many many many years before all the sudden people started getting hypersensitive about always it automatically that a semi automatic we're talking about Auto loading for the most part in sporting firearms so don't worry about it to reduce it to the simple things that you need to have the class the mineral spirits and the oil and perhaps LSA it's not entirely necessary if you can't get LSA don't worry about it plain mineral oil work just fine and and your other cleaning component now I won't bring up the fact that there is a wonderful wonderful invention which really it's not not anything new you know when I had a clarinet when I was a kid you know you used the same sort of radical with the it was a simply a plumb bob that you you drop down the that you drop down the clarinet or if you had a saxophone or whatever he had you dropped a plumb bob down that with a string and you pulled you pulled a swab through well that's exactly what this this thing is here except it incorporates you know it's a it's a fuzzy it's a fuzzy starting point that you can put a little bit of cleaning material on it's got some it's got some bronze bristle brushes incorporated into the fabric here and the rest of its just simply a double a double thickness very very thick roving of woven material and you know you can if you want you can put a few drops of you can put a few drops of mineral spirits on the end of this so as it passes through it it cleans scrubs dries and then finally oil from one pass and they do work they do work the only thing is that you know again I like to push a rod down through the barrel because the cleaning rod just gives you a little bit more leverage it's very difficult to pull this through sometimes you know you can you have to wear it for many shotguns you'll have to wear a glove to really get a hold of that cord to pull it through okay again this is a Maxis Browning Maxis so adapt whatever I'm going to your particular shotgun with the Maxis now it sometimes people find it very difficult to remove this foreign and it's actually a very simple procedure because it doesn't have it doesn't have a screw on cap so it can be done very quickly what you have to do it if there's a spring to spring in there that you have to relieve just like you know with the old steering wheel you had to pull the steering wheel back and going to turn the key so you have to you have to pull the you have to pull the stock back push the button up forward and then lift this lever and when you lift that lever very simple just slides right off now the four end will collect a lot of that will collect a lot of dirt you can see is probably I'm not sure if the lighting is showing that up but up inside up inside this area here the gases flow around so they don't get dirty so we want to clean that up the the barrel must be removed by and again you know this disc shotgun was checked and cleared before I even proceeded with this but you have to return the bolt back and that will relieve the barrel and then just slide a straight forward carefully so that you're not scuffing up your bluing and once you've got the barrel off careful when you handle your shotgun tool because you know it's easier to knock off that front sight I've seen a lot of front sights that go by the wayside now you can see here how you've got a lot of gas you got a lot of gas scorching and residue on that on that gas leave the gas rings are all with with the maxis they're all integral so you don't have several different parts sometimes you'll have sometimes you have a stacking of Dera different rings and gaskets and whatever but in this in this maxis it's nice it just comes off as one unit it's all it's all unitized construction everything is inside and what I'm gonna do with that you can see the mess that is it's got some LSA on it it's got some scorching I'm gonna put that right Mike cleaning basket back here and just let it just let it soak I can add a little bit and wash it all into that we cleaned that up you want to take off this you want to take off this any other parts in this case there's just one spring so I'll I'll throw that in the basket all right the first thing we must do is to remove the bolt so hold on to the hold on to the bolt handle and depress the bolt release let us slide forward slowly and keep that keep you some depressed on that until it clears the until it clears the front of the receiver don't let that fly forward because you can really crack your receiver if you allow that bolt handle to slam into it to remove the to remove the bolt don't try to just pull it out because you're going to find a lot of resistance it's very difficult you'd be you know you'll end up across the room with this thing instead pinch top and bottom you notice it's it's curved like it's curved like a elliptical but just squeeze it with your thumb and forefinger and that will allow it to just simply pull free and in other words you're using you're using the thickness of your thumb and forefinger as a as leverage to work on it it's a little bit more difficult with this one because I've got this I've got this birchwood casey bracket for my shell catcher on here so it really gets them in the way but that's how you remove that bolt handle i just set that aside while the bolt does just slide forward and come out and that's it now this is this operating rod right here that just stays on with the max if you don't have to take that off the bolt is a two-piece it's got two major component sections their assemblies so just simply take them apart you can throw those in the solvent if you want to and that'll that'll clean them up to be very honest with you there's not an awful lot of certain carbon here and this is one of the reasons why I don't use a lot of oil on my guns because you know I've shot an awful lot of rounds with this shotgun this goes everywhere I go in the fall this is this is it a lot of the SCE Grange trap range to keep my hand in and you notice there's just a burnishing on this burnishing would occur anyway this is just the project lighting together and causes of the buffing up of the POC rising the phosphated surface so there's no wear and tear going on here this is extremely hard they were all hardened apart so you don't even really have to throw that in the bath but I will just to let it soak away now the first thing I'll do is take just a rag I just like just a dirty rag that I don't mind to get completely dry like to use IQ big cloths you know old old dish towels and things like that I kind of got a I got a clue from watching maids work in you know hotels and things like that they have stacks or these things they just carry a lot of rags with them they get a lot of cleaning done with the minimum of work because they let the fabric do the work for them that's a working tool so to clean this to clean this magazine to above which is all filthy dirty from carbon I'll just I'll just dunk it in that solution in that bath and wipe it and you noticed it you know I'm not going through any cleaning patches this way I can throw this I can throw this into the you know laundry every now and then was and that's it it cleans it right up and the other end of it is dry I don't have to use up any patches on that I just did it all in one in one simple motion so we got we got the tube cleaned up just as quickly as that and that you can see this some permanent staining on the on the on the tube year and that's from the that's from many hundreds of rounds that have been fired with this gun that's actually just with a stainless steel had become a tattooed with a scorch the same as a stainless steel revolver the face of the cylinder will get that blackening it's not any harmful issue whatsoever so got that cleaned up you will find that there's not an awful lot of carbon inside the receiver because the barrel itself extends extends back through and protects the receiver for ninety percent of any any issues at all now we want to take the we want to take this some trigger housing of the trigger assembly and you might call it the fire control mechanism we're just going to remove that now I told you that I told you I like to use the tool that works best not necessarily the fanciest hole but the one that works best I can just simply push this straight forward it doesn't require a hammer yours might require a hammer but you can just simply push that pin straight out and same thing here and this is a mild steel I'll say that again so it's not it's it's softer than the actual is faster than the actual pin itself if you want you know you can you can just simply take a stallin and if you're concerned about if you're concerned about marrying your piano racing like that you can just simply blunt the point with a india stone and make yourself a nice little nice little tool take the edges off it and everything but you know it works works nicely and you don't have to go and spend money on buying something that has just a single purpose like that once I've got that trigger mechanism detached just simply slide it out you know sometimes some firearms require that it goes in from the front and slides into the back ii or me make a win the other way but with a Browning maxis many others have just simply dropped straight down my wife has a Browning silver and it's it's very much the same in most respects as this gun with a few differences make sure that your safety is engaged make sure your safety is on because if you if you have the safety off and you accidentally pull that trigger you could permanently damage your this lightweight this lightweight structure here is very very easily too easy to wipe out that to crack or damage your aluminum fire control Mac is a mechanism and you may some firearms may be made of nylon a Delrin type of material as you can see it's very very clean I'm not gonna I'm not going to put that into my solution to definitely no need of getting this all wet and then having to dry it off there's nothing to clean I can take I can take my I can take my rag if I want and I can you know wipe inside here this is this is not this is not carbon that's just simply Parker rising which is still got that nice haze I can wipe it down to my heart's content but there's nothing to take off it's a very very clean article so I'll just leave it as is yeah I want you to remember they're just simply eyeball your stuff you don't have to clean that which is not dirty it's as simple as that inspect your inspect your receiver see if there's anything that requires cleaning oh if it does just attend to it with a minimum of effort and grief now I just dude I just use that inside the receiver and I'm not picking up any dirt whatsoever so it's obviously quite clean this is an aluminum receiver it's a hardened aluminium receiver so it requires no it requires no lubrication at all please please don't be spraying this with oils and lubricants and things because you're doing absolutely nothing beneficial for the firearm except providing a nesting place for a dirt and and you know stuff that shouldn't be on your gun so just leave it as is it's it's an entirely it's an entirely harmless thing to leave this without lubrication now if you have if you happen to have a steel receiver yes you can apply a light coat of oil with this oiled cloth that I was talking about and for those of you who've not seen this this is nothing more than a cotton flannel heavy cotton flannel nothing no other material please no no nylons or anything like that but cotton flannel and it's cut to 20 a 20 inch square from the yard good store have the half of the clerk at the yard good store cut it with a pinking shears to believe this sawtooth design on the edge that will prevent it from raveling all the threads off of it and you know put a few tablespoons of mineral oil on it squeeze it bring it through and put it in a put in the heavy duty freezer bag and you'll have a good cleaning cloth in years to come and you can make them for Christmas gifts or something for birthday presents now you can you can just wipe down if you have a steel steel receiver you can wipe down the Guddi part with that don't use this to clean you know we have any dirt make sure you clean things out first before you get dirt on this because this is gonna be your special cleaning I should say oiling rag so you can wipe down any parts with that that's applying sufficient lubrication now for for virtually any mechanical need within the gun okay let's go back to our let's go back to our bath here and see how this is going this is this has just been sitting here I haven't touched it at all I'm going to take the I'm going to take the carrier this is the bolt carrier for just browning maxis and this is my towel wipe things up really good I am constantly laundering these I shouldn't say I'm laundering him I'm I'm giving him to my bride and she you know she puts them all together in one in one batch because I didn't want to include him Natalie was a regular clothes so we just simply clean that up and dry it set that aside take out the take out the bolt same thing now if you have if you have any if you have any accumulated grit or carbon or on there or something just just take to it with your m16 brush wipe this down really good get all that get all that solvent off the solvent is like I say it's it this isn't a very very low odor you really don't smell this at all and it doesn't have that paint brush smell works wonderfully cuts right into the carbon and I'll show you how much it cuts into that carbon and following in a hurry here this some take that out this has only been sitting in here you know I showed you I showed you at the beginning of the video how dirty that was that's just been sitting in here and I know no agitation no nothing I'm just by just by a simple immersion that is that has really virtually got a 100% clean I can I can take the toothbrush and and if I see anything that's but anything on there are just loose particulate matter at this point is reduced it to that dirt and jump to helplessness I can't think of I can't think of any reason why I want to go out and spend money on so-called gun cleaners not when I have something that works as nicely as this in for a fraction of the cost and only that but I can use it for other things to just take and wipe this out with your m16 brush so it'll reduce it all that stuff and we'll just dry that off we're that bright and shiny as can be I mean just that it can't get any cleaner than that no I would have you know if I was trying to do that with hobbies and cleaning patches I would have been spending a month of Sundays trying to get into all those crevices instead this thing just this bath just cleaned it right out automatically no no need for any kind of you know ultrasonic cleaners you don't need to spend your money on that junk it's really not necessary you got a good if you've got good solvents that work it's all done automatically it's just stuff that's why that's why solvents were invented that didn't take it didn't take gun people to invent solvents solvents have been around a long a long time so there we go perfectly clean perfectly just like brand-new if I want I can take a I can take my shotgun rod and go in there with a with a patch and wipe that off it's really not necessary everything is just fine the way it is that'll dry out all by itself before we leave the before we leave the chassis here we'll clean out the we'll clean out this four end I've got enough solvent on this rag here I think to clean out the four end get the get the carbon out of that and if I think I need more saw and just easy enough to put in there that'll do it now if you've got a um if you've got a a wooden stock firearm if you've got a wooden stock gun be very very judicious about how much solvent that you get around and and lubricants because you know gun stocks are not made to have oil put in them now you guys say why do they call them oiled stocks well the oil is not a petroleum oil it's usually it's linseed oil which is a plant product and it's that or sometimes it's time or T U and G those are natural plant products that have absolutely nothing to do with the oils that you might use in a firearm or in an engine or anything else you don't want to use anything that will any noxious oils that will petroleum-based oil because they're going to ruin the wood and they're going to cause that wood to split and turn basically dry rot before I start cleaning the barrel this is Mike this is my this is with a gassy myth there's two big holes in this shotgun right at the bottom of the tube here and so naturally this is all fouled up I can just take my wetted rag and go in there and clean it up don't make a big project out of it it's just a just a matter of doing the same thing I did with the with the gas with the gas rings on the other side just wipe them out and then you can dry it okay and then we'll start cleaning up the we'll start cleaning up the shotgun barrel wipe that off get most of get most of your gunk off the business end of the breach here and now I can now I've got a choice I can use either the I can use these of the cleaning rod with swabs or I can use that Hoppy's bore snake so let's take the bore snake out and I'll show you how simple that works okay now this is pretty self-explanatory I'll show you what the before product looks like there's some dirt in here you know this is I forget some high-velocity one in the quarter ounce field loads high grass loads so you know it's not over dirty but there's some certainly some dirt in there that I want to remove before I put it in the storage because dirt attractant I mean dirt attracts moisture its hygroscopic and because it attracts moisture then that can lead to rusting so pretty self-explanatory just drop the Bob straight down from the breech end always from the breech end if you can and keep in mind that when we when we encounter Lee when we encounter the four other model if you have a if you have a tight choke in there this is really really tight and this is why sometimes you might find it necessary especially if you don't have some arm strength or if you get bad shoulders you might find the cleaning rod works a little bit more efficiently well I'll tell you what I say that that's I'd say that that's actually 100% clean not 99% I'd say that's 100% clean it did the it did the whole job in one pass those those um four rifles and four rifles and pistols I don't I don't use these things for my main cleaning because they really just not efficient enough to get the gun really clean get the barrel really clean but when it comes to shotguns these these things really work terrific if you if you have if you have a tight choke and you can't pull it through I suggest you simply change it out and put a more open choke you know improve cylinder or if you have a cylinder bore choke you can put in there all the better whatever you do never ever under any circumstances clean your gun barrel with that choke removed you have to have a choke in there because you have to adapt the only way to protect those threads with most chokes they're very very fine threads the fitting is critical and if you damage those if you damage those threads in any way you're going to have a real problem and you'll have to bring it to a gunsmith or send it back to the manufacturer for repair so always you know protect that a thread by leaving a choke in there of some kind but you can use a more open choke to facilitate pulling it through that's all there is to it for that so I've got I got the shotgun clean very very simply they were coming there a breeze to clean up especially if you use an efficient solvent again I was just doing this this stuff right here is just the clean strip this I've used all kinds of mineral spirits through the years that one there I like because it actually it works it works a lot nicer it doesn't have that it doesn't have that crummy you know it doesn't smell like a painted room so it's better and plus it's low volatility so I can just leave it but I can leave it on my workbench and again this is that day I got a strainer basket that I can put I can throw tiny pots in there from my ar-15 and they won't get lost I got a dog bowl this whole this whole package here I think I paid seven dollars and a half or four five of these things you know you know they were nested together at my local my job watch door and at the same store I got the dog wall for three dollars and a half he's got a rubber bumper and rubber underside so it doesn't fly around on my thing let's put the shotgun back together okay we're just gonna put this transmission into reverse and reassemble everything now if you have any if you have any loose matter down there and dust and things like that and if you haven't if you have an oil there's no reason the oil is just simply dust it off with a can of blow off something like that keep it nice and clean there's nothing in here that there's nothing in here that's a friction area there's nothing in here that needs to be oiled don't stick oil in there please is not it's eppley unnecessary this this shotgun is now I think it's about I got this the second year that the maxis was out it's been in quite a long time and it's a gun that I've shot many hundreds around through it's just the same the same gun that I bought it's nothing's changed so we inserted it straight in without the bolt that's all you do and I'll reinsert my pins you don't have to you don't have to force them all the way through just get them started and then take your tickets off mallet and make sure you'd have no dirt on the end of that malakut you can really scar a gun receiver lately pass it tap it through if it doesn't tap in don't force it because you probably got something going on in there check your check your trigger mechanism and make sure you got things aligned now the next thing we need to do is get the bolt put back in okay I've cleared the deck here so we can get things together again I wanted to just show you but these put these two assemblies the bolt and the carrier together now to oil or not oil well that is the question if if you're going out in freezing cold weather on a duck hunting or pheasant hunting or deer hunting or something like that and yet you got your shotgun I really would strongly recommend that you you know consider your options the option is if your oil you could have a sluggish action that won't function properly or perhaps the firing pin will hold up and won't drop cleanly on the primer so you know it's a it's a matter of having a gun which doesn't fire correctly losing out on the whole mission that you have to you have to be mission conscious you're going out hunting you're not going out to preserve your gun your guns not going to fall apart by not oiling it freezing weather can definitely cause issues with oil it can cause the viscosity to go up seriously and for posture stop functioning the correct way so I would not oil in most situations in the field for the motive for the most part in the fall that means I would not oil the gun I'm only going to be firing it a few times but if you're going to be taking it out to the skeet range or the trap range or something like that you're going to go out and have fun and blast away then you can oil it a little bit what do you I and how much do you I'll just use your common sense I'm just using mineral oil you don't need to use Froglube or anything like that you I fire this gun virtually all the time completely dry this is the this is the amount of wear that has been induced in this in this gun it's just the polishing of the Kaka rising that's all it is and I have fired hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of rounds with this come so there's very little wear and I like I say I very very rarely oil it unless I know that I'm going to be doing a lot of say skeet shooting a drop a drop that's all you need on the contact surfaces never ever put never ever put oil on your firing pin I don't care what anybody says you never oil your firing pin that's where that's where you're gonna really have issues I just had a gentleman write me and tell me about how we missed out on a really nice really nice deer because his gun froze up on them so just those contact surfaces you don't have to apply it you don't have to apply it to every to every part as far as the slide rails go I'm just again one drop one drop goes an awful long way just smear it on with your finger that's all and whatever residue you have you can apply a little bit there anything you see bright that's the only thing you need you need to oil one drop there we go alright so now we're gonna now we're gonna nest the bolt and carry it together alright that looked to me as if a little bit too much oil so I'm gonna take the liberty of bobbing some of that off I don't want to have that much on you because it collects it collect dirt and dirt collects dirt as an abrasive substance which will contradict what you're trying to do with the oil the oil you're trying to reduce friction well you know the best way to reduce friction that's or not have dirt it's not a rapid cycling engine the continuous you know combustion engine so you just simply insert it into the race ways when you get it all the way and make sure your bolt and carrier are together searcher u-bolt handle now that a prod has got to ride right into the buffer the buffer assembly which is back inside here it doesn't come out of the gun it's it's a permanent fixture it's about 3/8 of an inch in diameter once you've got that once you've got that bolt in just fully we could depress the bolt release to clear it and then straight straight back that's all there is to it so to reverse the procedure again remember to pressure your bolt release carefully slide slide forward so you don't crash into that receiver we move the remove the bolt take it out put it back in straight back you turn the bolt handle depress your bolt release and just cycle it straight back so that's all there is to it so now we'll go to put the remainder of the gun back together you can just slide this slide this spring right on here's where I recommend you can put a drop of LSA if you have it if you don't have LSA plain mineral oil will work just fine LSA just has a little bit better holding ability so this is this is shaken up a drop a drop I'll show you right like that that's all there is to it the size of that drop you can see there's nothing to it you don't want to put any more than that on because you can just going to have an unnecessary dirt carbon gathering mess that will serve no particular purpose you can you can enough swab that around your fingers and insert your you guess your gas rings and that whole integrated assembly is installed now put your barrel back on I didn't know there's nothing here to lubricate all you're doing is making sure that your bolt is returned to the rear and engage the magazine tube in the gas assembly and get the barrel started at the breech end and just simply slide them together carefully once you got them slid together now take your war end pull it to the rear the same way that you did to relieve the pressure and push that push that lever down or in the case of many shotguns you screw on the end cap of your magazine tool but whatever wait I go and finish it up like you would if this was anything else you know a job is only done when it's cleaned up so clean up any spillage of oil that you might get on the gun and that's it and we've got a good ready to go functioning beautiful shotgun the Browning maxis follows the a5 in a couple of design features that were carried forward and they're very very handy one of them is the speed load feature now a lot of people when they first start using the this design they encounter issues with using the speed load feature because they don't quite they don't quite understand the way the mechanism works with most with most shotguns there's a magazine catch inside inside the beginning of the magazine tube and you insert the shelves until the rim of the show encounters that catch and hold it in place now these shots all through here these are not shot shells these a dummy load which I obtained from the Remington Factory when I was there for the is even said dummy on the side these these are color-coded the the heads of black these these three shells are a dummies that I obtained from the Remington Factory when I was at the I'm restore quite a number of years ago in Ilion New York there is no magazine catch as it is with a typical shotgun rather there is a rather there's a simple gateway you you put the shell you put the shell in and just simply let it go and this show flies back under spring under the spring pressure of the magazine tube and it encounters a relief bar right here there's a there's a silver release bow right there you can see on the on this side and when it encounters that it releases the bolt so the way it works is quite is quite unique and quite ingenious you just and this is this is awfully handy if you you know you got fast flying birds if you find yourself in a situation where you still get your shotgun to your shoulder all you need to do is just simply reach up and that's throw it right into the bottom you can still use the same method standard autoloading shotguns a pump shotgun shooter which is to throw around into the side and you know the pressure to press your bolt release and you can still do it that way but that speed with that speed load feature is really really slick so again you just you just simply put it into the magazine and just let it supposed to just allow that shell to snap backwards into the receiver and that's all it does it just it just the second feature that the Maxis has as well as the a5 and that's a magazine cut off the magazine cutoff is a handy feature if you happen to be a field shooter and you're off you're out maybe bird hunting and all of a sudden you see you know a game opportunity that is a different sort that you don't want to use birdshot with but maybe you want to use a double old buck or maybe it's a fox you got some you got some heavy you got some heavy state number three bucks you're out or something like that you can very easily take care of that dilemma rather than shucking all your rounds out and scaring me you just simply pull that magazine cut off to the rear and pull your eject that shell which is in the chamber load the one that you desire to fire and now you've got a now you've inserted the buckshot or whatever it is into your chamber and it it held the other one in advance that's all it does and to put to restore that magazine to operation just flip the switch forward so reverse cuts it off forward places it into operation that's it so we're empty it's always fun for me to you know teach you all these things that I know and I really appreciate all the comments that I get from people that it really helps me out that way I know what that what you want to see and what you want to learn so please tell your friends about us don't forget to subscribe take care from now god bless
Channel: GunBlue490
Views: 30,734
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Keywords: Cleaning, Solvent, Oil, Lubricant, Parts, shotgun, barrel, tube, brush, swab, choke, receiver, mechanism, Hoppe's, No. 9, #9, cleaning, compound, abbrasive, friction, wear, parts, trigger, fouling
Id: 9Lri7YGjIig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 36sec (3276 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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