How To Make Consomme

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Jakub Burton here from Stella culinary calm and in this video I'm going to show you how to make a consomme which is a classic technique used to clarify stocks and broths so here I have an extra cloudy chicken stock but you can use pork you can use veal whatever you like as your standard mirepoix a carrot celery onions and also the bottom portion of a leek just the light green and white portion only fresh herbs here I'm using chervil and tarragon but you can use whatever you like some eggs and boneless skinless chicken meat now we're only going to be using the egg whites so you want to separate out the yolks you can set this aside and save them for a custard or whatever else you want to use your egg yolks for and once you have all your egg whites separated go ahead and just whisk them by hand vigorously for about 30 seconds just to aerate the egg whites this is going to allow incorporating the other ingredients for your clarification wrapped a little bit easier now here I just opted to julienne up my vegetables you can also pass them through a grinder or you can put them in a food processor I like to kind of julienne my vegetables just because honestly that's how I've always done it but grinding or finely mincing will also work now here I have the boneless skinless chicken meat that I'm going to chop up into small bits first and then I'm going to place it into a food processor if you have a meat grinder that's even better because the whole idea behind this is you want to get the meat particles as small as possible so when you incorporate them into your raft they float now here I'm using chicken meat because I'm making a chicken consomme but if I was making a veal consomme I'd use veal Faiz making a pork consomme I'd use pork you get the idea now I'm going to rework the egg whites just briefly to bring back to airiness and then add in the meat the herbs and my julienne vegetables and his hand mix thoroughly until I form a bit of a pace where all the ingredients are evenly mixed together place this into the bottom of a pot and then cover with your cold cloudy stock that you want to clarify and hear yes I could have easily used a larger pot but that'll still work I'm going to place the pot over a high flame and you want to stir this constantly as a heats up now at this point too you can add in any spices that you want and this is to flavor your consomme really your egg whites and your protein in the meat are doing the heavy lifting of the clarification the mirepoix and all that other stuff is just there to add additional flavor now you want to keep on stirring your consomme until it heats up to about a hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit at which point the raft will start to slowly form it's going to float to the top now when that raft starts to form you want to then take your thermometer and kind of a push away just a center area this is going to be where your stock percolates up while it's clarifying i'm going to press my ladle directly down and make a nice hole here I'm using about a 2 ounce ladle so I'm just going to make it a small hole right in the center and this is where I'm going to pull all of my stock from during the simmering process and baste the wrasse so you want to bear you see how gently this is simmering you want to very gently simmer your stock for about 45 to 60 minutes basting every 5 minutes at least I just kind of polling the consomme from the center and see how I'm pouring over the raft this is keeping the raft from drying out but it's also helping to filter my stock through those egg whites and through my raft which as you can see here over time as I continue to do this my consomme becomes more and more clear now after the 45 to 60 minute mark or really when you're constantly looks nice and clear you're going to strain it through a chinois line with a cheesecloth and see how I'm gently pressing the raft down with a ladle you're going to press that raft down kind of collect the clarified stock which is now a constant aim and give it a strain now as you can see here look at how beautiful and clear our consomme is that we have made over the last 60 minutes a real contrast I mean if we put it side by side with our original stock you can really see the contrast of what we started with and what we have here now why do you actually make a consummate well because it looks cool it looks beautiful and it's one of those classic techniques that chefs and diners love for more information including recipes and ratios for this consomme and also some supporting video techniques like how to make stock some nice skills that we covered in this video head on over to Stella corner comm if you click that big old fat link that says click here in the center of your video screen right now it'll take you directly to our consommé page which will have all the information that you need
Channel: Jacob Burton
Views: 448,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Consomme, how to cook, french, chicken, technique, chef, professional, kitchen, culinary school, stella, jacob burton, Consommé (Dish), French Food (Cuisine), Recipe
Id: b6nRMqyMl1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2014
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