How To Choose The Best Padlock

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Wayne here with tri-county locksmith service today we're gonna go over some padlocks there's lots of different brands lots of different styles and sizes round ones shackle covers you know all kinds of different locks so today I want to go over which ones work the best right now we're gonna set these aside and I'll just kind of go over these these are high security box these are definitely the best but at a price tag over a hundred bucks for some of them 500 for some of them and over a thousand for some of these blocks they're kind of out of the ballpark for today today I just want to go over ones that you can get at the hardware store so if you're looking for the best of the best of the best medico makes great locks that's a towel boy makes one great one there out of Finland that lock is about 500 bucks pretty expensive but if you have patient demands it then you might need it sergeant Greenleaf make a great one this one's got all sorts of high security measures in it it's got anti grinding plates that it is about 1,400 bucks way out of the price range of most people so today I just kind of want to go over what's getting that well you're gonna find for under 50 bucks at the hardware store and of course you got a master lock that of Stanley and just a kind of junky old Caterpillar lock this right here it only requires three wafers in here they're really easy to pick and I don't even think the shackles hardened so these are pretty much joke most of what you're gonna have is right here what you really need to look at in a padlock is you need to have a list of things that you're like right here besides the padlock bigger is obviously better the shackle material look for a alloy or a hardened like a carbide the key size this I see here this is a master lock key and it only has four pins in there and this is the Stanley key and it has six so it increases the difficulty of picking tremendously to have more pins it and so that's just a really easy way to gauge right out of the gate what kind of lock you're looking at anti drill plates are starting to become more common and the material that the pins are made out of now I'm gonna go over all that stuff right here okay so right now we have this padlock here it looks like a big heavy-duty padlock it's got the same shackle thickness as this one but it's only got one two three four five pins in it so five isn't too bad this is an okay lock it says hardened on there hardened is a whole lot different from alloy and we'll do a little test on that here shortly too so just based on what your gonna look at if this said alloy or carbide it'd be a lot better and in having five pins is better than four but not the greatest these locks here are just same thing hardened steel out here and then these are the four pin one so these are pretty low security grade one of the ways I can show you the difference between hardened and non hardened steel is right here will take this lock just like that bolt cutters on it these are good hkp bolt cutters and apply a little bit of pressure not enough to cut it but you can definitely see the impact and the indent in there that made a pretty significant mark whereas if I do that to this power by block same amount extra you can see that it scratched the surface of the paint but it didn't really do much to it so there's a big difference in in the steel the carbide and the alloys are always going to be way way harder then just planed hardened steel marks are really about marketing so they're trying to sell you security without giving it sometimes so when it says hardened it's not as good as a carbide or an alloy one of the other things here is we'll just talk about the difference between four and six pin cylinders and all of these locks here master master and master all of these is inside here inside here is the key cylinder this is all that's in there that's all that that is so that key goes right in there like that and that's all that's securing your lock on the Stanley these big stanley locks you have a full six pin case like this so that is much much more secure to have a system like this plus the stanley locks also add security pins like this here they have a couple of these spool pins in there which makes them very very difficult to pick when somebody attacks padlock they're either going to be cutting it so the shoulder shroud is important the material of the shackle is important they're gonna be trying to cut it with bolt cutters or they're gonna try and cut it with a grinder the material in here is gonna slow that down or they're gonna try and pick it if you try and pick the lock this is gonna keep people out right here a whole lot longer than this so the other thing is is people are drilling locks out now too like here this is very very easy to drill it's a lot easier to drill these smaller four pin cylinders than these larger ones Stanley also puts stainless steel pins in the top they use stainless steel pins top and bottom so as you're trying to drill into the lock it will deflect it one way or the other it's a lot more difficult to drill these and they have an anti drill plate basically this plate right here is all hardened so most of your common drill bits aren't going to build that drill through that or if they get into here it's just gonna spin this plate if they try and drill that it's also like you said the the stainless steel pins if you do hit it directly on the pins it's gonna try and that way and deflect it so that's a whole lot of information to really take in when you're thinking you just need to lock up a gate or whatever it is but as far as a storage unit or something that's more valuable you're gonna have more valuable things it's really a good idea to pay attention to what you're buying so if you come to the store and you see two locks like this and their packaging this one has a a STM rating of six well it says shop test well what does that mean well it's it withstands an impact okay so they're telling you that it withstands an impact but that's not really a security rating this one here actually has an actual security rating of five okay the reason it has that rating is because it's got the long keys it's got the carbide shackle so it's got an alloy shackle it's got an anti drill plate on the bottom and it's got anti pick pins so all of that put together make this a very very very quality lock for the under the fifty dollar range I think these are about twenty five thirty bucks definitely a good lock whereas this is trying to trick you to think that it's as good as that or if these master locks here are trying to trick you and makes you think they're as good as that when they're really not these these puck locks here people think these are great and they are because it doesn't offer very much shackle room so they they did solve a problem of people cutting them off with bolt cutters however it is pretty easy to drill these out there's no there's no anti drill plate there and it's got a very very tiny cylinder inside of there this has the same cylinder as this right here so really going with something full shackled like this and large q cylinder inside here is always the better solution I think Stanley really has the the better locks right now you're gonna see at your hardware store once again there's always high security options like they showed you earlier but they're really really expensive and you're really gonna have to have a good reason to spend that much money on a good lock so as you're walking down the aisle keep in mind size shackle material key size shoulder shroud anti drill plate and pin materials and you'll be able to pick out a much better walk than you normally would you can't really rely on the advertising you know this one right here says it's a number one lock well really I think the other ones better so the other the other thing with stanley's is they're actually like cylinders just like this so you can rekey them so for having a jobsite or having a bunch of locks together for a farm or ranch that you're gonna be using in a community having these you can actually rekey them you can key them all the same so you can have one key operate multiple locks or you can Kim you can master key em so you can hand down keys you know have lower security areas and in higher security areas and just hand out the lower security keys so you can key these just like a door or an office building they're really really put a lot of thought into these and I think they're a really good lock for the price so I hope that helps you out I hope that helps you pick your next padlock for more information go to WWE is calm thank you
Channel: Wayne Winton Locksmith Influencer Business Coach
Views: 149,750
Rating: 4.8092051 out of 5
Keywords: Choosing The Best Padlock, Masterlock, Master Lock, Padlock, Pad Lock, Padlocks, Best padlocks, Stanley Padlock, Stanley, Stanley Lock, Stanley 24/7 Padlock, Best Padlock, Lock picking, Security, High security Padlock, Good Padlock, Padlock Review, Lock review, Rekeyable padlock, Medeco padlock, ASSA, ASSA padlocks, S&G military Padlock, highsecurity padlock, Master Lock padlock, Alboy Padlock, How To Choose The Best Padlock, Locksmith padlock, Cat padlock, Ace padlock
Id: 3E0WufOv93w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2013
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