How to Choose the BEST ALTS - SoD Phase 2 Guide

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yo guys what is up Jerome here and today we're talking about the best alts to level in phase two of season of Discovery so we've got that 100% XP boost which means it takes less than 20 hours to hit max level in phase two that means it's the perfect time to level the best goldmaker in the game or maybe you want the strongest and most desirable Raider or maybe you're a PVP fan you want to have the very strongest PVP class to dominate in Blood Moon we're going to talk about the very best options for every single part of the game let's get right to it so we're going to start by talking gold makers these are the classes that can get you rich really fast then we'll be talking raiding the classes everybody wants for raids that we just don't have enough of yet and we'll be talking PVP the dueling Kings the blood moon Superstars these are the alts to make if you love PVP so let's talk gold making so the first great alt for gold making will be Hunter Hunters have amazing ability to solo Dungeons and open world content as well the first thing Hunters in Solo is Cathedral you can solo boost people in Cathedral for over 200 gold per hour it took me about 4 hours to get my first run done but it's really not that hard of a boost once you get it down you can do a full clear in about 15 minutes or so that's over 150,000 XP per hour for your boosties which is amazing we also have Alman soloing as an option as well my friend frostadamus has gotten completely Rich for a solo farming Alman you get a flat 30 gold per hour plus all sorts of chances that really good Blues like the pendulum of Doom and there's also boosting potential as well if you don't want to do SM Cathedral boost but if you don't like dungeon boosting you could also do open world farming as well things like the pirate farming and Taris are amazing for getting items like gut Ripper but really Hunters can do any Farm in the game you could even sell demonic runes to people as a service if they were in your group I honestly think Hunters could kill on nixia right now if the raid was open what do you guys think about hunters as gold farmers in Phase 2 do you have an Al you plan to level next with the 100% XP boost let's talk about it in the comments the next gold farming Al you should make is the Mage Mages are amazing for AOE farming I there's so many great options like the woodpaw farming in Fales but they're also pretty much just as good as Hunters at SM boosting which is going to be the number one gold maker in the phase and you can rest assured your Mage is future proof to boost in future phases as well now we all know hunters and mages are great but what about Rogues as well Rogues are surprisingly a very good gold farmer they can solo through Scarlet Monastery and get the chess and pickpocket as well current estimates of the gold roges can make per hour something like 25 per hour so one all you could make that could be any class would be and transmute Al so you can transmute mythro bars into true silver bars for about a five gold profit every 48 hours I've plan to level four trans rols just to do this in the next couple weeks that's going to be really nice profit every two days and speaking of profit you should definitely make a level five enchanting Al just to disenchant all the greens you get you'll almost always make more gold than you would from vendoring items all right so we've talked maximum profit alts let's talk about raing as well so first up we have the Mage so right now in neron Mage is legitimately the number one DPS spec they really excel in the hard fights like managerie with their living bomb spam in fact on that fight some Mages are pushing nearly a th000 DPS which is insane but Mages are also really starting to move the needle as healers as well in a meta where everybody wants to speedrun and parse Mages are perfect for that Mages are the highest damage output healers by far which is really relevant for parsing whether healing or DPS though everybody wants Mages and it's not too late to make one we've also got to talk about Shaman as well talking Shaman there are two different Shaman DPS specs that are in the top five DPS as of right now though Shaman are the least brought class for DPS which means there's a huge demand that's not being filled and while Shaman healers aren't the hottest healers right now they're still super relevant because everybody needs healing if you want to make an Al that is extremely high demand with very low Supply Li Shaman is the perfect choice we've also got to talk about priests as well for raiding priests are so hot right now and they're the number one carry healer in no more gone The Meta is quickly becoming one priest healer that's main healing and then a bunch of off healers you know things like the boomkin the Mage even the shadow priests priests are actually so hot right now that people are even selling healing Services you can actually get groups to pay you to go to their raids in the last day of lockouts and getting back to Shadow priest man they are awesome in raids right now sure they're only at the middle of the pack in DPS but homunculus by itself is a 10% DPS increase in some fights for melee and they have that amazing raid healing potential with vampiric Embrace we've also got to talk about warlocks as well warlocks are top two DPS and the actual number one DPS right now is a warlock meanwhile in this Parson culture warlocks are actually becoming a lot trendier as tanks as well they're currently the second highest DPS output tank which is really strong and there's just something about having a warlock in your raid that just feels right the summ directly to neron the health Stones The Soul Stones it's a really good package if you want a raid spot in phase two you really can't go wrong picking warlock all right so let's talk about my favorite part of the game PVP we've got to talk about Rogues sure they're not dominating in 1 V ones they are losing to the shadow priest they're losing to the warlocks but in the open world with full cooldowns they're probably the most terrifying class to run into and I'd argue right now that Rogues are the number one arrai Bas in class they just have so much fun being a nuisance and spinning Flags meanwhile if you've got a friend having two Rogues ganking is probably the most terrifying sight to see in the open world at least for my priest I mean I'm getting one shot by them all the time we've got to talk Shaman as well for PVP I'm no Shaman main but my friend tanian is and he dominates in aathy Basin I mean he'll routinely get 30 or even 40 kills in a game meanwhile they have amazing burst as well I've seen one V one Elish Shaman duels where they straight up on-shot somebody and as a horde member I've got to confess that I really hate playing against enhanced Shaman the way they play with their super high burst damage and their Purge is infuriating for my priest we can't talk PVP though without talking about Mages as well make a Mage and you'll probably have more fun per minute than any other class in the game they have this insane burst potential and they can on-shot people with Arcane surge it's probably the most fun thing in the game right now it's just ridiculous I want to make a mage that straight up one shot people every 3 minutes and then I just log back out again and wait for my cooldowns to come back and we've got to talk about the meme blood moon comp with Arcane Mage I mean people just keep telling me stories about how they farmed 2,000 Bloods with Arcane Mages it's got to be the number one blood moon comp right now what do you guys think about the Arcane Mage blood moon Strat should it be nerfed in some way or is it just a clever use of game mechanics personally I think it's a little bit too overpowered we've also got to talk about priest priests have been dominating in every 1 V1 tournament winning everything that alone was enough for me to make a priest because I love dueling tournaments but I would also say that priests are the most desirable class in bloodmoon right now I'm always getting DMS from people wanting me to heal their blood moon groups but also Shadow priests are super desirable in Blood Moon as well they're probably the scariest open world class in the game next to Rogues really if you make a priest you'll have no difficulty getting groups it definitely feels like I've made more friends playing priest lately I mean compared to back when I used to play Warrior you'll have no shortage of friends you up if you like this video And subscribe as well our community is full of really cool people sharing their insight and their Journeys and season of Discovery speaking of Journeys if you want to make your journey 1 to 40 way faster I've got the perfect video for you my 1 to 40 leveling guide is full of tips to make your 100% XP boost as beneficial as possible check that video out next
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Keywords: sod phase 2, wow sod phase 2, sod phase 2 runes, sod phase 2 raid, sod phase 2 leveling guide, season of discovery phase 2, wow classic, season of discovery wow, wow classic sod phase 2, wow season of discovery, sod phase 2 alts, hunter sod phase 2, season of discovery, warrior sod phase 2, mage sod phase 2, rogue sod phase 2, shaman sod phase 2, priest sod phase 2, warlock sod phase 2, alt guide sod phase 2, best alts sod phase 2
Id: 8rz1NvJRsGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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