How to cheese EVERY boss in Terraria

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foreign this video is going to cover how to cheat every boss in the game with unique and specific strategies for most of them check the timestamps in the description if you're looking for a particular boss also some bosses are more achievable than others so not all cheeses are created equal for the vast majority of these cheeses I'm going to be using no armor accessories or potions and an unreforged weapon I'm going to start this with my favorite cheese Queen the you could magic conch to the ocean and be called back to a bed in the jungle repeatedly and since queen bee won't despawn you can do this indefinitely and keep healing but that's not quite cheesy enough this takes advantage of queen bee being the only boss in the game capable of damaging and being damaged by other enemies as long as a b is alive Queen B will finally fire other enemies so you want to bring a beehive to place crafted at a graveyard in a heavy workbench out of Hive or find a way to trap a natural bee spawn you'll also want to bring the highest damaging statues you can find mimic unicorn and Medusa are the ideal ones because they're hard mode enemies that don't go through blocks you'll need to spawn a bunch of enemies from the statues you can either find natural wiring by holding a pressure plate out or you can build it yourself post Skeletron spawn as many as you can leading them off to the side so more of them can spawn then go directly horizontal to them and summon queen bee she will immediately charge directly into them and very quickly die King Slime teleporting has been updated to try and make him how to cheese and this strategy does require a small amount of effort on your poet as a result you need to occasionally walk left and right if you Hammer a row of blocks directly above you like so King Slime will teleport on top of those instead of on top of you until he reaches about 60 HP in which case he will teleport on top of you and then immediately get kicked out and go above you that's because of his size changing when he reaches this point you have to walk a little to the side every time he teleports you want the platform you walk on to be at least 22 blocks in the air so he can't jump and reach you and that alone is enough but a bucket of lava below you and a decent bow makes quick work of him all you have to do is make sure that you look for when he teleports and you walk a little to the side when he does the Eye of Cthulhu is a very lackluster cheese you just make a Minecraft track and ride horizontally bump at the edges so you bounce back and keep shooting behind you you can easily outrun it in any phase and you just keep fighting in One Direction there's nothing too special here you can also run on the ground but enemies might spawn in front of you and it's hard to get enough speed as easily now the brain is when things get back to being fun go up into the air and make a setup exactly like this a square with a quarter of it missing with nothing nearby this square is 30 by 30 with a 15 by 14 Gap because I can't count collect some dungeon bricks from the dungeon you can break them on the surface with any pickaxe and make a u-shape beneath it 30 blocks down with a rope leading upwards take a bunch of sticky dynamite and throw up beneath you leaving some of it trailing upwards on the u-shape as you climb up the Rope then stand to the center of the crimstone square some on the brain and try to time it just as the dynamite explodes the second Dynamite works best for this in my experience listen for the first explosion and summon him right before the second the dynamite will instantly kill all of the creepers if you do this perfectly and most of them if you don't then the subsequent Dynamite will kill more of them in any remaining ones will be easy to kill as they are extremely predictable and then do not move from the center of this Square as long as you are standing right here the brain will always teleport to the top left in phase two you can simply keep attacking it constantly in one spot with any weapon that deals enough knockback to Star Market the mini shark the modded Fork the Amazon the blade of grass and Ice Boomerang there are plenty of options if you're in for the world you'll get fixed boy you'll have to build this upside down but it'll still be extremely easy to kill the simplest cheese I could find for the Edo was pretty similar make a platform in the air with 300 Evan Stone nearby and summon him above a flat area and then he just can't reach you he won't shoot at you either if there's only a small gap between you and him you just stay above him and shoot downward I am currently 35 blocks up from the ground and he is completely unable to reach me I was aware of the cheese from Mappy gaming for deal clubs but I wanted to come up with something better Theo cheese required a lot of Defense to take Shadow hands something that I wanted to avoid to make the cheese easily doable pre-boss and so deal clubs is the first Showcase of the most broken weapon in the game the flare gun I love this thing it is my baby I've beaten the entire game with it and by firing a thousand flares you can reach the projectile cap and prevent more projectiles from being spawned enemy or friendly for a brief time since 1.4.4 added Auto use to all items that makes this much less annoying to achieve you enter a mineco track with Bumpus tabachi back and forth on both sides make sure you're not using a wooden mine coat and you have one equipped and that you enter the mine coat before you shoot a thousand flares otherwise you won't be able to get in get to full speeds 66 miles per hour and then summon deal clubs he'll walk towards you and dive the minecart ramming into him all it takes is a flare gun a merchant and a minecart you don't need armor accessories HP or weapons let's go to the Bone zone now Skeletron cheese involves a mind code loop the exact dimensions are 35 whales horizontal on the bottom 38 diagonally up to the left 7 on the left Edge 27 diagonally up and no ending so you fly off and then a 27 way a landing strip and 34 linking back up to the bottom the Minecraft track should be connected so that you can constantly ride it in a loop bouncing off the left and right extensions use a hammer to change the type of edge that a minecode rail has the size isn't super specific this is just one of many that works a bottom track connecting to the old man is lets you summon Skeletron as you ride then you bounce off the rail here and jump onto the loop if you do this correctly Skeletron will be almost completely unable to hit you only some very rare collisions with his hands will be able to touch you however you do need to actually kill him so I suggest you use a b gun and or a bee's knees with appropriate damage Buffs something with homing because aiming is very difficult here with no damage Buffs no omo and only a hive pack to boost them it took about seven and a half minutes to kill Skeletron on Master mode last up in pre-hope mode is the Wall of Flesh consider this you have a giant enemy with three damageable segments that will always follow the same predictable path throughout the world how can you deal with that well if you've killed Skeletron and unlocked wiring think about it explosives set up a series of dungeon brick pillows with explosives on top of them wired up to pressure plate several pillows forward the explosive should be the 11th Block in the air and spaced at least 11 blocks apart since they have a radius of 10 blocks then attacked towards the wall with a melee weapon to knock back the hungrys and just run away time you pressure plate steps with the moment it crosses over the correct pillar and the wall will get destroyed this isn't even an optimal setup if you lower the ceiling all three of the wall segments will get hit only two of them are getting hit here for the most power the only equipped gear I have is a pair of boots and the pillows block lasers while the sword keeps the hungry at Bay and the Wall of Flesh just gets melted a good cheese strategy for Queen slime in my opinion is one that should be able to be done by a Summoner with pre-making and that's exactly what I came up with Queensland follows the same teleport logic as King Slime and the hammered blocks walk on her as well but her size never changes so you don't have to worry about who reaching you like with King Slime a Hoyt strip upwards will send you a flying up meaning they'll be out of her range when she does her slam you want the top of the strip closed off to stop being shot by the slimes that she spawns and you don't want any gaps in the strip to avoid her spawning slimes in there you should leave an opening for you to attack out of though a klingo staff will Auto kill her with no input on your end so that's what I used a Summoner would mostly just summon spiders and whipper you can also attack her if you want to Gigolo manually however this only works for phase one because she goes through blocks in Phase 2 and her slam hitbox is very large to avoid that I'm abusing the iframes from a statue enemy with 30 defense and a banner a goblin Scout will hit for one damage on Master mode and queen slime will never hit you with her slime as a Summoner all that requires is spider armor and iron Skin Potion in a food buff the out statutes are not necessarily here at all you can just drink a potion or have some HP regen Buffs to stop yourself from dying you can see the exact Dimension to this here A five block tall 8 block wide Square above you 18 blocks from the hammered blocks to the top and nine blocks for opening vertically before closing it off the Destroyer was one of the most famously cheesable bosses and there were many ways to do it you can very quickly kill him by attacking his coil light when he spawns like this but that requires a lot of damage Buffs to be consistent in my experience setting off an explosive can easily take out a massive chunk of his health if you can predict where he's going to spawn from you can also make a box in the air that you can't reach but that's kind of boring this strategy is an extremely consistent kill that requires only a star cannon and a magic conch some of the destroyer and conch to the ocean and then go up into the air I have NPCs here to stop hopeys and wyverns respawning you'll need to clear out any obstacles like floating islands or trees ahead of time then open your mini-map but do not move it around keep yourself centered and zoom in and out only amyokoso had exactly where the Destroyer was coming from close the map and shoot he will fly in a straight line directly at you until he gets close and he'll line himself up so that every single star hits all of his segments with no damage Buffs at all I find zooming out four times and shooting once the Destroyer appears on the edge of the map from the left is enough and it takes about 140 Stars remember this is with no ammo reservation or damage boosts conversely with a bunch of damage Buffs ammo reservation Buffs and a superstar shooter it takes about 25 stars and several of those stars were going away this is how I killed the destroy when one HP hardcore and in the Blindfolded no hit stuff and I like it quite a lot be wary that this won't work and for the worthy because the Destroyer will reflect falling stars Skeletron Prime is just a big metallic Skeletron and the same strategy works on him too a big Minecraft loop I would highly recommend you bring a lot of damage boosts this fight because much like Skeletron he isn't very easy to hit like this a mega shark with no damage boosts and I quote bullets took eight and a half minutes to kill him and he hit me twice with some mediocre damage boosts Frost armor wrath potion in a medium well fed a decent reforge and emblem and one choke tooth necklace that time went down to three minutes and he didn't hit me once the exact dimensions of his mind coat loot by 74 tracks on the bottom 36 diagonally upwards 11 on the left side with a bumper to bounce you back 36 diagonally upwards hand with the ending so you fly off then go back onto the bottom right one block over and five blocks up 32 diagonally up to the right and 15 on the landing ship to the right with a bumper to bounce you back the twins are very easily cheesed with an array of six teleporters I link them up so that the bottom white one connects to the top left which goes to the bottom center to the top right to bottom left to top middle to bottom right and then the cycle Loops you should focus down retinas refers to the weapon that goes through blocks like a stormbow and you just teleport whenever they Dash to avoid them you'll need to teleport pretty frequently for spazmatism second phase so keep an eye out there the exact spacing isn't too important and you can make these further apart to make teleporting away from phase two smash into some easier now on to Plantera who is very tricky to figure out the hardest boss for me to find a cheese for in fact to do this I'm going to be using two separate exploits the first is hitting the NPC spawn limit much like projectiles the game is a built-in limit to how many NPCs can be spawned and if you reach it the game starts to break in pretty fun ways if you hit 199 NPC spawned in your world and then spawn Plantera she will have no hooks and be unable to move she also won't spawn tendrils in phase two there are a few ways to accomplish this but this is the one I prefer I placed 100 Target dummies down and then broke beehives until the bees occupied the rest of the spawn slots then I broke a single Target dummy to free up slot for Plantera and spawner and here she is unfortunately that's not enough she will still shoot you and she counterattacks shooting at you if you hit her through blocks to stop that we bust back out the flail gun and shoot a thousand flares to hit the projectile cap make sure you're out of a line of sight so she won't shoot you while you do it now she is completely helpless she can't shoot at us she can't move she can't spawn tendrils we can just walk up to her in meleejo with a non-projectile weapon I use the fetid bag next although she did hit me once because I was trying to be fancy and get into a cool looking spot you don't have to box her up and trap or you just walk up to her and kill her this golden cheese has been aged for a decade crafted with love from the finest milk I could find you'll need to take Golem out of the temple for this and to hoik is ideal to get in and out of the temple easily you can use a hoik a vehicle potion to a nearby bed or a rod of Discord but the hawk is the least work to hoik do this put three blocks on the ground and put a platform on the third a block on the second and nothing on the first hand with the platform once in the block so that it looks like this depending on which way you're going then Hammer every other block to look the same way hold down and just walk through the platform and you'll clip into the block and it'll send you through once Golem is out you'll need to make a wall of one-way platform points to keep him at Bay to do that make a wall and Hammer them until they look like this if Golem is coming from the left and the other way if he's coming from the right and then block swap them with platforms he won't be able to move towards you because the platform will prevent his horizontal movement stand outside of the range of his fists and kill the one that attacks you first and then once that dead move up and kill the other one once both fists are dead teleport to above him and start shooting downward use two teleporters linked up so you can hold down One Direction and keep running permanently with a pair of boots all of Golem's lasers will miss you and only the occasional Fireball will be able to touch you if you put a ceiling above you the Fireballs will be more likely to hit you in Phase 1 but the phase two ones won't be able to at all and with no ceiling The Phase 1 Fireballs are much less likely to hit you but the phase 2 once can this is a pretty slow strategy but you can easily kill Golem without taking damage like this Duke fishron is not an easy boss to cheese but this strategy works very well and in fact it can be done pre-mech bosses all you need are two teleporters which are sold by the mechanic now so the pre-mech position them apart from each other and line the inside balls with platforms hammered once this will let you shoot out from inside the Box while blocking the showgrounds from outside lastly and this is important put a wall of blocks between them this wall of blocks is extremely important because it prevents the Cthulhu nados in Phase 2 from spawning in a battle location then you just teleport as he gets close to you you smoke coaster to Auto Select the switch to activate the teleporter we reached the point where I'm no longer using no armor and accessories because it would just take forever I did this in two different ways once with an Uzi Frost elements and basic damage boosts and the other one with a chain gun and true might only other post plantario Q I didn't take damage either time and it took just under 14 minutes for the uzi to kill him and two minutes for the chain gun I experimented with a three teleporter setup which was faster to kill him but couldn't Dodge his consistently the exact spacing here doesn't matter too much you can look at my position and do the math if you want to replicate it exactly sure might omo is particularly good here because you get the stealth bonus obviously you don't need to use these exact weapons anything that attacks from a distance is fine be careful of the bubbles because those will go through blocks and hit you if you don't teleport away now for the love of my life again the flare gun this is the same Qi strategy that I made a video about a while ago but it's even easier since 1.4.4 added Auto use I'm only going to be using Summoner omo and accessories that you can buy or easily obtain for this I'm going to be using Tiki armor or Hercules beetle and a pygmy necklace and not spooky armor or any of the Pumpkin Moon stuff my accessories are reforged to angry and menacing as well summon all of you minions first and then fire a thousand flares and sit back and watch your minions kill her do not move until you hear this sound and she starts to dash at which point you want to fall downward to dodge it and then fly back up I did this with the kitty cat The Raven staff and the deadly sphere and they all worked very well you'll have approximately five minutes to kill her before she can start attacking again make sure you put your coaster near your character when freeing the lace wing and you have a non-projectile weapon to kill it with if you want to do daytime Empress make sure you start early in the day since she will leave at 7 30 pm The Lunatic cultist could be cheesed with a similar strategy but I wanted to come up with something else for him most of his attacks can't go through blocks so I put two teleporters spaced 86 blocks apart with walls in the side to block his face to poop a ball attack and a barrier 10 blocks up to block most of his other attacks I'm using the Flying Dragon but all you need is something that go through blocks all you need to do is teleport as soon as he doesn't attack the ghost two blocks and he only has two of them the ice attack and the Ancient Light attack his phase one cyclist fire ice lightning fire I summoned so as soon as you see him do a fire attack you know you need to teleport in a moment Phase 2 gets a little weirdo because he substitutes in attacks but just stay on your toes he will only ever appear above you or to the right if you haven't made a clone yet and you can use autopaws to identify the real one easily if you're struggling lastly the moon Lord cheese is basically the same as the emphasis of light cheese summon Your Minion fire a thousand flavors and use the sigil if you're concerned about time use the sigil when you have about 25 players left to fire since that takes a little under 12 seconds instead of falling down to dodge the empress dashes you just have to run sideways when the true eyes show up to dodge those you should use the Stardust Dragon and I'm still using the same setup as the empress with the purchasable summer Nokia killing him like this as a police you can also do some iframing on the sockets but that only really works well on Master mode and decently on expert mode his socket damage in Phase 2 hits for 80 regardless of difficulty meaning you can sit inside of it with high defense and take one damage a hit on higher difficulties because defense gets more effective while the socket damage doesn't scale this only works once the true eyes of kazuku come out and it's pretty much impossible to do on classic Mode and that's how you choose every boss in Terraria I had quite a lot of fun coming up with these although some of them were very tough looking at you Plantera and deal clops the projectile cap exploit was the last resort I didn't want to have to use that but now I can finally move on to editing other videos instead of just working on this so uh what streams do I have up next to highlight oh
Channel: Sorbet Cafe
Views: 836,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terraria, Cheese, Bosses, Plantera, Moon Lord, Empress, EoL, Duke Fishron, Fishron, Cthulhu, Destroyer, Prime, Skeletron, Twins
Id: jPxF_SVZ9kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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