A simple puncture repair and some tips along the way...

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hi everyone here we are for another lockdown video and I've got this bike here that's got a flat front tire and so I need to get the bike out and fix the puncture on it and I just thought you know I could quite a nice video to make for those people out there that struggle to repair punctures might become pretty far too if I show them how I do it so just thought I'd take some time I've got a willingness system in Camilla behind the camera it's going to try and move the camera around which will save me a lot of time normally on moving cameras all over and yeah let's get to work and do a little maintenance in the kitchen to a clean area here at the house so right first of all like see puncture so you need to get up repaired so we're going to drag the bike out and put it on its stand a lot of people I see struggling like in the bike here and maybe they're not so tall and they like and especially with in big rally bikes it's quite difficult to get the bike onto the stand with that technique so I want to show you how I do it with the valley banks which is even easier with little bikes so one of these little folding outside and that takes done the bike and so we're going to have it like that and then if Camilla can just go on the other side then I'm going to show you how I live to do so put it on the side where the back plate is and then what you do is just line from we look in front of it and then lift the back of the bike across hinging it on the steering stem on for the sound so down the back up like that yeah and I'm gonna show you the thing if you shot I'm tall so I can get my hand under the top of the wheel there and then you use this hand to stop the bike from falling over so just like that lift it up straight like that and walk across onto the stand okay and put it down now if you a little bit shorter and you don't have the relates to lift it high enough a little typically do is just knock it into first gear and then you can get the wheel of the spoke here so further down and then up there and you just go like that then easy no trouble I'll stay on this down so that's my little tip for getting the bikes onto the stand works exceptionally well if you've got a big everybody drive so let's just grab a few words yeah the right ones I'm not used to working in the kitchen okay and then I've left it on so I can just crash it through with my hand should make it a little bit easier to get the axle against it you go be careful you don't damage the threads to make sure it's on the inside you know how to move the wheels on your bikes I'm good okay so first of all I love fancy doing this probably I'll show you later how to fix a puncture repair but today we're going to stick a tube in it for now and we're going to concentrate on the technique of removing the tire tube and anything from this so first of all this has got a limb lock so you can see there's a rim walk in there and there's also this tube there so we're double check that there's nerve and just to make sure there's no air left in the tube just gonna whip the valve out a valve cough there we go nothing absolutely flat so next thing we're gonna do is loosen the rim block if you bags got the rim or not just even easier now I'm not trying to show everybody it's the only way to change and fix a flat and I'm definitely not here to try and tell people the fastest way to fix a flat what this is about is trying to help some of you people that might struggle with fixing a and give you a little bit of help on how to do it a little bit easier so that's all this is about I know there's many different ways to skin a cat there's loads of ways to fix a punctured I'm just sharing with you some of my experience and fixed quite a few so okay so we've got the nut off the rim lock we've got the nut off the tube and then we're just going to push it off they're off the bead the tire so we just push that down both sides over again so if for example this is a road tire and it's extremely stiff then you will need to either use a side stand off a different bike use your foot off the method to do it is this so if you really tight on the on the rim and you cannot get the tire off the rim what you can do is you can put one tire lever in like that it's bowing if you can get it put the other one in on the back of it underneath it and then push them both down together like that and see how it pushes it off the bead so you can use two tire levers to push it off the bead like that if it's particularly tight once you've done it in one place becomes easy okay now and we are going to start by I'm not gonna do all this five six tire levers you don't need three foot one tire levers all unique nice little ones easy for motion for make these ones and you look at you say oh okay where do I start well my advice would be to start where the valve is because what you want to do is to get the tire off easily you need to make sure opposite side of where you're going to start tire leaving but the tires in the trough of the rim so if you see the rim has got like a lump in the middle its shaped like that is the shaped like that the rim and what you need to do is you need to get the tire bead into the back of the rim opposite the valve so you see here if you push this down it goes into the rim okay so what we do is we're going to put a tire lever under the opposite side right near not next to but near the valve stem and if you just try and pull it now it's quite tight because tire is so against the B but if you push it down into the trough all the way around look what happens all of a sudden that tire lever it's there it's already gone okay now we're not gonna push it all the way down to the disk like this because then what you do you can Nick the tube inside and you don't want to pinch the tube inside even though this is already punctured you don't want to pinch it again so don't go all the way okay then if you want to get another tile even like go back up a little bit put one in next to it and you can do two so you got one two like that okay same again if you want to go easier you can just lift it up get another one next to it and then one two now it's nearly there you only need one tire lever now just keep going it's off yeah it's a couple of dips there how to make it easy to get that tire off now you'll see that I finished where the rim lock was yeah so the last place you come to this way of doing it is the rim lock so now what I see a lot of people doing is sticking the hands inside the tires so like in the hands inside trying to get the tube out and it's hard and you bash your knuckles and everything and this you don't really ever need to put your hands inside the tires if you do are you struggling with the tyre lever because it's particularly tight then you're doing something wrong that is making it hard for you so you want to try and make it easy so if you just pull the tire over to the side push the rim pull the tire you can actually just get it dead easy like that okay and move out you do have to put your hands inside so push down pull the tire now you pull it out all the way around you see the valve you don't want to pull the valve out so be careful of that you're gonna stop there now some people then go inside take you out it's almost almost 90% at the time that I'm fixing punctures I end up taking the tire off the rim and it's good practice because if you fit in a new tire you need to take it off anyway so way to do that is just make sure that the tire it's not obstructed by the valve or the limb lock so you put that the bottom make sure the tie is right in the trough of the rim you push down and that gives you as much freedom as possible at the top here to tear the tire off so you hook one tire lever in put another one in next to it again oh it's no there's no fingers going inside tires or anything yeah yeah and then pull them both over like that push down and now what you want to do is push the tire off the rim so you fold the player down like that you see it folded back on itself you can put your foot on it if you want and just push down always check and if it's a directional one to make sure you get back on the right way around this one is doesn't look like it is directional so I'll just check no it's not directional so it doesn't matter so next thing to do is if it's off the bead if it's off the limb sorry it's easier to check to see if it's got any forms or anything like that in it so to do that when your fingers down the inside preferably with a glove on but obviously you'll feel small spikes without a bubble nothing there then what I do to check the middle part of the tire run down with four fingers now you might just miss it because a thorn could go through the middle of your fingers so then remember three fingers to get the middle gap so first thing four fingers all the way around nothing in there and then three fingers all the way around and I'm happy there but there's nothing in there to cause another point J so now you check that you can either prepare your tube I'm going to show you right now but for now I'm just going to put a new tube it now here comes is two in its height now in the India tube this makes a world of difference when you are preparing punctures and here's the reason why one it makes sure that the inner tube always stays in that eye location doesn't get twisted inside the tire it allows you to put it inside the tire before you put the tire on the limb which I'm going to show on in a minute and also when you're putting it on with your tire levers it prevents you pinching the tube because what happens is when the tail either goes past it it allows to slide on it instead of grabbing the flat tube so you'll never see me putting one in without any air in it so we're just going to throw some having this and then you got this little pump here house perfect you don't need to put a lot you just want the inner tube to take these shape see now it's taking its shape that's enough and then what I do is put it inside the tire now a little tip here if you're at home if you're out on the trail is a little bit harder if you're at home you can use soap and water like fairly liquid and water just a tiny bit of soap you don't need much if you need a virgin you've got wd-40 W default is great to put the bead of the tire because it dries out and it doesn't cause your tire to spin but it helps you while you putting it on so just a little bit wd-40 I've not got anything here so I'm not gonna pop anything on it I'm just gonna put it on dry which makes it a little bit more difficult to fit but it'll show you the way I do I'm soap and water could do that but I'm just going to do it drive you just like out on the trail usually you don't have anything you in the middle of nowhere so just push this I push the tube in like this in the time then find the hole in the rim where your valve should go and you literally literally just pull the chip pulley inner tube out of the tire poke it through the valve hole and this and then put the lid on and this stops your ever having to put your hands inside the tire I was talking about earlier when you're fumbling around trying to find the valve stem hole just literally do that screw the nut down and push the tube back into the tire okay you see and I didn't have to put my hands inside to do it so then what we're gonna do is push down like we've done previously make sure that the tire on one side of the rim is inside the bead so push it down inside like this and you do it as much we did handled as you can there you got to remember here you've got a little lock you see the room lock here so you got to make sure that the first side and the rim lock is in the tire so you can do this by pulling it out push the rim lock into the fire as lucky see you see it you make sure that goes inside the tire like that on this first side okay make sure you tube soon tube sticking out there make sure it goes down and entire seat up pinch it and the rim lock is in there see the tires on the outside I'm gonna get that like that so got the tire in the side of the rim lock and you can actually put it up on the rim lock just a tiny bit so we can still push them in lock down inside okay make sure the tires fully inside here the tube is fully inside you tie it all the way around push down and then we're going to use a lever to pop the tire now remember there's no soap or anything on this so it's gonna be a little bit tricky because it will be dry and my favorite saying is one of those things never mount dry but in this instance we are doing just to show you that it can be done dry you don't have to do it with Lube so just push the tube in see it up pinch it over the top all the way down push the tube in so you don't pinch it put your knee against it to help you pop it over almost there now couple more make sure the tire see on the other side here it's actually on the rim so if you pushed it over like that it would make it easier for you to get in so just move it just a little bit of time to out to take too much otherwise it's too difficult over again put your tail either in push it over and one more time and we should be on okay last one okay didn't have to put my hands inside not too much swearing going on now you know you've got your rim lock in the right place it's not a trap to off you get your tube in the right place YouTube is all the way inside the tire with some air in it the next thing is that to put the second side of the tire on now to do this we're going to start at the rim lock now reason for that is want to make sure we get the rim lock in the right position behind the bead of the tire so to do that you just watch what I'm gonna do yeah I'm gonna put tire lever either side of the rim lock and I'm gonna push the rim lock in with my finger and then put the tail eva's herbicide put my leg over that one keep it pushed in push the next one over and you can see that now it stays in because it's inside of the tire okay so put pressure on that to hold it in place and then I'm just going to use one tire lever to go around you can see I've just pushed the beading in between the rim lock and the rim yeah and then I'm just going to use one tire leaver and I'm gonna walk around careful not to pinch the tube it's definitely easier when you've got having it put my knees on it I'm just gonna go all the way around one tire lever you can use two or three one one two one two so you can put one over and the next one then the next one and the next one and alternate and I'm just gonna do it with one you could push that one over then do the next one hold that take that one out then do the next one but when you do it because many times I have you can almost run it with one push that over like that now you get into the point now where it's getting tight you see once it starts to get tight this is where people start to struggle and panic and so just take a little bit more and do one more but it's already I know this it's already too tight you see how tears on the beam don't carry on and force it onto the rim it should be easy so if it's not being easy something's wrong now what's wrong here is that around this side of the tire the tires actually sat on the bead of the rim not in the trough in the center of the rim so what you need to do you can see it's in the trough there because there's a big gap so you need to push the tire inside the trough all the way around you see it going inside it's good cluster watch when I push down there you see it jump in and made a big gap push it in the trough now watch what happens here now if I move the tyre leave another three inches straight across no problem at all yeah take the tire leave around no the three inches and it's not too difficult same again push down again push it into that top the more tire you have in the trough on the opposing side the easier is to pop the tire onto the rim and - use the second tire lever the last bit here should I leave them in the disk sides just a little bit awkward can always put in the other way up the tire to make it a bit more easier you can do it either side but watch how easy it is to get the last piece on it's not difficult see there's no difficulty pushing around so that's it now fire is on the rim not to put our hands inside and just go follow I'm not causing everything and hopefully that explained how I changed my tires with tubes a little bit now I would just be file put an arrow in it just push down on it just to make sure the bead is evenly see it around the rim before you put some pressure in it and then blow it and then the last thing we're going to do is tighten the box there's no air compressors in the house give you four so or something on you beating didn't fire it will cease a lot easier and often tie a seat at quite a low fashion but we've got a road bike tire it will take a lot of pressure to see onto the mini but he'll only looking for so the trails probably about 14 psi something like that and this particular one can already feel what it's getting there and that's it it's already evenly on the rim probably about it quick feel yep the pressure in there engineer the pressure gauge on this experience and then last thing to do is to tighten the rim lock which is this big no now the fact that you've put air in the tire already you've pushed the rim lock out of the way of the tube so if you put the tube in there totally flat it could have been behind the rim lock and then when you type you blew it up it's pinched in there and then when you tighten it up the end of the flat tire which sucks so once that's due there you can then a ratchet ratchet spam here it's much easier just too tight but that's just to stop the tail rotating that's it make sure of course that you your valve car is tight yeah [Music] okay alright and that's it that's the proper to fix now I mentioned you could actually the site that you're working on if your out of the way in the disc it just makes it a little bit easier on fitting the tire leavers and stuff especially like on a rally bike where you've got a much bigger disc and it's always better to be installing it from this side I don't really mind I do from both sides because yeah you're the tire leaving you just put it in an angle like this and then lift it on top of the disc and a little bit pressure you're gonna get on there's nothing down into this so that's it so now we're just going to put it back in the bank and then we're going to go and do some wheelies now sorry we're not because we don't have anywhere to do them I can make sure this inside just have the bird cuts now I said it's not about doing it the fastest way explaining how to do it an easier way one thing that a lot of people don't do and this is really important when putting your front wheels in I'll just try and explain it to you the front wheels the front wheels clamped in position now if a lot of people what they do is they put their excellent they tighten the milk and just nip all these pinch bolts randomly and what ends up happening is you're not careful with all the Fox together at the bottom and what that does it creates a triangle like that and when the Fox go up they tighten up and it really does into the farc action on your bike so it's very important to make sure that these are perfectly parallel these Fox there's two ways of doing that I'm just going to show you we should put your axle to push it all the way to and once you can just make one of the pinch bolts on the axle side not the left side on the opposite side to the nub this just allows you to tighten the axle nut so all we're going to do is tighten this up the exact talk so 66.7 to you and meters there we go and then what we're gonna do and New Year's and what you'll notice is that I doing alternatively the reason for that is if you tighten that one you think it's tight then you tighten that one as it comes down it loosens this side so go mom so you do them both ten and ten and tall they're actually of the right talk side I'm using the Linden Park wrench you can see because of my torque wrench here but I've got quite a bit of experience and then a how tight they need to be but if you're not sure use torque wrenches in class now this side we're gonna have to loosen it now because what happens is what you'll see now is that side is all clumped and the wheel is tightened across to this side of the bike I've loosened the pinch bolts on this side and that allows this fork to slide you can see get close there like you can see you see it moving see that now what you need to do is you need to find the three Center so where the forks are parallel where it sits now a lot of people put the bike on the ground and push it up and down another way of doing it set up a little bit awkward on the rally bike so what I you normally do is I push it one way and I know what how far it goes one way I pull it the other way and now our father goes the other way and then I find the middle ground which is the middle ground on this bike it's flush so I would just do that make it flush that's the middle ground and I know that that farc is straight if you want to double-check when you get it on the ground you can leave it loose push it up and down and it'll find its own Center and then tighten it up and on this bike I know where it is and I know that it's not going to cause a problem to my park action in that position tighten those up alternatively okay and then all the tools away on the kitchen work surface and then remember once you've had that we allow you can push the brake pads back in the caliper so before I go I always check that your brakes pushed up haughtily to the disk so then we're going to take it back up the stand and the easy way to do that as I showed you before is for me and I think it's a good technique hand on that to hold the bike up straight and on the back back straight start your bank and go the pivot so I did put a new inner tube in the bike just then but now I want to show you I said I would show you how to find and fix the puncture now there oh it's always worthwhile carrying tubes with you because if you're running on tubes and even if you even in long distance on mousse it's a good idea to have tubes and especially a human in systems like tubeless or even tubeless tires it's still worthwhile having a tube because if you do damage attire you can stitch it and put a tube in and so I always honor all my travels whether whatever I was using I always carried tubes even just a lightweight standard duty one in the bottom of my luggage but I'm just going to show have to fix it because you can fix them with a conventional patch kit successfully you have to do it properly a lot of people have failures with patch kit because they don't prepare the tube properly other glue to allow it to work correctly so I'm just going to show you how to do it so and hopefully it helps some of you this is a old it's been patched three or four times before I'm just gonna stick the pump on it the first thing to do is pump it because we want to check that there's no tears in it and find out where the leak is now this was a very very slow puncture so I'm guessing this and it will be on either existing first of all down the trail you can usually run your lips close to it and you can feel it but I can't feel anything do it on the inside nothing so it's a tiny tiny and you feel it's still solid there's any splits in it just replace it but I'm just gonna dunk it in here and you'll see straight away so first we're gonna check the valve and check it off by no bubbles I'm just gonna work our way around squeezing it until we find where the leak is it so slow it's gonna be a tiny little herbal stream when we find it right there you know it is and we're gonna start to clean it now what's really important is these ridges if you've got the ridges like this and these little the casting marks from where they've made the tube you know the lip if there's one of those it's difficult to seal across it so you've got to clean it off so that's why you need some paper or usually they come with like a little metal grater so imagine this puncture is here we're just gonna sand away that lid until it's almost gone so you go across it like this see I'm going crossed at 45 degrees and it's smoothing the surface right out now if you notice I'm doing it blown up because it's a little bit easier to keep the profile at the player while I do this so then we're going to do is like the air out ventually which enter gate so this you can get really smooth feel across that across that love that frigid perceive these line there mold line it's almost disappeared now and it's nice and it's not shiny to them with all that lubricants and everything on the surface so we're gonna pass right across that so it's nice and smooth now you can just see it but there's actually nothing [Music] nice and smooth nice and clean no shiny release agents no grease or anything off the tire and now we're going to let it out it's nice and flat so we're gonna put the patch right on here now thing to do you've cleaned it all now so we're going to get we're gonna get some glue which is this which is just a little glue now a common mistake people make is they put this on and then you put the patch on straightaway and that's not the way to do it so we only need a small patch imagine it was just a pinprick so we're just going to use a really small patch which is that big we know where we need the glue and we're just going to put a thin layer of glue now I open something to open it I'm just going to put a thin layer of glue about the size nice and evenly just like round in a circle or the shape of your patch okay just a little bit bigger than the patch still on the edges to be not glued nice and evenly not too thick but a nice layer of glue probably about half a millimeter or something make sure it's all covered okay so like that make sure it's big enough for your patch perfect now I'm gonna leave it I'm gonna leave it to dry not fully but a few minutes until it goes dull because you don't want it wet that's how the base agent works like a vulcanization process so we just leave it now for you'll see it start to drive around the edges leave it until it goes door and then we're going to put a patch on okay so we just wait in about six minutes so quite a while actually if you look here now you can see that the glue is quite dull and compared to the big thick patch that we put on there before you can see it dried up and that's now a good time to put it on so once it's like that you can just peel the the file backing of the patch now typically in a vulcanization process you put the big glue on both sides but these patches are already prepared so you just let the glue dry out like that and then put this patch on now you want to get that you don't want to touch it get dirt on it and the pin pick if it was right in the middle there you want to bend the patch back on itself so you don't get air underneath the patch and drop it on you see the size of still not touching and then I'm gonna push down in the middle with your thumb and you go around in a circle push all the air out like this until it's stuck to itself they stuck to the bonding agent the glue I'm just gonna push down all the way around it like this and we're gonna leave it a minute or two and then you can peel the backing off if you want now you can leave the backing on so that it stops the tire the tube sticking to the tire and but if you peel it off you can also just put some you know even if you've got some fine dirt really really fine dust chalk dust something similar on it just to stop the glue sticking to the tire and and that's it you don't die okay so just make sure that you when you peel the back enough you don't lift the patch up with it and you can do that by just rolling the edges but down if it starts to lift look and slowly peel peel it off I'm just doing this to show you I would normally just leave the backing on don't you want to show you it there we go and then you can see push the edges down and that's your patch and then we would just put some chalk dust on there are some really fine dust just to stop it sticking to the tube and blow it up or roll it up and take it for next time but if you're a beginner are you a junior you just start now you know an idea when I first started rolling the tube up and pressing the valve in to remove the valve car with one of these valve car removers and then just start opposite the the valve lay it down flat like this on a surface start opposite the valve and then just roll it roll it over on itself and as you roll it over you keep pushing the air out so you just roll it you can hear they're coming out because you're pushing out towards the valve which is over here just push it all the way out make sure the valve is free like this and then when it's together in your hand put the valve valve car SOI and tighten it up and that will stop in the air getting back inside and you've got a very very nicely packed tight compact in the tube no way that's it bad hope you found that useful and we'll find something else to do tomorrow
Channel: Lyndon Poskitt
Views: 58,378
Rating: 4.9798589 out of 5
Id: r7mBa7-5OIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 54sec (2514 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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