How to change the colour of one word in Elementor

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in this video we're going to respond to this comment here that i've recently noticed i have on my video how to change text colors and this is using elementor within wordpress and what we have here is somebody asking how to color just one word separately in elementor now i'm not sure if that means simply within a heading or in a body of text but let's look at a few solutions that anybody with the free version of elementor would have so here we are at uh an old version of of my homepage at i'm and we are going to use this as a bit of a playground so we would like to change one word within either a heading or a body of text so if we select an element so let's select this heading here and usually anything to do with visual changes and style we would go to the style tab here in the elementor interface and we would have text color but as you can see but as you can see if we change this we're going to change the color of the entire text body so this element here does not allow us to just simply change one word um if we go along to the uh to try and isolate a word it gives us no further options but let's have a look down at this body of text here and this is not using a heading element this is actually the the text editor so if we go along to the content and we will notice that we have all of these options such as in a word document that you might see on google docs or a word and processor or pages for the mac um if you don't see all of these click on toolbar toggle and what you'll notice is that we have this here text color and lots of other options which you can explore let's say we would like to create a bit more focus on free quick start website okay so we've selected that in the text editor and then we select text color and try and find something that would stand out well against the background now that doesn't do that very well but why don't we try a blue now that's rather striking i think i would like to stick with that and so using the text editor element in elementor what we've actually been able to do is change just one word or three words but not the entire element element's color so we've achieved our goal there what we could do also is that if we are wanting to create a heading with this we we can actually go to heading one or of course heading two and heading three and this would use the default settings that you've set up within your template or theme in order to to style the the heading but you see it retains that color differentiation so we've achieved that however if we go on to the style tab you'll notice that we're unable to affect the style with the style tab and the reason for that is because this is selected as a header if we were however to change it back to paragraph and you can see we're already using the changes we've made in that style tab so let's have a look at this shall we we'll bring that back down to say 18 and we would like to create a more striking version of this header and we will use this text editor to do that so let's just swipe this over here get that out of the way and we'll pretend that's not there and let's duplicate this great now let's change the content so we go along to the content tab here and let's retype this heading get your business online today now obviously that's a bit too small so we would like to make online stand out so let's select the word go to text color and select that blue now because we haven't selected a heading we can actually use the style tab to increase the size let's put it at 70 and we could change the font if we would like if we have a particular heading font well we might want to change the the weight that's not going to add any more on this occasion um but we would like it uppercase and we definitely need to bring that line height down and if we increase the size again there we go now it's not using a heading element but it is achieving a nice effect and and we're able to style it using this tab and and change the the color of just one word so you can see that using the text editor we're actually able to make rather striking headings and and a bit of focus in our in our body of text without having to get a different heading plug-in or something like that okay so that's how to very easily change the color of one word either in some headings or in a body of text if you're interested in a few more solutions or something more to play around with let's have a quick look at that but the rest of you are allowed to go so let's have a look in the elements and look at heading so we've got the dual color heading here and we've got fancy text now both of these are from essential add-ons for elementor now this is free and you can you can download that for free but let's just see what we have here now immediately you can see that this now immediately you can see that this heading element is all about having a different color on a heading the only downside with this is that it's going to be before or after so you can only choose one we wouldn't be able to make the word heading a different color from jewel and example but you can see that we have um dual heading and dual heading so this is the first part of the title and then we have example here which relates to this so that's title first part and title last part if we go to the style we can look at the color and typography and we see that differentiation it's not called the same thing but you can see see what relates to what so this one is obviously example and let's use some global colors which won't look good but nevertheless it's a good example but you can see that we're able to use this heading uh plugin this heading element as a way to change the color of just one word and of course in this one we have some other content to play with such as the icon which we could delete and then we can also play around with this text here um but this video is not about that heading plugin as a last little look let's look at fancy text and again this is an essential add-ons element and you can see here that we have uh some some funky titling here and oh that's that's a pro version but this is this is the free version and we have some different animation types so you can see that it's bringing in those strings and we can apply different effects to it there we go and what does the swing do absolutely fantastic so this is not just about um color at the moment but you can see that um that there are lots of different things that we're able to do uh using elementor so just so that you can see we're again we're we're changing lots of different um elements of a title and of course if we'd like to make that a little bit more more bold look at that how fantastic is that effect and this is the free version of that plugin so if you'd like to play around with some more headings and text effects or isolate just one or two or three words with a different color those are some options that you can use and if you really want to get fancy then i would suggest you take take a look at the fancy text element that you can get from essential add-ons for elementor okay thank you i hope you found that video useful and please do subscribe if you'd like to get more elementor and wordpress tips thanks so much bye-bye
Channel: Chris Good Web Design
Views: 2,674
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Id: A9WE1TmsYpI
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Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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